Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • Tom777
    14 posts Member
    EA you have deleted my previous post but I post it again.

    EA you have to understand that your average client are more than 30YO.

    We don't mind GW is meant to be hard and what the producer think.

    Most of my guilde and other game mates don't do anymore GW and forest event.

    You know Why? Because it's bloody too long and boring.

    We have real life with wife and children and job. We don't want to waste our time on this game with this kind of boring stuff for hours.

    We play the game since November, we are P2P and F2p.

    SWOGH gamer around start saying they are going to quit because playing more than one hour a day is not possible with real life.

    EA do you understand you're going to loose customers who don't to waste their real life?
    Do you understand that this customer have
    Purchasing power?

    So please don't make EVENTS or GW so long cause holidays are coming and normal people have better to do than gaming on long and boring game.

    Thanks for your attention.
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    Dabro11 wrote: »
    Wonder if the developers know that bait and switch tactics are illegal? Especially when a publicly traded company! I guess they think most of their customers are kids.

    Maybe you could tell the BBB. That would get their attention. I honestly am just trying to have fun
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    W/ so many people unable to complete GW, i love it even more. Keep up the challenge.
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    When I am loathe to even open the app because it feels like even doing that small thing is supporting their actions, you know it's about time to move on. I haven't felt this disrespected as a gamer in a long time. I hope it has been worth it to them. Not just GW either, the whole dang operation just feels so slimy. Good job I guess?
  • Baggodi
    404 posts Member
    I'm off to visit Tyria (MMO I play) and hang with some fun people doing whatever we want.

    Time for everyone to do something else.


    Thanks for spending time with us. It was fun while it lasted.
  • QuiGonsBeard
    27 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Are the developers of this game just that dumb they can't see how sick people are of Galactic War while it's like this?

    It's a darn mobile game. It shouldn't take me 90 minutes to not even finish it. I can't finish the last battle and I doubt I will ever be able. Had to use my A team for previous battles so they've lost their protection and soms health. I'm lvl 77 so how am I supposed to be beat a lvl 80 team with a combined power of 36,555 to my in comparison measily 30,705? Which is not even full health. Teebo, Rey, Old Daka, Leia and Royal Guard.. May not be impossible but after the previous battles it bloody feels like it.

    You want us to use out entire roster? Okay, give me more credits so I can. I have 757,000 worth of training droids to use to train up character but only 630,000 credits. But also RG and Ashoka to promote to 6* and then Admiral Ackbar and Teebo to promte up to 7*. I have loads of characters I'd love to train and gear up, but for the credits you give us I don't see how I can. It's annoying enough keeping the top 11 characters I have up to 77. I can catch lower characters up a bit but then I reach the next level and another 240,000+ is needed to get my top teams up to the next level. I can't beat the last team in Galactic War with my strongest team but if I do I get the same rewards as I did when lvl 40? How does that work?

    More credits to help us get the ridiculous amount of characters we'll need to beat these teams or revert back to the old reworked Galactic War.

    You are quickly making this game not fun.
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    That frustration you feel? They love it. They want you to be so angry that you run for your credit card with the hopes of improving your roster. Course it won't help, but they will have your money by then.
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    That frustration you feel? They love it. They want you to be so angry that you run for your credit card with the hopes of improving your roster. Course it won't help, but they will have your money by then.

    I'm not stupid enough to give them money because of this.

    I spent some money on it when I 1st started playing as I enjoyed the game but this will just make me deleted the game.
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    so they changed 12th cupcake team into chew ani FOS g11 and NI RG g10(2 day straight and random lead) i suspect it is just another insane seed team randomly generated, really doubt it if normal human player make that kind of combo's.
    anyway i see many people quitting today.
    the cake is a lie
  • CapnnRex
    184 posts Member
    Another day and another day I lost 20 plus chars on the last two fights. Could not beat it. I retreated, tried 10 plus combinations and just got smoked. It is impossible. Fix it.
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    I have a couple of things to say, and i figured this would be the best place to say it.

    1) I'm likely going to get banned for saying this, or a mod will delete it (don't worry mods i don't blame you, just doing your jobs)

    2) EA/CG has talked alot about quality of life improvements, and making things not take as long. then they rolled back the GW changes. This was a huge kick in the groin to most of us. Look at this thread, people are not happy.

    3) the response we finally get from them is Working as intended, but we will make it harder for top teams cause our bad.

    4) I actually hate GW every day now, and it makes me wonder why i play. so lets make life miserable for EA/CG as well, lets all keep talking about this and everyone tag the team in every post. maybe they will pay attention when they get a few thousand email notifications.

    @EA_Jesse @CG_Method @CG_NotReallyAJedi @CG_JohnSalera

    I hate myself for doing this, but ..... seriously working as intended? does anyone on the dev teama ctually enjoy of you enjoy GW?
  • xXXN0ig31XXx
    26 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    You have made GW impossible for f2p players, even though I spent probably close to 800 dollars on this game since Dec when I started playing. I will not being paying any more money to this game again, till I can complete the GW in 40 mins or less and not go through 8 of my own teams to still not beat it.

    Do you not read these comments, you are losing more paying players and f2p players then you can gain, and the game is going downhill quickly. Is this the result you want? Do you as the devs hate this game to the point you want to kill the player base so that you can just close up shop? Really if that is the point, find a new job and let others who want this game to succeed take control. Listen to your player base, before you have to find a new job because you were fired for poor management skills and you kill this game completely.

    At least before the 6/15 updates I could complete the GW, it was somewhat consuming, but not as bad as it is now. Now I cannot not even complete it. The run from 6/15 to 6/29 was wonderful, but I understand if you want it more challenging for some players. Though you could make it have a hard mode and an easy mode and scale rewards based on those. But who am I, just another player that is about sick of this gw nonsense and about ready to delete this game that I used to enjoy.

    You should also make some of the gear drops in the dark and light side missions drop more often. It is just stupid to have to play though 12 times to get just 1 drop, especially when you need 50 items.

    This will not cause me to want to spend money to get crystals to buy refreshes and packs, instead it makes me want to delete this game.

    Also items that required 50 or more parts should always come in the shipments available and should have more available to pay for with credits (the same price range as what is there currently).

    Fix the real bugs problems and issues that the players are worried about instead of trying to add things first.

    But again, just my two cents, and I am just part of the player base that pays for your jobs.

    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • drmz87
    11 posts Member
    Mauler wrote: »
    I gave this change a week before I commented. I hate it. It's a daily building frustration. I have to do it to compete, but I want to throw my phone at the wall every five minutes. I play the game to escape my daily frustrations, not to create more.

  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Baggodi wrote: »
    I'm off to visit Tyria (MMO I play) and hang with some fun people doing whatever we want.

    Time for everyone to do something else.


    Thanks for spending time with us. It was fun while it lasted.

    Not leaving the game, or here. Just doing other things. GOH is what it is, not changing for me or anyone else. So why worry about it. I'm F2P, I'll play until there is nothing for me to do. I'll get my moneys worth lol

    The Dark One Worry? ;)
  • JoseIrimia
    446 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Another day, and more rage, negativeness accumulated from the community. GW is neither fun, nor a challenge. The explanation is not believable, just a poor excuse to cover a desperate strategy to increase benefits.

    Management have lied in many aspects:
    1. Lied about pursuing exploit in Vader: They gave free shards for new achievements and increase the rate of showing up in the shard shop, so is easier to have him full starred and cover up the exploit.
    2. Lied about the scoundrel event showing up weekly.
    3. Lied about making GW less time consuming.
    4. Lied about balancing new toons. So far only anakin after more than a month.
    5. Lied about the purpose of increasing GW difficulty. Is not about challenge in fighting more difficult squads. That is done in arena. Want strategy, reset protection and health after each node. Is about having a large and deep toon bench. So they are trying to encourage people to spend more, not give players a challenge.
    6. Lied about communicating upcoming changes. GW retuning was done unannounced.

    After all the discredit and loss of trust from many costumers, personally I won't be investing a single dollar more, unless:
    1. Apology
    2. Stop lying
    3. Properly address people concerns. In their hubris and arrogance maangement forgot that they do not own the game. Is a product directed to the people. If is not positevely accepted, is going to fail and not produce benefits. Then the ever greedier masters (Disney), will take measures, and I 'll enjoy seeing those.
    4. Properly resolve all the game bugs, not only from premium content.

    Unfortunately, not going to happen. Nor get a proper explanation. The game is going to loose many costumers from F2P/casual spenders to big spenders. Too bad, it has potential and was good, but bad management is ruining it. However, there are plenty other games.
  • Fid
    121 posts Member
    • We recently made some changes to Galactic War, if you haven’t already read it please see the note from Executive Producer John Salera.
    • We will continue to adjust Galactic War as needed, but there are currently no plans to make any additional changes in the near future. We will be addressing a bug that appears for high powered teams where the final node is a very weak team for them, this should be fixed in an update in the near future.

    I have to admit, while I know better, I'm actually disappointed - I really thought this would be better handled or at least result in an insightful response. While I'm not privy to the future improvement/expansion plans, and well acquainted with the pain of last minute changes of scope, there are several small adjustments that have been mentioned in the preceding pages that could have certainly been adopted and QA'd for next week's release. Changes that would have at least dulled the edge of many of the GW complaints.

    Frankly, it's annoying and often irrational to have outsiders (including users) try to dictate project orientation, but it's foolish and courting sedition to ignore them. Sometimes you have to tell people what they want but if you expect them to appreciate it you also have to explain why they want it and at least tangentially address their concerns. Hopefully, though doubtfully, this will be taken to heart moving forward.
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    I would venture a guess, that they can't "go back". They have invested the time in developing the mod system, and it seems to hinge on there being a need for it. So, create a need. GW, Events, Arena, all have been effected in one way or another. Difficulty, etc. Hence the need for stronger teams, more *twitch* "challenging" content, and so on.

    So it follows, if my thinking is correct, they couldn't go back, to do so would be sending a bad message to their superiors. Why? They submitted the ideas, spent time developing it. Payroll, R&D etc.. have been spent. Now it's time to launch it. To go backwards would be like saying "Oh hey remember all that work we did, and money you spent? Well it was bad idea. Sorry.. " The next phrase heard would be "Job openings".

    I'm not saying this makes it all, alright. Just saying they cannot/will not go back. Too many eyes on them now. Hope it's all worth it.

    If not.. whoopsie..
  • Baggodi
    404 posts Member
    Baggodi wrote: »
    I'm off to visit Tyria (MMO I play) and hang with some fun people doing whatever we want.

    Time for everyone to do something else.


    Thanks for spending time with us. It was fun while it lasted.

    Not leaving the game, or here. Just doing other things. GOH is what it is, not changing for me or anyone else. So why worry about it. I'm F2P, I'll play until there is nothing for me to do. I'll get my moneys worth lol

    The Dark One Worry? ;)

    Glad to hear it. I on the other hand am out for the foreseeable future. I may watch the forums to see if they get their "stuff" together. Good luck.
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    We're all quitting to play Pokemon Go

    *waves* bye!
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    What a farce, thanks for nothing @CG_JohnSalera :smile: 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Baggodi wrote: »
    Baggodi wrote: »
    I'm off to visit Tyria (MMO I play) and hang with some fun people doing whatever we want.

    Time for everyone to do something else.


    Thanks for spending time with us. It was fun while it lasted.

    Not leaving the game, or here. Just doing other things. GOH is what it is, not changing for me or anyone else. So why worry about it. I'm F2P, I'll play until there is nothing for me to do. I'll get my moneys worth lol

    The Dark One Worry? ;)

    Glad to hear it. I on the other hand am out for the foreseeable future. I may watch the forums to see if they get their "stuff" together. Good luck.

    A break is always a good idea. Hey it could be worse. If this was HoDA you'd be facing 4 Count Dooku's on one team, on node 12. LOL

    Hmmm would look like a chorus line... "okay everyone places.. and 1-2-3 hit, 1-2-3 zap,.." Okay stay together..

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  • Twisted_Olive
    14 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I realize that I am only a f2p player in a low level guild with rw friends. This recent GW tuning is ridiculous. I have run into teams at the end that have chewed up my entire collection without taking down a single character. I do not know what kind of matchmaking algorithm is used but it obviously does not take into consideration the quality AND depth of your collection.

    I know that matchmaking for such an event is extremely difficult and the devs are doing their best to balance the game. The wide range of player collections makes that almost impossible. I would just like to feel that the event is not hopeless. Full omega abilities on level 80 characters with raid gear are beyond my ability to compete with.

    To me this isn't about time or rewards just the futility of playing the final stages. I do not think I have to win each day. But, is it possible to consider the average of only the top 20 or 25 characters from a collection when matchmaking?
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    Gw absolutely sucks atm far too hard. Get 4 teams all lvl 80 with gear lvl 10 or 11.. i have 5 decent teams and none stand a chance against these super powerful teams and if you do manage to some how defeat them the rewards are pants anyway
    Not been able to complete a gw this week
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    It's hard, I agree, but since changes I only once wasn't able to finish, when I stopped on last node. It's harder, but you have to admit, that before it was too easy, as I was able to complete GW with one squad.
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    JoseIrimia wrote: »
    Another day, and more rage, negativeness accumulated from the community. GW is neither fun, nor a challenge. The explanation is not believable, just a poor excuse to cover a desperate strategy to increase benefits.

    Management have lied in many aspects:
    1. Lied about pursuing exploit in Vader: They gave free shards for new achievements and increase the rate of showing up in the shard shop, so is easier to have him full starred and cover up the exploit.
    2. Lied about the scoundrel event showing up weekly.
    3. Lied about making GW less time consuming.
    4. Lied about balancing new toons. So far only anakin after more than a month.
    5. Lied about the purpose of increasing GW difficulty. Is not about challenge in fighting more difficult squads. That is done in arena. Want strategy, reset protection and health after each node. Is about having a large and deep toon bench. So they are trying to encourage people to spend more, not give players a challenge.
    6. Lied about communicating upcoming changes. GW retuning was done unannounced.

    After all the discredit and loss of trust from many costumers, personally I won't be investing a single dollar more, unless:
    1. Apology
    2. Stop lying
    3. Properly address people concerns. In their hubris and arrogance maangement forgot that they do not own the game. Is a product directed to the people. If is not positevely accepted, is going to fail and not produce benefits. Then the ever greedier masters (Disney), will take measures, and I 'll enjoy seeing those.
    4. Properly resolve all the game bugs, not only from premium content.

    Unfortunately, not going to happen. Nor get a proper explanation. The game is going to loose many costumers from F2P/casual spenders to big spenders. Too bad, it has potential and was good, but bad management is ruining it. However, there are plenty other games.

    @EA_Jesse @CG_Method @CG_NotReallyAJedi @CG_JohnSalera

    Another that says the same thing we are all saying. Get your acts together, please.
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    It's hard, I agree, but since changes I only once wasn't able to finish, when I stopped on last node. It's harder, but you have to admit, that before it was too easy, as I was able to complete GW with one squad.

    Only after the 6/15 tweaking they did. Before that I could at least complete the GW but would use several of my squads. Now I cannot even complete it.

  • chuckwing
    679 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Come on guys, gw is getting ridiculous. I just got a maxed out Fives on node 2. What is that about? AND how can you justify giving people teams to fight that have higher power than their best team does... on node 6 of all nodes! How can you justify making people face 4 meta teams every single day when we ourselves don't even have meta teams?
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