Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    honestly if you still have a problem beating it after level 50 just stop trying to get a good rank in squad arena. just have your team one character also being your worst that way other ppl will beat it and your rank gets really bad. Galactic war is based on your ranks in squad arena and will just send in teams that are hard but if you have a good team witha poor Squad Arena rank you can take on the whole war with one team try it
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    bkaeo14 wrote: »
    Galactic war is based on your ranks in squad arena and will just send in teams that are hard but if you have a good team witha poor Squad Arena rank you can take on the whole war with one team

    it is not based on arena rank. it was in depth discussed - it is based on power of top toons.
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    **** you devs. Whole roster and I was only able to destroy one ai toon. ****
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    My node 12 was easy for a while. Starting 2 days ago, it got insanely hard. Anyone else notice this change?
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    Well it is better for GW to be challenging rather than boring
  • StarSon
    7531 posts Member
    I think it is time to make galactic war easy. I understand that it is supposed to be a challenge, and I was fine with the difficulty almost all of the way, but now it is too much. With so many elements like ships and raids making the game longer, it is hard to find time for galactic war for many people. At this point, it shouldn't really be designed as a tough challenge every day, maybe some days with unlucky nodes, but all of the content makes the game take too long, and galactic war is a nice place to shave off some of the difficulties.

    They made it easy once, and then decided they shouldn't have done that, so made it what it is now. It's still not very hard if you have a deep roster. Basically, patience, young padawan.
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    Node 12, all 7*, all lvl 85

    Palpatine, RG, Vader, Sun Fac, Shoretrooper

    1. I've hit this team at node 12 at least 6 times out of the last week.

    2. Every character on this team is either hard to get or at least hard to get to 7*. This is a whale team and I've spent like $5 on this game ever.

    3. No matter what roster I use I can't kill even ONE guy.

    All you people saying "GW is supposed to be hard", that's not the problem. The problem is that they've purposely made it impossible. The problem is that they're creating teams that maybe 1% of the players can even make and making them constantly the one you have to fight.

    And the major problem is that they're so pathetic they can't even code a random fight. The fact that if you retreat and do the battle again it will always be the same is ridiculous. The same people will always miss, the same people will always do the same thing.

    There are tons of fighting games out there and I've played quite a few. The coders on this game are so lazy they code GW like a choose your own adventure, which ever page you take you always get the same result.

    It's not fun anymore and you can add me to the list of people phasing out this game because of it.
  • DrGreenlungs_420
    38 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Word you have to also keep your other toons close to your arena squad. Gw difficulty is determined on how strong your top five toons are based on power. So leave them alone for a bit and work on the rest of you toons and I promise that it will get better. Been playin for almost a year and I finish with no problem and I'm not a whale. Your whole roster needs to be used to finish everyday. My ally code is 226637627 send me a ally request and check my inventory I promise this method is battle tested and works hope this was helpful.
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    Havent beaten GW in maybe 2 months. I start with 2nd team of ig-88, dengar, fett, vader, and a weak throw in like qgj or gs (all geared 9 and 7* cept vader - 5* atm). I can usually get to 7th or 8th node but then its doom city for me. I get to the 9th node and barely beat it with 3rd team of phasma, 5s, leia, rey, and usually qgj if i hadnt used him yet (all geared 8 and 9, 7*). Then i use 1st team of aa, lando, sth, wiggs (all geared 9 7*). Usually i get thru 10th and 11th nodes easily enough but the 12th im fighting either teams like mine but maxed to the hilt...20-30k health and +20k protection or the dreaded droid, ewok, jawa teams that are 3 times as powerful as mine. Or best yet is a team with the joke that is rg, rey, qgj, lumi, and sth - still all with upwards of 30k health and 20k protection. Im l84. Highest power is maybe 40k from top 5 toons that dont synergize at average team is 36k power. Im facing teams close to 50k power. Can beat on them but never finish. Thats not a challenge. Its an impossibility to spend 2-3 turns on one enemy toon. How is it that most people here are drawing the super elite teams EVERY TIME?
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    Muerrto wrote: »
    Node 12, all 7*, all lvl 85

    Palpatine, RG, Vader, Sun Fac, Shoretrooper

    1. I've hit this team at node 12 at least 6 times out of the last week.

    2. Every character on this team is either hard to get or at least hard to get to 7*. This is a whale team and I've spent like $5 on this game ever.

    3. No matter what roster I use I can't kill even ONE guy.

    All you people saying "GW is supposed to be hard", that's not the problem. The problem is that they've purposely made it impossible. The problem is that they're creating teams that maybe 1% of the players can even make and making them constantly the one you have to fight.

    And the major problem is that they're so pathetic they can't even code a random fight. The fact that if you retreat and do the battle again it will always be the same is ridiculous. The same people will always miss, the same people will always do the same thing.

    There are tons of fighting games out there and I've played quite a few. The coders on this game are so lazy they code GW like a choose your own adventure, which ever page you take you always get the same result.

    It's not fun anymore and you can add me to the list of people phasing out this game because of it.

    I get the all the time. I used like half my roster on them. And probaly have had 5 hits. Against them. And im slaughtered. I dont bother even fighting them anymore. Ridiculous.
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    I win every time with my Palpatine/Empire team. He tears a new hole through everyone from nodes 6-12. It's not even my A team or my arena team. That's how awesome Palpatine is.
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    Winstar wrote: »
    I win every time with my Palpatine/Empire team. He tears a new hole through everyone from nodes 6-12. It's not even my A team or my arena team. That's how awesome Palpatine is.

    Right? Most of the time, GW is a cakewalk for me and it's all because of Palpy.
    .GG Profile | Got spaces on my ally list.
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    GW sucks for those of that started a bit to late to be ready with 5 rebels for the palp challange.

    Nodes 6 and 10-12 for me are Wiggs rebel teams and Palp Empire teams. Or counter teams with fives, sunfac, shoretrooper, Royal Guard... OR Rex led clone teams.

    Try doing GW without your PALP, or chromium pack chars. Then say it gets easier....

    Honestly if you started year ago, you have no idea what players that started only 6 months ago are facing...
    When your top 5 toons reached 44k NW, there like were no 50k meta teams for the game to toss at you laughing.

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    I am really glad someone brought this up. I am sure others are having trouble but just not posting about it. More people should post about GW. For me I have always enjoyed GW and the challenge it brings.

    Le sigh....
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    Wicket wrote: »
    I am really glad someone brought this up. I am sure others are having trouble but just not posting about it. More people should post about GW. For me I have always enjoyed GW and the challenge it brings.

    Le sigh....

    There's a 200 page Mega thread dedicated to GW.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Use your A-team for node 1. Maybe node 6 and/or 9, depending on circumstances.

    Use your B-team node 2, node 6, and node 9.

    Use your C-team for every other battle possible.

    For node 12, start with your C-team, then B. If the enemy's cooldowns are still disrupted, use your A-team. If strong abilities are still up for them, throw some scrubs out to eat those abilities and scratch some protection, then put out the A-team.

    Months ago you could ride your Arena team to the end with no problems. You can't do that any more and need a new strategy. Now you need a relatively deep bench and you need to use early battles to build TM and preserve cooldowns/protection. Here's my GW roster, for example (I'm 84, but all the characters are 80, FWIW.)

    A-Team: Luminara (L) g9, Qui-Gon g9, Daka g10, RG g10, Rey g9. All with full health mods.

    B-Team: HK (L) g9, B2 g9, 86 g10, Greivous g10 (5*), JE g9. All with health mods.

    C-Team: Ackbar (L) g8, Leia g9, Chewbacca g8, Consular g8, ???. All with health mods, most L15, but a lot at 9 or 12.

    The final spot in my C-Team ultimately winds up being Lando g9. But I will start with Vader (g8), using him on one node without using any abilities and ensuring he doesn't get the final blow (so he ends with all abilities available and some TM). Do the same with Phasma and Sidious (both g8) in subsequent nodes.

    This provides a D-Team that can be thrown in for one battle--usually node 12--to soften up a hard fight.
    Ad hoc D-Team: Phasma (L), Vader, Sidious, ST Han g9, Mace g8.
    Vader uses Force Crush, Sidious uses Demoralizing Blows, Han and Phasma use their TM gains, Vader uses Culling Blade. Mace is there to break taunts and maybe land a lucky expose.

    That's a lot of characters, I admit, but all are f2p and the gear levels are attainable. My mods are sub-optimal because I just don't have nearly enough credits... And because I didn't have the teams to beat T3 non-health/defense mods until recently.

    The point being: If I can do it, you can do it!
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »

    The point being: If I can do it, you can do it!

    wmah, not necessarily true.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    Healing is crucial to GW

    Clone auto healing helps a lot.

    Bariss and Luminara are also crucial.

  • Wrathnfury
    10 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    So there is a difference between hard and impossible. Sorry when a 40k team (strongest) is going againt high synergy teams just shy of 50k that murder every team you have. It is no longer hard, but flat out impossible. I have found these teams everyday for the past month now. The only time I get to win GW now is when these just shy of 50k teams have bad synergy. And I use every last toon I have. All the way down to the level ones....
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    We need a new and interesting character shards in Galactic War Shipments store to make me want to do more than one a day to meet my daily activities requirement. Galactic War takes too long and is so tedious.
  • SelfishFiend
    174 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Why is 6th node always a lvl 80+? Freaking fools
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    NicWester wrote: »
    Use your A-team for node 1. Maybe node 6 and/or 9, depending on circumstances.

    Use your B-team node 2, node 6, and node 9.

    Use your C-team for every other battle possible.

    For node 12, start with your C-team, then B. If the enemy's cooldowns are still disrupted, use your A-team. If strong abilities are still up for them, throw some scrubs out to eat those abilities and scratch some protection, then put out the A-team.

    Months ago you could ride your Arena team to the end with no problems. You can't do that any more and need a new strategy. Now you need a relatively deep bench and you need to use early battles to build TM and preserve cooldowns/protection. Here's my GW roster, for example (I'm 84, but all the characters are 80, FWIW.)

    A-Team: Luminara (L) g9, Qui-Gon g9, Daka g10, RG g10, Rey g9. All with full health mods.

    B-Team: HK (L) g9, B2 g9, 86 g10, Greivous g10 (5*), JE g9. All with health mods.

    C-Team: Ackbar (L) g8, Leia g9, Chewbacca g8, Consular g8, ???. All with health mods, most L15, but a lot at 9 or 12.

    The final spot in my C-Team ultimately winds up being Lando g9. But I will start with Vader (g8), using him on one node without using any abilities and ensuring he doesn't get the final blow (so he ends with all abilities available and some TM). Do the same with Phasma and Sidious (both g8) in subsequent nodes.

    This provides a D-Team that can be thrown in for one battle--usually node 12--to soften up a hard fight.
    Ad hoc D-Team: Phasma (L), Vader, Sidious, ST Han g9, Mace g8.
    Vader uses Force Crush, Sidious uses Demoralizing Blows, Han and Phasma use their TM gains, Vader uses Culling Blade. Mace is there to break taunts and maybe land a lucky expose.

    That's a lot of characters, I admit, but all are f2p and the gear levels are attainable. My mods are sub-optimal because I just don't have nearly enough credits... And because I didn't have the teams to beat T3 non-health/defense mods until recently.

    The point being: If I can do it, you can do it!

    Not to mention months or years of farming all those g9-10s f2p lol
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Vice_torn wrote: »
    GW sucks for those of that started a bit to late to be ready with 5 rebels for the palp challange.

    Nodes 6 and 10-12 for me are Wiggs rebel teams and Palp Empire teams. Or counter teams with fives, sunfac, shoretrooper, Royal Guard... OR Rex led clone teams.

    Try doing GW without your PALP, or chromium pack chars. Then say it gets easier....

    Honestly if you started year ago, you have no idea what players that started only 6 months ago are facing...
    When your top 5 toons reached 44k NW, there like were no 50k meta teams for the game to toss at you laughing.

    Droids with JE and Nebit
    Wiggs, Lando, Boba/Ani/TFP
    Those teams will run through nodes 1-12 like nobody's business 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • pargame
    989 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    First to say that this is just a thoughts and I am not sure about it.
    my top5 toons' power is low - about 39k.
    I think that it is somehow related to all players' power. When max level is increased to 85 I've got problems with very powerful teams, I've got some post here, but now it is easy, even with AI cheating. So what I think is that while I keep my power at same level other players increase theirs so it become easy for me. maybe power is not good measurement at higher levels?!? Another point is that of course whales increased their power very fast and now they are out of my reach - so I don't have to fight against rare toons.

    EDIT: for example I think that speed does not affect power (not so sure)
    Post edited by pargame on
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    The thing is a scam, it's as easy as that...
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    Holy moly, my node 11 was crazy.. shoretrooper with SF, EE, RG and Palp that does 9k crits while stunning everyone was insane to go against. Took 7 teams that are all above G8-G11 to finish... then I saw Node 12 and closed my app. I don't think I'll be able to finish GW anytime soon.
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    There needs to be some fixes to this game that have yet to be done.
    I've been in two Guilds where everyone has said the same thing or agreed and I'm going to share this.
    #1 Credits are way too hard to get. Everything requires credits, level up player, upgrade player, upgrade mods, upgrade anything... Yet the best way on a regular basis is GW's and that gives you at most what.. 400K? maybe?
    I do the credit heist on tier 4 and only ever get 1.25 million literally EVERYTIME!
    #2 materials. Finding the ones you need are a joke. you do a mission that contains a material you need 20 times you may get it once.. you have 400+ of a material you will never use again yet... you still have it. MATERIAL CONVERSION
    #3. I've spent.. a decent amount of money on this game, I don't know why but I have. Everytime I do and go for one of the data cards, I get the lowest possibilities on drops, EVERY TIME.. I just know I"m only getting 5 shards or 10 at best.. what's up with that. DON'T ADVERTISE YOU CAN GET 100 IF YOU NEVER DO MORE THAN 10.
    Lastly.. what's up with the speed of every enemy in the newest raid.. come on you guys..
    Thank you
    may the force be with you
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    Easy? I get 5 fights in and have to fight impossible battles. Ive only been playing a couple minutes ths but after 60 plus attempts at the galactic war and only beating it 3 times i am hugely disappointed. Taking on other player team 10 levels higher than my best team is just pathetic.

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    Easy? I get 5 fights in and have to fight impossible battles. Ive only been playing a couple minutes ths but after 60 plus attempts at the galactic war and only beating it 3 times i am hugely disappointed. Taking on other player team 10 levels higher than my best team is just pathetic.

    Months, not minutes

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    Galactic wars are becoming increasingly frustrating, as it is virtually impossible to complete one. I understand that these are meant to be challenging but of late they are impossible to complete and I only seem to reach upto the ninth node.
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