YODA Event Changes! : Comments Megathread.


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    Azrex_Dren wrote: »
    I mean yeah we got Yoda but in fairness I can't call beating the event an achievement anymore.

    It wasn't an achievement before the nerf.
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    Thank you so much for this changes ! :D
    After almost 12h non stop of trying to beat yoda without ahsoka nor barris ( got them 4 stars only), i finally managed to kill the grand master yoda !!! Your changes were spot on ! Thank you so much such a relief now !

    Note that he still is hard to get, but NOW WE CAN DO IT FOR SURE ! yesterday he was just impossible for me, and before you start hatin and stuff, let me just say that a couple of times out of 500+tries, i managed to kill yoda, and one of his allie (usually Barriss or JKG or Anakin) but the remainant ally would always crit or dodge and kill my 2 or 1 jedi who managed to survive !

    Anyway, thank you so much EA ! I'ma go straight buying them crystals to thanks you :smiley:
  • Xhowrude
    228 posts Member
    Old_Tallen wrote: »
    Azrex_Dren wrote: »
    I mean yeah we got Yoda but in fairness I can't call beating the event an achievement anymore.

    It wasn't an achievement before the nerf.

    Yes it was, sure couldn't auto it or complete it in 3 minutes
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    The good thing is now all the noobs will want to show off their Yoda in the arena. Easy targets are coming muwahahaha
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    tRRRey wrote: »
    Farm 5 jedi to 7* for months just to attack Yoda and fail because you didn't farm the right jedi. It's nearly impossible without qgj, barris, or both on the same team. I think it's fair to make Yoda attainable with any 5 jedi. It shouldn't be easy, but you shouldn't have to farm additional characters just to get him either.

    All you had to do was look at past events and past guides to know which Jedi are optimal for the event. It's not like any of the Jedi were locked behind a paywall, ALL of them could be easily attained by f2p players. If you farm the "wrong" Jedi for Yoda then don't be surprised that it's infinitely harder than it could be.

    @tRRRey Do you remember when Ben was behind pay wall? Back when I started farming jedi? I believe Barris was at the time as well. Qgj had just been released the week before Yoda went live. So I farmed jc lumi ahsoka qgj and eeth because they were available. When Barris and Ben became available I should have dumped a 5* eeth and started ben?

    No, because Old Ben isn't a good option against Yoda, and Barriss isn't a necessity like many people seem to think. That team that you described should do fine against Yoda as a lot of other people have finished Tier 7 with that same lineup. Therefore there currently aren't any Jedi that you need to spend money in order to finish this event.
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    While I think they overdid the power of Yoda in the event, I think they made it too easy now. It was a cakewalk. Realistically a 10-20% damage reduction was all that was needed
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    That was stupid. I had almost beaten it a few times this morning. After the 'fix' I won on my first try without losing anyone and only having to heal once. No challenge, no fun.

    And why can't the AI play Yoda on arena defense like it did in the pre-nerfed event. He used his buff steal and battle meditation perfectly in the event. Never does that in area.

    Ugg. So annoyed they gave in to the whiners.
  • JSnow54
    176 posts Member
    Apparently if you can't beat Yoda now you should just quit playing the game.
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    Xhowrude wrote: »
    All these posts from players getting yoda first try after nerf is making my eyes bleed. Please give the players that completed it before the nerf something to feel good about. You owe me 10 hours from yesterday devs. Unbelievable

    Are you serious? You don't think EVERYONE spent hours trying to get Yoda yesterday?
  • GruyloRen
    206 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Really? It bleeped out ****?
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    Can those that unlock him after these changes have an asterisk next to their Yoda?

    Ahahaha love it.

    Right? I got him yesterday after like 29 tries. And having had him stuck at 5* since forever. The 6* fight was pretty easy since I brought my Jedi a-team out. That 7* fight though? Most irritating fight ever and I didn't complain here one bit.
  • Xhowrude
    228 posts Member
    Xhowrude wrote: »
    All these posts from players getting yoda first try after nerf is making my eyes bleed. Please give the players that completed it before the nerf something to feel good about. You owe me 10 hours from yesterday devs. Unbelievable

    Are you serious? You don't think EVERYONE spent hours trying to get Yoda yesterday?

    Seriously why did you steal my banana widget?
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    Lol what s the difference. Everyone before this event could also get him. Onlu difference is that before ppl needed 200 tries now they need 1 or 2 tries. The only hard part is to get the five 7* jedis
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    T7 is now more easy than yesterdays t6... Wheres the fun in that?!?
    I agree that yesterdays yoda was maybe a little too hard, but this was too much nerfing...
    Well, who am i to complain? I profited from the change
  • Xhowrude
    228 posts Member
    T7 is now more easy than yesterdays t6... Wheres the fun in that?!?
    I agree that yesterdays yoda was maybe a little too hard, but this was too much nerfing...
    Well, who am i to complain? I profited from the change

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    KeyMan64x wrote: »
    I worked hard to beat the Yoda T6 Event.
    I failed multiple times using different leads and combinations. I saved up 46 Purple Ability Mats in anticipation of beating the event and using them on Yoda. No matter what I did, I could not beat the event. I had:
    QGJ 7* Maxed abilities + Omega Basic Gear VIII Maxed

    Lumi 7* Maxed Abilities + Furnace for Gear IX Maxed

    JC 7* All Level 6 Abilities Gear VIII Maxed

    Ahsoka Tano 6* Level 3 & 4 Abilities Gear VIII Maxed

    Eeth Koth 6* Level 3 Abilities Gear VIII Maxed

    All of these characters were level 72 to level 77 and I could not beat it....but I was determined so just what did I do? I dumped 46 Purple Ability Mats into Eeth Koth to max his abilities at 7s, including his lead that gives all allies +60 Defense.....THIS WORKED!!!

    I saved those ability mats for a week so I could use them on Yoda once I got him. Now the event is getting a GIANT NERF?!

    I am proud that I beat the Yoda T6 Event Before the nerf.....BUT NOW I WANT MY 46 PURPLE ABILITY MATS back! Give them back to me so I can use them on my Yoda!

    Please do NOT combine this with the massive Nerf Yoda Event threads. This a totally different issue!

    @EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera

    Thanks to the MODS for NOT listening to me and NOT reading my forum post. What is so terribly wrong?

    Since the purple ability mats are sold for 700 crystals and it takes 50 crystals to refresh the store each time, I can take 32,200 crystals for the Ability Mats plus the amount to refresh the store each time which would be 45x50= 2,250 crystals! Total is 34,450 Crystals!

    I need to be refunded 46 Purple Ability Mats + the Credits used in increasing Abilities or I need to be refunded 34,450 Crystals + the Credits required to level up those abilities!

    Your choice. I will be happy either way!
    Feel free to reduce my Eeth Koth's abilities back down to all 3s as well.

    @EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera
  • Stav_Koobu
    21 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    While I think they overdid the power of Yoda in the event, I think they made it too easy now. It was a cakewalk. Realistically a 10-20% damage reduction was all that was needed

    This!...while i finally got him after 9-10 hours of trying everything...they nerfed him too much
    But at least they listened which a lot of times is unlike them so i'll give you that one CG....now we're square for the "surprise" rubbish last month.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
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    Congrats crybabies you got your nerf. Back to complaining about dooku and Rey.
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    I don't post often and appreciate the advice I receive on this forum. I finally got my 7* Yoda today literally minutes before they nerfed the event. I have mixed emotions about this. I think the devs did the right thing by making the change as I agree with many of the comments made about the event being more about luck and rng rather than skill.

    In my case I finally got a matchup that was favorable (but I had had that over 50+ times today) and the luck was finally in my favor and I beat the challenge. However, I spent the majority of my day 3-4 hours doing this event. It went like this: find a favorable matchup (one with Barris or one with a JKG, as suggested on this forum), try, fail, find a favorable matchup again, try, fail, get frustrated, try again....

    I don't mind games that grind on, thus the reason I am playing these style of games, but challenges should be puzzles to figure out, not based on random luck or if you have gear that many people don't or won't for quite some time based on the current raid reward system. Grind is find, random reward grind or luck based challenges are not fine.

    I truly hope the forum mods and the devs take a look at the good comments on this forum with helpful suggestions, get a beta pilot group that knows about QA testing, and gets a test server going as these changes that are coming out are not fully vetted and cause way too much frustration. IF you have to make a patch change right after a release or an event starts, then it wasn't tested properly.

    Good luck to all of you that still are trying to get your Yoda.
  • Xhowrude
    228 posts Member
    Congrats crybabies you got your nerf. Back to complaining about dooku and Rey.

    Don't forget about 5s and leia
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    I love how the forum is deleting all threads against the nerf.

    Who was it that said it was democracy again???
  • Embo
    39 posts Member
    I was having a difficult time with the challenge yesterday, but chose not to say anything on here since I saw there were enough people piping up anyway. I don't mind a challenge. I like a good challenge. For me, it was the time it was taking. Many of us have jobs, families, and/or other responsibilities. There's a lot to do in the game, which is great, but it all takes time. Many of us play every day and it's our "fun time". Some of us have a limited amount of this fun time. So, after spending over an hour on everything else (challenges, GW, guild stuff, etc.) yesterday, it was frustrating that I spent an additional 3 hours on the Yoda challenge and couldn't even get close. Do I expect to have a 7* Yoda handed to me? Absolutely not. Do I expect to beat the challenge on the first try? No way. But after diverting resources into getting 4 Jedi (that I wouldn't have bothered with developing in the first place) ready for this event for months now, it seemed daunting yesterday.

    I appreciate the devs making the adjustments and mad props to anyone who beat the 7* Yoda challenge yesterday. I couldn't do it.
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    Maybe they can bring back the original T7 stats as a challenge for crystals?
  • AZ_ZA
    1 posts Member
    So, people who couldn't beat him on the first attempt, whine, moan and throw your toys out of your pram till you get what you want! People have prepped over the past few weeks for this event, and the people that haven't still get rewarded
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    It's hard to get right. It was nearly impossible before, now I finish first attempt with all my heroes intact. Yoda seemed almost right, but the adds were Farrrrr to weak. Just feedback in case they are interested.

    I agree. Took only one heal. Beat it in 5 minutes using Lumi as lead, ahsoka, qgj, ek, and jc..my toons were g8 for lumi and qgj, and g7 for the other 3. With all the complaints they got, I'm glad they listened. But they could slightly tweak it up. I wasn't wanting it to be too easy, just more manageable
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    KeyMan64x wrote: »
    KeyMan64x wrote: »
    I worked hard to beat the Yoda T6 Event.
    I failed multiple times using different leads and combinations. I saved up 46 Purple Ability Mats in anticipation of beating the event and using them on Yoda. No matter what I did, I could not beat the event. I had:
    QGJ 7* Maxed abilities + Omega Basic Gear VIII Maxed

    Lumi 7* Maxed Abilities + Furnace for Gear IX Maxed

    JC 7* All Level 6 Abilities Gear VIII Maxed

    Ahsoka Tano 6* Level 3 & 4 Abilities Gear VIII Maxed

    Eeth Koth 6* Level 3 Abilities Gear VIII Maxed

    All of these characters were level 72 to level 77 and I could not beat it....but I was determined so just what did I do? I dumped 46 Purple Ability Mats into Eeth Koth to max his abilities at 7s, including his lead that gives all allies +60 Defense.....THIS WORKED!!!

    I saved those ability mats for a week so I could use them on Yoda once I got him. Now the event is getting a GIANT NERF?!

    I am proud that I beat the Yoda T6 Event Before the nerf.....BUT NOW I WANT MY 46 PURPLE ABILITY MATS back! Give them back to me so I can use them on my Yoda!

    Please do NOT combine this with the massive Nerf Yoda Event threads. This a totally different issue!

    @EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera

    Thanks to the MODS for NOT listening to me and NOT reading my forum post. What is so terribly wrong?

    Since the purple ability mats are sold for 700 crystals and it takes 50 crystals to refresh the store each time, I can take 32,200 crystals for the Ability Mats plus the amount to refresh the store each time which would be 45x50= 2,250 crystals! Total is 34,450 Crystals!

    I need to be refunded 46 Purple Ability Mats + the Credits used in increasing Abilities or I need to be refunded 34,450 Crystals + the Credits required to level up those abilities!

    Your choice. I will be happy either way!
    Feel free to reduce my Eeth Koth's abilities back down to all 3s as well.

    @EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera

    They won't listen to reason but they will definitely listen to the whining crybabies complaining about their suboptimal teams and their lack of patience.
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    Why do you care if you already beat it? You want to lord it over everyone that couldn't beat it? I can't speak for everyone, maybe some could have beat it eventually, I could not without spending massive amounts of resources. I don't have Barris or qgj at least one of which seemed required. My squad wasn't maxed to my lvl either (77) but was geared and at least 70. You guys are whining right now about something you won't even play again. I'm also sure none of you will let anyone forget that you beat yoda before he was nerfed either so calm down. I also find it funny that you equate a challenge to fishing for favorable rng on yoda's companions.

    If they wanted to make a challenge that was so hard you need specific characters and to fish for companions, then the event should be open always and not once a month. That at least is more reasonable.

  • Xhowrude
    228 posts Member
    I love how the forum is deleting all threads against the nerf.

    Who was it that said it was democracy again???

    The devs don't like players that speak against them. It's easier to delete then defend their game
  • EM650
    1120 posts Member
    This is ridiculous. Was it difficult? Yes, but we had multiple guild members succeed in getting 7* Yoda yesterday. In the meantime, no assistance or response from EA/CG for those willing to spend money on the game and in need of furnaces. We have members who have not had 1 single furnace show up yet.
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    tRRRey wrote: »
    tRRRey wrote: »
    Farm 5 jedi to 7* for months just to attack Yoda and fail because you didn't farm the right jedi. It's nearly impossible without qgj, barris, or both on the same team. I think it's fair to make Yoda attainable with any 5 jedi. It shouldn't be easy, but you shouldn't have to farm additional characters just to get him either.

    All you had to do was look at past events and past guides to know which Jedi are optimal for the event. It's not like any of the Jedi were locked behind a paywall, ALL of them could be easily attained by f2p players. If you farm the "wrong" Jedi for Yoda then don't be surprised that it's infinitely harder than it could be.

    @tRRRey Do you remember when Ben was behind pay wall? Back when I started farming jedi? I believe Barris was at the time as well. Qgj had just been released the week before Yoda went live. So I farmed jc lumi ahsoka qgj and eeth because they were available. When Barris and Ben became available I should have dumped a 5* eeth and started ben?

    No, because Old Ben isn't a good option against Yoda, and Barriss isn't a necessity like many people seem to think. That team that you described should do fine against Yoda as a lot of other people have finished Tier 7 with that same lineup. Therefore there currently aren't any Jedi that you need to spend money in order to finish this event.

    Dude. I played for hours yesterday. Yoda was taking all protection and 25% to 50% from a character on the first attack. You blow a heal on the first round. After you get Yoda to yellow he gets forsight every attack. Once this happened he took 4 turns in a row and killed my remaining 4 characters. I tried it every way. It just wasn't going to happen.
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