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    I've noticed Barriss seems to be able to heal characters affected by Sidious' healing immunity. Very annoying in PVP
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    Phasma leader ability procs too often in my opinion Lately every 2 to 3 attacks get an assist when I fight a phasma team. Today every attack on the first turn got an assist killing 4 of my 5 characters before I got one lousy swipe. This ability should be looked at as it seems an AI led phasma team seems to proc this much more often than 14 percent. Even then it should only be when phasma attacks or be cut to first order only at 14 percent.

    Sidious healing immunity should only last one turn. Most arena battles are pretty much over after two turns. Even if there's a third or fourth round the winner is already clear. Jedi abilities in comparison to dark side abilities and damage just plainly suck. Tie Pilot and Genosian Soldier do incredible damage and hit points seem higher than most other glass cannons.

    As examples to Jedi abilities being senseless in comparisons, Windus is just nonsense. Offering an ability that helps team members upon his defeat but he's often the last defeated as without a taunt the AI never kills him and always saves him for last. Just makes no sense without a taunt. A few dark side chars have bonuses against Jedi but Jedi don't have bonuses against dark side chars. Anakins, Fistos AoEs are just garbage compared to Vader, Sodious, Asaaj, boba AoEs do maybe half the damage and don't have decent procs in Anakins case unless it defeats an enemy. How often does that happen when in defense you know the AI will use his smite first? Other than Qui Gon, Most Jedis pale in comparison to dark side abilities.

    Biggest opinion is hit points should be higher for all chars. Especially at 6 and 7 stars. Most Arena fights are done after the first round, meaning dark side usually trumps light side here as well as Dooku, Sidious, Ren almost always go first. Add an OP phasma advantage and 7 attacks before my second attack just seems like nonsense. Qui Gons leader speed up ability doesn't even seem to take effect til after the first turn.

    Biggest issue for me though is that none of these issues seem to be resolved. Priority goes to the Chrystal and pack issues which is understandable but many other bugs and balance issues have been around for awhile,
  • KamikazeRhombus
    1412 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Oneeyedjim wrote: »
    I've noticed Barriss seems to be able to heal characters affected by Sidious' healing immunity. Very annoying in PVP

    Barriss's second ability "Force Heal" is intended to equalize the health of everyone on a team. Are you sure it isn't just that?

  • KamikazeRhombus
    1412 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    I noticed for the second time in about a week that the cool downs on my Jedi Counselor are not correct in Galactic Ward For example, he has a level 6 heal ability so the cool down should start at 2 but instead it starts at 3. I don't know if this has happened to other characters, I just noticed it happening to him.
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    Ventress always has an "upgrade available" number on her, even when there is nothing I can do for her.
    Use the force Luke.... and get rid of that stupid musket.
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    Having problems with Gw rewards, only receiving 1/3 to 1/4 of the rewards crystals shown, last 3 battles was showing rewards of 400, 800 and 1.6K. Received 100, 200 and 400 only.
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    When Talia has advantage, and she casts her heal, this can remove her buff (if she was already attacked).Is her heal meant to count as an advantage reducing event?
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    Nadroj wrote: »
    elbbirt wrote: »
    Count Dooku's leader ability doesn't seem to be working correctly. I've bumped the leader ability to level 6, which should grant 13.5% evasion.

    I tracked the results of a few battles and got 10 dodges in 212 attacks. That's 4.72%

    Anyone else notice the same problem?

    Probability is annoying and does not guarantee a 1:1 ratio of expectations. I find video game RNG's are always way below the described %chance. 212 despite seeming like a lot is actually too small a sample size. Do a count of 10000 attacks , if it's still that low then there's an obvious problem.

    First, tracking 10,000 attacks is not a reasonable expectation from the customer of a game. I'm a player, not a QA department.

    Second, statistics is an amazing thing. When the results skew so far in one direction (like an evasion of less than 5%), then you don't need a sample size of many thousands to have a statistically significant result.
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    I realized that you can heal Darth Sidious in some situations, even if he has that "no healing" sign over his head, and it's not Barriss Offee who heals him. I'm not sure who heals him, but when it happens again I'll tell you. Or has another healer force-heal too?
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    Has anyone else noticed Luminara leader abilities (healing every turn) are active even when another character is leader. Too many teams use Sidious or Phasma as leader and still get the healing bonus every turn. Either reclass the ability as "unique" or restrict it to only when she is active leader.
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    @EA_Jesse I don't know if it was mentioned in 311 or so comments before me but Aayla's counter attack is not really as effective as it sounds. The stun goes away at the end of the characters turn so it just seems pointless.
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    elbbirt wrote: »
    Nadroj wrote: »
    elbbirt wrote: »
    Count Dooku's leader ability doesn't seem to be working correctly. I've bumped the leader ability to level 6, which should grant 13.5% evasion.

    I tracked the results of a few battles and got 10 dodges in 212 attacks. That's 4.72%

    Anyone else notice the same problem?

    Probability is annoying and does not guarantee a 1:1 ratio of expectations. I find video game RNG's are always way below the described %chance. 212 despite seeming like a lot is actually too small a sample size. Do a count of 10000 attacks , if it's still that low then there's an obvious problem.

    First, tracking 10,000 attacks is not a reasonable expectation from the customer of a game. I'm a player, not a QA department.

    Second, statistics is an amazing thing. When the results skew so far in one direction (like an evasion of less than 5%), then you don't need a sample size of many thousands to have a statistically significant result.

    Agreed, this should be done QA side but after an only 200 sample size it is not statistically significant as it's still a "chance" of something happening. I feel like the dodges don't proc as often as they should for my team too but it's still just a feeling.
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  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    playing GW today and opponent had Barrie's offee as leader.

    I also had bariss but not as leader.

    Each of my players received barris's leadership heal at the start of their turns. It was hopeful, but surely not intended
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    I'm trying to level up my sidius and lumi gear to level VIII. However for both, I've completed the nessessary items for the Mk 8 fabritec data rod, and yet it's doesn't allow me to equip the item and instead all my items disappear and are lost. I've tried this twice and both times all items have disappears and no option to upgrade has happened. Help?
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    slmcmr wrote: »
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    [*] Asajj Ventress – investigating issues where players are reporting that she is healing the entire team instead of just herself when using the ability Strike Fear.

    Hi @EA_Jesse
    Since dark side team doesn't have a decent healer (compared to light side) how about leaving Asajj as she is right now?

    Or better yet change the description to reflect the whole team is healed
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    Dotsonpage wrote: »
    Bariss doesn't heal technically, therefore the heal immunity doesn't apply to her skill. What her ability does is take the combined hp of all allies and divide by the number of allies to spread out the damage among all of them. That's why it is referred to as equalize in the skill description. So its behaving like it is supposed to.

    Thank you for explaining that! All I have read so far, because I thought it was a glitch, is people complaining about the same thing that I thought was a glitch, but your explanation now makes perfect sense. Still seems a bit pointless the. To have the heal block in the first place, but that is a wish not a glitch.

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    Nadroj wrote: »
    elbbirt wrote: »
    Nadroj wrote: »
    elbbirt wrote: »
    Count Dooku's leader ability doesn't seem to be working correctly. I've bumped the leader ability to level 6, which should grant 13.5% evasion.

    I tracked the results of a few battles and got 10 dodges in 212 attacks. That's 4.72%

    Anyone else notice the same problem?

    Probability is annoying and does not guarantee a 1:1 ratio of expectations. I find video game RNG's are always way below the described %chance. 212 despite seeming like a lot is actually too small a sample size. Do a count of 10000 attacks , if it's still that low then there's an obvious problem.

    First, tracking 10,000 attacks is not a reasonable expectation from the customer of a game. I'm a player, not a QA department.

    Second, statistics is an amazing thing. When the results skew so far in one direction (like an evasion of less than 5%), then you don't need a sample size of many thousands to have a statistically significant result.

    Agreed, this should be done QA side but after an only 200 sample size it is not statistically significant as it's still a "chance" of something happening. I feel like the dodges don't proc as often as they should for my team too but it's still just a feeling.

    @Nadroj you seem to be misunderstanding me. When the results are 5% vs 95% then a sample size of 200 *is statistically significant*. I've done my research on this. There are plenty of sample size calculators out there on the web, plug in the numbers yourself.

    I'm just trying to let EA/CG know there is a bug. I've done my homework on this. But it's not worth any more of my time to help them fix their product.
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    Will you ever fix the challenges where the boss one shot you no matter of difficulty level??? The droids assisting the boss finish the job and what? ?? We have to repeat the **** challenge until we have the LUCK and the healer will be quicker than the droids. This is not challenging but boring and ridiculous. ..
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    Taunting while stealthed on Chewbacca still works but he visibly stays in stealth after and appears unable to stealth again. Enemies continue to target him as usual.
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    Bariss's heal pools all remaining health and adds a percentage on top. The health is then redistributed out to all survivors. If she's the last one standing there is no health to redistribute.
  • Subrosa_Daro
    28 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    klay wrote: »
    Bariss offee is able to heal characters even when they have healing immunity inflicted upon them. However, I have noticed she will not heal herself when afflicted with healing immunity. It's pretty annoying because it completely defeats the purpose of having that status affliction if it is simply ignored by her.

    I'm surprised no one has mentioned it yet.

    Bariss's heal pools all remaining health and adds a percentage on top. The health is then redistributed out to all survivors. If she's the last one standing there is no health to redistribute.
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    Talia can kill herself by using her heal when she has low health and an exposure debuff. Is this working as intended?
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    elbbirt wrote: »
    Nadroj wrote: »
    elbbirt wrote: »
    Nadroj wrote: »
    elbbirt wrote: »
    Count Dooku's leader ability doesn't seem to be working correctly. I've bumped the leader ability to level 6, which should grant 13.5% evasion.

    I tracked the results of a few battles and got 10 dodges in 212 attacks. That's 4.72%

    Anyone else notice the same problem?

    Probability is annoying and does not guarantee a 1:1 ratio of expectations. I find video game RNG's are always way below the described %chance. 212 despite seeming like a lot is actually too small a sample size. Do a count of 10000 attacks , if it's still that low then there's an obvious problem.

    First, tracking 10,000 attacks is not a reasonable expectation from the customer of a game. I'm a player, not a QA department.

    Second, statistics is an amazing thing. When the results skew so far in one direction (like an evasion of less than 5%), then you don't need a sample size of many thousands to have a statistically significant result.

    Agreed, this should be done QA side but after an only 200 sample size it is not statistically significant as it's still a "chance" of something happening. I feel like the dodges don't proc as often as they should for my team too but it's still just a feeling.

    @Nadroj you seem to be misunderstanding me. When the results are 5% vs 95% then a sample size of 200 *is statistically significant*. I've done my research on this. There are plenty of sample size calculators out there on the web, plug in the numbers yourself.

    I'm just trying to let EA/CG know there is a bug. I've done my homework on this. But it's not worth any more of my time to help them fix their product.

    I'm not. You don't seem to understand probability. 13.5% chance of evade does not mean that you will dodge 13-14 times out of 100.
    Think of flipping a coin: you have 50% to land on tails. But flip a coin 100 times and it is incredibly unlikely that you will actually get 50 heads and 50 tails. However the more you flip the coin the more it will approach a proper 50-50. Our human inability to understand probability is exactly why casinos, lotteries and any betting businesses are as lucrative as they are.
    I'm just trying to explain why it may not be a bug.
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    Hello I have a problem
    I have started the game in another time zone at my holidays
    But now I already playing it in Germany and my daily activities resetted at 6 PM
    What should I do to solve the problem
    Thank you for your help
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    There is definitely a bug around ally leader display. I added a friend who sent me a screenshot of my request. It shows a 5 star level 70 Barriss. Problem is, my Barriss is 6 star, level 69.

    See screenshots:
  • elbbirt
    20 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Nadroj wrote: »
    elbbirt wrote: »
    @Nadroj you seem to be misunderstanding me. When the results are 5% vs 95% then a sample size of 200 *is statistically significant*. I've done my research on this. There are plenty of sample size calculators out there on the web, plug in the numbers yourself.

    I'm just trying to let EA/CG know there is a bug. I've done my homework on this. But it's not worth any more of my time to help them fix their product.

    I'm not. You don't seem to understand probability. 13.5% chance of evade does not mean that you will dodge 13-14 times out of 100.
    Think of flipping a coin: you have 50% to land on tails. But flip a coin 100 times and it is incredibly unlikely that you will actually get 50 heads and 50 tails. However the more you flip the coin the more it will approach a proper 50-50. Our human inability to understand probability is exactly why casinos, lotteries and any betting businesses are as lucrative as they are.
    I'm just trying to explain why it may not be a bug.

    Actually, I do understand probability. The distribution doesn't need to be even. As you get more samples, your numbers should approach the expected value. All basic statistics.

    But you're missing the other half of my point, as you grow your sample size, the confidence in your results increase. Further, as your results skew in one direction, the confidence in your results also increases. Let me put it another way, you need to take many more samples to have confidence that your results are 50/50 than you do for 95/5. The more strongly results skew in one direction, the fewer samples you need to be confident in your results.

    In fact, let me be specific here. When I plug my results into the equation for figuring out sample size it turns out that:

    Confidence: 99%
    Margin of error: +/- 4% (actually a little less, but I'm rounding up to make things easy)

    I got an evasion rate of 4.7%. With 212 samples I can be 99% confident that the actual dodge rate is between 0.7% and 8.7%. Which is still way below the expected 13.5%.

    If it's not a bug then I'm the 1 in 100 that got such poor results. So I'm going to go with the numbers and say, nope, I'm not just super unlucky. It's a bug.

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    Anyone else notice Kylo Ren's Lash Out proc every turn? I know that he has a chance for the cool down to go away if attacked but I've seen him use that atttack twice in a row, many many times, without ever being attacked. Also, because of this, Retribution will never really go away. He will single-handily wreck my team when this happens
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    Also, I noticed something the other day that I've seen reported by other people: Sidious will get a regular attack right after his Demoralizing Blows. Saw this happen 3 times in one day. Each time I had my entire team and he was one of 2 or 3 enemies left so I know it wasn't a matter of speed.
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    Man... this app has been really buggy lately or I am running into some shady characters. I already posted a few bugs I've been experiencing... don't want to start another thread. But I just was battling in the arena... spent 50 crystals to move up into the top 200 for some extra bonus rewards (I was at 278). I fought a battle with a guy at 238 and beat him. The 7 minute clock ran down and when I went to battle again, I was still at 278 and the guy I beat was still at 238. It offered me the same fight again like I never fought it but it did register one battle off my 5. I tried fighting him again and it said he was engaged in a battle. Mrrrr.

    OK, so I do a couple of battles now I am at 245 with 2 battles left. I fight a guy at 210... the battle starts and he has all 5 guys go, with 3 bonus attacks, killing my 2 healers immediately before I even went. I had one guy take a turn, then his full squad went again, wiping me out. **** was that?? He had 9 turns and 4 bonus attacks to my one attack! And there was no slowdown applied or anything like that. Double Mrrrrr.
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