Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • Gankak
    226 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    They do not care and they do not listen. I haven't spent any money in 3 months and since GW has gotten to be a chore I will not spend going forward. I am leaning towards quitting because they have taken the fun out of the game.
  • KeKattia
    1118 posts Member
    DjangoQuik wrote: »
    Certainly seems like there are a lot more experiencing this now and a lot less saying they can auto through the whole thing. Yes there were people who were facing monster teams from node 6 before but it sounds mostly like those people still are - they're probably the earlier players of the game though and have bigger rosters/higher power arena teams. From the sounds of things there are now very few people who are finding it easier or quicker - at best it's the same difficulty as before.

    In my guild we have a couple people who are close to kraken level and they find it much easier the before the two updates. I personally find it harder now after the second update since I face 2-4 maxed teams though nodes 11 and 12 are gimmies, before this second update I could auto through the entire thing with Ewoks and would find at least Teebo with half or more protection left.

    It is however still much easier than facing maxed teams from node 6 or 7 til the end. The time has become shorter for me, but I do think the errors they made in the tuning made it more difficult and time consuming for some.

    I hope they do get that fixed soon
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    Chico wrote: »
    When will EA get that grinding is not fun. Shame EA. SHAME.

    YES! The GW change is absolutely despised more than the SHAME lady from GOT!
  • Tomek
    327 posts Member
    I want to know if GW is connected to power of my Arena team .
    It is 37k. Next week I will be able to upgrade RG to G10 and every raid reward I will be able to upgrade GS to G10. But I want to know , will it change the GW for me or not .
  • Pjay
    283 posts Member
    Phew, finished GW for first time in 3 days, had not had a problem for weeks. No changes to squad, just used my A team from start and kept my B team as suicide squad for a node I could not beat. Node 12 turned out to be the one.
  • Boxmint
    127 posts Member
    I have never had a problem in the past and now I cannot finish it. I'm level 80 with complete 7 star team gear 8 9 and 10. Meta teams from node 8 on beat me senseless
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Nodes 6, 9, and 10 have consistently been high end Arena teams but the rest are cake walks. Been very easy
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    It's hard but in the time consuming way.

    I fought this team twice: Geared BEN (L), Sunfac, Stormtrooper, Ayla, Fives. Imagine their total HPs.

    It took one team to take down sunfac and 1/2 stormtrooper.

    Another team to kill Ayla, stormtrooper and 50% fives. I just manually attacked fives with yoda for the foresight-counter balance while teebo is decreasing the TM of Ben.

    And some crappy toons to finish them off.

    I dont mind them making it a "challenge" but my beef with all of this is that it's taking up too much of my day. Can they design GW in a more go-have-a-balanced-life-outside way? =D

    Or how about make it a storymode? haha EA has this tendency to neglect the story. Like how they treated battlefront.
  • Llewella
    400 posts Member
    Cry about it until they make it easy and there's not a challenging mode left in this game. It seems to be what this community is best at. Worked for yoda may work for you.
  • Tomek
    327 posts Member
    The challenging mode in the game should not be the only source of credits ...
  • Caner67
    10 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Gw is fine...its has to be hard..pls have patience in a few months when u have a decent line up ..u can beat it many 7 star toons u have and what r their gears? If every challange were easy what is the reason of playing this game? What is the difference between a good line up and a bad line up?

    Only problem with gw is the game getting tje openents from the arena.. no healers with all tanks and dps toons.. but its beatible with a good line up. And also one particular toon is bariss if u want to beat gw consistently..
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    Dont u get it devs. GW is no fun anymore. I only desire
    To try and beat a couple nodes now. I dont wanna waste my time when i will be matched with a super max team on the last three nodes and most my character or by then in bad shape
    Yes Yoda is worth farming
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    Instead of fixing tons of broken things, game creators broke GW yet again...
    Someone is making wrong decisions over there. There's one thing that they seem to be missing - when game is released to the public, it doesn't belong to creator anymore, it belongs to players' community. Therefore all changes should be done to keep that community as happy as possible. Forget what YOU want this game to be like. The most important thing now is what players want it to be like.
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    Another half baked idea by the devs. I thought they would have learnt from the stuipidty that was involved with protection. Please fix GW as the difficulty now is just impossible.
  • Radwin
    69 posts Member
    So you are missing out on the last node... Well do the other events. It will compensate your loss on the last node. Maybe they want to decrease income from GW since you get income from other events as well now. IF they just keep giving out more and more awards noone will have to pay in this game. I was a whale but now there is no reason to spend on this game. Do i really need a new p2w toon? Well they are not releasing game breaking new toons and IF they did ftp would complain until it was nerfed.
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    The other events are unplayable as well, it's just bad development work. If they aren't releasing new things that make you want to pay then this goes to show just how bad they really are in my opinion.
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    People keep complaining that some people get 3* characters on node 12, when they get a team they can't beat. These people don't understand that people who get a 3* squad on node 12 get that monster team on node 11. So even if they got a draw where they would get a 3* team on node 12 they'd never see it because they wouldn't be able to beat node 11, and they would actually finish less nodes than they are now.

    This is what I've been seeing on node 11.

  • Divona
    117 posts Member
    Laserbrain wrote: »
    the real joke is, that normal players get insanely hard opponents and whales get insanely easy nodes 11 and 12.

    Thats the funniest thing actually. This change did not make things harder for 38k+ whale players but instead casual or f2p players who dont have raid gear or maxed chars. This change made absolutely no sence in any way that it was ment for.
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    I fly through it still (around 33k arena) then BANG into the last two battles... last but one i usually burn my B team so A team can finish it off but then i find the last battle impossible...

    Today was the most ridiculous ive ever fought.. Teebo lead where entire team was stealthed and i was fighting a stealthed taunting RG with my relatively strong team/bench 1 shotted
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    Another day, another GW unfinished. Sadly today was the day it counts more for being a Guild activity. Please fix this! I'm facing lvl 80 gear 8 characters on 6.... Unbelievable :(
  • Allenb60
    2171 posts Member
    edited July 2016
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    Appreciate the frustration but its gonna get to the point every post on here will be GW hate related...
  • Allenb60
    2171 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Saraleb wrote: »
    Appreciate the frustration but its gonna get to the point every post on here will be GW hate related...

    That's why the mega thread is also an announcement, so critique on an issue can stay at the top of the forums but not overcrowd everything under it
    20 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Here is my second complain. i have posted one earlier about how EA pits whales against an FTP player like me. lo and behold, i refreshed my GW, played and they started giving me harder teams halfway. well, fair right? if not where is the challenge? but right when i reached the end of gw. this team shocked me. HYPERMAXED Anakin, Rex, echo, clone sergeant, and fives!!! what?! is this a joke??? this is the first time i lost galactic war in 2 months! it has been getting really impossible recently and i hope the devs tweak it back to normal, or at least not give impossible opponent matchups. please read this @EA_Jesse

    image of my second opponent i could not beat:
  • Catarra
    67 posts Member
    What really frosts me about this tweak to GW is that it's now made it take way way WAY too long again. I've at times spent an hour or more trying to defeat node 12, retreating over and over again, shuffling my A team around, and it's usually all for naught now. Since GW is the guild activity right now, I spent close to 3 hours making 2 runs last night, and for the first time in a very long time, I didn't complete the second run because the AI squad attacked my A team in such a frenzy that everyone was dead before I could retreat. All that I had left were toons that were about as strong as tissue paper, so there was no point in going on. Especially since the AI team ALWAYS goes first and kills every single one of those wimpy toons before they can even blink.

    Every single time on node 12, I'm facing a team of level 80, 7*, totally geared up toons. The team ALWAYS includes Rey, who is a OHK monster, and 95% of the time, RG is on the team as well. This is basically a no-win scenario. To mix universes, GW node 12 has become my Kobayashi Maru. Having it happen every once in a while is something I can live with. Having it happen on a daily basis is unacceptable. It makes me feel like I'm at the mercy of a bunch of sadists.

    "They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally they became heroes." ~ Leia Organa
  • Tadashi
    1 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    The 6th node of GW shouldn't be harder than the 2nd or 3rd to last node. This is stupid.
    2761 posts Member
    Something is up for sure. I have a 39K arena power and faced tough teams at 6, 9 and 10 but green teams on 11 and 12 yesterday.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • masters
    235 posts Member
    Way to long. Hmm, enjoy a summer day or try and complete 24 nodes of galactic war. How will we feel in November when we reflect on how much time we wasted doing galactic chores in early July?
  • Dabro11
    29 posts Member
    The mega thread where they just ignore. Brilliant idea. Wish I had thought of it
  • Xyon
    38 posts Member
    The credit crunch has always existed. Galactic War has always been the main source of credits in the game. It used to be more of a Galactic Chore. It was annoying, but doable every day. Then they changed it and made it much easier, which made it nice to not have to to spend a half hour or more on a chore in this game every day. With the latest changes, it has become frustrating and often unbeatable. I haven't completed Galactic War the past few days and have begun to not even bother with it. Without credits to advance my characters, I don't really see the point anymore and the game has become more of a nuisance than something I enjoy doing. If something isn't changed to ease the credit crunch and make Galactic War less frustrating, I can't see myself not quitting. Why play a game that isn't fun or rewarding, but frustrating and annoying?
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