Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    I've been in software development for a long time and I've never seen anything like this GW rollout. Every single thing they try is actually worse than the previous iteration. 100 monkeys at 100 laptops couldn't do any worse.

    I've said this before, a game developer's goal is to increase engagement which then increases revenue. These GW changes will decrease engagement and actually have already cause people to quit. I just won't do GW anymore, certainly won't spend money on this game again, and am losing interest in the game and inconsistent updates. How exactly does that impact revenue again? Oh never mind
  • five2zero
    512 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Over 60 dodges in 12 Nodes, the time consumption is far far too long, reduce the Nodes to max. 4.
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    Kabbes wrote: »
    I wonder how many of those complaining now are the same people that told the 36k+ players pre June 15 that GW was fine? Well -- welcome to what we were facing then.

    Anyway, you all have my sympathy, because facing endless top gear teams is tough.

    Ironically, it's all now been turned on its head. It now gets easier the better your squad. This is because the whole thing massively breaks when your top toons get into the 39-40k bracket. The last TWO nodes are now all three star gear 3 kind of stuff now for me. GW has literally never been easier.

    Yeah I concur.....noone is getting 3star gear3 final nodes.....bad sarcasm i guess for someone who has a ton of G11/G10 chars probably which makes it seem easy for them.
  • Darth_Keith
    190 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Here is what my node 6 currently looks like:


    I'm not sure how to see gear levels on opponents but his QGJ has 7933 power. Considering mine is at gear 10 (and 4 extra pieces) and only has 7759 power, I'm hitting a gear 11 opponent on node 6? That's just ridiculous.
  • Darth_Keith
    190 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Sorry, dupe post.
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    I don't know where else to post this. The last galactic war node has turned into something ridiculous. Last four days in a row I run into a team of all 7100 plus that of course has a Rey who almost cant be hit and takes my toons about every other turn. I have a squad of all 80 level, 7 star, skills 7 or maxed, gear levels 8 to 10 and I can barely knock one of theirs out. I have two slightly less powered teams I run at them 1st but Rey, QGJ, and thier friends mow me down. I get having a challenge (I've been playing since December and haven't quit yet) but this is just dumb.
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    I hate gw now. Hate it.
  • Ghostrider1982
    219 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Here is what my node 6 currently looks like:

    I'm not sure how to see gear levels on opponents but his QGJ has 7933 power. Considering mine is at gear 10 (and 4 extra pieces) and only has 7759 power, I'm hitting a gear 11 opponent on node 6? That's just ridiculous.

    Darth Keith how do you know his power, I know how to tell Gear level.....If he has 1 purple bar on the outside of the circle it's G8, if there are 2 it's G9, if there is another purple curve line inside it's G10, and if it's a full line on the inside it's G11.

    In your image, Phasma is G8, Rey G9, QGJ G10, GS G9, and Lumi G8
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    Darth Keith how do you know his power, I know how to tell Gear level.....If he has 1 purple bar on the outside of the circle it's G8, if there are 2 it's G9, if there is another purple curve line inside it's G10, and if it's a full line on the inside it's G11.

    In your image, Phasma is G8, Rey G9, QGJ G10, GS G9, and Lumi G8
    Thanks. Didn't know that. If you just hold down on any of the characters on the GW opponent sheet, it will bring up their character card. Shows their skill levels and then you can get into their stats.
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    Thanks. Didn't know that. If you just hold down on any of the characters on the GW opponent sheet, it will bring up their character card. Shows their skill levels and then you can get into their stats.

    Thanks, I didn't know that haha!
  • Tuln
    48 posts Member
    The proper fix is this. Rewards haven't scaled since level 40, keep all opponents at level 40. The only correct way to do it until rewards scale based on difficulty.
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    Tuln wrote: »
    The proper fix is this. Rewards haven't scaled since level 40, keep all opponents at level 40. The only correct way to do it until rewards scale based on difficulty.

    Here here.

    Rewards across all modes need to be at least doubled since we have doubled in level. Scale the rewards to player level, it's not that difficult of a concept.
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    As far as I am concerned the 39k power teams are living on borrowed time, once it's fixed, and they receive uber hard teams they will scream loud and long. Their time will come.
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    As far as I am concerned the 39k power teams are living on borrowed time, once it's fixed, and they receive uber hard teams they will scream loud and long. Their time will come.

    Meanwhile, they still got all the easy rewards while we are not.

    More riches for the Rich.
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    Seems to me that Protection makes GW worse. Your team loses Protection every round, and every node you have to fight a party with full protection. I'd vouch to have Protection removed from GW, or at least regenerate for your party every round.
  • Juff
    24 posts Member
    Fix this I have 35 7 star toons and have not won gw in six days. I am not having a good time with this.....
  • Sparrow
    525 posts Member
    As far as I am concerned the 39k power teams are living on borrowed time, once it's fixed, and they receive uber hard teams they will scream loud and long. Their time will come.

    Meanwhile, they still got all the easy rewards while we are not.

    More riches for the Rich.

    Im sitting just shy of 36k arena power, and yes i get the glitched team at node 12, but i also face gear 10 full omega teams at 6, 9, 10, 11.

    From what ive seen those with lower arena power dont get a creampuff ending, but they dont face the same gauntlet at the earlier nodes.

    and truth be told if they do fix it so i get a hard 12th node, i will still likely finish GW, i wont enjoy it at all, doing that made daily makes me hate the game and wonder why i can spend so much time on it.

    at the end of the day GW is not impossible to beat, its just impossible to enjoy, too long and too rng dependant.
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    Sparrow wrote: »
    As far as I am concerned the 39k power teams are living on borrowed time, once it's fixed, and they receive uber hard teams they will scream loud and long. Their time will come.

    Meanwhile, they still got all the easy rewards while we are not.

    More riches for the Rich.

    Im sitting just shy of 36k arena power, and yes i get the glitched team at node 12, but i also face gear 10 full omega teams at 6, 9, 10, 11.

    Exactly, this is kind of stuff you get around 37K power. This is maxed out. Some squads people show saying they get maxed squads, aren't this bad.


    I'm one of the few people who don't mind the changes. I can handle 4 hard fights per GW, even if they fixed the last node I wouldn't care. I only have 16 7* characters before anyone goes screaming that I'm a whale. I'm probably a goldfish, I buy the crystal booster subscription every three weeks.

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    I agree that Galactic War takes way too long now. I have been able to finish it (player level 72), but it usually takes multiple retreats and 30 minutes to an hour of time. It took less time before and was both fun and challenging. Now it's extremely tedious and I am quickly growing to hate it.

    I think I am an average SWGOH player (I buy the 100 crystal a day pack). I dread what my opponents will look like in a few levels, as I am already seeing full 7* level 80 teams. I don't even have five 7* characters yet, much less a squad like that with synergy. I am working on it but man, Galactic War is really bad.
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    Still no fix :neutral: it's been a WEEK and I haven't been able to finish a GW since. Please fix this and keep on commenting on this thread until this issue is addressed!!!
  • KozeeDJ
    59 posts Member
    The biggest problem with the game is. they don't EVER test this stuff before they release it..
    (If they do... someone needs to be fired)
    This game is a BETA game until they hire someone to actually play test the patches before they come out.

    I stopped giving this game money once I realized that.
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Not more for the rich, more for those that really can't use it. Part of the problem is some players have beaten all nodes, in light and dark, normal and hard. Arena is boring since they sit in the top rankings, and GW is broken in their favor. They are bored out of their minds and not spending. So, they (CG) faced with falling revenues and losing google play rankings almost daily (2 points in a few days) need to get back where they were. So they make the game more difficult and call it challenging.

    This dance is called "balance" CG was advertising a job opening for a "balance expert". It has since expired, it is unknown if it was filled. See balance is a myth, often sought after rarely achieved. What is achieved is an acceptable compromise. Scientific debates aside, balance in these or any game is virtually impossible in my opinion. Why? Some players pour over every aspect of the game, they make lists and spreadsheets, they spend every waking minute learning every nuance and search for patterns until they can beat the game in their sleep. Others have lives, families, obligations, so they play casually, a few hours a week. So, with this in mind, how can you balance the game to suit both types of players? Answer, you can't. So you go after those willing to spend and cater to them. This is the current mindset for mobile games. Make a game, get it working, push it out. Start on another so you have a fallback when the current game fails. Rinse and repeat until your name is no longer trusted, close shop, reopen under a new name and start all over. Capitalism at it's finest.
  • EM650
    1120 posts Member
    With challenges like Raid and the Ewok event among others, they could ease up on GW to help the F2P. Every other aspect of the game is being geared to benefit P2P. Please make GW less of a grind and help the little guys out who already have a difficult time progressing in the game.
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    worse than before
  • Baggodi
    404 posts Member
    Not more for the rich, more for those that really can't use it. Part of the problem is some players have beaten all nodes, in light and dark, normal and hard. Arena is boring since they sit in the top rankings, and GW is broken in their favor. They are bored out of their minds and not spending. So, they (CG) faced with falling revenues and losing google play rankings almost daily (2 points in a few days) need to get back where they were. So they make the game more difficult and call it challenging.

    This dance is called "balance" CG was advertising a job opening for a "balance expert". It has since expired, it is unknown if it was filled. See balance is a myth, often sought after rarely achieved. What is achieved is an acceptable compromise. Scientific debates aside, balance in these or any game is virtually impossible in my opinion. Why? Some players pour over every aspect of the game, they make lists and spreadsheets, they spend every waking minute learning every nuance and search for patterns until they can beat the game in their sleep. Others have lives, families, obligations, so they play casually, a few hours a week. So, with this in mind, how can you balance the game to suit both types of players? Answer, you can't. So you go after those willing to spend and cater to them. This is the current mindset for mobile games. Make a game, get it working, push it out. Start on another so you have a fallback when the current game fails. Rinse and repeat until your name is no longer trusted, close shop, reopen under a new name and start all over. Capitalism at it's finest.

    *This* I would not be surprised to see the game get treated like an old version of windows in the near future. Not killed off per se, just an announcement that no further support is comming, and oh by the way come buy our new product.
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    Baggodi wrote: »
    Not more for the rich, more for those that really can't use it. Part of the problem is some players have beaten all nodes, in light and dark, normal and hard. Arena is boring since they sit in the top rankings, and GW is broken in their favor. They are bored out of their minds and not spending. So, they (CG) faced with falling revenues and losing google play rankings almost daily (2 points in a few days) need to get back where they were. So they make the game more difficult and call it challenging.

    This dance is called "balance" CG was advertising a job opening for a "balance expert". It has since expired, it is unknown if it was filled. See balance is a myth, often sought after rarely achieved. What is achieved is an acceptable compromise. Scientific debates aside, balance in these or any game is virtually impossible in my opinion. Why? Some players pour over every aspect of the game, they make lists and spreadsheets, they spend every waking minute learning every nuance and search for patterns until they can beat the game in their sleep. Others have lives, families, obligations, so they play casually, a few hours a week. So, with this in mind, how can you balance the game to suit both types of players? Answer, you can't. So you go after those willing to spend and cater to them. This is the current mindset for mobile games. Make a game, get it working, push it out. Start on another so you have a fallback when the current game fails. Rinse and repeat until your name is no longer trusted, close shop, reopen under a new name and start all over. Capitalism at it's finest.

    *This* I would not be surprised to see the game get treated like an old version of windows in the near future. Not killed off per se, just an announcement that no further support is comming, and oh by the way come buy our new product.

    I am predicting this happens before the next movie comes out
  • CapnnRex
    184 posts Member
    To them it is not broken. They say it is supposed to be hard. I have only been able to get through it once this week. It sucks. They said in their last update they are monitoring it for a couple weeks ( a week a go) and will make changes if they think they need to. I hope they do. They are making a lot of people (me included) thinking about quitting . Game is supposed to be fun. It is with the exception of the one area of the game that you make money in. GW needs to at least be adjusted if not re done completely in my opinion
  • pnett_13
    33 posts Member
    Once again node 12 thrown a nearly 40k power all gear 10 and 11 team when I have a max power of under 35k. this is after nodes 6, 9, 10 and 11 are all between 35-37k with 9s and 10s. I have by some miracle finished twice since the "fix" and that was by spending over an hour retreating. Spent 45 minutes using retreats on node 11 before getting trough with my team but stripped of all protection only to be "rewarded" with this. Since there is a ban on using the type of language that should be used to reference EA/CG I will quote the network TV edited Tony Montana "thank you"
  • pnett_13
    33 posts Member
    Also go thank yourselves
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    CapnnRex wrote: »
    To them it is not broken. They say it is supposed to be hard. I have only been able to get through it once this week. It sucks. They said in their last update they are monitoring it for a couple weeks ( a week a go) and will make changes if they think they need to. I hope they do. They are making a lot of people (me included) thinking about quitting . Game is supposed to be fun. It is with the exception of the one area of the game that you make money in. GW needs to at least be adjusted if not re done completely in my opinion

    All they need to do is roll it back to what it was before their regressive "update". It was fine before until they broke it.
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