Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    All of a sudden I'm up against Node 6 teams that were just as hard as anything I ever faced in Node 12. I haven't beaten Node 6 in 2 of the past 3 days. The day I got through I was annihilated on Node 9. I do not have a lightweight roster.
    "No reward is worth this!" - Han Solo
  • coeuss
    216 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    For me node 6 is where I hit a fully loaded level 80 team, and then the last 3 nodes as well. It pretty much makes it impossible to finish. It has been like that for many weeks.
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    I believe they are not real players but computer generated. Have you guys noted they have mk XI gear? Is it possible to create mk XI? Because I cannot, and the 'player' I have right now in the last war node has x2 characters with mk X and x3 with mk XI!!!
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    It seems to me there's an easy 'fix' for GW. There's a small number of players who breeze through (they're probably all p2p with fully moded, lvl80, 7*, gear10/11 toons), so just make them face all hard teams rather than lvl70ish teams for the first few nodes. Then for the rest of us who struggle, if we lose say 2 GWs in a row, then make the next easier. Not heaps easier, just enough so it's not insane. Then if we beat it 2 days in a row, ramp up the difficulty. As it is GW is not fun even when I do beat it.
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    I share the same nightmare have tried everything! Node 6 and 12 is a nightmare and needs to fix!
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    GW is such a life sucking part of This game.
    I seriously don't understand how they don't realize that people absolutely hate it. It take at least 45 mins to beat one GW of your lucky and actually beat it.
    It's absolut misery on GW days for your guild though we're you know you'll be spending the better part of 2 hours on it. Awful game mechanics.
    Just awful.
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    I have found as my collections grow so do the GW teams. I have got 4 maxed teams and I have to fight four IX and X (including XI) teams with mods. Very challenging!
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    It seems to me there's an easy 'fix' for GW. There's a small number of players who breeze through (they're probably all p2p with fully moded, lvl80, 7*, gear10/11 toons), so just make them face all hard teams rather than lvl70ish teams for the first few nodes. Then for the rest of us who struggle, if we lose say 2 GWs in a row, then make the next easier. Not heaps easier, just enough so it's not insane. Then if we beat it 2 days in a row, ramp up the difficulty. As it is GW is not fun even when I do beat it.

    You have to be p2p to have toon 7* g10-11 full moded? I don't think so. You are all saying that'is broke. But tell me...if you take your 5 higher toon, the ones you have whit the most power how much to you get? Ok you have that number in mind? Good..then tell me, node 12 is like much more? Not that much no? So for something that is base on rooster fight and no single team fight it is not that hard as you may see...
    Most of the players have problem whit GW because they have only one good team, and don't speak to me about your B or C squads that are 7* lv80 but no gear no's obvious they don't challenge node 9-12...
    GW mechanic is base on your 5 more powerfull toons, so if you have focus on only one squad...yes, it's almost sure you'll have alot of difficulty in Gw. It's not broke.
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    Moicaliss wrote: »
    It seems to me there's an easy 'fix' for GW. There's a small number of players who breeze through (they're probably all p2p with fully moded, lvl80, 7*, gear10/11 toons), so just make them face all hard teams rather than lvl70ish teams for the first few nodes. Then for the rest of us who struggle, if we lose say 2 GWs in a row, then make the next easier. Not heaps easier, just enough so it's not insane. Then if we beat it 2 days in a row, ramp up the difficulty. As it is GW is not fun even when I do beat it.

    You have to be p2p to have toon 7* g10-11 full moded? I don't think so. You are all saying that'is broke. But tell me...if you take your 5 higher toon, the ones you have whit the most power how much to you get? Ok you have that number in mind? Good..then tell me, node 12 is like much more? Not that much no? So for something that is base on rooster fight and no single team fight it is not that hard as you may see...
    Most of the players have problem whit GW because they have only one good team, and don't speak to me about your B or C squads that are 7* lv80 but no gear no's obvious they don't challenge node 9-12...
    GW mechanic is base on your 5 more powerfull toons, so if you have focus on only one squad...yes, it's almost sure you'll have alot of difficulty in Gw. It's not broke.

    I'd bet 95% of the final node teams are P2P.
    Marshawn Lynch lil baby stiff arm
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    i hate you fooj. I HATE YOU.

    Haha that's a easy team. I faced him today at node 6.

    Gws is working like it's all the peoples weak rosters that's the problem.
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    Aniema wrote: »

    Haha that's a easy team. I faced him today at node 6.

    Gws is working like it's all the peoples weak rosters that's the problem.
    Haha thanks mr. troll whale. your input is so helpful.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    It seems to me there's an easy 'fix' for GW. There's a small number of players who breeze through (they're probably all p2p with fully moded, lvl80, 7*, gear10/11 toons), so just make them face all hard teams rather than lvl70ish teams for the first few nodes. Then for the rest of us who struggle, if we lose say 2 GWs in a row, then make the next easier. Not heaps easier, just enough so it's not insane. Then if we beat it 2 days in a row, ramp up the difficulty. As it is GW is not fun even when I do beat it.

    A lot of people were higher level and gear by the time they jacked GW. A lot of F2P players can beat it and never had a problem. so maybe you're right that NEW F2P have a really hard time? I wonder what level people are by the time they can't beat GW, anymore?

    I was 80 already when the jacked it, but only one toon gear 10. It got insane and I was in danger of not completing it until I equipped mods and got gear 10 on two of my other main toons. But I only really lost once, the day they jacked it and I didn't prep in the early nodes. So I never know how much of that was overcome by strategy, or by the 10 million in mods and the couple pieces of raid gear I had stored and immediately used over the 3 days after I didn't finish GW!
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    Yeah yeah....only whales p2p have 7-8 maxed toons and maxed mods....pfffff pathetic
    Even before new credits heist.... We were earning 8-9m / week....i don't have enough credits for my mods...pfffff ...sure
    I can't reach have been there for months guild shipments
    Except for new players (march-april) you have no excuse for not completing gw. That's it.
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    Yeah EA since the 1. of September it is all the same Team in the Last Fight of GW. A Team with Skills no one can reach so far. Makes so much fun i can describe it anyway. everytime that you change the GW you make it even more boring. It is not the fact that every try should lead to Victory in the GW, but knowing the End even if you begin the fight is not a challenge only poor. i can't wait till October the First when there is a possibility that a new Team faces the Last Fight for the next 30 Days. Is it so difficult to do some Variation?
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    Hellrider wrote: »
    Yeah EA since the 1. of September it is all the same Team in the Last Fight of GW. A Team with Skills no one can reach so far. Makes so much fun i can describe it anyway. everytime that you change the GW you make it even more boring. It is not the fact that every try should lead to Victory in the GW, but knowing the End even if you begin the fight is not a challenge only poor. i can't wait till October the First when there is a possibility that a new Team faces the Last Fight for the next 30 Days. Is it so difficult to do some Variation?

    Increase your overall power and you'll get freebies at last node. ;)
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    Moicaliss wrote: »
    Except for new players (march-april) you have no excuse for not completing gw. That's it.

    i started in May. so, YAYYY, i get to complain and make excuses!
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    I'm #48 in arena, today node 6, Qui gon, Rey, palpatine, rg and Ian **** u. :(
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    10 more gw completions and i get my 150!
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    Aniema wrote: »

    Haha that's a easy team. I faced him today at node 6.

    Gws is working like it's all the peoples weak rosters that's the problem.
    Haha thanks mr. troll whale. your input is so helpful.

    Nice!!! That's awesome
    Use the force Luke.... and get rid of that stupid musket.
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    You did it wrong. I am using all my toons on the last battle, trying different combinations. Cannot win the damned thing. Between all the greedy crystal and credit IAP's and now taking away the biggest reward of GW by making it unbeatable until you pay all that money into leveling your toons, your game isn't worth playing anymore. **** on you.
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    It's amazing u guys have left GW like this for so long. Lol...Come on boys & gals. The imbalance is stupid & mathematically impossible. Mods have teams so imbalanced that even 10-geared/7☆ed teams w/ decent mods get worked to the point of hilarity. I'm starting to face teams in round#3 that now require me to breakout Top 5 characters. For the last time, fix this part of the game. I don't even try it any more past the 9th or 10th node. As game.devs doesn't that bother you? Making GW like this is akin to releasing a title w/ apocalyptic bugs. You will suffer from this & all u can do is "spit" in the face of your sponsors by folding your arms & saying "tough it out, this is the new normal". Well enough is enough.

    I enjoy the attempts youve made w/ changing CreditHeist & releasing Droid Heist, but 2 see this new content released while Raid runs stale (oh no, I probably shouldn't have said that becuz u may decide to tinker w/ it like you did GalacticConquest...oops, I mean GalacticWar) & GW dies on the vine. Your destiny is in your own hands because we have NO say so whatsoever. Please fix it already. We need your help ObiWanKenobi
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    Moicaliss wrote: »
    It seems to me there's an easy 'fix' for GW. There's a small number of players who breeze through (they're probably all p2p with fully moded, lvl80, 7*, gear10/11 toons), so just make them face all hard teams rather than lvl70ish teams for the first few nodes. Then for the rest of us who struggle, if we lose say 2 GWs in a row, then make the next easier. Not heaps easier, just enough so it's not insane. Then if we beat it 2 days in a row, ramp up the difficulty. As it is GW is not fun even when I do beat it.

    You have to be p2p to have toon 7* g10-11 full moded? I don't think so. You are all saying that'is broke. But tell me...if you take your 5 higher toon, the ones you have whit the most power how much to you get? Ok you have that number in mind? Good..then tell me, node 12 is like much more? Not that much no? So for something that is base on rooster fight and no single team fight it is not that hard as you may see...
    Most of the players have problem whit GW because they have only one good team, and don't speak to me about your B or C squads that are 7* lv80 but no gear no's obvious they don't challenge node 9-12...
    GW mechanic is base on your 5 more powerfull toons, so if you have focus on only one squad...yes, it's almost sure you'll have alot of difficulty in Gw. It's not broke.

    My top 5 are 35.3k, usually the node 12 teams I face are at least 40k. IF I have all my toons starting node 12 I usually beat it, but if not then there's a very good chance I can't beat it. I don't just throw in my A team either, I always plan. Generally I start with Geo/Droid then Jedi, Empire, Rebel, NS or some such. I have no gear 10 or 11 toons. Not because I'm not trying, but because I work on my entire roster not just 1 team. Generally I've found getting that last 1 or 2 gear slots filled takes weeks if not longer...
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    The difficulty curve on node 12 versus node 11 is bananas. I'm lvl 74 and my team is a smidge under 30k. Node 12 for me: Dooku, Fives, Rey, RG, Luminara. All lvl 80, all with 5* fully maxed mods with perfect stats, all fully maxed (omega) abilities. Coming in at over 35k.
    And this is based off of my team? ****!
    My team, by the way, that has just fought 11 nodes and had their armor stripped away (except for my Old Ben who has a few bars left).
    I don't mind "hard", I really don't. I'll work for those last 400 tokens. But give me a break. They wiped out my primary and secondary team without breaking a sweat.
  • DarthBoyan
    1 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    I think the time for complaining is over, since EA and CG are deliberately ignoring this thread.
    It's time for action! Stop paying even a cent and vote with 1* at Google Store until they fix the Galactic Wars! If they want a Galactic War they'll have it. Let's see who will win at the end ...
    Post edited by DarthBoyan on
    Ally Code: 538-788-819
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    DarthBoyan wrote: »
    I think the time for complaining is over, since EA and CA are deliberately ignoring this thread.
    It's time for action! Stop paying even a cent and vote with 1* at Google Store until they fix the Galactic Wars! If they want a Galactic War they'll have it. Let's see who will win at the end ...

    I hear you. Just for the record I wasn't trying to sound like I was complaining, just providing the facts of what I'm experiencing.
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    Galactic war remains the biggest piece of garbage I have ever seen. Get your heads out of your butts and fix it.
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    I'll be honest... At this point I no longer do GW unless it's the guild activity. I beat it 99 out of 100 attempts. That's not the issue. Simply, I'm just tired of the time I have to put into it to finish every day.
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    gw is horrible, but they just don't care, obviously. the manager of the gw team needs to be reassigned, because he or she is out of touch with what a game should be. awful. just awful. i hope this reflects poorly on their performance appraisal at the very least.
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