Recent Temporary Suspensions Announcement : Comments (Merged threads) *** Megathread***


  • Slots
    72 posts Member
    Jaybayblay wrote: »
    The punishment is the suspension that the current accounts are undergoing that exploited this 'cheat'. I am very impressed at the response and dedication EA has to stop cheaters like this from ruining the game by stealing hundreds of dollars worth of in-game items and ruining other peoples server/arena experience. With that being said, well done @EA_Jesse @BentWookiee for addressing this issue professionally.

    Yet we still have 7* Vaders and Han Solos from people who some how did 49 raids.
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    I have a tough time calling these guys cheaters. If any one of us got a glitch email giving us free furnaces, you arent clicking it? Come on... EA messes up and the beneficiaries are cheaters? These guys didn't hack or try to cheat anything.... they were offered free stuff and took it. Maybe they knew it was a glitch but you guys are way overplaying the honesty card if you are saying you wouldn't have taken the free stuff
  • Erik_Aphax
    104 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Punish people who take advantage of exploits/bugs is common sense and the rule on every single videogame on the net.
  • Salacious_Slug
    255 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I have a tough time calling these guys cheaters. If any one of us got a glitch email giving us free furnaces, you arent clicking it? Come on... EA messes up and the beneficiaries are cheaters? These guys didn't hack or try to cheat anything.... they were offered free stuff and took it. Maybe they knew it was a glitch but you guys are way overplaying the honesty card if you are saying you wouldn't have taken the free stuff

    Took it once? Maybe. Took it twice? Ok. Took it 10 to 50 times? That's way overboard.
  • Qyxstyx
    46 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    EDITED: Removed for baiting a flame war and going OT in the thread - save personal axes to grind for some place else
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    Soo will these "offenders" be removed from the arena? so i can have my rank back.Also will i get 500gems a day if i was currently 1st in the arena till you fix this?
  • Klocko
    1017 posts Member
    I didn't get any extra rewards available to me. That said, if I had seen it appear a second time I would've thought "huh? I thought I claimed that...Guess not." Click. If it reappeared again, then I'd have known something was up. Also, every one of those credits would already be spent. Unless they're planning on making negative credits a thing, those are probably long gone from most accounts. Clicking a second time, is more than likely an innocent absentminded click. On the 3rd collected reward, it's intentional. Those are the ones who should get the spanking. Anyone who only collected twice? Congrats! I hope you were lower level and actually really needed the boost. Imho, those accounts that collected only twice should just be left alone. Take any extra Han shards away, but that's it. I'm not even that bent if someone lucked into an extra 3 Han shards.

    Unless they want to give me the last 10 rey shards that rng doesn't seem to want me to have, then "Burn em at the stake!"
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    Soo will these "offenders" be removed from the arena? so i can have my rank back.Also will i get 500gems a day if i was currently 1st in the arena till you fix this?

  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Folks you really need to chill out and trust CG.

    Below I have a picture of the devs removing illegitimate gear from cheaters:

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    Man I know most players would have taken advantage of it if they could...with that said it good dev is keeping up with that stuff to much bad press...
  • Fave
    96 posts Member
    As someone who didn't have a guild during this debacle, I see things a little differently. So I didn't see what exactly happened.
    Tell me exactly how you can prove the actual owner was abusing the repetitive rewards being given out. A lot of us have children who could have hit the reward buttons over and over again. This is just one absurd example but can be a real explanation.
    This is a severe punitive response uncalled for, and one that is extremely hard to prove. EA becomes the judge, jury, and executioner.
    What about the pre-crafting issue? So what if it was only 1%. You are completely ignoring them, you know exactly who did it and why.
    I'd rather have a bunch of cheaters around (as if that could never happen) as opposed to some innocent players wrongfully punished like this.
  • Fave
    96 posts Member
    And please tell me what % actually did this. Whether they are innocent or not. This was a 90 min period, apparently. So I doubt it's more than 1% of all players.
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    Punish everyone involved in cheating for 90min kids or not also leave precrafters alone all they did was plan for the future.
  • Slots
    72 posts Member
    Punish everyone involved in cheating for 90min kids or not also leave precrafters alone all they did was plan for the future.

    And have an unfair advantage over the rest that have to play for months before they see gear. Cool.
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    Any update on this, we got guys in our guild not contributing, should we kick them? Will they get banned anyway?
  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Slots wrote: »
    Punish everyone involved in cheating for 90min kids or not also leave precrafters alone all they did was plan for the future.

    And have an unfair advantage over the rest that have to play for months before they see gear. Cool.

    That wasn't their fault though was it? I precrafted and didn't even know, i knew level 80 was coming, i knew my arena team needed the items and i had the materials. If your arena team had a yellow cross on it to say you could craft an item, you'd craft it. That is what happened with me, i was never aware the items wouldn't be available to craft after the update. My point is, it's a completely different thing to play the game as intended and for the devs to change it than to take advantage of a technical flaw/error to get more rewards than everyone else.
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    @Yourwinner your @ally code doesn't @work.

    @Salacious_Slug accepted your ally request so that you can carry out your investigations, once they are complete and you're satisfied that my pathetic little FTP account is in good standing can you please remove me as an ally? Many thanks :smile:
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    Pleblo wrote: »
    I think this is pretty fair because it was a bug on the system. The system kept sending them rewards after they claimed them. Its not like they broke the code to make it give more rewards. It was a glitch due to them updating the server. I see no reason why these people should not be unsuspended when they sort out the look these players had got. I mean if the bank gives you 100$ every time you withdraw 1$ and you keep doing it the bank is not going to ban you from the using the bank forever but they might freeze your around till the glitch is fixed and take the money from your savings to cover what you took out.

    Actually, this has happened before and it's a felony.
  • Quicksilver
    1175 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I dont get how the devs can remove these gears used on many different characters and remove levels from many characters levelled up with credits gotten through the exploit, but anything less than that happening to the exploiters is not good enough imo

    Id gladly take a suspension if i got to keep my entire roster levelled and geared through this exploit, im sure this is what the exploiters are counting on

    I think some steps will be taken but not thorough enough to actually remove ALL the gears and ALL the levels exploiters got on many or all of their characters not just han, arena is gonna be way more of a nightmare now sigh
  • QuiteDrunk
    188 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    For those wondering, anyone who obtained extra shards for Han Solo during the window where they could get extra Raid rewards and promoted him from 5 star to lets say, 7 star, WILL have their Han Solo bumped back down to 5 star. Gear will also be removed.

    And I know some of you are going to ask "But why didn't you do this for the 7 star Vaders running around?". Well guess what, we're going to be going back and bumping those Vaders down as well once we've handled the current issue of the extra Raid rewards.

    im sorry to say but you guys seems to be dropping one ball after another these last few days, i don't blame people for clicking for free stuff, i blame the devs for allowing it to happen in the first place.

    this game seems to be going down hill at an alarming pace, every decision you guys make at the moment seems to be bad for the long term survival of this game, ill give a few examples.

    the dodge meta has not only been ignored with no solution offered , instead you actively try to profit off a broken aspect of the game by creating new paywall heroes with anti dodge kits.

    you have acknowledged guild hopping and alt factory's as an exploit after congratulating the top guild for abusing that exploit and unlocking Han.

    you pull an event everyone liked because no one was refreshing and replace it with an omega event which is so clearly a financial decision and has nothing to do with the event not being up to scratch that everyone can see it.

    all this and the many other problems is leaving me with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, it feels like you are milking the cow for all she is worth because you know she will not last through the winter.

  • QuiteDrunk
    188 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    double post sry.
  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Soo will these "offenders" be removed from the arena? so i can have my rank back.Also will i get 500gems a day if i was currently 1st in the arena till you fix this?

    I agree with you, I took a beating in Arena. Usually fighting back and forth for number one everyday. Then suddenly I'm booted out of top ten.

    And people ranting about being offered free stuff and taking it. By the third time you drew your Arena reward, you knew something was way wrong. No excuses.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    PhamTazTik wrote: »
    So basically no punishment for cheating...seems fair

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    I'm glad to see that cheaters are getting punished. Yes, if you got more than 1 or 2 gear items and didn't report it and stop getting the items, you're a cheater. Suspension and compensation (used in this sense, compensation means returning the account to an earlier state) of the account seems fair.
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    Yourwinner wrote: »
    @Yourwinner your @ally code doesn't @work.

    @Salacious_Slug accepted your ally request so that you can carry out your investigations, once they are complete and you're satisfied that my pathetic little FTP account is in good standing can you please remove me as an ally? Many thanks :smile:

    I didn't add you as an ally. I told you it wouldn't work.
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    Like many others have said, I would have accepted the second set of rewards. I imagine most people would, this would be an incredibly easy "mistake" to make. But not the third.

    I hope accounts that were only rewarded once beyond the expected set of rewards are not punished.
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    we need same solution for guild hopping
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    Yourwinner wrote: »
    @Yourwinner your @ally code doesn't @work.

    @Salacious_Slug accepted your ally request so that you can carry out your investigations, once they are complete and you're satisfied that my pathetic little FTP account is in good standing can you please remove me as an ally? Many thanks :smile:

    I didn't add you as an ally. I told you it wouldn't work.

    Must of been one of your slimy counterparts then, goes by the name of widget gadget - intergalaxy space slug.

    Anyway try mine again detective, it's 213-248-988.

    I hope your fingers are nimble enough to get it right!
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    Yourwinner wrote: »
    Yourwinner wrote: »
    @Yourwinner your @ally code doesn't @work.

    @Salacious_Slug accepted your ally request so that you can carry out your investigations, once they are complete and you're satisfied that my pathetic little FTP account is in good standing can you please remove me as an ally? Many thanks :smile:

    I didn't add you as an ally. I told you it wouldn't work.

    Must of been one of your slimy counterparts then, goes by the name of widget gadget - intergalaxy space slug.

    Anyway try mine again detective, it's 213-248-988.

    I hope your fingers are nimble enough to get it right!

    That would be our former slug commander. A cantankerous little scamp. It's intergalactic space slugs, but I wouldnt expect you to know the difference. I believe my ally list was full, not allowing me to add you. I'll give it another shot this afternoon when I get back from the lake.
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    Too much milk stout. If he added you then obviously your account is still active. Some new information came to light in the last 24 hours, namely all accounts will be suspended, not banned outright. The question is now whether or not you can add a suspended account to your ally list.
This discussion has been closed.