Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    Wow. Complete roster wiped on a node six Sid team again, making it a waste of a day with no GW shard redeeming. I'm starting to loath that 'I Win Button' Sid character. So much so I don't think I want to get him, myself. I have some self respect, eh? ;-)
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    I have discovered EA/CG dirty little secret of GW. The last two nodes are not based on any calculation based upon your roster. They rotate a pool of overpowered teams based on how well they perform vs the live player. If the AI team loses, it is rotated out of the pool and a new OP team is rotated in. This is the reason GW is getting progressively harder. They are weeding out the losing teams the AI uses.

    Many Bothans died to bring us this information
  • tiS
    129 posts Member
    Its too gd hard, period. My entire roster, fresh, could not have taken my node 11 tonight. So you can take your explanation of how its meant to be hard and cram it right up your ****.

    I know the pain man! U gotta spend apparently to finish gw, occasionally u can make it through id say 4/10 times lately for me
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    I have beat GW 7 of the last 10 days because of my roster. Yes it is a pain and I do have to retreat too much. But I can change the out come with a different line of attacking or special ability usage.

    My Roster:
    7 Stars- Sidious G-8 lvl Leia gear 8 lvl 74, Phasma gear 8 lvl 72, Akbar gear 8 lvl 68, Teebo gear 6 lvl 55, Luminara gear 8 lvl 74.
    6 stars- GS G-8 lvl 73, RG G-8 lvl 73, Rey G-8 lvl 73,Talia G-8 lvl 72, JC G-8 lvl 73.
    Several 5 star which I use also. (5's, daka, Ashoka,QGj etc.

    My strategy is based on the team I face. For instance facing a team with Vader or Kylo I throw Akbar in there to clear all negative status effects. If I face a strong taunt team I throw in QGJ to clear that etc.

    So in my opinion GW is passable most of the time.... Not all the time but passable you need toons that can counter the other teams buffs.

    I went from not being able to pass node 6 for months to finishing more and more with the diverse roster.
  • Voodoo
    12 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Still broke as crap... I no longer spend the 1-3 hours attempting to pass node 11 and 12.
    Most of the time just lucky to get past node 11.

    I realize some players have different variances of difficulty amoung the nodes but mine... Mine is generally a very difficult node 11 and usually an impossible node 12.

    I have a great a team that generally makes it all the way to node 11 without much of a workout.

    A pretty good B and C squad that is almost as good as the A.

    3-4 squads that are more than throw away squads.. Generally good and taking out a targeted toon and or dropping shields.

    But I can run all the way up to node 11, throw everything at it and EA says ha ha we want your tears.

    So for those who have difficult but passable nodes great for you.

    I've done everything... Backing out... Not only swapping characters but positions as well.

    So after node 10 I'm done..
    If you can't be **** to fix it.. Then go bite yourself.

    Some **** thinks it's balanced... Ha
    Post edited by Voodoo on
  • Astateofmind
    160 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I have discovered EA/CG dirty little secret of GW. The last two nodes are not based on any calculation based upon your roster. They rotate a pool of overpowered teams based on how well they perform vs the live player. If the AI team loses, it is rotated out of the pool and a new OP team is rotated in. This is the reason GW is getting progressively harder. They are weeding out the losing teams the AI uses.

    Many Bothans died to bring us this information

    Sometime i feel like that, with no upgrade to my main toons the difficulty of the last 2 nodes over a week of continuously wins kept increasing until i almost had my **** handed over. Managed to beat it and the next day i got a droid team that whipped everything in the first turn ... teams A,B,C insta destroyed.

    Apparently next day reverted to "easier" opponents.

    Decided to level only my account, keep my chars around 74/76 until i get enough omegas to pump my main chars and meanwhile grow a bigger roster.
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    I have discovered EA/CG dirty little secret of GW. The last two nodes are not based on any calculation based upon your roster. They rotate a pool of overpowered teams based on how well they perform vs the live player. If the AI team loses, it is rotated out of the pool and a new OP team is rotated in. This is the reason GW is getting progressively harder. They are weeding out the losing teams the AI uses.

    Many Bothans died to bring us this information

    This seems on par... The times I have passed node was days before the stars aligned and I could again.
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    GW is fine as is. I am mostly FTP i spend a bit here and there. I do not finish GW all the time. I don't want an easy fight I want something to work towards to. I hope when it gets easy for me to finish GW they make harder. Today was the first time I completed the tier 2 credit heist and I barely scrapped by. It was awesome. GW is one of the last places we have a bit of challenge anymore.

    I hope they introduce more events/challenges that are hard to complete.
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    Rugged1 wrote: »
    I hope they introduce more events/challenges that are hard to complete.

    Our goals differ. My hope is the introduction of pole dancing Twi'leks (female)
  • Voodoo
    12 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Rugged1 wrote: »
    GW is fine as is. I am mostly FTP i spend a bit here and there. I do not finish GW all the time. I don't want an easy fight I want something to work towards to. I hope when it gets easy for me to finish GW they make harder. Today was the first time I completed the tier 2 credit heist and I barely scrapped by. It was awesome. GW is one of the last places we have a bit of challenge anymore.

    I hope they introduce more events/challenges that are hard to complete.

    Its not a matter of easy fight... It's impossible fight... They need to make the nodes in general harder and the impossible ones... Possible.

    Then it's a matter of what toons I use in what squad and the strategy to get through the end...
    Then it's possible if I play my toons right.

    Then if I don't finish it's my failure.
    I only ask for the possibilty.
  • Rugged1
    23 posts Member
    edited August 2016

    Our goals differ. My hope is the introduction of pole dancing Twi'leks (female)

    A new event save the Twi'lek pole dancers from Jabbas evil clutches. Rewards will be shards for the rat like thing Jabba keep with him.
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    Rugged1 wrote: »
    I hope they introduce more events/challenges that are hard to complete.

    Our goals differ. My hope is the introduction of pole dancing Twi'leks (female)

    I like this... Even clarified which sex!
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    Pls fix gw from being impossible to finish you **** developers. I hate you.
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    Is it just me or is the GW finally working like it's supposed to?

    On average, I finish around 3 out of 4 of them, I almost always use 28 of my 32 protected toons, and the levels of the opposition ranges up and down, gradually increasing from 55 at the beginning to 80 at the end.

    I love it!
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    The last 3 node 12's for me have been lvl 80 7* toons and the highest lvl char I have is lvl 69 7*. This is absolutely ridiculous. If I'm lucky enough to get past node 11 which is usually lvl 72-74 7* toons, I get my back side handed to me at 12. GW needs to go back to the way it was pre update.
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    I seem to have turned a corner with GW, I've actually beat it the last 5 days. It's still hard, and a few nodes really test me, but I am winning. I can't say for sure what it is, I'm certainly not at the 'magic' 38/39k power level for my top 5 toons... And I'm not saying it's fun, it's still frustrating a lot of the time. But I guess what I am saying is, there is a way to get past the bad times (I've been there), you just have to keep trying.

    But hey, this is a game! If it's not fun, don't do it. Try something else. I've quite many games cos they just weren't fun any more.
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    Not everyone has the same difficulty in nodes.
    I'm absolutely certain of this by seeing what my guild mates have posted.

    I wish I had the difficult node 6/9 easy node 12 that some have...

    Some say it's changed for them and is difficult but possible.

    I'm still at the same... Crap nodes that I had when they made the initial changes.

    Maybe once a week pure luck of rng - all my specials and crits hit...
    The planets align and light shines down from the hill side
    Node 11 and 12 fall flat

    But it's pure luck of rng, nothing with my squads or strategy.

    Its been this way since they mucked up gw, it's not changed for me, and I'm guessing it may have changed for quite a few but others are still stuck in the gw he'll I'm in.
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    I have had green node 12s for the last week, but today I had a fully geared max team again on node 12. They are obviously making some stealth changes.
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    I have had green node 12s for the last week, but today I had a fully geared max team again on node 12. They are obviously making some stealth changes.
    Have you change some of your mod?
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    I seem to have turned a corner with GW, I've actually beat it the last 5 days. It's still hard, and a few nodes really test me, but I am winning. I can't say for sure what it is, I'm certainly not at the 'magic' 38/39k power level for my top 5 toons... And I'm not saying it's fun, it's still frustrating a lot of the time. But I guess what I am saying is, there is a way to get past the bad times (I've been there), you just have to keep trying.

    But hey, this is a game! If it's not fun, don't do it. Try something else. I've quite many games cos they just weren't fun any more.

    Welcome to Stage 5! Congratulations, you made it. I'm starting to find there may be a Stage 7 involved here ... will report back when sure.
    The six player stages of Galactic War
    1. Noob. Finally unlocked GW! I can't beat it yet, but that's not a surprise. I'll build up my roster so I can.
    2. Elation. I beat GW! This is great, sooo many credits! I'm rich!
    3. Arrogance. What are all these noobs crying about? I beat it all the time, it's not that hard. LTP for crying out loud.
    4. Outrage. What happened? I lost?! This is impossible! Nobody could beat a gauntlet like this! So overpowered. Imma quit, this is bogus.
    5. Emergence. I don't believe it, I won. I may not win again, but today was a good day. I should feel better about this, but I still feel beaten.
    6. Acceptance. Maybe GW isn't so broken after all, or maybe it is. It's beatable. And what is up with these easy nodes? I don't know, it doesn't matter. I still need 30 million credits for mods.
    7. Discourage? Holy frijoles, here we go again; need even more heroes because I'm losing them on N6 now ...

    Or, if you run droids (I hear) it's more like this
    1. Surprise. That was easier than I thought it would be.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Palp lead sent me to stage surprise. did not lose a single toon.
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    Rugged1 wrote: »
    I hope they introduce more events/challenges that are hard to complete.

    Our goals differ. My hope is the introduction of pole dancing Twi'leks (female)

    So much this. Where can I sign up?
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    djvita wrote: »
    Palp lead sent me to stage surprise. did not lose a single toon.

    @djvita What was the rest of your squad? I've been running Palps on a few nodes and he's doing well, been thinking about expanding his role to more nodes.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    LastJedi wrote: »
    Moicaliss wrote: »
    I run droid, whit hk lead, i have always two turn before anyone move on healers needed
    This. @Boo, if u can get hk and rg geared up, ur set. Forget JE. He sucks (for GW, in particular). Hk, 88, 86, qgj, rg. A little sprinkle of ST Han, GS, and daka where needed. And ur on cruise control. Hk doesn't need much. He will start being viable at 5 star. RG at 6 star is already done, once u gear 9 him. 7th star is meaningless on him.

    On second thought, u need gear 9 or 10 on 88, too... and that's a lot of gear...

    BTW u got 21 7 star toons. I have only 12. And half of mine are max gear level. 3 completely maxed and another 3 missing one or two pieces. How u doing on gear? 7 star g8 toons are dime a dozen.

    Heck I got max gear level on some of my 6 star toons. At least two of them, last i checked. We should all be listing our toons based on gear, not stars. If ur top toons are g9, there is half ur problem. U need gear, not shards.

    Thanks Moicaliss

    My HK is at 5 star but only gear 7, level 52.

    My higher toons are from gear level 8-10 (max - working for gear set 11, but new gear types are required that aren't out yet).

    All toons listed above are level 80, save for:

    88 (lvl 77), 86 (lvl 70), Koth (lvl 63), Ackbar (65), Fett (70), RG (70), Maul (70), Leia (60), STH (64).

    I am finishing leveling STH, Leia, Ackbar, Teebo and RG

    then will start on Lando, Biggs and Luke I think (in anticipation of the return of Palp's event).

    Lando would be good to get I think as he seems pretty powerful and is tagged both scoundrel and reble - which will help for mod challenges, credit heists and when palpatine'e event eventually returns.

    What are your top 12 toons?
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    Also - I actually beat GW today. I have been levelling like crazy - it was super hard/challenging, but doable - unlike every other day I have experienced thus far.

    Either they fixed it - or - eventually the computer cuts you a break.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016

    maxed: rg, qgj, St han, hk, 86.

    Max gear lvl but missing some pieces: 88, dooku

    6 star max gear lvl: JE, ig100.

    I got 5 more 7 star toons not worth listing due to gear. Well I use GS at 7 star G9. I am deciding on g10 him today or not.
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    Boo wrote: »
    LastJedi wrote: »
    Moicaliss wrote: »
    I run droid, whit hk lead, i have always two turn before anyone move on healers needed
    This. @Boo, if u can get hk and rg geared up, ur set. Forget JE. He sucks (for GW, in particular). Hk, 88, 86, qgj, rg. A little sprinkle of ST Han, GS, and daka where needed. And ur on cruise control. Hk doesn't need much. He will start being viable at 5 star. RG at 6 star is already done, once u gear 9 him. 7th star is meaningless on him.

    On second thought, u need gear 9 or 10 on 88, too... and that's a lot of gear...

    BTW u got 21 7 star toons. I have only 12. And half of mine are max gear level. 3 completely maxed and another 3 missing one or two pieces. How u doing on gear? 7 star g8 toons are dime a dozen.

    Heck I got max gear level on some of my 6 star toons. At least two of them, last i checked. We should all be listing our toons based on gear, not stars. If ur top toons are g9, there is half ur problem. U need gear, not shards.

    Thanks Moicaliss

    My HK is at 5 star but only gear 7, level 52.

    My higher toons are from gear level 8-10 (max - working for gear set 11, but new gear types are required that aren't out yet).

    All toons listed above are level 80, save for:

    88 (lvl 77), 86 (lvl 70), Koth (lvl 63), Ackbar (65), Fett (70), RG (70), Maul (70), Leia (60), STH (64).

    I am finishing leveling STH, Leia, Ackbar, Teebo and RG

    then will start on Lando, Biggs and Luke I think (in anticipation of the return of Palp's event).

    Lando would be good to get I think as he seems pretty powerful and is tagged both scoundrel and reble - which will help for mod challenges, credit heists and when palpatine'e event eventually returns.

    What are your top 12 toons?

    Poogle, hk, ig-100, 88, 86, je, neibit, 5, rex, b2, grievous (6* been working on him since march)
    Oh and yes i have a rex and a b2 and i'm f2p no joke
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    djvita wrote: »
    Palp lead sent me to stage surprise. did not lose a single toon.

    @djvita What was the rest of your squad? I've been running Palps on a few nodes and he's doing well, been thinking about expanding his role to more nodes.

    i didnt record today cuz i had to leave for work but it was
    palp tarkin rg vader + someone else usually lando rey daka. did node 4-7 like this then started switching around on node 8.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    Moicaliss wrote: »
    Boo wrote: »
    LastJedi wrote: »
    Moicaliss wrote: »
    I run droid, whit hk lead, i have always two turn before anyone move on healers needed
    This. @Boo, if u can get hk and rg geared up, ur set. Forget JE. He sucks (for GW, in particular). Hk, 88, 86, qgj, rg. A little sprinkle of ST Han, GS, and daka where needed. And ur on cruise control. Hk doesn't need much. He will start being viable at 5 star. RG at 6 star is already done, once u gear 9 him. 7th star is meaningless on him.

    On second thought, u need gear 9 or 10 on 88, too... and that's a lot of gear...

    BTW u got 21 7 star toons. I have only 12. And half of mine are max gear level. 3 completely maxed and another 3 missing one or two pieces. How u doing on gear? 7 star g8 toons are dime a dozen.

    Heck I got max gear level on some of my 6 star toons. At least two of them, last i checked. We should all be listing our toons based on gear, not stars. If ur top toons are g9, there is half ur problem. U need gear, not shards.

    Thanks Moicaliss

    My HK is at 5 star but only gear 7, level 52.

    My higher toons are from gear level 8-10 (max - working for gear set 11, but new gear types are required that aren't out yet).

    All toons listed above are level 80, save for:

    88 (lvl 77), 86 (lvl 70), Koth (lvl 63), Ackbar (65), Fett (70), RG (70), Maul (70), Leia (60), STH (64).

    I am finishing leveling STH, Leia, Ackbar, Teebo and RG

    then will start on Lando, Biggs and Luke I think (in anticipation of the return of Palp's event).

    Lando would be good to get I think as he seems pretty powerful and is tagged both scoundrel and reble - which will help for mod challenges, credit heists and when palpatine'e event eventually returns.

    What are your top 12 toons?

    Poogle, hk, ig-100, 88, 86, je, neibit, 5, rex, b2, grievous (6* been working on him since march)
    Oh and yes i have a rex and a b2 and i'm f2p no joke

    How did you get B2 and Rex F2P?
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    I have unlock rex at 4* on aurodium pack and slowly farm him whit the shipment at 320 crystal 4 shards (2 months)
    B2, i have unlock him at his launch at 5*, and finish him when they release geonisian spy

    Being always top 5 arena is giving me 400-600 crystal/ day. I spend 200 ;)
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