Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • Sordyn
    37 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    I'd like to think I have a better than average roster, but now GW has become akin to punching my self in the face every day, in fact I'm beggining to think I'd prefer to punch my self over GW. I've been grinding this **** for a year enough is enough.
    Post edited by Sordyn on
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    I am very close to being done with this squad gets stronger every day but the gw gets even ****. When you can't complete all node 4 of 5 days that's ****...just making me very disinterested in this game and I will not spend yet another 20....with ships now it's even more important to collect gw shards. BAD JOB on GW...thatnks for scaring me off programmers!!!!
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    I am definitely finished with this game! Making GW difficult is one thing, you guys have made it impossible and that's absolute garbage. Very disappointed and I have been a loyal player since the launch of this game
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    I I have spent close to $200. You just lost business! Will never spend another dime
  • ikeloarch
    35 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    What the heck happened with the client restart devs???? Now you decide to adjust GW and put these mega squads at the last node? I'm level 85 and my top squads can't even get one hit in. Sorry guys, this is low. I don't have deep enough pockets to buy the 50k power squads to compete anymore. This act is getting old
  • Vertigo
    4497 posts Member
    I just hit level 85 two days ago and my GW nodes didn't seem to change at all from what they were at level 84? Like, sure they're hard, but they didn't get any more difficult.
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    Hey you might take out the refund part. While I agree GW is hard...

    Asking for refunds in these threads is a no no. I learned the hard way. So you might want to edit that part.
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    Thanks for clearing up the confusion Luke. I've completed GW every day for MONTHS. I guess my roster isn't deep
  • Javik
    246 posts Member
    I am just about to hit 85, but I have not been able to complete a GW since August around when the Rebel meta got huge. All these squads use maxed out mods on the toons. Usually lose at the final node or two.
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    ikeloarch wrote: »
    What the heck happened with the client restart devs???? Now you decide to adjust GW and put these mega squads at the last node? I'm level 85 and my top squads can't even get one hit in. Sorry guys, this is low. I don't have deep enough pockets to buy the 50k power squads to compete anymore. This act is getting old

    +1. The player base is getting frustrated, and the shameless money-making tactics are turning people away. Can't speak for everyone, but I am much more likely to spend money when I am not being manipulated.
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    Some of the GW mechanics are eluding you.

    As the whole shard gets stronger, your arena team's power got below the threshold on which the GW gets an easy last node.

    At the beginning of the day, get your top 5 chars - consider nothing but the final power, it may be a stinker team - and do an arena fight. Then resume Arena with your "good team".

    The next time you reset the GW you should see an easy last node IF your top 5 are more powerful this time around.

    If you don't see it, improve some chars to increase the power of your top 5 chars and try again until you get the easy node.
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    Hitting 85 and your increased difficulty are likely a coinkydink.

    I have been credit hungry and blew through my GW nodes (forgetting to save them for guild challenge tonight).

    They were no harder than usual.

    I hit 85 Sunday night.
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    My nodes 6,10,11 and 12 have all been level 85 fully maxed and modded 50k+ teams. I can't even get past node 6 without using half my roster.
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    I set up my teams (if teams are needed) so they all have full TM when they get to go in, GWs have been a breeze even with the hard nodes.
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    The main thing wrong with GW at this point is how long it takes. With the addition of ships, daily activities take far too much time.
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    joefitts63 wrote: »
    The main thing wrong with GW at this point is how long it takes. With the addition of ships, daily activities take far too much time.

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    I agree, I am ready to stop playing because GW is ridiculously impossible. The programmer in this game should be ashamed of the **** difficulty level..The new norm is you can't complete a galactic war....what kind of **** is that?
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    ...not entirely sure, but I think they increased the challenge of GW with this update. Noticed a huge difference between last few days and this evening after update.
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    Still a bit early too say for sure, but I noticed more direct attacks on my EE and other healers before I could knock out Rey and Qui-Gon around node 6-7 I was pretty much toast.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    I hope you all have your Rebels geared up for the return of Palp, he's going to make GW a total breeze for you :wink: 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Iron_Maiden_Jedi
    280 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Because of the insane difficulty, or sheer impossibility of the 12th whale node, I find Galactic War about as much fun as attending my grandfather's funeral.

    Why do you keep this thread open anyway? People have been begging on their knees for months for you to do something about the GW difficulty, but all you do is say "F off, it's WAI". I call sadistic tendencies. You're like little schoolyard bullies.
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    Because of the insane difficulty, or sheer impossibility of the 12th whale node, I find Galactic War about as much fun as attending my grandfather's funeral.

    Why do you keep this thread open anyway? People have been begging on their knees for months for you to do something about the GW difficulty, but all you do is say "F off, it's WAI". I call sadistic tendencies. You're like little schoolyard bullies.

  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    rejoice, for palpatine is coming back.
    palpo, tie, sunfac + 2 randos (wigss on node 6, 9, 11/2) and i dont lose a toon.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    CemSW wrote: »
    This is my 76th day of game and my galactic score is 70. 5 days to level up. I lost only once.

    I have 3 teams with synergy and equal power. Droids, Jedis, Scoundrels. Level 81, maxed abilities etc.

    I pay attention to increase the power (gear level) equally. One from droid team, one from jedi team at a time.

    Galactic is designed to encourage player to have more teams.

    I run 7 teams - I still lose, lol.

    GW is big bad joke.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    Acrofales wrote: »
    Send your squad B,C,D,E,F first. Once they are all dead and opponent is weaker then send your squad A

    I tried a variation of that. My B squad was barely able to remove Dakas protection and a little health. Every other team besides that was essentially just a suicide squad because they were all killed before even moving. My A team was only able to kill daka and 86 before dying. And that was the best attempt of several. I'm just nowhere near strong enough to take on a team that powerful.

    Hard to say, not knowing your teams, but I don't ever kill Daka first. She has too much health. When facing droids I almost always kill IG-88 first, then IG-86 (sometimes IG-86 first). Even if one of them revives, it's still easier to deal with than killing Daka with the two assassin droids alive. HK-47 is almost always last. To deal with Poggle, throw in a complete scrub team that lives just long enough for Poggle to go and cast his buff, then die. Best case scenario, they also soak up IG-88's AoE.

    The best way I have found of dealing with Daka is to keep her stunned. If she's stunned she can't stun your team or revive anybody, but you don't have to battle through her high HP pool.

    If you're afraid your squad dies without accomplishing their goal and before you get to retreat, kill the app, which will auto-retreat your squad.

    One problem with that piece of advise is the opponent AI always has the advantage. Teams led by Dooku, Lumi & Ben dodge like crazy! Anakin always gains offence up from reckless assault and never gets exposed.

    The problem with Daka is she has a unique ability to revive fallen team mates. This can automatically happen upon the death of any team mate. The chance of her doing this is low, but with that AI advantage - it happens a lot more than I'd like to see, that's for sure.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    ikeloarch wrote: »
    What the heck happened with the client restart devs???? Now you decide to adjust GW and put these mega squads at the last node? I'm level 85 and my top squads can't even get one hit in. Sorry guys, this is low. I don't have deep enough pockets to buy the 50k power squads to compete anymore. This act is getting old

    +1. The player base is getting frustrated, and the shameless money-making tactics are turning people away. Can't speak for everyone, but I am much more likely to spend money when I am not being manipulated.

    Totally agree.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Boo wrote: »
    Acrofales wrote: »
    Send your squad B,C,D,E,F first. Once they are all dead and opponent is weaker then send your squad A

    I tried a variation of that. My B squad was barely able to remove Dakas protection and a little health. Every other team besides that was essentially just a suicide squad because they were all killed before even moving. My A team was only able to kill daka and 86 before dying. And that was the best attempt of several. I'm just nowhere near strong enough to take on a team that powerful.

    Hard to say, not knowing your teams, but I don't ever kill Daka first. She has too much health. When facing droids I almost always kill IG-88 first, then IG-86 (sometimes IG-86 first). Even if one of them revives, it's still easier to deal with than killing Daka with the two assassin droids alive. HK-47 is almost always last. To deal with Poggle, throw in a complete scrub team that lives just long enough for Poggle to go and cast his buff, then die. Best case scenario, they also soak up IG-88's AoE.

    The best way I have found of dealing with Daka is to keep her stunned. If she's stunned she can't stun your team or revive anybody, but you don't have to battle through her high HP pool.

    If you're afraid your squad dies without accomplishing their goal and before you get to retreat, kill the app, which will auto-retreat your squad.

    One problem with that piece of advise is the opponent AI always has the advantage. Teams led by Dooku, Lumi & Ben dodge like crazy! Anakin always gains offence up from reckless assault and never gets exposed.

    The problem with Daka is she has a unique ability to revive fallen team mates. This can automatically happen upon the death of any team mate. The chance of her doing this is low, but with that AI advantage - it happens a lot more than I'd like to see, that's for sure.

    my best advice is to use dark side (palpatine lead and wiggs) and load them with mods w/speed secondaries.
    my palp and tie got so much tm the opponent barely gets a turn, sometimes i don't even get his aoe stun all cooled down. dodge leads dont matter they are dead soon anyway. i will do a vid tomorrow to show
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    ogre2005 wrote: »
    Yeah, the cheating is just ridiculous. It's to the point I can accurately predict what will happen when it's to my advantage. Examples:

    If Mace Windu has an opponent exposed that hasn't had a chance to use a special, he will miss every time.

    If you stack up DOT debuffs on aenemy toon and IG88 gets a turn to hit them, he will miss every time.

    Luminara cannot hit Sidious with her force blast, ever.

    If you use a group attack that causes ability block and the enemy team hasn't had a chance to use them yet, it won't work.

    This is pretty much the norm. It's ridiculous that it continues.

    Don't forget when phasma is leading, the assist chance will always trigger when you have defeated one of their toons.
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