Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    What is up with the GW's and Dodge/deflect? I swear I have rounds where they evade 5-6 attacks in a row. Today in Round 1 I was evaded 5 times in a row by level 58 characters when I'm level 80 with level 8/9 gear on all toons.

    In my round 11 fight the opponent evaded my first 6 attacks. I restart the round and attack different characters and get the same results no matter who I try and attack... evade evade evade. I understand the Lumeria/Dokku leader abilities, but I've run Lumeria as lead and am lucky if I get 6 dodges over 12 rounds. There is a serious rng issue with the GW opponents vs players.

    When you get evaded on the first hits, it doesn't matter in who you aim, they'll always evade. The trick is to replace your toons positions or even replace a toon with another. That will change the sequence for itself, trust me.
  • Gynn
    26 posts Member
    Build a better team? I run 1 team the whole way no issues.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Im going to try wildgrunt's team tonight
    Teebo (L), Ewok Elder, Phasma, Rey, Emperor Palpatine
    Hopefully I can solo like him.
    Palp (L) RG Ani Rey B2 nearly soloed on sunday.
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    Hey what's your best strategy for Node 12? After a week or two of playing the same GW I managed to get to node 12. And inevitably I'm outmatched. The lowest L80 health is 25K. The highest is nearly 40k. My best attackers managed 2-3k a strike. The opposing team Lumi heals for 15k-20k which means it is impossible to drop a single foe, unless I literally hit, crit 5x in a row. And that just doesn't happen, unless you are the CPU and attacking because when they strike, they doing around 10k per hit.

    My team just broke 30k power. Average level 73. Most are 7* one is 5* if I go with a tank. Gear VII-X. Modded to a point but since the drop rate is still a problem and I cannot generate enough cash (1 GW node a day is typical since I'm trying to save what little health they have till the end). Running Lumi, Talia, Ventriss, Gen Sold and either RG or Ahsoka. Is my lineup just that badly off that I cannot handle the current meta?

    Any help welcome!
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    My palp needed potency i have now remedied that.
    did a major blunder with old ben and bcs of that elder died.
    more gear on elder and wildgrunts team will be solid.
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    djvita wrote: »
    Well for anyone struggling, best course of action is to increase squad power

    What do you think we're all doing every single day? Sitting on our hands? Of course we need to power up our squads! If it's easy for you, then be happy, don't tell the rest (majority) of us we're doing it wrong.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Indeed it has to do with squad power. i put a scanner on my teebo and he topped sthan as top 5 by 8 points. today i get another hard node 11. do another arena battle with new top 5, marking it again as top power. will see tomorrow how it goes.
  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    Now that we have a new credit heist that gives way more credits than Gws, let's see how many people will still complain about credits and toon progress.

    You all have no reason to complain anymore. Level up your roster and chill with the crying now.
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    I know lots of people have been having problems with GW, but I have enjoyed the new changes so far. So its been close to a week and my 12th node is still pretty easy. I still use most of my roster to get to that point, but it makes GW much more tolerable. I just want to thank you guys for fixing up GW
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    * Wedge;
    * B2 Battle Droid; and
    * Fisto

    Are all now farmable F2P characters since yesterdays update.

    Amazing how so many people are complaining about GW is such a difficulty since mods, and many players that say how easy GW is seem to have B2 in their roster on a droid team.

    Since B2 is a relatively new toon (as well as Wedge who apparently has incredible synergy with Biggs) - I can't help but wonder that the Devs have made these 2 P2P toon F2P so quickly in order to counteract the GW while at the same time never having to admit there was an issue in the first place.
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    Aniema wrote: »
    Now that we have a new credit heist that gives way more credits than Gws, let's see how many people will still complain about credits and toon progress.

    You all have no reason to complain anymore. Level up your roster and chill with the crying now.

  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    Aniema wrote: »
    Now that we have a new credit heist that gives way more credits than Gws, let's see how many people will still complain about credits and toon progress.

    You all have no reason to complain anymore. Level up your roster and chill with the crying now.

    Of course we can complain - because if GW is working properly - we would get all the more rewards, wouldn't we?

    Instead we are still getting left in the dust by those that happen to be finding GW easy (for some strange reason).
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    Okay - got through GW to node 12. I have to say that most battles past node 6 were all lvl 80 teams 7* so it was more tricky than usual.

    But, I have been extremely busy in powering up my roster of teams.

    On node 12 today I was met by the following team:

    * Old Ben (leader)
    * Fives
    * Sun Fac
    * Royal Guard
    * Aayla Secura

    Total team power of 42,044

    I have got this far before with my A team still in the works - today was different...I had more teams!!!

    1st team:

    * Savage Opress (Leader for defence)
    * Darth Vader (6*)
    * Darth Sidious
    * Asajj Ventress
    * Royal Guard (6*)
    * Total Power: 32,681

    Team 2:

    *Dooku (leader)
    *Kylo Ren
    * Old Daka
    * Fives
    * Rey
    Total Power: 34,807

    Team 3 (what I have remaining that is viable):

    * Chewie (leader for defence)
    * Jedi Consular
    * Ahsoka Tano
    (Here's where it get desperate)
    * Rebel Hoth Soldier (4* lvl 31)
    * Rebel Hoth Scout (3* lvl 38)
    Total Power: 21,110

    So for all the power of my teams combined = 88,598 vs. Node 12 at 42,044

    Put into perspective my overall team strength is 46,554 more powerful than the node 12 team. Hec that difference of 46,554 (If I had one team with this power rating) is still more powerful than that of node 12 of 42,044.

    What happened???

    Yep...I was defeated. Not only that but not 1 of their team fell.

    Between the taunting of Sun Fac and Royal Guard and stuns between Secura & Guard as well as speed down by 5s and ability blocks and dodges from Ben - I was blown apart as if all those teams were nothing.

    May I state that all of my teams listed above had full health and protection - all 7* and level 80 (unless stated otherwise)




  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    This is what I had left from my roster to work with, throughout GW I already lost (and these are lvl 80, 7* gear 9-10 toons I'm listing here):

    * Yoda
    * Anakin
    * Mace
    * QGJ
    * Luminara
    * IG88
    * IG86
    * Phasma
    * Leia
    * Ackbar
    * ST Han
    * Magma Trooper
    I also used these toons (lvl 70-80, gear 8-9 toons):

    * Darth Maul (5*)
    * GS (5*)
    * FO Storm Trooper (6*)
    * HK47 (5*)
    * Eoth Koth (6*)

    I did say I was facing lvl 80 7* toons since node 6 and it was trickier than most days today

    Seriously - its GW, its messed up!
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    I totally agree. I just did another post about GW and I got a warning for calling out EA, which is exactly what needs to be done. My 6th node is a beast and I even had a 41k squad that is getting squashed.

    The node was all 7* toons:

    Emperor - Lead
    Genosian Soldier
    Stormtropper Han

    That squad was just shy of 40k. How are we supposed to beat that on the 6th node no less?
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    Why am I getting the same freaking team on Node 12 every day now. I went from the easy peasy node 12 to impossible. Think last 4 attempts I face Lugal Kelim. JKA (l), Sun Fac, 5s, RG, QGJ. Lvl 80, Gears 10/11. Mod heaven. It's freaking stupid. 4 straight days of not completing as well. My mods are non-existent..I've got 5 dot 2 A's, 4 B's total...the rest are bottom tier and most aren't even 5 dot!!! And my mods aren't even leveled. Only 2 of them. This matchmaking is stupid. My A team only has body else. I throw my entire collection and get bubkis each and every time. And they of course have full protection to start. GW is still a sham!!!!! A sham I say!!!
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    Get good. Or get a better team.
  • Cuzzins
    345 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Had this same guy for past 3 GWs. Today I pushed my highest 5 in arena and got scrubs with 3* on final. I think Lugal is just the highest player and so is the last normal before we flip over to the 3* peasy team
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    Try lvling up your mods and farming some more 5dot mods? Seems to be something you are lacking atm.
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    Try lvling up your mods and farming some more 5dot mods? Seems to be something you are lacking atm.

    Basically you are telling anyone that wasn't around for a long time to stop farming toons and farm mods. I don't have every single toon and still need some for events. The whole 'cantina energy' for mods/cantina is dumb as has been pointed out. I'll just keep farming my toons and be pissoly at the whole mods debacle it was and still is.

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    Take pictures next time
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    Try lvling up your mods and farming some more 5dot mods? Seems to be something you are lacking atm.

    Basically you are telling anyone that wasn't around for a long time to stop farming toons and farm mods. I don't have every single toon and still need some for events. The whole 'cantina energy' for mods/cantina is dumb as has been pointed out. I'll just keep farming my toons and be pissoly at the whole mods debacle it was and still is.

    Consider getting enough 5* health mods for 5-10 toons before farming cantina. I know you will take a hit in your shard farming, but hopefully you see an improvement in your arena and gw.
  • Dawnofdeadeye
    233 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Cuzzins wrote: »
    Had this same guy for past 3 GWs. Today I pushed my highest 5 in arena and got scrubs with 3* on final. I think Lugal is just the highest player and so is the last normal before we flip over to the 3* peasy team

    I have no idea what they are doing with this 'threshold'. I was at it for quite a while...after last weeks update...not so much. It apparently still exists though. My top 5/arena are 38783 power. Almost all are gear maxed (missing 2 things on 1 toon). So, there is no maxing further other than trying to put creds into mods I have, but they aren't all that good. I'll probably start doing it just because I apparently have to, but I hate putting creds that I don't have into mods that aren't top notch. (Maybe the new credit heist will help with this).

    I think the only 5 dot A I have are from the T7 raid when they gave initially as 6 dot and then changed things. I've tried at the challenges and such, but it's such a waste of energy when need to farm toons toons imo. I'm hoping the new Raid is for mods...that I can actually use, but if they make guilds choose between gear/mods (Rancor/Tank) then that's gonna be troublesome because you are going to further create issues within a GUILD. Hey guild mates...let's fight over which RAID we are doing because we can't do them both! That will be fun if that happens.

    Post edited by Dawnofdeadeye on
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    Can someone please tell me how to beat this team?

    Teebo lead
    Rey (Gear 10)


    This is my node 11... If they wipe out any of my teams then I'm likely screwed.
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    /\ ****! You need someone with stun and also you gotta have some luck, but honestly, if you beat this team, hope for node 12 to have no taunts, otherwise i don't think it's possible. You have my sympathy bro, that's a nasty team to face indeed.
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    The0n3 wrote: »
    /\ ****! You need someone with stun and also you gotta have some luck, but honestly, if you beat this team, hope for node 12 to have no taunts, otherwise i don't think it's possible. You have my sympathy bro, that's a nasty team to face indeed.

    Even with a stun, Teebo's leader ability will kick in and Rey is invisible...
  • Dawnofdeadeye
    233 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Can someone please tell me how to beat this team?

    Teebo lead
    Rey (Gear 10)
    This is my node 11... If they wipe out any of my teams then I'm likely screwed.

    I usually get screwed. RG on any team (when lvl 80 modded) always makes it freakin hard to win...and you will lose toons. I usually throw teams at RG to try and get rid of. Speed mods usually make this so hard because every new battle they always attack first. Full protection, yada yada. If you have dispelers you can try and attack Rey and hopefully dispel RG taunt and finish Rey off. Risky strategy that usually relies on you being able to withstand attacks (defense/health). Or you can try attacking Rey, but need to have AOE guys around that can still hit Rey after RG taunts. Not much else other than luck possibly.
  • Options
    Can someone please tell me how to beat this team?

    Teebo lead
    Rey (Gear 10)
    This is my node 11... If they wipe out any of my teams then I'm likely screwed.

    I usually get screwed. RG on any team (when lvl 80 modded) always makes it freakin hard to win...and you will lose toons. I usually throw teams at RG to try and get rid of. Speed mods usually make this so hard because every new battle they always attack first. Full protection, yada yada. If you have dispelers you can try and attack Rey and hopefully dispel RG taunt and finish Rey off. Risky strategy that usually relies on you being able to withstand attacks (defense/health). Or you can try attacking Rey, but need to have AOE guys around that can still hit Rey after RG taunts. Not much else other than luck possibly.

    With a lower health Rey I usually throw in 86 and wipe her out before RG taunts. But this Rey has health mods and Teebo lead...
  • Options
    Can someone please tell me how to beat this team?

    Teebo lead
    Rey (Gear 10)


    This is my node 11... If they wipe out any of my teams then I'm likely screwed.

    How extensive is your entire roster? Like how many toons do you have at your disposal in a position that they can actually help you in GW? I know it's a pain to keep hearing from those who don't struggle to just deepen and develop your roster but I've found after weeks of being stomped by these types of teams that having several squads is the only way that I can win. (I have 5, all at lvl 80, 7*, slightly modded most not even maxed, g8-11). Personally I would use the first 5 nodes and circulate all my usable toons to build up turn meter so when I need them later on they will more than likely go first (which is super important if you haven't gotten to that point where you have one solid team capable of taking you right the way through to the end). Then when I make it to node 11 and get faced with a team like this with a RG who's insanely modded and has health that goes on for days, I would throw in my droids who are my weakest toons (least developed would probably be more fitting 'cause even at G8 and a couple of level 1 mods spread around them they still hit far harder than most) because my attention has been drawn elsewhere (HK(L) 88, 86, Poggle & GS), they make a great suicide squad when I end up in these kinds of situations (and I know people advise against using suicide squads now but it works for me). HK's ability means he and 88 after using their AOE will most definitely get to attack immediately again and throwing some ability blocks around doesn't harm either. After killing RG I'd shift focus to Rey then GS and just keep going hitting as hard and as much as possible till I lose with that team, then I'd shift in my main and favourite squad to use in GW consisting of Teebo(L), QGJ, Rey, Phasma & my own RG for some stun shenanigans especially if Rey is still standing to stop Chewie from taunting whilst I take her out. Once her and RG are out of the picture that team becomes an absolute cake walk to deal with for any combination of decently developed toons to step in and take it down.
    That being said what level are you? And judging on the amount of health your own toons have they aren't modded? That's something you need to rectify. If they are modded then what gear level are they 'cause those health bars are tiny? My advice is only gonna be useful if you're level 80 or at least close to level 80, Hk's leader ability needs to be omega'd for what I said to be to have the highest chances of success. Unfortunately if you aren't then based on the current tuning of GW you're just gonna have to take the loss, gather up what credits you can get from nodes 1 - 10 and pump them back into your roster for levels (if they need them), farm mods (take a break from shard farming if that's what you're doing currently because having shards is gonna be useless if you can't afford to promote, level up and mod those toons) yes the drop rates sucks and yes you're gonna end up with 3/4 dot mods when you really wanted the 5 but that doesn't matter right now any mod ranked C or higher at level 1 will be beneficial for you for the time being. You can replace with better mods at a later date when you get them. It's gonna take a while but... (and I'm about to vomit at the cliche) will get there eventually and you'll reach a point where you'll scoff at this team set up.
    Apologies for rambling on but it's hard to advise someone when you don't know all of the variables that they're dealing with and this is just based on what I did to reach the point I'm at now.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Kill Rey before her second turn. Or get wiped. Looks like QGJ is going to go first. I hope he has his assist attack ready. You could try subbing in a toon that stuns or that procs some cool stuff (TM, debuff, or loads of damage, at least) on their basic. Then retreat and reorder your lineup so that QGJ calls him.

    You're probably going to lose, though. Cuz that's your best shot and the toons in your pic aren't going to cut it. Even if you kill rey, it looks like u will still lose all your toons, but at least you can take down Rey and maybe one other toon for ur backup squads. That Teebo is going to crack some skulls, himself.

    If you don't kill rey, your squad will take off 25% of RG and Chewie's protection and then die.

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