Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Toukai wrote: »
    33k is not going to make it hard. 35k is the tipping point it seems. At that point, you'll get nothing but anakin led Sun Fac + clone teams.

    It takes minimum 3 teams to beat (for me as f2p), and today it took 4 due to bad rng on my end. Had the 4th team failed, I doubt I would have completed.

    Wait is this the same guy that just about 2 months ago gave me a smack down.. chastising me because I couldn't "auto" and you sent me a video link.. (scratching head)..

    So now you are having trouble.. gee.. now the shoe is on the other foot! Lets see you change the goal on this one.. pal.


    I love when karma intervenes.. this is AWESOME to watch.. Just so you know I meant this as friendly chiding..
  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    CapnnRex wrote: »
    To them it is not broken. They say it is supposed to be hard. I have only been able to get through it once this week. It sucks. They said in their last update they are monitoring it for a couple weeks ( a week a go) and will make changes if they think they need to. I hope they do. They are making a lot of people (me included) thinking about quitting . Game is supposed to be fun. It is with the exception of the one area of the game that you make money in. GW needs to at least be adjusted if not re done completely in my opinion

    All they need to do is roll it back to what it was before their regressive "update". It was fine before until they broke it.

    Yup agree, just reset GW to the ORIGINAL code because their idea of "fix" is clearly flawed.
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    The only downside of node 12 being so difficult to complete is the player misses out on the cumulative rewards from the "Achievements" - crystals and Vader shards. It is possible to get a decent amount of rewards from the first 11 nodes, but being unable to defeat node 12 causes you to miss out on the cumulative rewards.

    That being said, I have over the past week only encountered one team on node 12 that was unbeatable. The others have required some creative thinking to remove the linch pins of the squad by using my best toons, and then slowly chipping away at the rest of the squad by using my remaining toons.

    That's not a terrible thing, as previous to the GW tuning I might go a month without being able to complete GW.
  • CloneLoc
    39 posts Member
    I think the adjustment is just about right. I have only had one GW that I could not finish (last fight) since patch. Was way to easy before. Putting on auto attack all the way through was boring. Need to build 4-5 teams just like a raid to get through.

    My only recommendation would be to increase the rewards after each fight. This will assist with people who have a hard time finishing

  • kalidor
    2124 posts Member
    I generally like the structure of the new GW - hard node 6, 7-9 a bit easier, hard nodes 10-12. However, the matchmaking for the later nodes is completely off. The last node for me (when I've been able to get there) has G10 heroes with a couple of G11, usually with a dodge lead and a tank. At that point, I'm barely able to scratch the paint (protection) on the heroes.
    For the record, Arena team is 34.6K and I have 51 heroes unlocked. I have 6 7*, 15 6*, 10 5* and a bunch below that (20). 3 Gear 10, 4 gear 9, 20 gear 8, a handful of G7. Also a variety of classes (DPS, healer, tank, support) and several synergy teams (Jedi, Droid, NS, FO). So I believe I have the "expanded roster" suggested for GW by the devs, but still can't finish. Frustrating.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
  • Gankak
    226 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I officially am on the brink of quitting. They need to fix this and separate the whales from the non whales as the gap is now in Arena. The game is no longer fun and even though I spent a little I will not spend again until the Devs get a clue.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • Sparrow
    525 posts Member
    Here is what my node 6 currently looks like:


    I'm not sure how to see gear levels on opponents but his QGJ has 7933 power. Considering mine is at gear 10 (and 4 extra pieces) and only has 7759 power, I'm hitting a gear 11 opponent on node 6? That's just ridiculous.

    Thats a Geat 10 QGJ, Gear 9 GS and Rey, Gear 8 Lumi and Phasma
  • Sparrow
    525 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Jedi_Yoda wrote: »
    evanbio wrote: »
    The devs have said they want this to be difficult. I think we need to accept that the days of running a single squad through GW are over.

    NOT what DEVS said at all they SAID they want to you to use a variety of characters to complete the nodes and NOT merely use one squad, so its working as intended.

    GW is only unbalanced because they BUFF the teams its not just about being above squad power those teams get extra buffs and synergy... I faced this similar squad myself and I have a good arena team (37K power, ALL G10 except 1) and I STILL only made a dent in that squad.. that's ridiculous. Like the OP said wasting 2 or 3 squads when its still insurmountable = not fun and want to quit playing.

    Quite simply, you cant use a variety of teams the way GW is set up.

    99.999% of players can field at most one fully geared arena team, maybe 1.5 a few can field 3.

    But in GW half the nodes are easy and can be killed with minimal effort using a B/C squad.

    The other half tho, they are maxxed out teams that require a whole lot more, hence why people have to try to do them all with their A/B teams.

    you cant use a variety because most of your characters are not leveled and not geared.

    when i have a pool of 30+ max characters then it might be appropriate to say "we want you to use a variety" but since we are all raid gear locked and credit locked why expect us to use something we dont have?

    P.S. the expectation could also be for us to wave a magic wand to finish GW every day but that aint happening either
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
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    Well, it has become extremely less fun to complete GW. I just spent 25 characters in the last two levels. I am a level 80, occasionally pay to play. I have no raid gear and think I am the average player that just wants to play a little bit a few times a day for some stress relief. Request the developers reexamine the last few stages difficulty. My last stage was QGJ, RG, fives, Phasma and Stormtrooper Han. Just imagine if there was a healer in there.
  • Zahreem
    122 posts Member
    JRA wrote: »
    Sandybard wrote: »
    I don't mind the changes too much. I used to run the whole thing with one squad and it was easy. Very rarely did I even lose one toon, let alone not finish all nodes. Now, things start to get tougher after the first few nodes. I think it's node 6 that suddenly becomes challenging. I may lose a toon or two there. After that, it seems to get a little easier again until node 11. If I make it past that, node 12 finishes me off more often than not. I think I've completed GW once or twice since the update. That's fine. If it's not challenging, they might as well just give the loot away to us simply for logging in. There's no point in even having the thing if everyone just plows their way through it in 10 minutes. Like anything else worth having, it's gotta be worked for.
    Challenge is what challenges are for, or raids, or arena. GW has been the required daily farming that people spent weeks or months getting to a point that they could beat daily without worry. It's how we get a bit of credits so we can build up toons to do actual challenges. It's farming. Daily farming and nothing more. That's the game people paid for, and spent months on. If they want to make bare minimum required daily farming so difficult that it takes hours daily, or people can't finish it at all then people will rage quit, or stop spending. The last 55 pages prove that. If they want to challenge us, add new stuff. Don't take things away.

  • uffdan
    49 posts Member

    Am I the only one still having my gw team die off randomly? As you can see they still have protection but are dead. This happened last night
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    Over it... done my 150 GW. Since the update I have failed to complete it for 3 days now. Pretty much stopped even trying. Too much work, boring, not enough rewards...
    1 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm not going to whine like a crybaby but i just hope that the dev become a bit reasonable and more mathematical.

    My level in this game is just 57. From the first day of latest update, (i was level 52 back there), my second last node was level 79 and i do not know what strategy should i use to overcome that level 79. Next day, i had another level 70+ but this time twice at node 5th or 6th. And this unfortunate event continue till now, i just managed to win once for the whole day since the latest update.

    Dev, i am lvl 50+. Some of my main team not even purple yet, and you matched me with solid 70+ team? Be reasonable and logic. I could stand if you put level 60+, in order to give more chellange, however, lvl 70+ is impossible. No way i could win.

    You designed this latest update is to balance level 80 which already reached their max level, but involving newbie like me into your illogical plan, doesnt make sense.

    To those who debated on this thread, you guys veterans. Yet u feel hard. Imagine if you were in my place?
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
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    So after another day of dreading GW, I got through it again. The thing is I hate it, I dread the thing as it takes forever. I actually LIKED the last update they did, when I could get through it pretty quick, like 15 minutes or 20 minutes or so. Now, although I can get through it, it's a real pain. I have 29 seven star toons and it's taking them all to really make it work. In a perfect world, that could be fun. In a game designed to be played on my phone here and there, it's just sickening.

    My arena power is 40,400 or so. Soooo my node 6 today was a fully maxed (and I mean FULLY, every possible gear slot, every single ability omega'd) Phasma, Rey, GS, QGJ and RG. Can I beat that team with my B squad or a version of it? Yes. My Phasma, Sun Fac, ST Han, Rey and Maul got the job done, losing Maul and an almost dead St Han. It just took me 4 tries to get the RNG I want (yes, RNG is still manipulatable in this, by removing and inserting your toons in different slots, you can control which ones get hit first).

    Battle 9 was another mess, a fully maxed Teebo lead, Phasma, Fives, Rey and QGJ. Took me 2 squads. My arena team was finally ready to go at node 10, which I defeated easily. On Node 11....nothing. A "where's my gear" squad to match 12. Although nice to not have to fight the horrendous squads they had been giving me at node 11...seemingly insane combos of fully maxed Old Ben, Fives, Sun Fac, Ayala and RG, with over 250k of protection combined, it still seems just like the whole thing needs a complete rework.

    And by complete rework, I offer a solution that I really like. GO BACK to the way it was before you updated it from the shadows without telling any of us, and TERMINATE the individual who thought it was a brilliant idea to tell us for weeks that we were going to get a reworked and more enjoyable GW, only to take it away from us randomly, and make it EVEN HARDER than it was in the first place! Who is making the decisions over there? This just doesn't even make sense!
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    I'm off to visit Tyria (MMO I play) and hang with some fun people doing whatever we want.

    Time for everyone to do something else.


    Guild Wars 1 or 2? Thinking about returning to GW1 myself.
  • Xeriel
    42 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    **** you Galactic War campaign.. **** you.. It is now hard, tedious and repetitive..

    I used to complete it.. Now I can't finish the 11th node.

    I just completed your survey and said I could at least finish that. How embarrassing. This is pathetic. Either fix it, revert it, or get rid of it. You RUINED IT!
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
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    EchoDelta wrote: »
    I'm off to visit Tyria (MMO I play) and hang with some fun people doing whatever we want.

    Time for everyone to do something else.


    Guild Wars 1 or 2? Thinking about returning to GW1 myself.

    2 :) I get on my mesmer and port people through jump puzzles etc, doing the dailies or whatever.
  • Haloinreverse
    90 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Sparky83 wrote: »
    I don't get everyone moaning...... It's clearly meant to be hard...... What is the issue, it's designed to make you use your whole squad, not just 2 teams...

    Quite simple. We used to be able to finish GW, now it's impossible. They've taken away our ability to get the rewards available by finishing GW. I can't see any other reason for such a huge jump in difficulty except to corner us into purchasing crystals. I won't do it. You don't flip something to this extreme over night on people. It was perfectly fine before, switch it back!!!!
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • DaniB32
    196 posts Member
    Galdin_Wan wrote: »
    bLz wrote: »
    Galdin_Wan wrote: »
    This is not a 40K team.
    It's not exactly in my range either is it. This is just what I got today. Stopped me from completing the GW again. :confounded:

    This isn't in my range either, my squad is 36k - 36.5K but it's still not impossible. It requires some work and little strategy. It also helps to put your best characters in early battles to get them TM so they can go first when you get these hard fights.


    I face teams like this on lwst 3 nodes all the time. And im 30k. Cant finish anymore.
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    I have become very frustrated with GW. At node 6 I'm running into challenging teams which is ok but from 9-12 I'm seeing killer teams that are completely dominating my best teams which are depleted when they get there. I'm fine with a challenge, but these ending teams are way out of balance. I wish I was seeing these level 3 green gear squads at the end but I have yet to see that.
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    It's simple- they base it on your team's arena power. If you are running an arena team of 35k power, you're totally gonna be screwed. You're going to get a team of about 95% your power at 6, then at 9 and 10 you're going to get another one. Then at 11 you're getting one of 100% your power, then, at 12, something like 110% of your power.

    At least for me, thankfully, I get the easy nodes at 11 and 12.
  • JRA
    336 posts Member
    @EA_Jesse just posted this: "We will continue to adjust Galactic War as needed, but there are currently no plans to make any additional changes in the near future. We will be addressing a bug that appears for high powered teams where the final node is a very weak team for them, this should be fixed in an update in the near future."

    So they don't care what their customers think, and if you've accidentally been getting off easy, they'll make it harder soon. I'm done on here. I hope this game is completely devastated by the greedy, clueless dev team.
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    I wanted to give an update on Galactic War tuning.

    Before I get into it, I want to reiterate that the goals of this feature continue to be:
    • Provide a place in the game where your entire collection can be brought to bear. Potentially every character can help you succeed.
    • Provide a “war of attrition” where health is persisted as you progressed in battles.
    War of attrition is one-sided in Galactic War (GW). When going against a high powered opponent equipped with healers, the player can use their entire roster and still lose.

    The point being is that if the player is consistently presented with a top 10 quality arena opponent and his best team is top 100 on a good day, the player will never complete GW even if his remaining roster is equally as good as his best squad.

    If that is the desired result -- meaning only top 10 quality players would finish GW plus a few extra lucky players blessed by the random number generator gods, then okay then. But that is not listed as one of the goals unless that is rolled up in the meaning of "set of challenges".

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    The final word is...

    "We will continue to adjust Galactic War as needed, but there are currently no plans to make any additional changes in the near future. We will be addressing a bug that appears for high powered teams where the final node is a very weak team for them, this should be fixed in an update in the near future."

    We wanted an answer, and we have it.
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    I'm just... Surprised.
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I know this is a bad issue, many, many upset. Just do not give in to anger and get yourself banned. That would not serve anything. Take your time, voice your concerns, but walk that line and don't let your anger silence your opinion.

    As for me, I see this as missing pieces, we don't know everything. It seems like a desperate move. And for sure it's a PR nightmare.
  • pnett_13
    33 posts Member
    EA will not get another dime from me. This is a huge kick in the junk from them. I don't really see the point in worrying about getting banned if they don't take our complaints seriously.
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    A ban would just make it easier to get your investment back.
  • Obsid
    108 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Well, based on our feedback, they have decided how they wish to change GW. They will make it harder! .... Really?

    At this point, I have decided how I will handle GW. I will save two arena challenges after the payout I will play the arena with my worst characters and then reset GW and then play with my arena team again. Hopefully that will solve the GW problem.
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    So, no changes to the GW??? I guess EA/Capital Games doesn't care about our opinions, just our money. Very sad. :'(
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