Guild Reward System MEGATHREAD - An Essay on Raiding and its Rewards


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    Waiting for a reply gif time, I will go first!

    Team iNstinct --
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Harmonica wrote: »
    Waiting for a reply gif time, I will go first!


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    :( awe we got moved. Guess this is where we all go to die.
    **Officer in the Synėrgy Guild**
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    omg really.. im shocked how they cant say anything about this!!
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    Did they seriously just hide this thread away in the Guild forum?

    Pretty fair indication of how little they care about their players.
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    I mean i kind of understand that its guild related, but it does feel like they are trying to sweep this under the rug.
  • gobears21
    1265 posts Member
    The problem is that if they were to change the rewards now they'd have to significantly nerf what they are handing out. They can't give all 50 the same as the top rewards because it would advance player progression to quickly.... so the hard to get gear would have to be made available elsewhere and then the raid rewards would not be worth hardly anything.

    Couple this with the all the people spending money like it was their neighbors, why should / would they change it?
  • Diraan
    332 posts Member

    I guess they have no intention of reading or replying to this. Moving it to the guild section is a dirty move, and they know it.
    4/25/2016 - The day General Grevious Shards were reasonably priced.
  • Naecabon
    1243 posts Member
    I am truly baffled that a 13 page, 15K+ viewed post would get swept away like this.

    I can understand ignoring it and hoping it goes away, but this is kind of lame.

    Very disappointed.
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    Naecabon wrote: »
    I am truly baffled that a 13 page, 15K+ viewed post would get swept away like this.

    I can understand ignoring it and hoping it goes away, but this is kind of lame.

    Very disappointed.

    I'm being obnoxiously optimistic right now but I hope/think they're thinking about it. And hopefully what they thought is it would be wise to adjust it accordingly.

    Where's the fingers crossed emoji on here?
  • Goosy
    173 posts Member
    Still agreeing with the OP doing first raid tdy
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Still not even a single response from anyone official? Wow
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Hundreds of responses and no dev comment but hidden away? This whole thing could really finish off any faith I had in this game at all.
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    Very good read.
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    Wow. They really want this buried and forgotten.
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    Well written. This is a system that kills guilds and teamwork
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  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    OrionPeace wrote: »
    Wow. They really want this buried and forgotten.

    Sadly, I believe this is true. There really is no other explanation to why all the other threads pertaining to guilds, their strategy and the rewards system stay in the general forum - yet this one is here.

    Consistency would be a good thing. So would honesty and transparency, but CG/EA has already shown they think those two are irrelevant.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Naugrin
    686 posts Member
    They should move this back to general...heck, put a link to it from the game!
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    This essay is the new meta
  • Sparrow
    525 posts Member
    @EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera

    I know you guys are busy, and I know you guys listen and read, and while i dont expect a complete answer it would be really awesome if one of you could pop on and let us know you have seen this and are discussing it with your team.

    Or even if you just replied with "working as intended" i dont think we would like that answer but on a topic generating this much discussion just having confirmation we have been heard would be awesome.
  • Breetai
    858 posts Member
    So I'm in a great guild we are about t beat tier v rancor with ease. Problem is I'm going to just fall short of 3rd place and not get the best rewards.

    So think I'm going to now look for a weak guild. You know me that no one can even come close to me. I know there some guilds that could really use me.

    Why? It's simple. I want loot. Who cares about being loyal to people you like when you pay for it because hey are the people you have to go against for gear. No give me a guild that I don't like so I can totally take all the best gear from fom them.

    Good job on raid rewards. By far worst reward system I have ever seen in a game ( and I play a lot of games that have raids )

    Yes I know. Been talked about already. But honestly. This promotes leaving the guilds you in to find a weak one so you can get the rewards.
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    Yep it's an absolute joke the way it's structured.
    The way CG/EA have not responded to a single post even though they are probably the longest and most read threads of all time tells me they will deal with it in the same way they dealt with precrafting. Simple ignore it and hope people eventually just swallow the crap they are feeding us.
  • Balaxxe
    159 posts Member
    Breetai wrote: »
    So I'm in a great guild we are about t beat tier v rancor with ease. Problem is I'm going to just fall short of 3rd place and not get the best rewards.

    So think I'm going to now look for a weak guild. You know me that no one can even come close to me. I know there some guilds that could really use me.

    Why? It's simple. I want loot. Who cares about being loyal to people you like when you pay for it because hey are the people you have to go against for gear. No give me a guild that I don't like so I can totally take all the best gear from fom them.

    Good job on raid rewards. By far worst reward system I have ever seen in a game ( and I play a lot of games that have raids )

    Yes I know. Been talked about already. But honestly. This promotes leaving the guilds you in to find a weak one so you can get the rewards.

    You say no one can come close to you....but you got third :P.

    Anyway, so what happens if it changes? Think this post can hurt you in the long run bud.
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    Balaxxe wrote: »
    Breetai wrote: »
    So I'm in a great guild we are about t beat tier v rancor with ease. Problem is I'm going to just fall short of 3rd place and not get the best rewards.

    So think I'm going to now look for a weak guild. You know me that no one can even come close to me. I know there some guilds that could really use me.

    Why? It's simple. I want loot. Who cares about being loyal to people you like when you pay for it because hey are the people you have to go against for gear. No give me a guild that I don't like so I can totally take all the best gear from fom them.

    Good job on raid rewards. By far worst reward system I have ever seen in a game ( and I play a lot of games that have raids )

    Yes I know. Been talked about already. But honestly. This promotes leaving the guilds you in to find a weak one so you can get the rewards.

    You say no one can come close to you....but you got third :P.

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    I'm considering to leaving my guild... Due to the simple fact that devs are ignoring the countless concerns for a simple response in any manner...loot and guild mates are my least worry atm...never considered finding a weaker guild tho...good insight..
  • Smithie
    1427 posts Member
    Breetai wrote: »
    So I'm in a great guild we are about t beat tier v rancor with ease. Problem is I'm going to just fall short of 3rd place and not get the best rewards.

    So think I'm going to now look for a weak guild. You know me that no one can even come close to me. I know there some guilds that could really use me.

    Why? It's simple. I want loot. Who cares about being loyal to people you like when you pay for it because hey are the people you have to go against for gear. No give me a guild that I don't like so I can totally take all the best gear from fom them.

    Good job on raid rewards. By far worst reward system I have ever seen in a game ( and I play a lot of games that have raids )

    Yes I know. Been talked about already. But honestly. This promotes leaving the guilds you in to find a weak one so you can get the rewards.

    How would you keep unlocking the Rancor? Or get your day shipment coins.

    You still need a team that spend/over spends

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    Breetai wrote: »
    So I'm in a great guild we are about t beat tier v rancor with ease. Problem is I'm going to just fall short of 3rd place and not get the best rewards.

    So think I'm going to now look for a weak guild. You know me that no one can even come close to me. I know there some guilds that could really use me.

    Why? It's simple. I want loot. Who cares about being loyal to people you like when you pay for it because hey are the people you have to go against for gear. No give me a guild that I don't like so I can totally take all the best gear from fom them.

    Good job on raid rewards. By far worst reward system I have ever seen in a game ( and I play a lot of games that have raids )

    Yes I know. Been talked about already. But honestly. This promotes leaving the guilds you in to find a weak one so you can get the rewards.

    Yeah, that Guild you are in is great(LOL)!!!!!

    Being fair and serious though, I can understand your frustration and I understand why you would feel the way you do and unfortunately, EA and CG have setup this game to be the antithesis of teamwork, loyalty and all the things we wanted from being in a Guild to begin with. You also know that we worked hard over at TNR to get this all together and the team I work with there is the best I could ever ask for.

    It's been relatively quiet around here on this issue considering and I believe most feel that EA/CG have to fix this and that maybe they're waiting to see it before voicing unhappiness. Hopefully Breetai, you'll stick around a little more to see if it happens as well, we'd hate to lose you!!
  • Alugard
    108 posts Member
    Balaxxe wrote: »
    Breetai wrote: »
    So I'm in a great guild we are about t beat tier v rancor with ease. Problem is I'm going to just fall short of 3rd place and not get the best rewards.

    So think I'm going to now look for a weak guild. You know me that no one can even come close to me. I know there some guilds that could really use me.

    Why? It's simple. I want loot. Who cares about being loyal to people you like when you pay for it because hey are the people you have to go against for gear. No give me a guild that I don't like so I can totally take all the best gear from fom them.

    Good job on raid rewards. By far worst reward system I have ever seen in a game ( and I play a lot of games that have raids )

    Yes I know. Been talked about already. But honestly. This promotes leaving the guilds you in to find a weak one so you can get the rewards.

    You say no one can come close to you....but you got third :P.

    Anyway, so what happens if it changes? Think this post can hurt you in the long run bud.

    I think he is saying that he is going to find a weak guild where no one can come close to him...
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    I'll be doing so as well...maybe. I love my guild, it's just that I will always be +20 and never ever get gear I can't farm.
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