Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    It only gets harder. After weeks of a 3 star node 12, my last 3 GW have Skykrak as my last battle. I used to just breeze through GW. Now I have to save my good toons to have 3 or 4 teams to beat him. He runs EP, RG, SF, ShTrooper, Vader all GL11, lvl 85 7*. Brutal.
    Character Name: Nofaultius
  • Zzerberus
    12 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Last Gw I had Wiggs team on 3, Droids on 6, the usual EP team but with a super fast Han on 9, EP team again on 11 and on node 12 Anakin lead with Sunfac, Aayla, Fives, Sunfac and RG. Barely got through... had my 5 star EP and my RG last man standing against Sun Fac and Fives^^. But if you are having trouble always try to restart and attack in different order, sometimes the rng turns out very well by doing so. It takes some time though.... .

    Edit: This time I had EP lead, Shoretrooper, RG, Sun Fac and B2 I think it was on node 12. All lvl 85 and maxed. Powned them with Wiggs, ST Han, 5* B2, Lando^^.
    Post edited by Zzerberus on
  • Greeniejr
    34 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Skykrak isn't half bad. The team they put for him has lots of beef but outside of EP, they don't do a ton of damage. Ferrr with Wedge, Biggs, lano, shore and baze is much much tougher
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    Send your squad B,C,D,E,F first. Once they are all dead and opponent is weaker then send your squad A

    I tried a variation of that. My B squad was barely able to remove Dakas protection and a little health. Every other team besides that was essentially just a suicide squad because they were all killed before even moving. My A team was only able to kill daka and 86 before dying. And that was the best attempt of several. I'm just nowhere near strong enough to take on a team that powerful.

    Hard to say, not knowing your teams, but I don't ever kill Daka first. She has too much health. When facing droids I almost always kill IG-88 first, then IG-86 (sometimes IG-86 first). Even if one of them revives, it's still easier to deal with than killing Daka with the two assassin droids alive. HK-47 is almost always last. To deal with Poggle, throw in a complete scrub team that lives just long enough for Poggle to go and cast his buff, then die. Best case scenario, they also soak up IG-88's AoE.

    The best way I have found of dealing with Daka is to keep her stunned. If she's stunned she can't stun your team or revive anybody, but you don't have to battle through her high HP pool.

    If you're afraid your squad dies without accomplishing their goal and before you get to retreat, kill the app, which will auto-retreat your squad.
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    PixieClock wrote: »
    Do you expect to clear every tier of all of the mod challenges right now? If you have an arena team of 28k, I am guessing that there are still a few mod challenges you have left to clear (but I could be wrong). Is it fair that you can't 3 star the T3 Jawa mod challenge right now, and sim it every day? Yes, it's fair. And expected. We aren't entitled to win those battles; it's something we work towards.

    I don't mean to be a t.u.r.d. I just don't understand why people expect to win GW every day. Maybe it's because we were all spoiled with easy GW before the change. Maybe we just all expect rewards with no effort. Maybe its somewhere in between. But now, we need to accept that node 12 isn't an entitlement. It's an infrequent reward for going above and beyond the normal levels of success.

    Sorry, I know this isn't what you wanted to hear. Just a different perspective.... Accepting this as a new way of looking at GW makes the pill easier to swallow.

    We expect it to be at least possible, with a fighting chance. We expect to be able to take a few turns at least. We expect to be able to at least kill one, two or perhaps 3 of their characters. But many of us get our entire rosters (our a, b, c, d and e teams) decimated after taking only one turn, and without even denting the opponent.

    That's a long way from expecting to be able to complete it!

    How would you like it if you were entered into the 100 meters with a chance to win 'goodies' and usain bolt was chosen as your opponent?

    If those are your expectations, then you are setting yourself up for disappointment. You should manage your expectations differently. As your bench characters improve, your expectations will grow along with your B, C, and D teams. But expecting to win the whole shooting match without the investment in your bench is not a realistic expectation.

    The opponents' difficulty in GW is tied to your arena power. If you don't have the bench toons that are trained on par with the arena team, you won't be successful at node 12. It takes time and investment to build those toons to be on par with your arena team. This GW model, for right or wrong, is designed to reward you for bench depth. It is what it is. You may be a rockstar in the arena, but if you have neglected the bench, you can't expect to be successful every day.

    If you line up against that Bolt fellow, then you would learn to be happy with second place. You would change your expectations. You aren't entitled to win.

    The problem with GW requiring a deep bench to finish is that we need GW to get a deep bench. I have characters on my b and c team that I have shards for that I can't promote yet because I need credits. And where can I get most of my credits? From GW. And it's not just leveling characters anymore. I have to spend credits on mods. And if I want to have a chance, then apparently I'm going to need to mod out at least 20-25 of my characters. But guess what, I need credits to do that. The credit shortage is what really annoys me about GW difficulty. Otherwise I wouldn't be as upset. But it is the best source of credits, so it shouldn't be this impossible.

    Side note: I have been focusing on a deeper bench this whole game. Instead of leveling all my A team to 80, I left most at 70 so that I could get my B team to comparable levels. I would have them all to lvl 80 if not for this massive credit shortage yet again. I don't aim for a high arena rank either so as not to hurt me in GW. I've been doing everything that should be required to be able to beat GW.

    Arena is still more important than GW: arena gives crystals, and crystals can either buy you credits (not the best use), or buy you a whole lot of other stuff that will help you strengthen your team. You're better off skipping node 12 of the GW than deliberately gimping your arena team.
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    how am i supposed to beat this??? =(
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    Fix the cheating AI. It's a **** joke

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    how am i supposed to beat this??? =(

    very bad... I don't know - your only hope is Mob Enforcer...
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    nevermind. it took 46 tries but i finally beat it with my Tusken Raider team.
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    Gw is supposed to be hard, fine. But why does it keep getting harder despite the fact that im purposely not facing teams over 40k power in arena.

    @Galacticforce Because GW difficulty isn't based on the power of the teams you face in Arena. It's based on the power of your 5 highest power heroes, regardless if they have seen Arena action. I'll bet you are farming up a hero that isn't on your Arena squad, and their power has surpassed your Arena team. You notice GW getting harder because of this. I ran into the same thing months ago when I farmed up Nightsister Initiate. She has a big health pool which boosts her power. I didn't run her in Arena, but GW kept getting harder.

    Build another squad. Build two squads, and make one of them droids. That's what you need for GW. Get some heroes that can stun and pre-load their TM before the hard nodes (6, 9, 11, 12). The control game can be extremely effective.
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    Hi @Warrior_Nathan !

    Post the heroes you currently have (or profile) and we can think of something. My account was created at the end of March/2016 and I have beat all GWs so far.
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    This is quite ridiculous. I am really sorry for those people who are facing teams that are impossible to beat.

    I am lucky to be on the other end and having only the challenge of not loosing protection on my squad. I would certainly favour that I get some tougher squads and especially no cookie node 12 anymore so that others with less developed rosters can also have a chance to complete and catch up.

    This is not to show off but to display the joke GW matchmaking is:

    Today's GW I barely lost any protection on my 5 main toons and neither on B2, who I subbed in for node 6 in place of Snowtrooper. It's not fair that I, who have a deep roster and the mods to take down any team sooner or later, get almost a pass on GW while people who are still working on their core teams are getting slaughtered out there.
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    @BentWookiee can we close this or merge it?

  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    ogre2005 wrote: »
    DMG1302 wrote: »
    I get that it's hard and supposed to be hard. What is frustrating is when, less than halfway through, I go up against a squad that outclasses me on every level. My A squad was wiped out on node 5 without every character even having a turn. There's challenging and then there's impossible.

    Been there. Usually node 6, though. That's a gateway node for sure.

    I don't mind being outclassed, but I do mind the blatant cheating from the AI. It's ridiculous.

    Yep - fought against an old Ben lead team with Anakin on that team too. I tried hitting Anakin seven times in a row. Missed/dodged every one of my attacks!

    Tried stunning Old Ben and missed again. Old Ben then ability blocks and offence downs my whole team.

    Further more, my Anakin never gets offence up for my team - whenever I try he just gets call out on himself. I was against a Dooku lead team which also had an Anakin. I tried to get offence up with my Ani and guess what - all of the opposing Dooku lead team evades and gains offence up from his leader ability! Once that ran off, the Anakin on the opposing team uses reckless assault and gets offence up for the whole team again!!

    AI is a joke.
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    This GW is such ****. The guys that have bought their way to the top can get through but for the even above average player this game has become not very fun because you work for months to get your guys to a certain level and the programmers make changes that make it impossible to get through. I don't mind a challenge but it has to beatable to be fun and this game is not fun anymore.
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    This GW is such ****. The guys that have bought their way to the top can get through but for the even above average player this game has become not very fun because you work for months to get your guys to a certain level and the programmers make changes that make it impossible to get through. I don't mind a challenge but it has to beatable to be fun and this game is not fun anymore.
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    Man this is so broken! Since the update I managed to complete it only once. Always teams lvl 85 with gear at XI
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    Friendly advice that has been said many times here: get droids.

    No matter what level of player you are, droids will make GW easier.

    I am level 85 now, but throughout my journey up to level 85, droids helped immensely.

    Also, as soon as you can, farm Nebit, JE and B2 to augment your droid teams.

    Nebit and JE have amazing synergies with droids and allow you to beat a lot of teams that have more power and gear than you. B2 is a great at taking away all taunters and opposing buffs.

    Even now, GW is challenging for me. I have times when I go through 2 full teams to complete it.

    But droids can help you get through those tough node 6 matchups and into node 11 or 12.
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    Winstar wrote: »
    You win some, you lose some


    Lmao. But you live to fight anotha day
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    This GW is such ****. The guys that have bought their way to the top can get through but for the even above average player this game has become not very fun because you work for months to get your guys to a certain level and the programmers make changes that make it impossible to get through. I don't mind a challenge but it has to beatable to be fun and this game is not fun anymore.

    You're right, I'm F2P but way above average and I can't beat it anymore. I'm getting crazy level 85 teams at the 6th and 9th nodes, its ludicrous! The GW used to be fun, but now it just suks. EA should fix it.
  • ScorpionTX
    19 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Enough already! Re-work this node. It shouldn't be so difficult that you kill my entire roster without me being able to take down one of your characters.
    I don't expect to win this every time though most of the time would be nice for people with lvl 80+, gear 9+, and modded out squads.
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    Sometimes it takes me 5 full squads to do node 12. I restart and change toons around and even how each attack to kill at least 1 toon. It's not fun at time consuming.
  • GeorgeMcFly
    1 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    First of all, I know the real purpose of the "Mega Thread". It's not to condense all of the conversations into one post. It's for us to act as a spam filter for you. To see almost 200 pages of posts and the problem getting worse, not better, it just shows that you aren't listening and don't care. We are moving posts to one location for you so they can be better ignored.

    Second, I will give any of your staff $100 cash if you open my account and clear the GW I'm on. This is not a joke. Just shoot me a screenshot to my email when your done and the info I need to send the money to you. I'm on node 6, all my characters are alive, all full health, most full protection. I'm facing a level 85, Tier XI Palp lead, with RG, ST, DV, and B2. I haven't been able to kill anyone yet, but you may have more luck. But beware of node 12. I can't get to it anymore with this node 6, but if you do, good luck. That one has been a level 85, Tier XI Palp lead, with ST, Fett, Chirrut, and Baze. I haven't even been able to remove anyone's shields on that one.

    Third, I do understand that GW is supposed to be a challenge, I really do. If it isn't, people get bored, stop playing, and won't spend money on upgrades to be able to compete. I spend a bit of money, not a whale by a long shot, but just FYI, you won't get another penny from me until this has been fixed.

    Fourth, I think you all fail to understand why so many people are upset. People pour a lot of time, effort, planning, and for some, money, into their characters. We get excited leveling them up, gearing them out, and facing the challenges. We want to see our characters kick a$$. We want those close calls to tell our guildmates about. We want to be proud of accomplishments. When you do stupld things like this (and that lame new raid for that matter), you take all that away from your players except for the few high spending elite. It's not fun. Watching your A team get whittled away only halfway through GW feels like a failure. Especially while sitting idle and watching these whale teams, artificially inflated, AI manipulated, steamroll you.

    Finally, this game structure is not new. I've played Heroes Charge, Soulhunter, and one other (sorry, deleted it a while ago) and they have all had PvP, gearing, shops, shards, stars, gear tiers, and a GW like feature. None of those 3 have had so many people mad at the company over something like this. Maybe you could learn something from those who know what they are doing. So, perhaps the problem is not the thousands of people who are mad and posting. Perhaps the problem is not the even more who are just as upset but don't bother posting. Perhaps the problem is you.

    Post edited by GeorgeMcFly on
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    At lest others are begining to see how fake galactic wars actually is, I wouldn't mind if I was actually facing the teams it shows, but when your are facing teams that apparently don't even have full mod sets but are still three times faster than your team, then you know the developers are at it, it is just hidden bonuses now, or just out right cheating on the part of the developers but anything with an EA tag would never do that...
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    An if it's the top 5 characters regardless to what you are running in pvp, can someone tell me what team I am missing in my roster to be facing fully maxed and geared lvl 83 characters at level 75 when my highest leveled guy is 73 wearing gear 8?
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    Yeah, this Galactic War trash is completely out of hand. I go through THREE TEAMS on 12th node and can't even kill ONE PERSON. DAILY. I'm beginning to phase this game out. I'm not having fun. At all. It feels extremely tedious to have to waste a bunch of time to play this, only to get slaughtered in the end, with no real benefits of getting that far, other than maybe half a million credits, which doesn't do anything for me nowadays anyway. So, if this doesn't get fixed soon, I'm outta here. I've wasted too much time and too much money to watch it all go away for nothing.
  • ogre2005
    83 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Yeah, the cheating is just ridiculous. It's to the point I can accurately predict what will happen when it's to my advantage. Examples:

    If Mace Windu has an opponent exposed that hasn't had a chance to use a special, he will miss every time.

    If you stack up DOT debuffs on aenemy toon and IG88 gets a turn to hit them, he will miss every time.

    Luminara cannot hit Sidious with her force blast, ever.

    If you use a group attack that causes ability block and the enemy team hasn't had a chance to use them yet, it won't work.

    This is pretty much the norm. It's ridiculous that it continues.
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    It will get easier once you're squads are g10 and by the time they're g11 you will be able to auto it again
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    I think it is time to make galactic war easy. I understand that it is supposed to be a challenge, and I was fine with the difficulty almost all of the way, but now it is too much. With so many elements like ships and raids making the game longer, it is hard to find time for galactic war for many people. At this point, it shouldn't really be designed as a tough challenge every day, maybe some days with unlucky nodes, but all of the content makes the game take too long, and galactic war is a nice place to shave off some of the difficulties.
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    ogre2005 wrote: »
    Yeah, the cheating is just ridiculous. It's to the point I can accurately predict what will happen when it's to my advantage. Examples:

    If Mace Windu has an opponent exposed that hasn't had a chance to use a special, he will miss every time.

    If you stack up DOT debuffs on aenemy toon and IG88 gets a turn to hit them, he will miss every time.

    Luminara cannot hit Sidious with her force blast, ever.

    If you use a group attack that causes ability block and the enemy team hasn't had a chance to use them yet, it won't work.

    This is pretty much the norm. It's ridiculous that it continues.
    ogre2005 wrote: »
    Yeah, the cheating is just ridiculous. It's to the point I can accurately predict what will happen when it's to my advantage. Examples:

    If Mace Windu has an opponent exposed that hasn't had a chance to use a special, he will miss every time.

    If you stack up DOT debuffs on aenemy toon and IG88 gets a turn to hit them, he will miss every time.

    Luminara cannot hit Sidious with her force blast, ever.

    If you use a group attack that causes ability block and the enemy team hasn't had a chance to use them yet, it won't work.

    This is pretty much the norm. It's ridiculous that it continues.

    Yeah it was stuff like this, that I first noticed, I call them the CONveniant hits... My favs are the hits that should kill them out right but they somehow always survie just to be luckily healed, we know there predetermined it's easy enough to see... This isn't a chalange its wall put up against you to gate levelling and it's obvious for all to see...
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