Am I making a mistake by not farming Rey?



  • McPot45
    133 posts Member
    Yes you should defiantly farm her, I like many held out because i though there would be nerfs coming, I also held out on GS and droids. After the protection update I decided i wanted to start farming these DPS chars and I'm happy I did. They do great damage and will make your game playing experience much more enjoyable, in all aspects, whether it be raids, challenges, missions, GW, or arena.
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    You should farm every character and spend as much Money as possible while doing it. Every one Will be happier that way
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    DJdalane1 wrote: »
    You should farm every character and spend as much Money as possible while doing it. Every one Will be happier that way

    Of all the fantastic responses.....this isn't one of them. I kid of course it made me laugh. I am still pretty torn over this I think maybe I'll farm her slowly and hope she doesn't catch the nerf bug.
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    Nah CUP is better. Best character in the game.

    Rey is awesome in all phases, however nobody misses more attacks than she does out of the top tier characters, in my experience.

    I held off farming her for a bit, however when I decided to I dumped a ton into it to get her done fast.

    Now I'll adress those that might say she is OP. She CAN turn the tide in a fight, however she being not in the lineup or dying very early on does not make or break your result. She makes an attack team better, however does not make one perform far beyond their ability. I hate to go back to Poe, however in the mechanics there were then, he was far more "OP"(I never thought he was) Why? For the simple fact that you could put 4 average characters with him and decimate much better characters, better geared characters. Rey does not do that to a team.

    I'd say farm her. I love her for raids and for PVP, allies that used mine stated she was the reason they 3* some harder missions.
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    Even after they nerf her, she'll still be a lot of fun to use....unless they break her. Glass-cannons are supposed to do exceptionally high damage and be low on hit points (usually requiring it to be played with alongside a tank).

    Only the devs can promise things. I vote you still go for her, unless you have another hero farther along that plays a similar role.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
  • Alecation
    211 posts Member
    AOE team kills single dps DPS teams with tanks
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Alecation wrote: »
    AOE team kills single dps DPS teams with tanks

    Dooku and 5's says Hi!

    That's a mighty fine AoE you got there.. would be a shame if someone.... counter'd it!
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