Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    leef wrote: »
    rawman wrote: »
    What has F2P to do with clearing GW? The F2P here are kinda like vegans, have to emphasize it in every post. The only advantage P2P have is access to some toons like Sun Fac or Rex and/or more energy refreshes.

    Note: I'm a low payer since some months and was always able to clear GW even when I have not spent a few bucks for some extra crystals.
    vegan! :p
    OT: congrats

    Thanks Dearie!
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    I just got this myself last week. Congrats. I wouldve had it two months ago if i hadnt spent the first three months of playing not knowing about the retreat button. Only did 14 in those three months lol. Daka and ewoks is how i get through it. Then two teams with massive damage to take the harder nodes.
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    I kept thinking I'll get to 149 and then they'll mess with it again, and I won't be able to finish it. Now if 12 is nuts I can just skip it.. lol

    To me the big difference between f2p and p2p is, I'm more likely to blow off playing or finishing a section in game to avoid being aggrevated. Whereas a p2p player might think "I spent money I can't just let it go to waste".

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    F2P does not matter when it comes to clearing GW. So you don't have Rex and Sun-fac, big deal. All you need is EP and you can auto the whole thing.

    p.s. How do you know if someones f2p? ... Don't worry, they'll tell you.

    The counter to your question: How do you know someone's p2p?
    Their answer to every question is Rex or Sun Fac.

    Why do you think f2p identify themselves as such? Cause they get tired of hearing the same useless response to every post. F2p = no Rex/SunFac

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    F2P does not matter when it comes to clearing GW. So you don't have Rex and Sun-fac, big deal. All you need is EP and you can auto the whole thing.

    p.s. How do you know if someones f2p? ... Don't worry, they'll tell you.

    The counter to your question: How do you know someone's p2p?
    Their answer to every question is Rex or Sun Fac.

    Having Rex doesn't mean p2p. Im f2p and do decent in arena, when I make over 1000 crystals, I buy a 350 pack. I've pulled 2 full Rex, and a couple randoms, have him close to 5*
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    MilMuertes wrote: »
    F2P does not matter when it comes to clearing GW. So you don't have Rex and Sun-fac, big deal. All you need is EP and you can auto the whole thing.

    p.s. How do you know if someones f2p? ... Don't worry, they'll tell you.

    The counter to your question: How do you know someone's p2p?
    Their answer to every question is Rex or Sun Fac.

    Having Rex doesn't mean p2p. Im f2p and do decent in arena, when I make over 1000 crystals, I buy a 350 pack. I've pulled 2 full Rex, and a couple randoms, have him close to 5*

    Clever name, 1000 Deaths
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    MilMuertes wrote: »
    F2P does not matter when it comes to clearing GW. So you don't have Rex and Sun-fac, big deal. All you need is EP and you can auto the whole thing.

    p.s. How do you know if someones f2p? ... Don't worry, they'll tell you.

    The counter to your question: How do you know someone's p2p?
    Their answer to every question is Rex or Sun Fac.

    Having Rex doesn't mean p2p. Im f2p and do decent in arena, when I make over 1000 crystals, I buy a 350 pack. I've pulled 2 full Rex, and a couple randoms, have him close to 5*

    Would it be safe to say you are the exception to the rule?

    Most f2p asking a question on the forums preface it with "f2p" so others choose an answer that doesn't involve Rex or sun fac.
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Seems my post was assimilated into the GW abyss.


    Really Dearie.. Made your todo list and said "oh yes, antagonize the Dark One". X(
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    Months since the change to galactic war, and it is ever more frustrating. I'm an every day player, and galactic war is harder than it was three months ago. it's ridiculous - where I used to be able to get to the last node and win maybe one out of 20, now I'm getting wiped out 3-4 nodes earlier. Node six almost always takes down one of my teams - never used to do that. Just really frustrating.
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    I'm wondering if it's my server or what, but GW seems to be WAI for me. It is a little challenging around node 6, then hits a stride where it is only gradually more difficult until 11 and finally 12. One team cruises through the whole thing with some changes here and there. I'm wondering if this will change for me when I hit lvl 80 but it is the easiest way to gain rewards in this game for me. Are most of the players having difficulty lvl 80+?
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    its harder because of mods. pre mods i would not be afraid of a gear 10 team but now you cant go in cold you must have some tm advantage (from a previous node) to be able to outspeed your opponent
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    djvita wrote: »
    its harder because of mods. pre mods i would not be afraid of a gear 10 team but now you cant go in cold you must have some tm advantage (from a previous node) to be able to outspeed your opponent

    Hmm. Well, I make sure all of my non-basic moves are reset before moving on to the next node (if possible, which it usually is). Also, if I'm running Wedge lead, I time who kills whom so they get health refills if needed (again, it's usually possible to time it so).

    I'm starting to wonder if lack of strategy is the problem for some people...
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    Carbonari wrote: »
    djvita wrote: »
    its harder because of mods. pre mods i would not be afraid of a gear 10 team but now you cant go in cold you must have some tm advantage (from a previous node) to be able to outspeed your opponent

    Hmm. Well, I make sure all of my non-basic moves are reset before moving on to the next node (if possible, which it usually is). Also, if I'm running Wedge lead, I time who kills whom so they get health refills if needed (again, it's usually possible to time it so).

    I'm starting to wonder if lack of strategy is the problem for some people...

    Congratulations, and welcome to Stage 3! May the odds be ever in your favor!
    The six player stages of Galactic War
    1. Noob. Finally unlocked GW! I can't beat it yet, but that's not a surprise. I'll build up my roster so I can.
    2. Elation. I beat GW! This is great, sooo many credits! I'm rich!
    3. Arrogance. What are all these noobs crying about? I beat it all the time, it's not that hard. LTP for crying out loud.
    4. Outrage. What happened? I lost?! This is impossible! Nobody could beat a gauntlet like this! So overpowered. Imma quit, this is bogus.
    5. Emergence. I don't believe it, I won. I may not win again, but today was a good day. I should feel better about this, but I still feel beaten.
    6. Acceptance. Maybe GW isn't so broken after all, or maybe it is. It's beatable. And what is up with these easy nodes? I don't know, it doesn't matter. I still need 30 million credits for mods.

    Or, if you run droids (I hear) it's more like this
    1. Surprise. That was easier than I thought it would be.
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    Any idea when we might get a new toon to farm in the GW shop? Was thinking it would be nice if it was a separatist and then we could have an even like the Yoda and Palpatine ones to get Mother Talzin.
    Hell, it would be nice if it was a decent Night Sister who actually does some proper damage and make them a decent team to collect.
    Or even someone from the First Order that has a leader ability, since they only have Phasma on that front.
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    Carbonari wrote: »
    djvita wrote: »
    its harder because of mods. pre mods i would not be afraid of a gear 10 team but now you cant go in cold you must have some tm advantage (from a previous node) to be able to outspeed your opponent

    Hmm. Well, I make sure all of my non-basic moves are reset before moving on to the next node (if possible, which it usually is). Also, if I'm running Wedge lead, I time who kills whom so they get health refills if needed (again, it's usually possible to time it so).

    I'm starting to wonder if lack of strategy is the problem for some people...

    Congratulations, and welcome to Stage 3! May the odds be ever in your favor!
    The six player stages of Galactic War
    1. Noob. Finally unlocked GW! I can't beat it yet, but that's not a surprise. I'll build up my roster so I can.
    2. Elation. I beat GW! This is great, sooo many credits! I'm rich!
    3. Arrogance. What are all these noobs crying about? I beat it all the time, it's not that hard. LTP for crying out loud.
    4. Outrage. What happened? I lost?! This is impossible! Nobody could beat a gauntlet like this! So overpowered. Imma quit, this is bogus.
    5. Emergence. I don't believe it, I won. I may not win again, but today was a good day. I should feel better about this, but I still feel beaten.
    6. Acceptance. Maybe GW isn't so broken after all, or maybe it is. It's beatable. And what is up with these easy nodes? I don't know, it doesn't matter. I still need 30 million credits for mods.

    Or, if you run droids (I hear) it's more like this
    1. Surprise. That was easier than I thought it would be.

    :D That's awesome!

    Honestly, I wasn't initially being a ****, I was genuinely concerned that I was missing something. I look forward to it becoming more challenging!
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    They'll never fix this. Many solutions have been offered....EA doesnt take interest. They see easy money and not the players.
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    Achilles wrote: »
    Just sad, we dont see how many GW's we have done after this 150 mark.

    Press the xp bar on main screen - tells you, amongst other things, how many gw fights you have won

    Yeah, but that only counts the number of FIGHTS, not the number o completed GWs. So you've won 4,321 GW's fights.... How many GWs runs does that number goes for, since it's very unlikely someone nover lost a GW? Lol... Those numbers don't help
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    Just hit a lvl 80 squad...was able to take out Qui Qon and Luminara. My next squad managed to almost take out the gigantic buffed darth vader. That left the count doocu and ct-555 with all their counter attacks.
    I stood no chance. F*** that. Why you expect ppl to pay for this **** EA??? I know I wont.
  • Kyleslater
    438 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Well wth. I Know this is supposed to be challenging... but **** some days... Every gear increase I do seems to make things worse. Which means I can do less nodes and less gear upgrades... Grr. It's now been two weeks since I was able to even consider hitting the final node and usually get stuck on 9. 9 is sometimes just a difficult battle which I don't mind but lately even it has become near impossible and if I manage to blast through it by using squad b and squad c... I get to 12 and it's just about 2x the gs I have. I mean seriously? what kind of math is used to calculate what would be a challenge to me? I'd like at least a fighting chance once a week...

    Take yesterday for instance. While I've managed to hit level 80 somehow not one of my heroes is above 77 and none of them are past 6800 GS. I got a team that had nothing less then 7k and 3 of them closer to 7800 gs... as well as being level 80. Nothing I had could even hit them let alone hope to do any damage.
    I hate these new timesinks called Tb/tw. Annoying features.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    The0n3 wrote: »
    Achilles wrote: »
    Just sad, we dont see how many GW's we have done after this 150 mark.

    Press the xp bar on main screen - tells you, amongst other things, how many gw fights you have won

    Yeah, but that only counts the number of FIGHTS, not the number o completed GWs. So you've won 4,321 GW's fights.... How many GWs runs does that number goes for, since it's very unlikely someone nover lost a GW? Lol... Those numbers don't help

    just divide by 12 and get an average
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    It's not the toons that are the problem. It's the AI. Now I can ability block EP yet at the end of that turn he will use his special and completely heal himself. He is impossible to deal with backed by RG when ability block has no effect on him. It's either a glitch or the developers way of messing with us. Please fix your characters so they work.
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    As of this post, this thread has 167 pages
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    GW is going to get harder. With the LC increase, it will need to. But the system currently in place will match a level 70 team against a level 80. Now increase it to 85. It will really spin out of control. As is, in the time since the LC was raised, node 6 went from +/- 5 levels from your team, to 80. I'm glad I finished the ach today. Now when it goes off the rails I can relax and farm it for w/e I can.
    Post edited by Rumpelstilzchen on
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    Kyleslater wrote: »
    Take yesterday for instance. While I've managed to hit level 80 somehow not one of my heroes is above 77 and none of them are past 6800 GS. I got a team that had nothing less then 7k and 3 of them closer to 7800 gs... as well as being level 80. Nothing I had could even hit them let alone hope to do any damage.

    Calculate sum o power of your 5 best toons. Then calculate sum of power of the team you just mentioned. If that opponent team has combat power of 120% of your best team or lower, then it's WAI. And in fact you should be able to deal with that team if it has not some large synergies. And even with synergies you should be mostly able to beat it as you can use more teams against it.
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    **** EA bunch of robbing wankers game used to be fun until they **** with GW. it's impossible to complete nowadays even if you do spend the cash lol. have spent a fortune on this game but there is no fun in spending 2 hours getting to the last node and having your best team **** **** by stupidly overpowered toons like Teebo, vader etc. well done EA yet another game you **** up in the p
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    GW is... (fill in the blank)

    And yet we stay, and continue to play, and those that spend, continue to do so. What is there for them (EA/CG) to take notice of? Just all WAI. We complain, and still play. Now if every player in game went F2P, well that they would notice, and simply close down the game. Willing to bet, they have another game being developed, and one on the whiteboard to replace it. And so it goes..

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    **** EA bunch of robbing wankers game used to be fun until they **** with GW. it's impossible to complete nowadays even if you do spend the cash lol. have spent a fortune on this game but there is no fun in spending 2 hours getting to the last node and having your best team **** **** by **** overpowered toons like Teebo, vader etc. well done EA yet another game you **** up in the p


    I've mad-libbed that post like 10 times in my head already. It's fun to come up with new swears without repeating yourself.
  • Traybor
    96 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    The six player stages of Galactic War
    1. Noob. Finally unlocked GW! I can't beat it yet, but that's not a surprise. I'll build up my roster so I can.
    2. Elation. I beat GW! This is great, sooo many credits! I'm rich!
    3. Arrogance. What are all these noobs crying about? I beat it all the time, it's not that hard. LTP for crying out loud.
    4. Outrage. What happened? I lost?! This is impossible! Nobody could beat a gauntlet like this! So overpowered. Imma quit, this is bogus.
    5. Emergence. I don't believe it, I won. I may not win again, but today was a good day. I should feel better about this, but I still feel beaten.
    6. Acceptance. Maybe GW isn't so broken after all, or maybe it is. It's beatable. And what is up with these easy nodes? I don't know, it doesn't matter. I still need 30 million credits for mods.

    Or, if you run droids (I hear) it's more like this
    1. Surprise. That was easier than I thought it would be.

    Hmm, maybe there's an alternate path?
    1. Noob. Finally unlocked GW! I can't beat it yet, but that's not a surprise. I'll build up my roster and research strategies on the forums so I can.
    2. Elation. I beat GW! This great. Those strategies from the forums were spot on!
    3. Cautious Optimism. OK, it's getting harder, but I can still beat it. Maybe it will get impossible, but so far so good.
    4. ???. I'm not sure what's next.

    My top 5 now are at about 40,680. I've completed all but three attempts at GW since guilds were introduced. Today was probably the first where I really don't think I could have done anything differently. I hit a maxxed out Wiggs Lando Anakin STH team at node 11 that just wrecked my A team. I got three attacks off, the third was an attempt to stun Wedge. He resisted, and my team wiped with no further turns. No chance to retreat. I did beat the node, but lost another 7 or so characters. There just wasn't enough left in the tank to handle node 12. I don't think node 12 was actually tougher, higher powered toons but weak synergy.

    So if this keeps up, I'll hit the "Well Dammit" phase where I was hoping strategies of having a deep pool of characters, pre-charging TM, using stuns and TMR would work, but the opposing teams now are just too good. :neutral:
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    It really is a shame they kept making it more difficult. I mean seriously do they really believe that making so unbalanced will make people think ^hey let's go spend a fortune to make it easier* because that doesn't work either.
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