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    Yep I've seen both of those - and have seen Sidious come out of stun and go straight into a normal attack without having to wait for his turn bar to fill.

    Also Vader's Terrifying Swing - which apparently cannot be evaded or resisted by jedi can just outright not apply on a jedi - even though it hits and they may have no existing ailments when struck. No resist or evade message comes up when it happens just fail.
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    Yep I've seen both of those - and have seen Sidious come out of stun and go straight into a normal attack without having to wait for his turn bar to fill.

    Also Vader's Terrifying Swing - which apparently cannot be evaded or resisted by jedi can just outright not apply on a jedi - even though it hits and they may have no existing ailments when struck. No resist or evade message comes up when it happens just fail.

    I started another thread earlier today. I am having that Vader problem with mulitple characters... the attacks are just not registering. The enemy looks like takes a hit but no health is reduced or damage is done. Doesn't say resisted or dodged either.

    I hope the update later this week fixes a lot of this stuff.
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    I can't remember if I mentioned this in here, but Old Daka is reviving herself even though her ability says she can revive another ally.

    You either need to correct the text to reflect the power, or fix the power. Not that you care, but it doesn't matter to me one way or the other. :)
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    How can ackbar not being able to debuff heal immunity still not be fixed? There is literally no counter to every team having Sid in GW
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    Dooku has an issue with extra attacks. In the course of the first turn, he attacked 3 times, then I attacked him once then he countered and proceeded to get 2 more bonus attacks. From there a teammate of Dooku attacked(Luminara) and he Dooku attacked a further 2 times.

    By my count, that is me getting one single action and Dooku registering a total of 8 hits before I can take a second action(not a second turn but an action.)

    The opponent had no extra attacker ability aside from Dooku And in a total of 3 actions taken combined (1 Dooku attack, 1 Luminara attack by me, 1 Luminara attack by them) I was attacked again, in all, 8 times by Dooku before I got my second action(a barely there Vader). Needless to say before I got to my second turn Dooku had stunned two characters, taken half the life of all 5 characters including all of Vader's before I got out of my first turn which meant an impossible battle.

    Fix this crap. 8 attacks is way too many by a single character by the third action in turn 1.
  • Randel
    17 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    There is slight bug regarding Captain Phasma in the menu where you choose your characters for battles. When he is in the top 3 fields you can only see his head and parts of his right arm. When he is in one of the two bottom fields you can only see a part of his right arm. I have this bug ever since I have him as a character, maybe around two months.
    Post edited by Randel on
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    Dooku has an issue with extra attacks. In the course of the first turn, he attacked 3 times, then I attacked him once then he countered and proceeded to get 2 more bonus attacks. From there a teammate of Dooku attacked(Luminara) and he Dooku attacked a further 2 times.

    By my count, that is me getting one single action and Dooku registering a total of 8 hits before I can take a second action(not a second turn but an action.)

    The opponent had no extra attacker ability aside from Dooku And in a total of 3 actions taken combined (1 Dooku attack, 1 Luminara attack by me, 1 Luminara attack by them) I was attacked again, in all, 8 times by Dooku before I got my second action(a barely there Vader). Needless to say before I got to my second turn Dooku had stunned two characters, taken half the life of all 5 characters including all of Vader's before I got out of my first turn which meant an impossible battle.

    Fix this crap. 8 attacks is way too many by a single character by the third action in turn 1.

    Try fighting Dooku when it's just him and Phasma left. When Phasma's bonus attacks trigger on Dooku alone he gets his bonus attacks on top then his turn bar fills up from getting so many bonus attacks that he attacks again+bonus attacks on top of the bonus attacks he got from getting so many bonus attacks...
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    I was in Galactic War right after updating. My Luminara toon died and was revived by Old Daka automatically via serve again. At this point I lost the ability to do anything. I hit the Auto button which turned green, but the battle was just stalled. I took a screen shot if you want...
  • CooLDuDeGuY911
    113 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    V00dude wrote: »
    I was in Galactic War right after updating. My Luminara toon died and was revived by Old Daka automatically via serve again. At this point I lost the ability to do anything. I hit the Auto button which turned green, but the battle was just stalled. I took a screen shot if you want...

    There are a TON of threads about this issue popping up after the update. Check the Bugs and Issues section. (Derp) Sounds like revives are pretty much completely broken for the moment.
  • Robobob
    117 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    I have never had the game crash on me until this update. Yesterday the game crashed when I tried to add the "parent" gear without creating the individual "children" gear first.
    Then tonight, twice, after completing a lengthy Lightside level 7 mission on Hard (missions 7-C and 7-D) I got a "lost client" type of message instead of the rewards window and then the game went to the title screen to reload. On the top of that screen the message "loading cantina" would hang up for a few minutes and then I'd get a "connection lost" message in which this whole cycle would repeat indefinitely. If I did a hard quit and then restart the app this would continue until I rebooted my phone. The first time was when the update was loaded for Yoda and Rex. The second time there was no new update that I know of.
    Very annoying because both times lost 20 energy and got no credit for the mission.. and these missions are long because the enemies have such high health.
    Also, not that both of these were the first time playing these missions.
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    Arena PvP stuck, no AI movement and i cant do anything!

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    Hi guys. Did anyone else notice that with this recent update the heal generated by barriss offee with her invigorating strike or the after-heal from using force healer doesn't apply to kylo ren?
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    Please help!

    Why is dodge / deflection always 0?

    No matter the star or gear level this stat on every hero I see stays at zero. But I notice some heroes dodge more than others. Is this an oversight? Do some toons dodge/deflect better than others or do they all have the equil chance of being hit? Sidious says +35% dodge rating against Jedi attacks but 35% of 0 is still zero, right? Why does he still dodge? Why does anyone dodge/deflect if their stat says zero for chance of dodging or deflecting?

    Ask Siri what 0 divided by 0 is and you'll still get 0.

    Why is dodge/deflection always 0?

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    HK47 Revive bugged in Squad Arena. Now I have 3 times where battle freezes and timer runs out after a revive.
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    I have no idea where the complaints come in about Barris being OP.. Ive spent $20 on the game when it came out and i havent spent any more. Every time I see a group with Barris, I specifically go for that team.. They are honestly soooo easy to beat. Please buff her damage or something so I dont feel bad for them anymore
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    tajira wrote: »
    Arena PvP stuck, no AI movement and i cant do anything!


    I have seen this same issue in GW - its when a character revives from Daka's ability - by the looks of your picture it was Talia

    I logged a thread for it -
    HK47 Revive bugged in Squad Arena. Now I have 3 times where battle freezes and timer runs out after a revive.

    Sounds like this could be the same issue too?
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    I'm experiencing the very same issue with my Asajj, stating two upgrades available while there's actually none. Weird.
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    I've noticed two more bugs affecting the German version:

    First of all there seems to be some type of delay when killing an opponent. After having killed a couple of them they were still able to strike back (sometimes even taking out my player) but then drop dead all of a sudden some time later on without any additional action from my side. This ranged from only 2-3 seconds up to an estimated 20 seconds. Quite weird and frustrating when losing a battle against some zombie-enemy already taken out before!

    Second one's related to the achievement section as there 's stated to complete all hard level-6 fights as this assignment is listed twice while it should actually read "complete all dark side / light side fights".
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    @EA_Jesse I contacted customer service regarding opening a mega pack and onscreen recieving Mace Windu but when going back to the home screen not getting the activate now screen and looking into my character screen having the same number of shards as I did before purchasing the pack. I was basically told by customer service that this is a known issue and there is no time table for a fix. I just spent $180 on crystals to purchase these mega packs and not only was I not rewarded a character that would help me get yoda but there is no way of guarenteeing when I would get what i should have recieved. I can give you my case number as I have no idea how to proceed
  • Conlee75
    1 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Chewy and asajj have been in a auto play stalemate for 20 mins. Why should I have to quit. I've had to retreat. Not on really. Hoth 6-H was the battle.
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    Mace's Smite does NOT remove ALL effects. And if they have Taunt it always removes that and nothing else.
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    Extremely grateful for new item check list system and want to add some new requests for would-be-updates that look rather reasonable for me.
    1) Is there any possibility to see cooldown of your abilities without entering the battle with this character and checking the issue when it is the turn of the character? For a f2p person as I am it's not a problem actually, since I have less than 10 decent heroes and remember everything about them, but for those who have couple of dozens... Sometimes it's worthy to plan your battle and squad members (especially with new arena system) relying on skills' cooldown as well, without using internet sources. Or may be I'm just cockeyed at it possible to check cooldown time in game, so tell me, please, how to do it.

    2) AI healers still left much to be desired. Haven't seen Talia's "negative heal", hope it has been already fixed, but AI still tries to heal its teammates through heal immunity. My ordinary tactics in GW against 2 or 3 healers still works: if Sid cast Heal Immunity on a character, you shouldn't finish it up, just bring its HP bar to red. All AI healers will miss their turn, waste their heal, and Talia will even damage herself for nothing (or some turn meter if she is lucky). It makes things easier for me, but I'm not sure that it works as intended. I guess healers work is based on some algorithm like "IF squad member HP is lower than...". Even just adding to it "AND IF NOT the squad member has Heal Immunity" will make things much better.
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    The bug causing events to lock up the game is a problem. It is especialy infuriating when it hits three times in a row right after spending cash for crystals for purchasing that energy.

    The drop rates on shards is a joke now. I am considering them a bug to report.

    Not recieving shards earned.... makes the pathetic drop rates a double slap to the face.

    Auto play targetting.... ****? I noticed the occaisional target jumping before, and it was annoying, but now its constant after this last update.

    GW matches... my main squad has two 7*, two 6*, and the fifth being One of several 5* characters, all levels 65 to 70... and not even to halfway through gw i face múltiple 7*lv70 squads with Poe/poggle/qgj setups?

    And theres no apparent ryhme or reason to the match ups... Three GW marches into this update and i will face múltiple 7*lv70 squads, then have a 5*lv60 or lv50 Squad matchup...

    End result is that i have gone from being able to reliably work to the last tier of GW using just two full teams to barely past halfway with the entirety of my collection (43 characters ranging from lv 25 to 70, majority being level 50+ moderately to heavily geared and promoted).... smdh
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    1. AI characters attacks right after the end of stun, without filling in turn meter
    2. HP steal ability works even with heal immune debuff on the character - noticed this on my IG-88
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    Light side battles, mission Geonosis 5-h

    The drop rate for the MK8 Blastech weapon is nonexistent.

    I've wasted 240 energy without a single item drop.

    Is EA trying to drive me crazy?
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    Galaxy Wars has gone from me being able to finish with ease only using a few chars to not being able to get by lvl 3... WTH.. I can see if it ramped up slowly but good god.. Losing interest pretty fast as it was a great way to lvl people up..
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    To clarify my issue with Galazy wars.. I am level 58 so my chars are between 58 and 54 say.. My first battle in the GW is against all 61 and 62 chars...
  • Randel
    17 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Since the new update, my game crashes occasionally. FYI, I have a Samsung Galaxy S3.
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    Randel wrote: »
    Since the new update, my game crashes occasionally. FYI, I have a Samsung Galaxy S3.

    one enemy left in Arena - crash. iOS..
  • do_ma007
    8 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    New update is an EPIC FAIL! Aside for the new cool Yoda, the rest is _____.

    1. Shard shop, really? What a joke! Takes way too many extra shards from the max character for a puny 2 shards for limited/unwanted characters. ie: Darth Sidious... by now, almost everyone has a high level to max out Sid.
    2. Auto target system doesn't even target the opponent you click on a thousand times. They said they were fixing bugs... I'd say they've created a big one!
    3. The profit mining and training droids events are still as dumb as ever.
    4. Rex, really? Of all missing characters in the Star Wars universe, you decide to go for Rex as the other new guy? Is it that hard to take the in-game Han Solo with his cool black vest or Luke with his blue glowing stick, and make them available to us? We all know the data for those two characters is all but set, as we've faced them a couple of times already.
    5. Oh yeah, it happened to me also that my action buttons just disappeared, vanished thru thin air. I tried to go look for them, but they went MIA. So I've decided to just enjoy ten cool characters staring at each other, dumbfounded.

    Star Wars presents the Stare Down Contest

    i think the first ones to lose would be either Sidious, Phasma or Lumi.
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