Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • Turukano
    170 posts Member
    I know the main purpose of this thread is to make it clear that the current version of GW is about as popular as an infestation of ants and cockroaches in a doughnut factory. But for those using the hold off on Ateam till last 2 nodes strategy. For the love of all things cheese based please use them on the first node to build turn metre.... It may give you a fighting chance.

    Best wishes,


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    Turukano wrote: »
    I know the main purpose of this thread is to make it clear that the current version of GW is about as popular as an infestation of ants and cockroaches in a doughnut factory. But for those using the hold off on Ateam till last 2 nodes strategy. For the love of all things cheese based please use them on the first node to build turn metre.... It may give you a fighting chance.

    Best wishes,


    Hi Turukano, I usually do that but today tried a different approach but it made no difference.
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    Turukano wrote: »
    I know the main purpose of this thread is to make it clear that the current version of GW is about as popular as an infestation of ants and cockroaches in a doughnut factory. But for those using the hold off on Ateam till last 2 nodes strategy. For the love of all things cheese based please use them on the first node to build turn metre.... It may give you a fighting chance.

    Best wishes,


    That's good advice. I usuallly prime my A, B and C teams subsequently in the nodes 1 to 3. Then progress with C until 9, where they are taken down, replace with B, until 11, and then A. Depending on the team Iface, I may substitute one toon.
    That really hellp, but the core of the problem is that the current GW layout is not to try strategies, but to have a deep leveled rooster. EA/CG in their effort to maximize benefit lied and modify the game so people is forced to waste (not use) more money, killing the fun in the process, and making GW not enjoyable anymore.
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    JoseIrimia wrote: »
    Turukano wrote: »
    I know the main purpose of this thread is to make it clear that the current version of GW is about as popular as an infestation of ants and cockroaches in a doughnut factory. But for those using the hold off on Ateam till last 2 nodes strategy. For the love of all things cheese based please use them on the first node to build turn metre.... It may give you a fighting chance.

    Best wishes,


    That's good advice. I usuallly prime my A, B and C teams subsequently in the nodes 1 to 3. Then progress with C until 9, where they are taken down, replace with B, until 11, and then A. Depending on the team Iface, I may substitute one toon.
    That really hellp, but the core of the problem is that the current GW layout is not to try strategies, but to have a deep leveled rooster. EA/CG in their effort to maximize benefit lied and modify the game so people is forced to waste (not use) more money, killing the fun in the process, and making GW not enjoyable anymore.

    Quite. I don't really have a proper c team..... But my top 10 are all g9lvl 80 at least.... I'm slowly turning lando into a fully useable toon..... But the days of suicide squads is over... Giving turn metre to a top tier arena team is asking to be put out of your misery....
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    Time for my daily "I'm completely sick of impossible 12th nodes" post. Thanks for listening.
  • masters
    235 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm sick of how long it takes just to try. Then I am disgusted with how much time I wasted.
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    After pushing through GW a few times and bending my iPhone in the process, I really think that GW is not about skill at all. If you accept the fact that your best squad won't survive node 12 and use them to help break down the challenge, then everyone can beat it. Use your best squad to kill off one or 2 toons, which should leave you with something more reasonable for your tier 3 or 4 squad to defeat. The real challenge is having enough left in reserves to survive.
    My problem with this GW adjustment is the total lack of variety I am seeing at node 11 and 12. It's like the same squad variation over and over. Phasma, Daka, Ben, Rey and QGJ or similar some variation. The devs want us to be experimental with or more creative with our squads yet there is no real variety at the top. Pretty soon everyone will have the power squad we all keep facing in GW, and then what??
  • DaniB32
    196 posts Member
    Galatic conquest achiement will be imposible to get now. Im just under 30k. For my best team. And all my other teams are all.level 60 and get 1 hits and game over. And facing 38k + teams on last 3 nodes. Im like a mouse traped in a cats cage. No where to go. Ridiculous.
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    2 thousand commwnts, 50 thousand views, and no substantial developer response?

    Isn't that all the response that's really needed?

    Their silence is deafening...
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    I'm a level 80 myself, but F2P. It's now impossible for me to get through GW and reliably earn credits, and therefore level anybody up at a reasonable pace. Challenging is one thing, IMPOSSIBLE is what GW currently is. And for those talking about "getting better", I have a life and don't devote all my time to multiple accounts of a mobile game. I have *gasp* one account and this is pretty much the only game I play. But more to the point, the better you get, the harder GW gets. And mods? Please, the teams you face have them too, so how does it help?? If anything they'll have far better mods than I get and it will get worse for me. It seems I'm forever getting past 11 nodes at best.
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    I've decided to stop playing this game. I have much better things to be doing with my time.

    Pokemon go is cool
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    Dear EA.
    Verjem én a szátok széléhez. Bekaphatjátok.A játék eleje óta nem volt olyan GW amit nem vittem végig a mai vaolt az első.Gratulálok a könnyítéshez,ha lehet az enyémen inkább neghezítsetek kicsit az jobb lesz nekem.
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    Dm1996 wrote: »
    Lvl 71 just faced off against a team of 80s. It was a massacre. The other team took out 3 of my team in the first salvo. This was after i sent in two lower lvl teams to soften them up.

    I guess the balance for the final fight will kick in when we hit 80.

    You're pretty doomed whatever you do if you are that overpowered, but like Turu said earlier, do NOT use suicide squads to soften up higher-geared teams. That really is asking to be massacred. Literally the only chance you have is your turn meter advantage when the match starts. If you've given that away by using a suicide squad, you're a dead man walking.

    Not saying you are going to win if you don't use a suicide squad, but you are definitely going to lose if you do.

    The strategy these days is, again like Turu said, pre-load TM with quick wins in early nodes. You then use that pre-load to try to wipe out the threat in the high level team in the late nodes.
  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    I have an idea but it will take every single person on this game. Also it will take people who give ZERO thought or care about their arena rank. Here it goes....

    Everyone and I mean everyone should switch their arena squad from their highest toons to their weakest and lowest level. Since GWs is based on arena squads I'd be willing to bet changing your squad to some level 1s would greatly effect who you face in GWs.

    Actually I'm just joking, but not really but I kinda am, just not so much.
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    There has been alot of talk about how to win at GW now. Anyone care to share a step by step set of instructions? If someone has, anyone share the link?
  • Chico
    120 posts Member
    Played GW tonight. Still a grind. Still takes too long. Still annoying. Still boring.
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    I haven't beaten Galactic Warfare since the update,and I have tried multiple strategies. The game has become increasingly frustrating for me. Just throwing my two cents out there in the event that the developers actually read the forums.
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    Perfect solution. Normal galactic War the way it was.... and heroic GW with increased rewards. Players have the option that way. Both F2P and pay to win benefit. Lower level players don't get the heroic option until it unlocks at 75 but would still be "optional" until they can field multiple squads.
  • Karfax
    286 posts Member
    Apologies if this was already worked out but I wanted to see it for myself.

    TL/DR - The GW teams you will come up against will be created from the top 5 characters and there stats in your roster with every bit of gear taken into consideration as power. They are not created from your player level or arena ranking, its total team power plus gear. - I have bought only 1 £14.99 crystal box once in 7 months in case im called a whale, i prefer squid.

    Ok so for the past 6 hours I have been playing through 4 of my accounts to see if I can make head or tail for what the situation is with the GW table and me since the stealth patch. I literally made a note of all the nodes, team powers, synergy teams, arena groups both before and after my upgrades of my current teams to see why the 6th and 12th node are such a pain *in brief below). I would have to say that the 3rd, 6th and 9th node prepares you for node 12 as they contain high team power characters also with node 12 being the hardest of them all.
    I found a rarity in synergy teams, a lot of Lumi and Sidious in some though but not a lot that you would see in the arena rankings, I even saw an Ugnaught and a random Plo Koon in one.
    None stood out to me as possible arena teams though, they almost looked "made" for GW only.

    you could be number 1 on your arena shard or number 2000 and you will still get a destroyer team on node 12 regardless of where you are.

    The most common factor like I said are nodes 3, 6, 9 and 12 will be the hardest with the ones in the middle being a bit of "fluff" as it were. Also the most common thing is character levels/gear in the teams fluctuate in level they do not play by any "escalating in level rules", just as you think the next node will be harder it may be easier than the last minus 3,6,9 and12 of coarse. One last thing, Node 12's team will almost always be between 2k and 4k power higher than yours dependent on your gear I.E if you have 5 high geared characters then your last node could be up to 4k or even 5k higher than what you currently possess in your roster.

    To work it out I used the following accounts.
    A First order account
    A Sith account
    A Jedi account
    A rebel account
    My main account from Jan this year before I started experimenting with synergy teams.

    Full First Order Account - player level 58
    Phasma, Kylo, FOST, FOO, FOTP
    All level 58 had a Team power of 13k - Rank 1699 in arena
    node 1 - level 44s 3 blue geared and 2 green
    node 6 - level 56s 5 blue geared
    node 9 - level 54s 5 blue geared
    node 12 - level 58s 1 purple geared 16k team power
    **Thats a 3k team power increase on node 12, no protection and no suicide squads**

    Full Jedi Account - player level 58
    Ben, Bariss, Lumi, QGJ. Ahsoka
    All level 58 had a Team Power 17.7k - Rank 1400 in arena
    node 1 - level 50s 2 blue geared 3 green
    node 6 - level 60s 3 purple geared characters
    node 9 - level 64s 3 purple geared characters **I'm only level 58 remember**
    node 12 - level 65s all purple geared 20k team power
    **Thats a 3k team power increase on node 12, no protection and no suicide squads**

    Full Rebel Account - player level 68
    Leia, St-han, Biggs, Hoth Scout, Lando
    All level 68 with a team power of 18.5k - Rank 1380 in arena
    node 1 - level 47s all blue geared
    node 6 - level 65s all purple geared
    node 12 - level 66s all purple geared 22k team power
    **Thats a 4k team power increase on node 12 alone, no protection**

    Full Sith Account - Player level 72
    Savage, Dooku, Vadar, Sidious, Maul
    All level 70 with a team power of 25.1k - Rank 476 in Arena
    node 1 - level 57s 1 purple geared
    node 6 - level 71s all purple geared
    node 12 - level 78s all purple geared 29k arena team
    **Thats nearly a 5k team power increase on node 12, I only have 25k**

    My Own Account - Player level 78
    Lumi, 5's, GS, HK, Sidious/86 (both have same amount of power)
    All level 77 with a team power of 31.3k Rank 171 in Arena
    node 1 - level 58s 4 purple geared 1 blue
    node 6 - level 74s all purple geared
    node 9 - level 80s all purple geared, 7 stars and 31k Team Power
    node 12 - 80 all epic 7 stars 2 omega maxed 36k Team Power
    **Thats a 5k team power increase on node 12 plus omega maxed**

    So there you have it, just a little research I did today to find out what was affecting the difficulty of GW and most importantly the nodes that have decent stuff even though most of us dont need some fo it. I hope this helps, Im certainly not whining and thought I would offer some other kind of diplomatic response to findings I have found today, I do hope they can sort something out with the GW table as if these character power and gear power combined node teams are indeed true then why are we upgrading our roster only to encounter even hard/impossible teams in the GW table? it doesn't make sense and defeats the object of collecting gear and making our characters stronger? as once we go into GW we are only beaten by better and stronger ones? and what with the mods coming this week what will this really accomplish apart from $$$$ for EA. Just frustrates us more and hurts the reputation of the company and unfortunately the game but I hope not the name.
    It's true, if this was any other game not branded with "Star Wars" then people would have fled in there droves. I grew up on SW since I was a small boy and I don''t want to see this great "app" game ruined by sillyness, I won't be purchasing any crystals in the future as I had a personal of getting General Grevious, which I did yesterday so I i'm happy but not with the state of the game I may add.
    Thank you :- )
    *** So be it... Jedi ***
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    I hope people lose their jobs for what they did to GW. They shouldn't be developing games.
  • Tavanh
    523 posts Member
    Here's a simpler solution that would benefit everyone (assuming I'm at Arena Power 36,000)
    • Node 11 & 12 = teams of same arena power
    • Node 10 = minus 1,000 of original power (35,000 teams)
    • Node 9 = minus 1,000 of Node 10 (34,000)
    • Node 1-8 = following from Node 9, continue reducing by 500-1,000 arena power
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    This game seems to be going downhill
  • Zahreem
    122 posts Member
    Still have an impossible node 12, Im using every toon I have and still have no chance, why do the Devs think an impossible battle is fun or challenging. It's impossible so what's the point devs?
  • Barsh1337
    4 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    First playing the game and any aspect of it is optional... people can invest as much or as little time as they want. If you are one of those who feels "pressure" by a game, reevaluate your life sir...

    My suggestion offers the same current rewards offered in the game as it is now. The heroic GW would be in addition too the GW. It gives the players more options and you only have to invest the time you CHOOSE to invest.

    If you read through the complaints you see complaints that it takes to long, the normal version handles this so people can just auto through it and still get their current rewards.

    Others complain that it is to difficult to complete and only people who spend money can consistently finish GW, again handled by the normal version.

    The Hard mode GW doesn't "add" rewards outside what can be obtained through the current GW but adds an additional tier for the players who have multiple gear 9/10 squads to throw at it. But the rewards would be slightly increased to reflect the difficulty and challenge of heroic GW.

    The developers can't dumb down GW to the lower level players and maintain a challenge for the higher level players. Those who spend $1000's on the game will always have an easier time at it and we shouldn't increase the game difficulty to compensate for all the "whale's" out there. But there are plenty of non-whale players who have been playing long that a heroic GW would be suitable for.

    With a heroic mode if you don't have an hour to spend doing GW then do the normal.

    Lastly, obviously this is simply a suggestion. I will continue to play the game regardless. I won't however troll the boards mocking others posts. Try offering up some suggestions to help improve the game and the GoH community Zekex. There may be easier solutions to this GW. I'm just offering some feedback and suggestions for a game that I enjoy.

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    The point of GW was (I thought) to encourage players to use their whole roster, but this is hardly happening. Most of the time less than 10 toons will be used, because the setup is based on conflicting arena power.

    If the point is to use the whole roster, why not limit each toon's use to two times per day (similar to raids). This would mean you would need to use at least 30 toons a day (closer to a galactic war). The lowest raids would be in the 40s with the highest in the 80s. It would be helpful to see all nodes in advance - this way, players could plan out their strategies, and attempt the hardest ones first.

    With the current setup, you really might as well have only 3-6 nodes, since it ends up coming down to 3 or 4 battles least that would save players a bit of time.
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  • DrGreenlungs_420
    38 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    We jus need every thing to back the way it was B4 EA decided to be dumb and change it. We jus need everyone to stop spending money on the game and when they have lost enough profit maybe they will change it back. I have turned alot of friends on to the game and where they r new now after the change they can't even get half way through the gw anymore. I keep telling them it will get better but they r gettin really aggravated and r probably gonna quit playing all together. No one cares about challenge that much. The protection should reset for every battle a little I'm not saying totally reset jus give a little.
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    Losing all interest in GW. Supposed to be challenging but shouldn't be impossible. The match ups are ridiculous. The challenge should be the grind not getting blown away by steroids teams that you have no shot of beating.
  • Roux
    90 posts Member
    Just got through 15 lvl 80 toons with gear 8-9 one gear 10 on nodes 11, 12 tonight, killing only one toon in 12.
    I was also using suicide squads first.
    That's not a challenge it's impossible.
    I'm not saying it's that had everytime,but I have gone from competing it everytime in about 40 mins to 50% completion in over an hour.
    Just please listen to us it's no fun when it's that ninja.
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    My "best 5 characters" are around 33k in power. Node 11 I had opponent with 39k power, handled those throwing a two full suicide squads there. Node 12 opponent's power is around 41k: Obi-Wan (L), QGJ, Leia, RG and Rey. In what universe is this fun or challenging? I'm done with GW, can't be bothered anymore.
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