YODA Event Changes! : Comments Megathread.


  • President_Scroob
    1802 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    This was an entertaining thread. Lots of "elite" players flaunting their "superiority"

    Well guess what. The whiners didn't win. The majority was heard and they listened. Thank goodness the few players that live on dark souls don't run this game
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
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    I had no hope of beating yoda with my team of 77 7* Jedi's. Then they updated it, and I beat it first try lol
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    I'll never understand why they made it so easy now. I couldn't beat it on Thursday and I planned to spend hours this weekend on it. After the nerf, it was a joke. I Why didn't they just reduce one thing rather than take him to level 80, reduce speed, reduce health and reduce damage output of allies? I wanted the challenge but this was a joke.
  • Morgurtha
    2 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I fail to see how these make it any easier. I still can't beat the tier 4 because for every character that I get to attack with yoda gets 3 and almost always gets the 100% evasion buff making it impossible to kill him since I can only hit him one out of every ten attempts or so if I'm lucky.

    I also noticed that all the changes are for the higher tiers, guess the lower ones are not gonna be changed so that they're harder than the the upper tiers.
    Post edited by Morgurtha on
  • Nuwonda
    56 posts Member
    well folks, they should have tweaked yoda according to the protection he got, they didn't, they just added protection without tweaking the rest, so now they did what they were supposed to do in the first place...
  • SlyGambit
    1246 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I still can't even get the tier 5 Yoda down to half health with 6 star qgj, luminara, old Ben, 5 star windu and jc.

    This. And it's being totally ignored that the 5* Yoda is now harder to kill than the 6* Yoda. There is literally no reason for hem to have nerfed 6* and 7* and left the 5*. It's impossible unless you are G8 and 70+.
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    Well so much for all the hard work to get him @7* yesterday. Why don't they just give him away lol

    Yes every one that took the two months of farming and leveling nothing but Jedi basically got him for free <<sarcasm>>.

    Thank you to the Devs for listening, it was still not easy BTW!
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    I beat level 7 difficulty this morning, first try, with all level 70 toons, tier 8 gear, abilities mostly at 6.

    The original updated difficulty may have been too high, but I think they overdid it on the nerf.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    SlyGambit wrote: »
    I still can't even get the tier 5 Yoda down to half health with 6 star qgj, luminara, old Ben, 5 star windu and jc.

    This. And it's being totally ignored that the 5* Yoda is now harder to kill than the 6* Yoda. There is literally no reason for hem to have nerfed 6* and 7* and left the 5*. It's impossible unless you are G8 and 70+.

    This is not cool and i thought you said your kid is trying for a 5* Yoda? Not cool at all. Should have been nerfed all the way to 5* included.
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    I have a main account that I spend on and a f2p account. I did the 5* today on my f2p account and it is really hard. The team I beat him with was qgj(L), Lumi, koth(useless), JC and Asoka. All in (G7) which is probably why he was so hard.

    When I did the 5* yoda a couple of months back before the level 80 update it was almost too easy. Last Thursday before they made the yoda event easier it took me about 40 minutes to beat him on my main account and I really didn't find it to be all that difficult. But today the 5* yoda event was by far the harder than any I have done before.

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