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    People seem to want little to no variation in skill sets. That's the only way all characters can be equal and "fair".
  • Eleiem
    334 posts Member
    medetec wrote: »
    He does gods work against squishlord teams and teams with no utility.

    He also has a lot of hard counters in both play style and in specific characters. I'd say he's good, but there are "better" general purpose characters.
    THIS so much that there's no reason for the rest of the thread.

    OP, all you need to do is bring tankier chars. I can see you losing to him if you bring glass against him.
    And, as someone else already told you, Savage can manage Fives all by himself.
  • VeridianShakes
    1118 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Marched to 1st with Fives at my side again tonight. Took 2nd yesterday. What can I say? I was distracted. Was at a concert. Filled with beer. Game didn't have my full attention. :D
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • VeridianShakes
    1118 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Guess the second bands name is not allowed. lol forums.
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    Face your lord
    Nerf Rey and we can start to talk about fives, is like justice for ftp
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    If you have tenacity up by Yoda, Rex or Luke as leader, 5s doesn't get his slow down to stick. He is no where near overpowered and very beatable... Just not by the lame GS that everyone... And I mean EVERYONE has in their lineup. Agree that daka is way OP...
  • Salgado9
    529 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Hauzer wrote: »
    DrewN76 wrote: »
    Haha I called this before it got started... Fives at level 76 is going to be hitting twice in his basic and he retaliates... There is going to be a lot of complaints... Haha.

    I love myFives for the very reason posted.

    Finally, a man who knows what he is talking about..

    BTW at 76 Fives applies the speed down before the attack, so he double attacks EVERY basic attack

    Broken as you can get...

    You run GS, Rey, and RG and you're talking saying fives is broken...? xD
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
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    Hauzer wrote: »
    DrewN76 wrote: »
    Haha I called this before it got started... Fives at level 76 is going to be hitting twice in his basic and he retaliates... There is going to be a lot of complaints... Haha.

    I love myFives for the very reason posted.

    Finally, a man who knows what he is talking about..

    BTW at 76 Fives applies the speed down before the attack, so he double attacks EVERY basic attack

    Broken as you can get...
    Guess the second bands name is not allowed. lol forums.

    Bah you take first and I miss out on top five because Dooku dodges like 20,000 times in a row...

    I kinda love 5s and wish I had one but going with another meta
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    Why are people leaving fives for last? That is how you lose against him.

    Yep, but it's easier to come through forums and complain after a loss than to learn how characters work
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    Sorry: why is leaving him til last so bad? Inability to shift off and not getting countered to death?
  • Hauzer
    147 posts Member
    Sorry: why is leaving him til last so bad? Inability to shift off and not getting countered to death?

    Attack him until he takes out the protection of your entire team, then heal if you are one of the rare people with a healer in Arena... Then attack him with your 5 characters with no protection, and hope you win
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    I pre-apologize for this, but I have to (sarcastically) rant:

    Fives loses 1v1 miserably vs stunners even if he has much more HP left when the fight begins. Please nerf every toon which stuns on a basic attack. If you can't keep a stunner alive until the end, start stunning Fives at the beginning and working him down. Oh, wait, but then he's acting like a (soft-)taunting tank, so that won't work. Guess who else would crush Fives in 1v1? Any character who can resurrect the whole team. Please nerf them too. If I go 3v1 against Daka and she resurrects the team, that's just OP and not fair.

  • Captain_Reynolds
    410 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I redact the question I asked earlier of the OP.
    I remembered per general forum guidelines, one is not to feed or engage with any of the trolls roaming about in the wild.
  • OzwaldEMandius
    1032 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Hauzer wrote: »
    Sorry: why is leaving him til last so bad? Inability to shift off and not getting countered to death?

    Attack him until he takes out the protection of your entire team, then heal if you are one of the rare people with a healer in Arena... Then attack him with your 5 characters with no protection, and hope you win

    That doesn't explain the " leave til last" thing. That's just more of your inability to adjust to basic strategy.

    Edit: calling it meta was giving you too much credit and isn't meta game as it is.
  • Mol_Eliza_oops
    263 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Well, not sure if there was a stealth nerf based on all these complaints, but his slow doesn't seem to be sticking at all anymore. 20% potency (was it this low before?). If you want to get the extra attack on his omega basic now, kind of have to pair him with Phasma.

    Edit: I take this back. I think I was on a bad rng run or ran into some high tenacity teams.
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    Well, not sure if there was a stealth nerf based on all these complaints, but his slow doesn't seem to be sticking at all anymore. 20% potency (was it this low before?). If you want to get the extra attack on his omega basic now, kind of have to pair him with Phasma.

    Yea, and the piece required to boost potency at 80 is a precrafted item
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    Thanks to everyone for this thread. I was beaten 3 times straight by a Dooku, Fives, QGJ, Kylo and Yoda team. His Fives is at 76 so was ripping me. Subbed in Lumi for Phasma as my leader and I wiped him with 4 characters left. I'm running Lumi, Savage, Han, HRS and IG-86.
  • Jaxs
    49 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I love how a lot of you are coming here and complaining about Fives.

    I have a lvl 75 Fives Gear 9 maxed abilities and I use him in Arena, but He isn't all that. He is NOT OP like you seem to think. He doesn't need to be nerved. He is slow already.

    I choose to use him , simple I like the character. Like others on here have stated if you want to kill Fives STUN him use Dooku, Daka, RG you can chain stun him I've seen it happen against me.

    To nerf him simple because you can't beat him or figure out the strat on him is your problem.

    Deal with it.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • Jedi2407
    782 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Jaxs wrote: »
    I choose to use him , simple I like the character. Like others on here have stated if you want to kill Fives STUN him use Dooku, Daka, RG you can chain stun him I've seen it happen against me.

    This. I have found that stuns from Dooku and Daka land on him at a very high rate. Add in his slow speed, and you can wail on him for a long time while stunned.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
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    Fives the noob slayer strikes again
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    Lol all the buggy dooku noobs are crying now ... So funny
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