Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    I feel like I am always stuck facing a team lead by teebo, then qui gon then RG then fives then Ayla sacura, all level 80 and maxed out gear. It's almost impossible to beat because when you try to take down RG he gains stealth, and if you focus on someone else you are then forced to attack him. Maybe tune it down a little bit. I feel like only top 10 players could beat that
  • jedikilla84
    153 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Horrible customer service!!!! Even if no changes are coming to gw then say that. Not communicating with your customers on what is an obvious issue in the game is more frustrating than than the changes itself. Nobody is going to spend time or money on a game if they have no idea what direction it's going in and if it's worth our time and money to keep playing. That is the point of a forum is it not. You tell us about changes and new content and we provide feedback. Where's the communication Ea!
    Post edited by jedikilla84 on
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    I've finished it the last couple of days and noticed that if I don't lose a toon before the tenth node it seems to give me the simple last battle... If anyone else has noticed this or tries it please let me know :)
  • Dizzle
    80 posts Member
    It's fine again. I lost every toon trying 2 nodes last night, woke up today and threw a 3rd squad at loss. Continued running, finished. Certainly wasn't easy since I was down to my backup backups, but I *was* able to complete it after much gnashing of teeth. Instadeath on completion seems to be gone.

    For the love of god, why would you want to spend that much time doing that.
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    Not gonna lie. A week in and I still like it. Not as hard as pre June 15th, not as simple as post June 15th.

    This was a squad I got today.


    This week is the first time I've seen a lot of Sun Fac and Rex's seeing that not many people use them on my shard. I had to actually retreat and go read Sun Fac's skills a couple of days ago. But it's a welcome change from fighting Dooku, Old Ben leads with RG, ReY, QGJ over and over.

    Also swapping players in and out I've found a better lineup to use in arena on offense.

    This difficulty is perfect for my roster, I just wish I could get another decent fight on node 12.

    They just need to adjust this for people in the 33-35Kish range, and fix the last node for people 36Kish and above.
  • PugVader
    438 posts Member
    LukesDaddy wrote: »
    I'm so angry about GW that I could break a carrot in half.

    "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." - Master Yoda
    42 posts Member
    So is it ever going to be fixed? Galactic War is beyond absurd. My nodes 6 & 11 tonight were enough to make me want to drink heavily and leave this game. Those two nodes took out 24, 7* L80 G8+ toons and a bunch of 6* ones too. I literally was creating suicide squads out of 7* maxed toons. Sorry but that's just un winnable and wrong. Needless to say I did not finish. Gave up after restarting too many times to care. Kind of like how I am feeling about this game. Been on since November, spent more money than I care to think about, and hanging on by a thread to the hope of the devs fixing this nonsense.
  • Tjo
    5 posts Member
    Gw was better before rework. Final node today was gear 10 meta team but I don't have any gear 10 toons. My best squad with full proc and health couldn't beat it
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    From now on let's refer to the GW changes as Order 66 - 2.0, modified to call for the total elimination of any and all fun.

    The Emperor (Darth Mickey) has decreed, all fun must die..
  • Sandybard
    156 posts Member
    I don't mind the changes too much. I used to run the whole thing with one squad and it was easy. Very rarely did I even lose one toon, let alone not finish all nodes. Now, things start to get tougher after the first few nodes. I think it's node 6 that suddenly becomes challenging. I may lose a toon or two there. After that, it seems to get a little easier again until node 11. If I make it past that, node 12 finishes me off more often than not. I think I've completed GW once or twice since the update. That's fine. If it's not challenging, they might as well just give the loot away to us simply for logging in. There's no point in even having the thing if everyone just plows their way through it in 10 minutes. Like anything else worth having, it's gotta be worked for.
  • JRA
    336 posts Member
    Sandybard wrote: »
    I don't mind the changes too much. I used to run the whole thing with one squad and it was easy. Very rarely did I even lose one toon, let alone not finish all nodes. Now, things start to get tougher after the first few nodes. I think it's node 6 that suddenly becomes challenging. I may lose a toon or two there. After that, it seems to get a little easier again until node 11. If I make it past that, node 12 finishes me off more often than not. I think I've completed GW once or twice since the update. That's fine. If it's not challenging, they might as well just give the loot away to us simply for logging in. There's no point in even having the thing if everyone just plows their way through it in 10 minutes. Like anything else worth having, it's gotta be worked for.
    Challenge is what challenges are for, or raids, or arena. GW has been the required daily farming that people spent weeks or months getting to a point that they could beat daily without worry. It's how we get a bit of credits so we can build up toons to do actual challenges. It's farming. Daily farming and nothing more. That's the game people paid for, and spent months on. If they want to make bare minimum required daily farming so difficult that it takes hours daily, or people can't finish it at all then people will rage quit, or stop spending. The last 55 pages prove that. If they want to challenge us, add new stuff. Don't take things away.

  • Baggodi
    404 posts Member
    XJStryker wrote: »
    I hate mega threads. I wud much rather the devs get on here and see a 1000 threads on GW complaints. So they will do something. No one reads mega threads. Stop it

    The devs wouldn't give a flying **** about the issue if there were 1000 threads either. They've demonstrated time and again that they care nothing about customer satisfaction. They do whatever they want to the game and seem to be intentionally angering the people who they want to get money from.
  • Sandybard
    156 posts Member
    Challenge is what challenges are for, or raids, or arena. GW has been the required daily farming that people spent weeks or months getting to a point that they could beat daily without worry. It's how we get a bit of credits so we can build up toons to do actual challenges. It's farming. Daily farming and nothing more. That's the game people paid for, and spent months on. If they want to make bare minimum required daily farming so difficult that it takes hours daily, or people can't finish it at all then people will rage quit, or stop spending. The last 55 pages prove that. If they want to challenge us, add new stuff. Don't take things away.

    Then quit. It's Disney, they're in the business of making money, not giving away free stuff. As far as I can tell, it's really no different than any other "free" with in-app purchases game. You can get so far and then you need to be either REALLY patient or pony up some cash. That's how they all work. The minutiae of which activities are for what and how hard they are is irrelevant. Personally, I find gear farming to be MUCH more frustrating, but that's just how it is. Just have to keep at it and I'll get it when I get it. It just seems like a lot of whining from a bunch of spoiled brats. And don't give me any of that "I paid good money" crap. It's not like you bought a painting and then the artist came back and changed it. It's an online game, it's organic, and it's going to probably change again, many times.
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    Do you think someone is ignoring 1600 posts here and growing?
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    Martianski wrote: »
    Do you think someone is ignoring 1600 posts here and growing?
    There were more than 1600 posts before 6/15 and they kept ignoring it for months...
  • Obsid
    108 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Ok this is just getting a little silly. I'm facing a team that is 16 levels higher then i am, and a whole gear level higher then my highest gear level char. I don't think I could kill them from full with my arena team. I'm lvl 55, they are level 71.... I mean come on! I have no one higher then G7, they have 2 G8.
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    If I'm spending three times as much time I should get three times the reward, easy logic here. Also challenges need a new node, harder with better rewards, again logical game updates money is flowing don't get greedy
  • JRA
    336 posts Member
    Sandybard wrote: »
    Challenge is what challenges are for, or raids, or arena. GW has been the required daily farming that people spent weeks or months getting to a point that they could beat daily without worry. It's how we get a bit of credits so we can build up toons to do actual challenges. It's farming. Daily farming and nothing more. That's the game people paid for, and spent months on. If they want to make bare minimum required daily farming so difficult that it takes hours daily, or people can't finish it at all then people will rage quit, or stop spending. The last 55 pages prove that. If they want to challenge us, add new stuff. Don't take things away.

    Then quit. It's Disney, they're in the business of making money, not giving away free stuff. As far as I can tell, it's really no different than any other "free" with in-app purchases game. You can get so far and then you need to be either REALLY patient or pony up some cash. That's how they all work. The minutiae of which activities are for what and how hard they are is irrelevant. Personally, I find gear farming to be MUCH more frustrating, but that's just how it is. Just have to keep at it and I'll get it when I get it. It just seems like a lot of whining from a bunch of spoiled brats. And don't give me any of that "I paid good money" ****. It's not like you bought a painting and then the artist came back and changed it. It's an online game, it's organic, and it's going to probably change again, many times.

    So you're saying you don't care how much people have paid, and that the game can be completely changed into something they hate, and if they don't like it...quit?

    So how long have you been on the development team?

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    I'm not level 80. Still a few levels away. However, 5 nodes into Galactic War I get a full purple (purple 2) geared team of level 80s with a Royal Guard and Rey. "Bring my whole team" is ridiculous. I have one team of 75s... and then 60s. Yeah... I got decimated and was completely demoralised.

    How is that fair at all? I was really enjoying the Galactic War until the most recent adjustments.

    I've been looking for an excuse to delete this app from my iPad. Guess this is it.
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    Well, today my A-team got whiped out in node 11 of GW and it took my whole B-team (all 7*, lvl 80) to kill ONE opposing toon in node 11 (not 12!).
    After that, my C-team (all 7*, lvl 80) also got whiped out, but managed to kill at least 3 opposing toons in the process.
    Last opponent standing was Fives, still with half of his protection left.
    In came my D-team. A 6* lvl 73 Rey, a 6* lvl 70 RG, 7* lvl 70 Luke & ST Han, 5* lvl 70 DV.
    They finished Fives.
    Now I oppose a Full geared, lvl 80 7* team in node 12 with this D-team.

    Thanks guys at EA. "It's supposed to be hard" and "Works as intended" are quotes of the year.
    And you give us this nonsense like "mods"...
  • Ghostrider1982
    219 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    I played it super smart today.....I used a somewhat D team of 71's 5/6star to make it to Node 6....On Node 6 I used my B team and then went back to the D team up to node 9 where I hit some 80 Gear8, I used my A team here to clear it....node 10 was easy and then node 11 was decently difficult so I used my A team and had to retreat twice to set it up better but I made it to node 12 with no losses and no low health characters albeit with protection gone on a lot of my characters. And this is what awaited me..............


    That's a G10 Phasma Lead, G11 Tank Han, G10 Daka, G10 GS, and G9 Rey.....I have 1 G9 character in my entire arsenal.... I haven't even tried to fight it yet cause I know i'm going to get wrecked over and over.....I had a similar one yesterday but replace Han with a G11 QGJ.....though I had lost some characters along the way. How should I combat this....should I focus Daka? I made the mistake of not doing that yesterday and got GS/Rey and QGJ dead with many lost teams only to have Daka revive Rey and QGJ with full turn meters and wipeout my team before I could retreat. Yesterday I lost almost 2 teams without even having the ability to do damage or retreat. This is just rediculous. You should not get G10/G11 chars if you don't have any especially when they are full protection and you clearly aren't.
    So I went in with my A team and took out Rey before she had a chance to attack....but then it went bad as I was trying to focus Daka.....Daka revived Rey and my whole team died due to a nice 2 person stun from Daka and again I didn't have time to retreat....

    Suprisingly, my B team got me the win......I again killed Rey quickly and got Daka down before she could revive.....then I was even able to focus down GS and with only Han/Phasma left he wasn't doing much damage and my Obi/Rex was able to kill Han and drop Phasma's protection before dying so my C squad mopped up.

    My B team was: Max Obi Lead G9, Max Rex G8, Max DS G8, Max Asajj G8, and Max IG-86 G8......

    All in all it's just too difficult.....and takes so much more time to plan properly if you are going to have a chance when it comes to Nodes 11/12.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • Lattimer
    31 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    FYI it's apparently against terms of service to discuss refunds in the forum (I received a warning so thought I'd give a heads up to others so you avoid doing it).

    So I guess the encouraging thing is that EA management is aware of the issue (right? Since they commented to me in the thread about it?). Little discouraging it hasn't been fixed despite outrage but at least we know they're seeing it all.
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    Hi again chums, again excuse my english, but its not my native language.

    So, I wanted to give the changes a week or more, before posting a feedback, and here I go.

    Firstly - I'm mostly F2P player (~400 usd spend from december), with A, B, and C team, gear lvl 8, 4 glvl 9 and 1 toon with G10. I'm lvl 78.
    I understand that devs GW to be chalenging. And actually its ok to be (on a side note - thats a Mobile game, spending around an hour on 1 feature is baaaaaad, mkay), and I understand thats its hard, near imposible to have content balanced between people who can spedn ~1 hour per day, and those with low demanding jobs, students and unemployed, who can spend a lot of time in it.

    Since the update, I have 1 in 3 GW undoable (sample size from 11 with the last night war). The last 3 nodes are composed of meta teams (Dooko lead, RG, QGJ, GS, Rey) at lvl 80, with gears 9-10 at node 10, and gear 10-11 at node 11 and 12. At those enemy is fully omega'ed. Since the first few GW, I started planing ahead, keeping back my A team for those battles. And yet once in 3 games, there is simply no chance. My D squad suicides at node 11, droping 1 of their attackers prot to 0, then if I go with A squad, it kills it, but it dies horribly at node 12. If I go with B squad, it gets wiped, if lucky killing 2 of the enemies, and my A squad mops them, yet to die at node 12 in 1, or maximum 2 turns. And there is nothing to do from there.

    My point is - lvl difference is unnoticable between levels 75 and 80 in terms of stats. But in terms of gear and ability levels is 60 to 80% increase in power between lvls 79 and 80. Add full protection, compared to a team with no, and you get rougly a 50% increase in hp, or simply put - their attackers one shot yours, and two shot the tanks and tankiest supports, while you need to unload all of your team on theirs to kill one. Add a RG to the mix, and you have to down 55-60k of hp. Thats 3-4 turns. Even if you are lucky and they don't snipe your debuffer, and are able to off one of their attackers, the other one or two mop your team, while you are scratching the RG.

    I have no precise idea, how exactly is related GW to overall power of your top 5 toons, but facing a team with 6-10k more power (comparing their arena stats) to your best top 5 is not challenging, its impossible. Spending 3 almost maxed teams, to take 1 toon, is not a sign that I need a bigger rooster, I can easly sacrifice 60 toons, and have the same result (once at node 12 was Lando, and there was blood - AOE, crit, AOE, crit, wipe in 2 turns with leya finishing stuff with 20k dmg on tripple hit (btw leya > Rey in terms of damage), couldnt even react).

    You showed us you could do it managable, just find the sweet spot in the midlle pre and post patch. Couldnt be that hard, right?
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    The GW isn't challenging, it's totally unfair. Oh, of course those who spend heavy or are at a lower level will disagree. But the last two nodes, day after day, I face teams geared much higher than any of my toons, plus they have full protection bars. How is that fair? Basicly I waste my entire roster trying to beat one of those teams and node #12 isn't completed. Capital Games/EA, do you care about your customers? Or is it just a big money grab now? :'(
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    I wonder how many of those complaining now are the same people that told the 36k+ players pre June 15 that GW was fine? Well -- welcome to what we were facing then.

    Anyway, you all have my sympathy, because facing endless top gear teams is tough.

    Ironically, it's all now been turned on its head. It now gets easier the better your squad. This is because the whole thing massively breaks when your top toons get into the 39-40k bracket. The last TWO nodes are now all three star gear 3 kind of stuff now for me. GW has literally never been easier.
  • Zahreem
    122 posts Member
    Another impossible node 12, I used my A and B team plus every other toon I had and I don't stand a chance.

    Getting board with this now.
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    goal to make gw quicker = total fail. I maneged my first gw in days, just to get lucky on node 11 and sent in a couple of lvl 1 teams to let the opponent burn is cooldowns on them, then got lucky again. of course I needed loads of restarts, so 90 minutes for gw minimum (I need that as well for failures on node 12 that are more common now.

    I also think that GW shouldn't be only doable by whales. it was built to scale from the beginning on. why go through all the fuss and make it scale if one could just have fixed values. the whole idea of making it scale to your team should be that it's doable if you're playing clever and thats often not the case.
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    Batdude21 wrote: »
    The GW isn't challenging, it's totally unfair. Oh, of course those who spend heavy or are at a lower level will disagree. :'(

    Those of us at a lower level don't have it any easier. We're getting teams that are up to 15 levels and 1-2 G levels higher than our arena teams at node 12. I burned off my entire roster to take out 3 members of my nose 12 despite not having lost a single character in the 11 nodes before.

    And we still haven't got proper compensation for yesterday's total disaster.
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    Kabbes wrote: »
    The last TWO nodes are now all three star gear 3 kind of stuff now for me. GW has literally never been easier.
    What game do you play again?

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    As I said yesterday, and will say everyday until solved to help maintain the thread alive:
    1 more day, no feedback, no acknowledgement, no apology, no fix.
    24 hours of more accumulated of negativeness, despise towards costumers and losing more and more credit.
    Congratulations, this behavior will serve as an example of how not to manage a company and how to ruin a successful game.
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