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    My gw is never resetting, I've done everything I can to fix it but I've had no luck, it's been stuck at the same node for the past 2 weeks, every other aspect of the game is running fine though. It's only gw doesn't work at all unless I get a new character then I can use him/her in the war
  • Lugo
    417 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    1. Ewok Elders Tribal Heal says it removes all bad stats from all teammates but at the moment it only removes 1 bad Stat from each party member.
    2. There is still a speed bug in arena and GW enemy team goes first and gets 2-3 turns before I get 1 turn. I'm using Sidious and Leia and both are at 7 star and GL VIII. I noticed only time it happends in GW is on last 3 fights... is it really a bug EA or another way to try and squeeze money out of people?
    3. FOTP needs 30% damage reduction or Health.
    4. Plasma's leader skill is still triggering all the time instead of 18-36%.
    5. Asajj skill is not removing enemy buffs and heals whole party instead of just herself.
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    My gw is never resetting, I've done everything I can to fix it but I've had no luck, it's been stuck at the same node for the past 2 weeks, every other aspect of the game is running fine though. It's only gw doesn't work at all unless I get a new character then I can use him/her in the war

    I hate to play Cpt. Obvious on accident but you didn't mention it in the post and as someone that used to do tech support, don't ever overlook the obvious. Galactic war is the only one that you have to manually reset in the bottom left. The reset timer is for the next time you "may" reset it, but it won't do it for you. This is a server side game, so if that doesn't work I'd just uninstall and reinstall the app. Assuming you're iOS, gamecenter should save the profile, not sure about Android.
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    I have a little more precise info about the Galactic War loot reward bug. Through some screenshots back and forth tonight I confirmed that on iPad version my friend sees 400 gem reward for 3rd gold battle, which should be a 200 gem battle. Battle shows and rewards 200 gems on iPhone version. He is getting the 200 gems so it just seems to be a typo in the loot reward frame for iPad, not an actual bug. Bonus: easy to fix. But I'd get on it soon, he thought he was getting screwed and nothing will make someone quit this type of game faster than feeling their time was wasted, and unfortunately the people this bug potentially drove away, aren't even getting screwed at all.
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    I've got 7.1K galactic war tokens, yet when I try to use the refresh for 10 tokens, I am told I have insufficient currency.
  • veazye
    52 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Plague_Inc wrote: »
    I was battling someone in the arena who had Captain Phasma as their leader. When it was just her and Ahsoka left, she attacked and I believe her leader ability caused her to attack again. I have never seen attack again as part of her basic attack, and I was wondering if this was intended or if she is slightly broken too.

    i've seen this even in a 5vs5 battle with no casualities, where Captain Phasma was a leader and character would attack many times, like sid that wouldn't apply imunity effect, count doku that would counter with an attack, then attack again as bonus, attack a 3rd time (for phasma), then his turn to attack, bonus attack, darth phasma attack.
    I don't use phasma, but i remember once when i used him as ally, that after i attacked, all my characters attacked in the same session.
    also, when used with genosian soldier, 5555, ig-86 droid, and other characters who have an assist ability, i've seen that they attack twice and/or the assist gets 2 attacks. the odds of this theory working is that there are lots of top arena players that are using him and can't be beaten that easily.
    I just saw this after i just spent 50 shards to get 5 turns in the arena. phasma as leader in the other team. His leaderships is whenever an ally attacks, talia used healing, one of his ally attacked, did some damage. Luminara healed, 5555 attacked and then attacked again twice so 3 times in total. Got beatten by a lower team.... again...
    Another update
    Second fight, with my team power of 24914 at level 68 i go with luminara 7* as leader, sid 7*, old daka 6*, genosian soldier 6*, jedi consular 5* vs GRC user against 12rank, team power 25076 with sid7* as leader, poe, ig-88. Poe taunts and removes 20% turn metter, sid uses demoralizing blows, ig-88 uses rapid fire and kills 3 of my characters, with consular jedi and sid having red health bar, the other two finish the remaining characters and game over in 10 seconds.
    3rd match, but this one i won. with darth phasma as leader, luminara attacked twice in a row.
    Last night in the GW i had lumi 7* as leader and sid 7* at level 68 and went vs. a level 62 with a luminara 7* as leader and sid 4*. The first turn was his sid 4* doing normal damage to my sid cutting his health to half. then it was my 7* sid and i attacked his sid critical damage and i only done 20% damage from his health.
    4th fight before the arena reward is rewarded. This time at the end of the match i had my 7* sid and 5* jedi consular fully healed (luminara dead and leader together with everyone else) vs 5555 clone trooper (sid as leader and everyone dead). 5555 would counter and then he attacks twice without any speed down applied. He missed a few times, but i still lost the fight.

    I want my shards back and my in-app purchases!
    I've reported many bugs in the forum and i got no answers from the staff and i think this behavior related to the bugs that characters with lower stats to have advantage power and attack many times against fully leveled, equiped and more powerful ones to encourage newer players and other people to spend more money on a broken game.
    The frustating thing is that no one answers!
    Post edited by veazye on
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    First Order Tie Pilot's spell has a bug, when the spell level up to 7, the damage is much lower than it was level 6.
    Da fakgay
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    As discussed over on Reddit, the app has become increasingly less stable on Apple devices. A number of people (including myself) have experienced slowdown or juddering during battles and crashes. Today my app crashed towards the end of any arena battle, costing me a rank (and therefore 50 crystals) so it's something I obviously feel could do with being looked into. Thanks.
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    I've looked through the topic. I've also noticed some bugs or inaccuracy, but everything has already been mentioned above.

    So far I can just make a request. Please, add possibility to see quantity of gears I've already have while I'm choosing location of farming. I mean: when I have to farm some MK2 pads, for instance, I have plenty of locations to do it. I choose the location checking quantity of other gears in my sell items menu in order to find location where I can farm some other rear (at least, rear for my own inventory) gears along with some gears I need. It will be easier when you don't need to check sell menu and just see the quantity of item when you're chosing location.
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    Every time I lose a match because I can't target the enemy I want, it costs me money. Any chance I could get some crystals or othe remuneration for that?
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    I can't upgrade my characters skills even though i have more than enough ability mats! I have been patiently waiting until someone noticed and report this bug but no one reported it.
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    Alexandrus wrote: »
    I can't upgrade my characters skills even though i have more than enough ability mats! I have been patiently waiting until someone noticed and report this bug but no one reported it.

    Maybe scroll down in the material frame? B)
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    hotdogreen wrote: »
    Alexandrus wrote: »
    I can't upgrade my characters skills even though i have more than enough ability mats! I have been patiently waiting until someone noticed and report this bug but no one reported it.

    Maybe scroll down in the material frame? B)

    You were right!
    I was always wondering when would i use this t3 mats
  • Crossad
    1 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Post edited by Crossad on
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    My bugs list:
    • Ewok Elder: Tribal Healer removes only one negative effect by character (confirmed)
    • Ewok Elder: Tribal Healer heals character with Healing Immunity (confirmed)
    • Ewok Elder: Tribal Healer does not remove negative effects that have multiple turns duration (please confirm, reproduce it with Darth Sidious Healing Immunity on basic attack)
    • (display) A character having Stealth that Taunt stay invisible, even when the Stealth gone (please confirm, reproduce it with Teebo as leader and Chewbacca)
    • (display) Talia: Harrowing Assault sequence is sometimes buggy (confirmed: hit behind the ennemy, freeze one second, damages appear, moving in front of her original stand, freeze one second and come back to her original stand)
    • (text) IG-88: Adaptive Aim Algorithm in French start with "IG-86..." (confirmed)
    • Any battle: Sometimes it's not possible to focus a character (confirmed, never ones in extreme positions, the statuses explanation "hit-box" does not overlap)
    • Galactic War: Sometimes I get a shard reward before the last battle (please confirm or tell me how to reproduce it :smile:)
    • Light/Dark side battles: Sometimes, a level finished with two stars appears to have been finished with three stars (confirmed, not a priority :smile:)

    Thanks for any feedback
  • Lxxps
    3 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Barriss does not heal character with Healing Immunity, it's the "health equalization" effect that does that (technically, it is not a heal). So when she's alone with Healing Immunity, nothing happens :)
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    Count Dooku's leader ability doesn't seem to be working correctly. I've bumped the leader ability to level 6, which should grant 13.5% evasion.

    I tracked the results of a few battles and got 10 dodges in 212 attacks. That's 4.72%

    Anyone else notice the same problem?
  • Newt
    2 posts Member
    edited February 2016
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    One issue that should be fixed right away is to change the font of the Player ID so that we can distinguish between a lower case L and an upper case I. This wastes a LOT of time when dealing with support.
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    How this game determined the speed of the first turn in arena? I am in rank 1, but those lower level with lower *and equipments can easily hit me. What is wrong with this game? EA , do your job!
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    First I want to say that not all of these are being considered issues, some things are listed here so that you know the team is aware of them. Example: Just because I list Princess Leia below doesn’t mean she’s an issue, it means we acknowledge that she has been brought up in multiple conversations here on the forums and we’re in the process of verifying that she is working as intended.

    • Leader abilities appearing to downgrade when upgrading – display bug
    • Characters dying in Galactic War after a battle when they have low HP
    • Targeting issues – unable to manually target characters in some instances
    • Ally points not being rewarded to player who had their hero borrowed
    • Stretching icons for gear and characters in some instances
    • Character shards display issue – NOTE: we are still looking into the issue of not receiving shards that some players are reporting.
    • Daily Crystal packs
    • Reported cheaters in Arena (PVP)
    • Galactic War rewards


    • Talia AI healing herself even when she is the last character alive (results in lowering health).
    • Princess Leia abilities – investigating chance for group buff and chance to attack multiple times.
    • Admiral Ackbar – skills Tactical Genius and Rebel Coordination abilities being checked to ensure they are working as intended
    • Captain Phasma – Fire at Will ability being checked to ensure chance is doubled for First Order allies.
    • Asajj Ventress – investigating issues where players are reporting that she is healing the entire team instead of just herself when using the ability Strike Fear. Also investigating reports of ability not removing positive status effects.
    • Ahsoka – investigating reports of crit being low for abilities.
    • Nightsister Initiate – investigating report of crit bonus being removed at level 6 for ability Cut Down.
    • Ewok Elder – investigating report of not removing negative status effects with ability Tribal Healer.
    • First Order Tie Pilot - investigating reports of health and damage at higher star levels.

    If there are any other issues or topics I missed that you feel should be on this list please reply with them on this thread.


    What **** wrong with this game? People with lower levels, stars and items can easily go first before me in the arena, and smash my team. Any brilliant idea? **** EA!
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    Teebo: couldn't upgrade stealth neutralisation from stage4 to stage5 although I had enough ability materials (? Fähigkeitsmaterialien) collected and the necessary character stage. Still the upgrade button was not active.
  • Snake
    158 posts Member
    Teebo stealth bug:

    I have ewok scramble tactics upgraded to provide teebo stealth for 3 turns. It still only guarantees 1 turn of stealth after activation.

    Teebo is also my party leader and I suspect if guerrilla warfare procs on the second turn it overrides the stealth provided by scramble tactics and ends after one turn.

    I have not used teebo in any other role besides leader, so I don't know if it is simply an issue with ewok scramble tactics, or my assumption that a combination of abilities causes the problem.
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    Old Daka is rezzing herself. Either this is a bug or her ability text is wrong:
    " When another ally is defeated, Daka has a 10% chance to revive it "
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    Phasma's Assist ability functions on the activation of any power, not attacks. Buffs, heals, etc. all (can) trigger an Assist.

    "Whenever an ally attacks, they have a 18% chance to call a random ally to Assist"
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    Maurer wrote: »
    I've got 7.1K galactic war tokens, yet when I try to use the refresh for 10 tokens, I am told I have insufficient currency.

    I tried reporting this to customer "experience". (Horrible experience by the way). For me at least the issue was reproducible by:
    Have less than 10 crystals; have more than 10 war tokens: try to refresh galactic war shipments = not enough currency error. It seems the gw shipments refresh accesses the crystals inventory count instead of gw tokens.
    Surprised QA missed that one.

    On balance: bariss offee restoring health (aka healing) through healing immunity is total moose pucks.

    Galactic War rewards issues: on the final purple reward node it shows 800 gw tokens but only awards 400. Really wished I'd noticed before refreshing the shipments as that's a wasted 50

    Need some way to get more sim tickets other than buying an energy refill. 1) I can run out of tickets before using all energy. Then I have to play matches before I can trigger the restore energy 2) in cantina squad mode despite spending double the crystals I get half the sim tickets. Come on!

    Re: targeting problems; with enough perseverance I've always been able to target who I want. Targeting hitboxes do need to be improved.

    Targeting order when in auto mode is annoying as hell. Please have AI prioritize non-bosses and elites first

    Cheers, senior QA tech at Magmic games

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    elbbirt wrote: »
    Count Dooku's leader ability doesn't seem to be working correctly. I've bumped the leader ability to level 6, which should grant 13.5% evasion.

    I tracked the results of a few battles and got 10 dodges in 212 attacks. That's 4.72%

    Anyone else notice the same problem?

    Probability is annoying and does not guarantee a 1:1 ratio of expectations. I find video game RNG's are always way below the described %chance. 212 despite seeming like a lot is actually too small a sample size. Do a count of 10000 attacks , if it's still that low then there's an obvious problem.
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    Mace Windu does not remove all positive status effects, he only removes one status effect.
    He probably shares code with Ewok Elder, who has the same problem AFAIK.
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    Old Daka is rezzing herself. Either this is a bug or her ability text is wrong:
    " When another ally is defeated, Daka has a 10% chance to revive it "

    I think that behavior is totally fair. Other healers heal themselves when they heal others. If Old Daka couldn't revive, she'd be worthless. So she's her own ally. Kill her first, then no problems. She's squishy.
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    I noticed an admin comment about how submitting tickets Would help devs track down issues more easily and, uh, can I post a bug with customer support here? Either the ticket submission process needs a more robust set of related issues choices (as currently it doesn't cover enough by far) or your CS agents need better training. I reported an issue with the GW shipments reloading (not the war just the shipments) I first got a canned response. I answered with a detailed steps to reproduce and clarification of the problem to which I got a response talking about the wrong feature. After my third response asking them to properly read my messages I got this canned response dumping responsibility to this forum for any bug reporting. See below:

    Thank you so much for contacting Electronic Arts! We are always happy to tackle any Tech Issues that you might have. Unfortunately, we do not have any control over this particular in game mechanic. This issue would be better voiced by posting to our forums.

    For any bugs or glitches within SWGOH, you can post them here at this forum:

    If you continue to have any issues, feel free to schedule another contact request with us at Have a great day!
    Blake C.
    EA Customer Experience
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