Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    Valace2 wrote: »
    How would Poggle, Sun Fac, GS, HK 47 and IG-88 look as a team? I have thought about trying to do something with them. Would have to put a lot of resources into Poggle though.

    Nobody is using Poggle in end game (80 lvl) so I think it would be better to invest in some other toon. There are a few teams that are really good in top end. Droids with HK,88,86, JE and a tank. Phasma,Rey,QGJ, GS/RG and Han. And AoE teams with Ani, Lando, Palp.. etc.. Its vital to have a taunting tank. RG is a must. Talia, Chewie, Opress and even Ahsoka are useless. Well, with mods u can make them work, but its not worth it. I think you should focus on some team for arena and work for it. I made a mistake farming so many toons. Work on your arena teams and spend resources on them. Best leaders now are Phasma, HK for droids, Dooku/Ben for dogde, Palpatine, Ani/Rex for clone team, even Lando for a scounder/rebel team. AA is aslo a good leader.
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    It's hard at first.... Until I hit lvl 80 (which was a whole ago) I used poggle lead with gs 86 lumi and jc... Finished every day....

    Now I finish with Phasma lead rey gs qgj daka.... Sometimes I'll swap for a dooku lead against Jedi teams or teebo against counter teams. Sometimes I'll swap gs or daka out for a tank.... But most days I finish without much issue....
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    Get GS. He is top 3 dps characters in the game.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    KyleKatarn wrote: »
    CapnnRex wrote: »
    I have 12 level 80's, 20 plus gear 8 level 70 characters. And like 7 gear 9 or higher characters. These **** teams mow them down like they are level 1's. What else do you need?

    Strategy, tactics and the knowledge of how to use those characters. Decent mods. A bit of luck.

    In my experience there's no such thing as luck.

    Quite simply you need the rewards from GW to level your toons so you can beat GW - it's broken and EA needs to fix this catch 22 problem that is destroying the game.
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    ****!! One counter and my entire squad wiped out on more six. Seriously go back to the drawing board. Game is really starting to suck
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    Progress is now diminished after building teams for months. Will not invest another penny and will only AI this section. Devs - thank you for destroying a interesting part of the game.
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    Huge problem. My best team, arena team is lv76 g7/8. Node 12 I'm faced against droid team lv80 g9/11. Got to node11 fine. But today, my 28k team (my best) if faced off with 35k build. This is not challenging nor fair. I still tried, and for some reason, they get to go first Everytime. By the time it's my turn, I have 1 or none toons left.
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    I managed to complete GW today but am still frustrated at it because 6 guild members left the game siting GW as the reason. Please do something because it impacts other parts of the game
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    Anyone else notice that today node 11 was insanely difficult, then node 12 was stupid easy? I'm the third member in my guild who noticed this change today
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    The GWs since these updates have been murder. I've completed only a handful since then and it sucks. I face teams that are 12-15 lvls higher than me and all high stars as well in the last two nodes, and for some reason now the number 6 nose is just as hard as the last two.

    My top people are
    Liea 6* lvl 69 gear 9
    Phasma 7* lvl 68 gear 7
    Chewie 7* lvl 66 gear 8
    Luminara 7* lvl 69 gear 8
    Sidious 6* lvl 68 gear 8
    Vader 4* lvl 67 gear 8

    Then it drops to GS 4* lvl 61 gear 8 and lower toons.

    I used to be able to win 4/5 GWs before the updates and now I'm lucky if I'm close to 50%. This latest one has for node 12 all lvl 80 toons and 7 stars. How am I supposed to beat that? Every squad gets deleted the second I hop in even with suicide squads trying to take out their special power usage at first.

    Please fix what is now broken but never needed fixed in the first place.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Eh today I screwed up it was a cumulative effect. Weak nodes burned specials and cooldowns were not reset, so when I faced node 9 with LordSkunk, boom, deaths.
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    Same garbage, different day. Entire roster exhausted and didn't even beat node 11
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    Dear Developers,

    I have spent hundreds on your app game. GW is you paying us back via credits. Since mods came out, I stopped spending. Yeah, I didn't, and still don't, like mods, and this game would be fine without it. But it wasn't the mods update that stopped the flow of my financial support. It was GW. Since GW is basically the highest credit gain on a given day, and the difficulty and frustration involved in playing it, it would be fair to say; you stifled my gain. I in turn will continue to do the same. Emperor was enticing, but it won't improve GW, so...
    Fix GW. Please.
    ~Y O U T H v2
    Guild: Paradigm of Virtue (PoV)
    Line: GohYouth
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    The GWs since these updates have been murder. I've completed only a handful since then and it sucks. I face teams that are 12-15 lvls higher than me and all high stars as well in the last two nodes, and for some reason now the number 6 nose is just as hard as the last two.

    My top people are
    Liea 6* lvl 69 gear 9
    Phasma 7* lvl 68 gear 7
    Chewie 7* lvl 66 gear 8
    Luminara 7* lvl 69 gear 8
    Sidious 6* lvl 68 gear 8
    Vader 4* lvl 67 gear 8

    Then it drops to GS 4* lvl 61 gear 8 and lower toons.

    I used to be able to win 4/5 GWs before the updates and now I'm lucky if I'm close to 50%. This latest one has for node 12 all lvl 80 toons and 7 stars. How am I supposed to beat that? Every squad gets deleted the second I hop in even with suicide squads trying to take out their special power usage at first.

    Please fix what is now broken but never needed fixed in the first place.

    I see nothing wrong in Your inability to win GW. It's not ment to be won with one squad only.
    I did face such problems for very long time before I did hit lvl cap and get some more leveled toons, so it's nothing new.
    Mods do help a lot too.
    Your opponents selection looks like I remember it, often exhausting all good and bad toons on lost node 11/12.
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    ikeloarch wrote: »
    Anyone else notice that today node 11 was insanely difficult, then node 12 was **** easy? I'm the third member in my guild who noticed this change today

    Considering that it is different for everyone, no, I did not. Node 11 was very easy with full jedi team as opponent and node 12 was the usual three star team.

    You are hitting the mark with your arena power where GW becomes super easy.

    What people posting on this thread do not understand is that given advice on strategy and tactics will not universally work for all. If you are in a specific spot on the curve you will get enemies that eat up your entire roster no matter what you try.
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    My "A" team got wiped out on node 6 today. I like this game. I dislike GW.

    All 7*
    g10 lvl 80 Phasma lead
    g10 lvl 80 Leia
    g10 lvl 80 QGJ
    g9 lvl 78 Ren
    g9 lvl 79 Fives

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    Galactic war is such a **** joke. Still unable to beat node 12. Every time I do, I swear, they match me from that moment onward with even more difficult teams.
    What the point of building and strengthening your toons just to be continuously pitted against even crazier teams the moment you can finally complete GW??? Such ****.
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    Hello, about new characters on GW shop... any news ?
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    Naw wrote: »
    ikeloarch wrote: »
    Anyone else notice that today node 11 was insanely difficult, then node 12 was **** easy? I'm the third member in my guild who noticed this change today

    Considering that it is different for everyone, no, I did not. Node 11 was very easy with full jedi team as opponent and node 12 was the usual three star team.

    You are hitting the mark with your arena power where GW becomes super easy.

    What people posting on this thread do not understand is that given advice on strategy and tactics will not universally work for all. If you are in a specific spot on the curve you will get enemies that eat up your entire roster no matter what you try.

    GW isn't easy for me at all. For me, node 6 is really hard, similar to node 11. ive been so frustrated that I have been restarting GW after node 11 b/c I didn't want the frustration. This was the first time I tried 12 in a while and I was surprised that it was suddenly very weak squad.
  • davidthegray
    13 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    It's about time you hire some serious game manager. The GW this way is unfair and ridiculous. It doesn't have to be easy, but it has to be beatable. And I beat it once every three (which means about once per week, as I don't have time enough to waste this way every day), when I have the luck of not facing teams 10 times stronger than mine.

    So, everybody, PLEASE RATE THIS GAME 1* in the play and apple stores, until somebody at EA gets some salt in their brain. And, if today you find the GW playable (because you spent time reading boring strategies and had the luck of building up teams the way they want you to do), think that tomorrow you could be you the one spending 30 minutes just to win the 11th or the 12th battle.

    Post edited by davidthegray on
    from Italy
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    Ah, I forgot: also, PLEASE FIX REY. There must be balance, and she is completely unbalanced.
    I have 21 7* characters, all built up completely f2p. So I think I know what I am saying.
    from Italy
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    Ah, I forgot: also, PLEASE FIX REY. There must be balance, and she is completely unbalanced.
    I have 21 7* characters, all built up completely f2p. So I think I know what I am saying.

    Man, rey is really weak, almost 90% of the players don't issue about her as i do.

    And you have 21 7* and you can complete the gw??? Time to gear and mod your toon...

    For myself, i beat gw every days in 20-25 min while enjoying a hot coffee
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    Moicaliss wrote: »
    Ah, I forgot: also, PLEASE FIX REY. There must be balance, and she is completely unbalanced.
    I have 21 7* characters, all built up completely f2p. So I think I know what I am saying.

    Man, rey is really weak, almost 90% of the players don't issue about her as i do.

    And you have 21 7* and you can complete the gw??? Time to gear and mod your toon...

    For myself, i beat gw every days in 20-25 min while enjoying a hot coffee

    I think that is what davidthegray meant that rey is completely unbalanced, which I believe too... Rey is too powerful an attacker and yet too weak - easily killed.
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    I think that is what davidthegray meant that rey is completely unbalanced, which I believe too... Rey is too powerful an attacker and yet too weak - easily killed.[/quote]

    What do you mean? That the dev should reduce her offence and give her more health/protection??
    I think that she's in fact a well balanced toon. Great offence, but lot of weakness...
    1-low health
    2-must not have any debuff for FOB
    3-must have a buff to get her +25% offence
    But the worst thing about she doesn't give anything to your synergy at all nada, and that's why i don't use her
  • davidthegray
    13 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Moicaliss wrote: »
    I think that is what davidthegray meant that rey is completely unbalanced, which I believe too... Rey is too powerful an attacker and yet too weak - easily killed.

    Exactly. Most of the times I kill her in an eyeblink. But when I meet her at the 12th round, 7* full mod, with a good RG and especially Leia giving 2x, and the ridiculous JE, they can kill 4 teams of mine without being even scratched. That's really frustrating.

    And yes, my mods are poor. I should work on that but I also have a life. I cannot spend hours playing the game.
    from Italy
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    It's about time you hire some serious game manager. The GW this way is unfair and ridiculous. It doesn't have to be easy, but it has to be beatable. And I beat it once every three (which means about once per week, as I don't have time enough to waste this way every day), when I have the luck of not facing teams 10 times stronger than mine.

    So, everybody, PLEASE RATE THIS GAME 1* in the play and apple stores, until somebody at EA gets some salt in their brain. And, if today you find the GW playable (because you spent time reading boring strategies and had the luck of building up teams the way they want you to do), think that tomorrow you could be you the one spending 30 minutes just to win the 11th or the 12th battle.


    I already did this. I also left a comment in the review section too. My comments were that the game is awesome - save and except GW and it needs to be fixed.

    I know that CG, EA and the Devs don't like us saying anything negative about the game, but to be honest we wouldn't have to if:

    1. Developer comments were not so, such as - GW is working as intended
    2. They hear our concerns and upset over GW and tell us that they don't want to post anything about changes for the game because if the changes are taking too long to fix they don't want to upset us giving us false hope on certain days - All they have to do is communicate that:

    "We understand the growing concern of the game community re: GW difficulty. We are trying to get this sorted out for you but do not know when this is likely to come into affect, possibly the next game update or another update down the road. For the time being we are sending x amount of crystals, droids, credits as a one time compensation to the community for this inconvenience and we thank our community for their patience and ongoing support of this game"

    - is something like that so hard to say???? Instead we get nothing, difficulty remains, the game is broken, we are losing rewards, patience is running thin and people are upset and the only comments we get from the Devs is - game is fine, we don't like negative comments so and we don't want to upset you by saying we are fixing something.

    We are most displeased with their apparent lack of progress.
  • Astateofmind
    160 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Wow, got wiped 3 times on 6, met a team with STH, RG, rey, QGJ and lumi. From behind STH/RG rey kept one shooting all my chars. Till i replaced my STH with RG (still a baby) and ... bam, breezed over.

    Now i'm scared of what i'll see on nodes 9-12 :D
  • Dhoey321
    1629 posts Member
    the easiest thing for them to do is to make the Rewards better throughout the entire GW. Today i finally beat GW (first time in about 2 weeks) and what do i get 1 consular shard and barely anything else.

    I'm sorry but what is 1 JC shard doing for me? I wouldn't mind the challenge as long as the rewards are better. And for the people who have easy teams to beat on the last two, this needs to be fixed because they don't understand our struggle of beating GW maybe once a week if we are lucky.

    I wouldn't Mind GW staying the same difficulty but only if the rewards were something like this:

    Training Droids should be:
    node 1 - 5 = (2) 4* training droids
    Node 6 - 10 = (3) 5* training droids
    Node 11 = (5) 6* training droids
    Node 12 = (5) 7* training droids
    TOTAL OF 30 Training Droids

    Credits should be:
    node 1 = 30,000
    Node 2 = 35,000
    Node 3 = 40,000
    Node 4 = 45,000
    Node 5 = 50,000 etc
    TOTAL OF 690,000 credits

    Shards should be:
    node 1 - 5 = 1 shard each
    Node 6 - 10 = 3 shards each
    Node 11 & 12 = 5 shards each
    TOTAL OF 30 Shards

    Ability Mats should be:
    node 1 - 5 = 1 ability mat of each green, blue and purple
    Node 6 - 10 = 2 ability mat of each green, blue and purple
    Node 11 = 3 ability mats of each green, blue and purple
    Node 12 = 1 yellow ability mat
    TOTAL OF 18 mats each with 1 yellow ability mat

    Shards should be:
    node 1 - 5 = 1 shard each
    Node 6 - 10 = 3 shards each
    Node 11 & 12 = 5 shards each

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    Dhoey321 wrote: »
    the easiest thing for them to do is to make the Rewards better throughout the entire GW. Today i finally beat GW (first time in about 2 weeks) and what do i get 1 consular shard and barely anything else.

    I'm sorry but what is 1 JC shard doing for me? I wouldn't mind the challenge as long as the rewards are better. And for the people who have easy teams to beat on the last two, this needs to be fixed because they don't understand our struggle of beating GW maybe once a week if we are lucky.

    I wouldn't Mind GW staying the same difficulty but only if the rewards were something like this:

    Training Droids should be:
    node 1 - 5 = (2) 4* training droids

    Oh, you want to play for free? Hmmm, nope.
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    GW is impossible. Phase 12 is unbeatable, rather some player get 3* toons. It is only a bad joke if i don't pay tons of money for upgrade my toons?
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