More updates coming! - Megathread


  • ElGuapu
    190 posts Member
    They have to just keep overpowering and nerfing characters to keep people developing all of the characters.

    Royal Guard >>>>> Chewie


  • ElGuapu
    190 posts Member
    Baldo wrote: »
    Can we get an update on dodge while stunned. Just happened to me 5 times consecutively, not that mad but it is annoying and I lost. Thanks!

    Dodging is up across the board and why Dooku teams are perpetually offense upped and dominant.

  • trades
    5 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Has anyone else noticed jedi consular's heal cool down went from 3 to 4 now???... #sadface
  • Finn
    111 posts Member
    trades wrote: »
    Has anyone else noticed jedi consular's heal cool down went from 3 to 4 now???... #sadface

    visual glitch restart the app
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    BubsSolo wrote: »
    Two things I would lije the developers to seriously consider. Remove the protection completely and just increase each toon's health either by a third or 40-50%. Your gw issues are resolved right away with this simple change.
    There are no GW issues. This is the biggest myth right now. I went through it this morning with a single team, only one of which was seven star. GW has got much easier now because there is plenty of time for cooldown.

    It's a mystery to me why so many people seem to be having problem with GW. Barriss, QGJ, Lumi is the core that will win it -- Lumi is seven star for me, the others are five. I also use a four star Ahsoka and a five star Daka. The one toon I occasionally sub in for the DPS is a seven star GS.

    My arena team is consistently top of a fully mature shard, so it's not like I face under-strength GW teams. GW is just not that difficult.

    I find the difficulty level is more closely tied to the types of teams I face in combination with the level/rarity/gear level. Some days I get a bunch of Jedi teams and some days I get a bunch of dooku/RG/Daka teams and those day suck. I would rather face level 80 Chewie/JC teams than level 73 Dooku teams (I am level 75.)
    K1ngYoda wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    BubsSolo wrote: »
    Two things I would lije the developers to seriously consider. Remove the protection completely and just increase each toon's health either by a third or 40-50%. Your gw issues are resolved right away with this simple change.
    There are no GW issues. This is the biggest myth right now. I went through it this morning with a single team, only one of which was seven star. GW has got much easier now because there is plenty of time for cooldown.

    It's a mystery to me why so many people seem to be having problem with GW. Barriss, QGJ, Lumi is the core that will win it -- Lumi is seven star for me, the others are five. I also use a four star Ahsoka and a five star Daka. The one toon I occasionally sub in for the DPS is a seven star GS.

    My arena team is consistently top of a fully mature shard, so it's not like I face under-strength GW teams. GW is just not that difficult.

    Alot of people never farmed Bariss or daka
    Roadhouse wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    BubsSolo wrote: »
    Two things I would lije the developers to seriously consider. Remove the protection completely and just increase each toon's health either by a third or 40-50%. Your gw issues are resolved right away with this simple change.
    There are no GW issues. This is the biggest myth right now. I went through it this morning with a single team, only one of which was seven star. GW has got much easier now because there is plenty of time for cooldown.

    It's a mystery to me why so many people seem to be having problem with GW. Barriss, QGJ, Lumi is the core that will win it -- Lumi is seven star for me, the others are five. I also use a four star Ahsoka and a five star Daka. The one toon I occasionally sub in for the DPS is a seven star GS.

    My arena team is consistently top of a fully mature shard, so it's not like I face under-strength GW teams. GW is just not that difficult.

    What level are you? There is no way you are burning through GW with 5 star characters unless you're in a low level bracket.

    So in other words, people expect to sail through GW without working out how to beat it and doing the bare minimum prep to achieve it? Yes, you have to do some basic GW specialist farming. Why should you expect to win without it?

    My arena team is maxed level 75, 31k power. I face the same teams in GW as anybody does. And yet this is the team that beat all twelve nodes today. I put QGJ first for the very final node (against a maxed out Dooku-Daka level 74 team) and won whilst losing Ahsoka and IG-86:


    (I also used JC instead of Lumi for the first three nodes and GS for one node where I felt the extra firepower would help)

    None of this team are in my arena team. Lumi is the only one that is even close to being maxed out.

    I have won over 50 days on the trot now -- it's not about the teams you face, it's about how you play.

    I'm not lying to you, folks. I had to do retreats in that time, because that is my advantage. The computers advantage is its extra health and power. But the ability to retreat endlessly and try different strategies is massively more important than a bet of extra health and power.

    So I am genuinely bewildered why people are apparently struggling quite so much with this. It really shouldn't be a stumbling block and has actually become more straightforward since the update -- this team would have found it much harder before.
    Post edited by Kabbes on
  • Options
    GW is no problem at all for me too. I remember the time I didn't finish GW was when I didn't realize I could retreat LOL... Since then I always finished GW. Yes it takes efforts but is completely doable.
  • Options
    Wish they had a stat for how many times you complete GW without retreating - bet I'd be right up there.
    "No Hassle" guild, for those who want star wars, not drama wars!
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    It does become more challenging when you arena squad power gets above 34k.
  • Options
    Too little too late people. Game super dull now. Ewoks?! Really? You ever even met a Star Wars fan over 6?

    The last thing I bit at and gave you $$ was to level otherwise useless Jedi to get Yoda and level him. Like every other time I gave you $$ (about $400 total) you destroyed what I paid for. ZERO ROI.

    Look at your reviews! You're dropping like a rock. Can't make a game mind numbingly dull and backstab paying players and survive.

    I am finally enjoying the game again, though. Oh, I'm not playing this stink bomb anymore, but I'm loving watching it burn. Pass the marshmallows.
    2761 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Kabbes wrote: »
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    BubsSolo wrote: »
    Two things I would lije the developers to seriously consider. Remove the protection completely and just increase each toon's health either by a third or 40-50%. Your gw issues are resolved right away with this simple change.
    There are no GW issues. This is the biggest myth right now. I went through it this morning with a single team, only one of which was seven star. GW has got much easier now because there is plenty of time for cooldown.

    It's a mystery to me why so many people seem to be having problem with GW. Barriss, QGJ, Lumi is the core that will win it -- Lumi is seven star for me, the others are five. I also use a four star Ahsoka and a five star Daka. The one toon I occasionally sub in for the DPS is a seven star GS.

    My arena team is consistently top of a fully mature shard, so it's not like I face under-strength GW teams. GW is just not that difficult.

    I find the difficulty level is more closely tied to the types of teams I face in combination with the level/rarity/gear level. Some days I get a bunch of Jedi teams and some days I get a bunch of dooku/RG/Daka teams and those day suck. I would rather face level 80 Chewie/JC teams than level 73 Dooku teams (I am level 75.)
    K1ngYoda wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    BubsSolo wrote: »
    Two things I would lije the developers to seriously consider. Remove the protection completely and just increase each toon's health either by a third or 40-50%. Your gw issues are resolved right away with this simple change.
    There are no GW issues. This is the biggest myth right now. I went through it this morning with a single team, only one of which was seven star. GW has got much easier now because there is plenty of time for cooldown.

    It's a mystery to me why so many people seem to be having problem with GW. Barriss, QGJ, Lumi is the core that will win it -- Lumi is seven star for me, the others are five. I also use a four star Ahsoka and a five star Daka. The one toon I occasionally sub in for the DPS is a seven star GS.

    My arena team is consistently top of a fully mature shard, so it's not like I face under-strength GW teams. GW is just not that difficult.

    Alot of people never farmed Bariss or daka
    Roadhouse wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    BubsSolo wrote: »
    Two things I would lije the developers to seriously consider. Remove the protection completely and just increase each toon's health either by a third or 40-50%. Your gw issues are resolved right away with this simple change.
    There are no GW issues. This is the biggest myth right now. I went through it this morning with a single team, only one of which was seven star. GW has got much easier now because there is plenty of time for cooldown.

    It's a mystery to me why so many people seem to be having problem with GW. Barriss, QGJ, Lumi is the core that will win it -- Lumi is seven star for me, the others are five. I also use a four star Ahsoka and a five star Daka. The one toon I occasionally sub in for the DPS is a seven star GS.

    My arena team is consistently top of a fully mature shard, so it's not like I face under-strength GW teams. GW is just not that difficult.

    What level are you? There is no way you are burning through GW with 5 star characters unless you're in a low level bracket.

    So in other words, people expect to sail through GW without working out how to beat it and doing the bare minimum prep to achieve it? Yes, you have to do some basic GW specialist farming. Why should you expect to win without it?

    My arena team is maxed level 75, 31k power. I face the same teams in GW as anybody does. And yet this is the team that beat all twelve nodes today. I put QGJ first for the very final node (against a maxed out Dooku-Daka level 74 team) and won whilst losing Ahsoka and IG-86:


    (I also used JC instead of Lumi for the first three nodes and GS for one node where I felt the extra firepower would help)

    None of this team are in my arena team. Lumi is the only one that is even close to being maxed out.

    I have won over 50 days on the trot now -- it's not about the teams you face, it's about how you play.

    I'm not lying to you, folks. I had to do retreats in that time, because that is my advantage. The computers advantage is its extra health and power. But the ability to retreat endlessly and try different strategies is massively more important than a bet of extra health and power.

    So I am genuinely bewildered why people are apparently struggling quite so much with this. It really shouldn't be a stumbling block and has actually become more straightforward since the update -- this team would have found it much harder before.

    Not sure how you get that I expect to sail through GW from the post you quoted. I have a huge bench because I like to try new things in GW and actually like a challenge as long as it can be overcome. I haven't faced a GW challenge that can't be overcome yet. You have won over 50 days? Well I have won 89 (90 after today) and difficulty is certainly tied to the the teams you face. Some days I use all of my max level (76 ATM) maxed out characters + some level 70s (24+ above level 70 and 7 stars) and some days I use 10 or fewer. The difference is not level or protection amounts of my enemies, it is the enemies I face. A bunch of weak jedi and chewie at level 80 is easier than maxed out Dooku/RG/Daka/GS/Rey at 73. That is all I am saying.
    And no, it isn't mandatory to level barriss for GW. Barriss is one of 6 characters I don't have unlocked.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    BubsSolo wrote: »
    Two things I would lije the developers to seriously consider. Remove the protection completely and just increase each toon's health either by a third or 40-50%. Your gw issues are resolved right away with this simple change.
    There are no GW issues. This is the biggerst myth right now. I went through it this morning with a single team, only one of which was seven star. GW has got much easier now because there is plenty of time for cooldown.

    It's a mystery to me why so many people seem to be having problem with GW. Barriss, QGJ, Lumi is the core that will win it -- Lumi is seven star for me, the others are five. I also use a four star Ahsoka and a five star Daka. The one toon I occasionally sub in for the DPS is a seven star GS.

    My arena team is consistently top of a fully mature shard, so it's not like I face under-strength GW teams. GW is just not that difficult.

    I find the difficulty level is more closely tied to the types of teams I face in combination with the level/rarity/gear level. Some days I get a bunch of Jedi teams and some days I get a bunch of dooku/RG/Daka teams and those day suck. I would rather face level 80 Chewie/JC teams than level 73 Dooku teams (I am level 75.)
    K1ngYoda wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    BubsSolo wrote: »
    Two things I would lije the developers to seriously consider. Remove the protection completely and just increase each toon's health either by a third or 40-50%. Your gw issues are resolved right away with this simple change.
    There are no GW issues. This is the biggest myth right now. I went through it this morning with a single team, only one of which was seven star. GW has got much easier now because there is plenty of time for cooldown.

    It's a mystery to me why so many people seem to be having problem with GW. Barriss, QGJ, Lumi is the core that will win it -- Lumi is seven star for me, the others are five. I also use a four star Ahsoka and a five star Daka. The one toon I occasionally sub in for the DPS is a seven star GS.

    My arena team is consistently top of a fully mature shard, so it's not like I face under-strength GW teams. GW is just not that difficult.

    Alot of people never farmed Bariss or daka
    Roadhouse wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    BubsSolo wrote: »
    Two things I would lije the developers to seriously consider. Remove the protection completely and just increase each toon's health either by a third or 40-50%. Your gw issues are resolved right away with this simple change.
    There are no GW issues. This is the biggest myth right now. I went through it this morning with a single team, only one of which was seven star. GW has got much easier now because there is plenty of time for cooldown.

    It's a mystery to me why so many people seem to be having problem with GW. Barriss, QGJ, Lumi is the core that will win it -- Lumi is seven star for me, the others are five. I also use a four star Ahsoka and a five star Daka. The one toon I occasionally sub in for the DPS is a seven star GS.

    My arena team is consistently top of a fully mature shard, so it's not like I face under-strength GW teams. GW is just not that difficult.

    What level are you? There is no way you are burning through GW with 5 star characters unless you're in a low level bracket.

    So in other words, people expect to sail through GW without working out how to beat it and doing the bare minimum prep to achieve it? Yes, you have to do some basic GW specialist farming. Why should you expect to win without it?

    My arena team is maxed level 75, 31k power. I face the same teams in GW as anybody does. And yet this is the team that beat all twelve nodes today. I put QGJ first for the very final node (against a maxed out Dooku-Daka level 74 team) and won whilst losing Ahsoka and IG-86:


    (I also used JC instead of Lumi for the first three nodes and GS for one node where I felt the extra firepower would help)

    None of this team are in my arena team. Lumi is the only one that is even close to being maxed out.

    I have won over 50 days on the trot now -- it's not about the teams you face, it's about how you play.

    I'm not lying to you, folks. I had to do retreats in that time, because that is my advantage. The computers advantage is its extra health and power. But the ability to retreat endlessly and try different strategies is massively more important than a bet of extra health and power.

    So I am genuinely bewildered why people are apparently struggling quite so much with this. It really shouldn't be a stumbling block and has actually become more straightforward since the update -- this team would have found it much harder before.

    Not sure how you get that I expect to sail through GW from the post you quoted. I have a huge bench because I like to try new things in GW and actually like a challenge as long as it can be overcome. I haven't faced a GW challenge that can't be overcome yet. You have won over 50 days? Well I have won 89 (90 after today) and difficulty is certainly tied to the the teams you face. Some days I use all of my max level (76 ATM) maxed out characters + some level 70s (24+ above level 70 and 7 stars) and some days I use 10 or fewer. The difference is not level or protection amounts of my enemies, it is the enemies I face. A bunch of weak jedi and chewie at level 80 is easier than maxed out Dooku/RG/Daka/GS/Rey at 73. That is all I am saying.
    And no, it isn't mandatory to level barriss for GW. Barriss is one of 6 characters I don't have unlocked.

    If you're not one of the myriad moaning about GW post-update, we have no beef at all. My posts are entirely addressed to all those saying it has become impossible, which I strongly disagree with.

    No, you don't need Barriss. There are lots of ways of doing GW, which is really quite straightforward now you can absorb more hits and have more time for cooldown.
    2761 posts Member
    Kabbes wrote: »
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    BubsSolo wrote: »
    Two things I would lije the developers to seriously consider. Remove the protection completely and just increase each toon's health either by a third or 40-50%. Your gw issues are resolved right away with this simple change.
    There are no GW issues. This is the biggerst myth right now. I went through it this morning with a single team, only one of which was seven star. GW has got much easier now because there is plenty of time for cooldown.

    It's a mystery to me why so many people seem to be having problem with GW. Barriss, QGJ, Lumi is the core that will win it -- Lumi is seven star for me, the others are five. I also use a four star Ahsoka and a five star Daka. The one toon I occasionally sub in for the DPS is a seven star GS.

    My arena team is consistently top of a fully mature shard, so it's not like I face under-strength GW teams. GW is just not that difficult.

    I find the difficulty level is more closely tied to the types of teams I face in combination with the level/rarity/gear level. Some days I get a bunch of Jedi teams and some days I get a bunch of dooku/RG/Daka teams and those day suck. I would rather face level 80 Chewie/JC teams than level 73 Dooku teams (I am level 75.)
    K1ngYoda wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    BubsSolo wrote: »
    Two things I would lije the developers to seriously consider. Remove the protection completely and just increase each toon's health either by a third or 40-50%. Your gw issues are resolved right away with this simple change.
    There are no GW issues. This is the biggest myth right now. I went through it this morning with a single team, only one of which was seven star. GW has got much easier now because there is plenty of time for cooldown.

    It's a mystery to me why so many people seem to be having problem with GW. Barriss, QGJ, Lumi is the core that will win it -- Lumi is seven star for me, the others are five. I also use a four star Ahsoka and a five star Daka. The one toon I occasionally sub in for the DPS is a seven star GS.

    My arena team is consistently top of a fully mature shard, so it's not like I face under-strength GW teams. GW is just not that difficult.

    Alot of people never farmed Bariss or daka
    Roadhouse wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    BubsSolo wrote: »
    Two things I would lije the developers to seriously consider. Remove the protection completely and just increase each toon's health either by a third or 40-50%. Your gw issues are resolved right away with this simple change.
    There are no GW issues. This is the biggest myth right now. I went through it this morning with a single team, only one of which was seven star. GW has got much easier now because there is plenty of time for cooldown.

    It's a mystery to me why so many people seem to be having problem with GW. Barriss, QGJ, Lumi is the core that will win it -- Lumi is seven star for me, the others are five. I also use a four star Ahsoka and a five star Daka. The one toon I occasionally sub in for the DPS is a seven star GS.

    My arena team is consistently top of a fully mature shard, so it's not like I face under-strength GW teams. GW is just not that difficult.

    What level are you? There is no way you are burning through GW with 5 star characters unless you're in a low level bracket.

    So in other words, people expect to sail through GW without working out how to beat it and doing the bare minimum prep to achieve it? Yes, you have to do some basic GW specialist farming. Why should you expect to win without it?

    My arena team is maxed level 75, 31k power. I face the same teams in GW as anybody does. And yet this is the team that beat all twelve nodes today. I put QGJ first for the very final node (against a maxed out Dooku-Daka level 74 team) and won whilst losing Ahsoka and IG-86:


    (I also used JC instead of Lumi for the first three nodes and GS for one node where I felt the extra firepower would help)

    None of this team are in my arena team. Lumi is the only one that is even close to being maxed out.

    I have won over 50 days on the trot now -- it's not about the teams you face, it's about how you play.

    I'm not lying to you, folks. I had to do retreats in that time, because that is my advantage. The computers advantage is its extra health and power. But the ability to retreat endlessly and try different strategies is massively more important than a bet of extra health and power.

    So I am genuinely bewildered why people are apparently struggling quite so much with this. It really shouldn't be a stumbling block and has actually become more straightforward since the update -- this team would have found it much harder before.

    Not sure how you get that I expect to sail through GW from the post you quoted. I have a huge bench because I like to try new things in GW and actually like a challenge as long as it can be overcome. I haven't faced a GW challenge that can't be overcome yet. You have won over 50 days? Well I have won 89 (90 after today) and difficulty is certainly tied to the the teams you face. Some days I use all of my max level (76 ATM) maxed out characters + some level 70s (24+ above level 70 and 7 stars) and some days I use 10 or fewer. The difference is not level or protection amounts of my enemies, it is the enemies I face. A bunch of weak jedi and chewie at level 80 is easier than maxed out Dooku/RG/Daka/GS/Rey at 73. That is all I am saying.
    And no, it isn't mandatory to level barriss for GW. Barriss is one of 6 characters I don't have unlocked.

    If you're not one of the myriad moaning about GW post-update, we have no beef at all. My posts are entirely addressed to all those saying it has become impossible, which I strongly disagree with.

    No, you don't need Barriss. There are lots of ways of doing GW, which is really quite straightforward now you can absorb more hits and have more time for cooldown.

    I agree, GW has become a little more strategic, perhaps a little more difficult, but by no means impossible. We are on the same page.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • Options
    I must admit that the right team can make a real difference. I was on the last node today and getting wiped out with my usual A team of QGJ (L) Jedi healers and DPS, so switched to Phasma (L) with Vader, Kylo, FOT and Lumi. The result was laughable as they cake walked it! I was pretty amazed at the ease they won and half still had some protection left. It just goes to show that there is often a way if you can find it, although this can sometimes take way too long.
    Ally Code: 753-789-771
  • Options
    Kabbes wrote: »
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    BubsSolo wrote: »
    Two things I would lije the developers to seriously consider. Remove the protection completely and just increase each toon's health either by a third or 40-50%. Your gw issues are resolved right away with this simple change.
    There are no GW issues. This is the biggest myth right now. I went through it this morning with a single team, only one of which was seven star. GW has got much easier now because there is plenty of time for cooldown.

    It's a mystery to me why so many people seem to be having problem with GW. Barriss, QGJ, Lumi is the core that will win it -- Lumi is seven star for me, the others are five. I also use a four star Ahsoka and a five star Daka. The one toon I occasionally sub in for the DPS is a seven star GS.

    My arena team is consistently top of a fully mature shard, so it's not like I face under-strength GW teams. GW is just not that difficult.

    I find the difficulty level is more closely tied to the types of teams I face in combination with the level/rarity/gear level. Some days I get a bunch of Jedi teams and some days I get a bunch of dooku/RG/Daka teams and those day suck. I would rather face level 80 Chewie/JC teams than level 73 Dooku teams (I am level 75.)
    K1ngYoda wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    BubsSolo wrote: »
    Two things I would lije the developers to seriously consider. Remove the protection completely and just increase each toon's health either by a third or 40-50%. Your gw issues are resolved right away with this simple change.
    There are no GW issues. This is the biggest myth right now. I went through it this morning with a single team, only one of which was seven star. GW has got much easier now because there is plenty of time for cooldown.

    It's a mystery to me why so many people seem to be having problem with GW. Barriss, QGJ, Lumi is the core that will win it -- Lumi is seven star for me, the others are five. I also use a four star Ahsoka and a five star Daka. The one toon I occasionally sub in for the DPS is a seven star GS.

    My arena team is consistently top of a fully mature shard, so it's not like I face under-strength GW teams. GW is just not that difficult.

    Alot of people never farmed Bariss or daka
    Roadhouse wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    BubsSolo wrote: »
    Two things I would lije the developers to seriously consider. Remove the protection completely and just increase each toon's health either by a third or 40-50%. Your gw issues are resolved right away with this simple change.
    There are no GW issues. This is the biggest myth right now. I went through it this morning with a single team, only one of which was seven star. GW has got much easier now because there is plenty of time for cooldown.

    It's a mystery to me why so many people seem to be having problem with GW. Barriss, QGJ, Lumi is the core that will win it -- Lumi is seven star for me, the others are five. I also use a four star Ahsoka and a five star Daka. The one toon I occasionally sub in for the DPS is a seven star GS.

    My arena team is consistently top of a fully mature shard, so it's not like I face under-strength GW teams. GW is just not that difficult.

    What level are you? There is no way you are burning through GW with 5 star characters unless you're in a low level bracket.

    So in other words, people expect to sail through GW without working out how to beat it and doing the bare minimum prep to achieve it? Yes, you have to do some basic GW specialist farming. Why should you expect to win without it?

    My arena team is maxed level 75, 31k power. I face the same teams in GW as anybody does. And yet this is the team that beat all twelve nodes today. I put QGJ first for the very final node (against a maxed out Dooku-Daka level 74 team) and won whilst losing Ahsoka and IG-86:


    (I also used JC instead of Lumi for the first three nodes and GS for one node where I felt the extra firepower would help)

    None of this team are in my arena team. Lumi is the only one that is even close to being maxed out.

    I have won over 50 days on the trot now -- it's not about the teams you face, it's about how you play.

    I'm not lying to you, folks. I had to do retreats in that time, because that is my advantage. The computers advantage is its extra health and power. But the ability to retreat endlessly and try different strategies is massively more important than a bet of extra health and power.

    So I am genuinely bewildered why people are apparently struggling quite so much with this. It really shouldn't be a stumbling block and has actually become more straightforward since the update -- this team would have found it much harder before.

    Dude, it is not about if GW is hard or doable after 50 retreats.... it is about how much more time it takes now to finish and this is too much for a phone game to dedicate at. You know how many people battery will go off just because of 2 hours GW ? So they will prefer not to do it if they can`t charge it around ... /this is 1 funny aspect of the problem i mentioned ... ) . Generally a good phone game is about filling up your free time, not taking away all your free time in order to be competitive with others...
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Apostilo wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    BubsSolo wrote: »
    Two things I would lije the developers to seriously consider. Remove the protection completely and just increase each toon's health either by a third or 40-50%. Your gw issues are resolved right away with this simple change.
    There are no GW issues. This is the biggest myth right now. I went through it this morning with a single team, only one of which was seven star. GW has got much easier now because there is plenty of time for cooldown.

    It's a mystery to me why so many people seem to be having problem with GW. Barriss, QGJ, Lumi is the core that will win it -- Lumi is seven star for me, the others are five. I also use a four star Ahsoka and a five star Daka. The one toon I occasionally sub in for the DPS is a seven star GS.

    My arena team is consistently top of a fully mature shard, so it's not like I face under-strength GW teams. GW is just not that difficult.

    I find the difficulty level is more closely tied to the types of teams I face in combination with the level/rarity/gear level. Some days I get a bunch of Jedi teams and some days I get a bunch of dooku/RG/Daka teams and those day suck. I would rather face level 80 Chewie/JC teams than level 73 Dooku teams (I am level 75.)
    K1ngYoda wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    BubsSolo wrote: »
    Two things I would lije the developers to seriously consider. Remove the protection completely and just increase each toon's health either by a third or 40-50%. Your gw issues are resolved right away with this simple change.
    There are no GW issues. This is the biggest myth right now. I went through it this morning with a single team, only one of which was seven star. GW has got much easier now because there is plenty of time for cooldown.

    It's a mystery to me why so many people seem to be having problem with GW. Barriss, QGJ, Lumi is the core that will win it -- Lumi is seven star for me, the others are five. I also use a four star Ahsoka and a five star Daka. The one toon I occasionally sub in for the DPS is a seven star GS.

    My arena team is consistently top of a fully mature shard, so it's not like I face under-strength GW teams. GW is just not that difficult.

    Alot of people never farmed Bariss or daka
    Roadhouse wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    BubsSolo wrote: »
    Two things I would lije the developers to seriously consider. Remove the protection completely and just increase each toon's health either by a third or 40-50%. Your gw issues are resolved right away with this simple change.
    There are no GW issues. This is the biggest myth right now. I went through it this morning with a single team, only one of which was seven star. GW has got much easier now because there is plenty of time for cooldown.

    It's a mystery to me why so many people seem to be having problem with GW. Barriss, QGJ, Lumi is the core that will win it -- Lumi is seven star for me, the others are five. I also use a four star Ahsoka and a five star Daka. The one toon I occasionally sub in for the DPS is a seven star GS.

    My arena team is consistently top of a fully mature shard, so it's not like I face under-strength GW teams. GW is just not that difficult.

    What level are you? There is no way you are burning through GW with 5 star characters unless you're in a low level bracket.

    So in other words, people expect to sail through GW without working out how to beat it and doing the bare minimum prep to achieve it? Yes, you have to do some basic GW specialist farming. Why should you expect to win without it?

    My arena team is maxed level 75, 31k power. I face the same teams in GW as anybody does. And yet this is the team that beat all twelve nodes today. I put QGJ first for the very final node (against a maxed out Dooku-Daka level 74 team) and won whilst losing Ahsoka and IG-86:


    (I also used JC instead of Lumi for the first three nodes and GS for one node where I felt the extra firepower would help)

    None of this team are in my arena team. Lumi is the only one that is even close to being maxed out.

    I have won over 50 days on the trot now -- it's not about the teams you face, it's about how you play.

    I'm not lying to you, folks. I had to do retreats in that time, because that is my advantage. The computers advantage is its extra health and power. But the ability to retreat endlessly and try different strategies is massively more important than a bet of extra health and power.

    So I am genuinely bewildered why people are apparently struggling quite so much with this. It really shouldn't be a stumbling block and has actually become more straightforward since the update -- this team would have found it much harder before.

    Dude, it is not about if GW is hard or doable after 50 retreats.... it is about how much more time it takes now to finish and this is too much for a phone game to dedicate at. You know how many people battery will go off just because of 2 hours GW ? So they will prefer not to do it if they can`t charge it around ... /this is 1 funny aspect of the problem i mentioned ... ) . Generally a good phone game is about filling up your free time, not taking away all your free time in order to be competitive with others...
    It's a fair point, although I don't notice it taking particularly longer than before -- about an hour, usually.

    But it's about what you're want from it, I suppose. For me, it's a tablet game, not a phone game. And I have two hours of train journeys a day to kill, so I want something that IS going to fill up that time. Horses for courses, but I suspect plenty of others are in a similar boat to me. A million people a day commute in and out of London a day, for a start, and their average journey time is about an hour each way. You see most of them on tablets or phablets one way or other...
  • Options

    Can you make one of the changes to increase the drop rate of items. I'm consistently spending 100 crystals to farm some random item and getting only 1 drop per 100 crystals. This is really annoying and dramatically slows down building up the gear of the toons.
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    wheywood76 wrote: »

    Can you make one of the changes to increase the drop rate of items. I'm consistently spending 100 crystals to farm some random item and getting only 1 drop per 100 crystals. This is really annoying and dramatically slows down building up the gear of the toons.

  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    @CG_JohnSalera whats happening with FOTP, Anakin? Any word on any other characters?
  • Options
    Mason12ray wrote: »
    The problem with the protection is in in GW it doesn't regenerat once it's gone it's gone and the next team you face has their protection at full and their health is full so you have to get rid of their protection then their health while yours is at half or lower the healers don't regrate the protection so their for it is impossible to win GW but when their was just health bars I could heal my team and make it all the way through now I can't make it past the 6th borad

    Don't play your arena team in GW. If it were "impossible" to win GW, how so many people still win it every day easily, as before? It became longer, unfortunately - this is bad. But not impossible by any means
  • Options
    I thought this might be a place to discuss characters than desperately need tuning after update. Yoda was over nerfed. Lots of despair due to effort. Anakin long hard grind also now useless collecting dust. Fotp long hard grind hit a little too hard. The update ruined 1000 power off maxed Tusken shaman. He is unplayable though still there on aurodium packs. And his little friend urrorroru'r'oorr needs tuning (hard grind to 7 star 8 gear) he is way too glassy for an average attacker that doesn't do much besides stun worse than dooku or daka and has a special that requires a Tusken squad that is not unusable. We would love factions to work better... Thanks for listening @CG_JohnSalera

    Also please briefly explain defense and how defense leadership etc is calculated.

    And old Ben leadership but you knew that....
  • Peempo
    403 posts Member
    Baldo wrote: »
    @CG_JohnSalera whats happening with FOTP, Anakin? Any word on any other characters?

  • Options
    At the risk of seeming narcissistic and quoting myself, here's what I said on Monday.

    We have other changes in the works, but I wanted to set expectations that we may or may not be able to get other changes out this week. Reason being that we are putting the final touches and final testing on the next major update which brings Guilds, Raids, and Guild Chat to the game. See Jesse’s Raids Preview.

    We have to carefully air traffic control the various pieces of that release along with any updates we’d want to get out to you guys.

    Key areas we’re also looking at:
    • Addressing concerns that Galactic War is taking longer than it used to for players
    • Investigating bugs and tuning issues reported for various characters
    • Making the fully random drop rate experience more predictable, an oxymoron that’s harder than it seems
    • And more

    As we get more certainty as to exactly what and exactly when we’ll be able to get those changes in, Jesse and/or I will update you guys.

    It is all still accurate, though I did post an update that we were going to have to hold off on pushing through other updates.

    We needed to pause any other updates while getting the Guilds and Raids update tied off and prepped for launch.

    We will likely need a couple of days to focus on that release, depending on whether there are any hot issues which arise from it.

    So... please hang in there. We are aware of the questions and concerns and are working through them as quickly as we can.

  • Peempo
    403 posts Member
    Appreciate the follow up once again, I just know that myself and many others are more hype for details than anything, having realized guilds and raids are priorities 1-7 atm. Can you elaborate on any details at all with regard to character tuning?
  • scuba
    14176 posts Member
    At the risk of seeming narcissistic and quoting myself, here's what I said on Monday.

    We have other changes in the works, but I wanted to set expectations that we may or may not be able to get other changes out this week. Reason being that we are putting the final touches and final testing on the next major update which brings Guilds, Raids, and Guild Chat to the game. See Jesse’s Raids Preview.

    We have to carefully air traffic control the various pieces of that release along with any updates we’d want to get out to you guys.

    Key areas we’re also looking at:
    • Addressing concerns that Galactic War is taking longer than it used to for players
    • Investigating bugs and tuning issues reported for various characters
    • Making the fully random drop rate experience more predictable, an oxymoron that’s harder than it seems
    • And more

    As we get more certainty as to exactly what and exactly when we’ll be able to get those changes in, Jesse and/or I will update you guys.

    It is all still accurate, though I did post an update that we were going to have to hold off on pushing through other updates.

    We needed to pause any other updates while getting the Guilds and Raids update tied off and prepped for launch.

    We will likely need a couple of days to focus on that release, depending on whether there are any hot issues which arise from it.

    So... please hang in there. We are aware of the questions and concerns and are working through them as quickly as we can.


    Haha how many times in one post can we say update or updates. ;).

    Thanks for taking time to give us some info!
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    If there is one team that will win GW all the time then there are definitely issues with the game. Because you should not have to have one specific team to win GW. GW is completely broken or there are a lot of accounts with bugged matchup calculations.
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    @CG_JohnSalera So Anakin, FOTP still being looked @? Can @EA_Jesse name drop any other characters after the guilds release is good to go?
  • Options
    They evade is so broken right now. I had a toon dodge 6 out of 9 attacks.( 3 in a row, harmonious blow and reys special) at one point. I wish it was recorded, utterly rediculous. I can do that too but what fun is a game that's all stuns and dodges?
  • Options
    Inkdad77 wrote: »
    They evade is so broken right now. I had a toon dodge 6 out of 9 attacks.( 3 in a row, harmonious blow and reys special) at one point. I wish it was recorded, utterly rediculous. I can do that too but what fun is a game that's all stuns and dodges?

    I would offer up that this by itself is not bad so long as there's a counter to it, and the experience aligns with the tools tip comments in game.
    what an ugly thing to say... does this mean we're not friends anymore?
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    So when are we getting the update? Here I thought I'll be able to explore Guilds when I logged on, but still nothing and it's 25th, they even removed that new event. What is going on?
  • Options
    It doesn't seem like there's an update yet, and in any case, the content won't be around until tomorrow.

    And that's if everything went to according to plan.
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