Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    Rey is overpowered char. RG + Rey combo = never can do this gw map : )
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    I think this is bull. It's another way for them to increase the frustration level so that you'll pay even more money to increase the power of your toons. They keep introducing more methods to increase the frustration level, like using Cantina energy for mods, not to mention the mods themselves. Don't listen to the developers when they say they're only trying to improve gameplay. That's a crock. It's all designed to frustrate you, knowing most Americans are all about instant gratification,and not patience. All of these freemium games are predicated on that factoid about American lack of self-discipline. Your pleas are going unheard, while they plot to increase their revenue. This will never happen, but if everyone stopped playing freemium games, this wouldn't be an issue. We can only blame ourselves. Greedy developers will always have the upper hand because we won't stop playing into their hands.
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    I'm regretting every cent I've spent on this game with the recent update and GW being impossible to beat. Hate, hate, hate this.
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    I cannot believe there are still players complaining about such a trivial thing. Get better or leave, it's simple.

    If you think I'm talking junk, look at page 17-22 to see what my arena ranking is & what toons I have to complete it with & you'll see as a f2p player, it's very doable, if not a bit frustrating, but that's what need to be done &... It not done with the recommended GW Heros like Baris & what not. Dps gets you through it & enough dps is all you need!
  • Divona
    117 posts Member
    I cannot believe there are still players complaining about such a trivial thing. Get better or leave, it's simple.

    If you think I'm talking junk, look at page 17-22 to see what my arena ranking is & what toons I have to complete it with & you'll see as a f2p player, it's very doable, if not a bit frustrating, but that's what need to be done &... It not done with the recommended GW Heros like Baris & what not. Dps gets you through it & enough dps is all you need!

    You probably have no clue what changed and happened after last change with those who modded their arena chars and now are having hard time to get GW done. Really try harder.
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    Its not hard, its impossible for me. Why would I waste my time trying to do something that's impossible.
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    Alexone wrote: »
    Martianski wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    GW is back to hard and tedious after mod nerf just like i suspected. Should've left mods the same.

    No, mods were too powerful before the nerf. Even now some of them are too OP like speed one. Secondary speed statuses are enough, primary speed should be removed.

    Lol. No, mods should be revert to what they were. Not only they were tons of fun, but also they made gw a lot easier. Now it's back to being hard and tedious.

    GW was only easier for precrafting whales.
    It was impossible for the rest, because of those same precrafting whales they would meet at node 12.
  • Forar
    94 posts Member
    Did battles 1-11 without much trouble. 6, 9, and 11 were challenging, with 6 and 9 each fed a lower/middle level team to speed things along.

    12 is just absurd.

    Mostly kitted out (but not full 5 dot 15's for once, yay) Rey/RG/QGJ/STHan/Phasma. Fed them 8 teams of various calibers and my A-Squad still can't do more than kill Rey before they blow up 3-4 characters and I'm left in an impossible situation.

    That's not challenging. It's not fun. It's impossible, and a waste of time.

    Allegedly they were looking to speed up the GW, but having to repeatedly back out and try new things/sacrifice teams to the modded gods took just as long, if not longer.

    Allegedly they were looking to increase the rewards, but getting 11 nodes down got me around 490k credits rather than the 450k I used to get, at the cost of a great deal more frustration, and missing out on the final node of crystals and other goodies that add up over the weeks. I'd happily trade that ~10% profit to go back to the vastly less frustrating era of mid June.

    What was left of my squad was a somewhat battered 33-34k, and even after throwing dozens of characters at them to remove protection, adjust their TU meter, and skip some cooldowns, their ~38-39k violated my best remaining team without breaking a sweat.

    I sure hope there isn't an achievement for doing more than 150 galactic wars, because despite being at 136 completions currently, I foresee it taking months just to get those last few in for that one alone.

    I'm not a whale, nor am I the most skilled player in the world, but the time commitment to finish this stupid thing is out of hand. Whatever algorithm they're using seems to be a bit better than where it has been at times (getting shut down by fully (high dot) modded teams at node 9 once or twice), but it's still annoying, frustrating, and the idea of spending weeks or months getting pounded to *maybe* improve holds little appeal (because levelling those characters and farming those shards to expand my roster even further are neither quickly nor easily gained, especially with Arena and GW becoming bigger and bigger messes).

    I've spent some money on this game, but if this update was designed to inspire me to toss some more their way, they've had the exact opposite reaction. I actively loathe GW as a chore, rather than the reasonably fun little 30-60 minutes of idle play it used to be. The announcement of another raid coming fails to spark even a hint of interest, because I can only assume whatever mechanics are implements will be the diametric opposite of fun. Even if I wanted to try to catch up, what few extra credits I might be gathering are being lost rapidly to GW bull and the need to now spend on stars, levels, gear improvements AND mods. Even if I wanted to, the most recent pre-crafting bull means I'd have to spend 2.5 times as much and grind vastly more mod battles to even start to catch up, further closing my wallet to the idea of contributing to a game that's actively vying for more of my time in order to give me less enjoyment as the days go by.

    This might not be anything new, but I wanted to share yet another frustrating experience from someone who has generally enjoyed this game since January 2nd. I'm not in from the start, but I think after 7 months I've seen my fair share and then some of the game.

    I take the time to write this not as a "waaaah, someone give me a billion credits for free plz" bit of 'entitlement' or whatever will surely be lobbed my way by the usual suspects, but to provide context as to what is frustrating me, and why, about a game that I have enjoyed and want to enjoy again. Because right now, I don't.

    Right now I'm sitting on a small pile of crystals I've built up for weeks towards buying an 8 drop Chromium pack, and it just makes me feel apathetic. Despite having a ton of characters I could add to my roster still, I can't be bothered; that's just more credits drained from my meager income to star and level characters that won't be useful for weeks or months and would just put me further back on building my own Rey/RG/etc deathball. I used to be happy to pop in some cash for the daily crystal allotment, allowing me to open a new pack every week or two, now I just know those shards will sit wasted, either on characters too low to be helpful or worse, landing on some I've got that can't be farmed (Maul at 32/65 for literally 3 or 4 months, woo!). I used to pop characters the moment they hit a point they could be unlocked, and levelled just enough to get a taste of what they could do for a reasonable amount of resources. Now I have 3 characters sitting at "ACTIVATE!" and can't be bothered to even do that (why would I? Better to save the shards and let them pop on a Bronzium or maybe whenever I can be bothered to pop that Chromium, can't imagine how many resources and farming I've wasted because I actually wanted to try out the characters I'd farmed towards, rather than waiting even longer for the RNG to smile upon me).
  • MeisterLampee
    49 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Leandrovv wrote: »
    The latest update raised the necessity to create a thread to voice of our concerns about the future of SWGOH.
    We have a player base that was formed with the release of the game in November. All of our members did their best to support your game since that day by investing hardcore.
    For months, we abided the developers' minor mistakes as somehow the game's progression smothered them, as we always believed in the developer team and their good intentions as they were working hard to fix what's necessary. Therefore, we showed %100 support and always gave valuable feedback, directly to the dev team to make sure that the game could stay on the correct route.
    We weren't disappointed thankfully until this point.
    But this time, we truly believe that the line has been crossed. This is another Precrafting issue, as it's stated as "Precraft 2.0" on reddit boards. Stealth nerf to Potency, increased costs of mod upgrades, dropped rates of mods from challenges/battles are one story, and the whole implementation of mods which makes the grind of gear totally futile for months is whole another.
    Some of us had suffered from the 1.0 version of it months ago, and we definitely don't want to suffer from the same design mistake again this time. As Team iNstinct family, we'll act as one body to protest this latest update with its changes and we're planning to stop all of our investments to the game's current state if mistakes will not be reverted or fixed.
    We are hoping to see immediate action as we want our adventure in SWGOH to continue for years.
    We love Star Wars. We love this game. But that doesn't mean that we'll stay silent to any changes which declines the overall health of the game.
    We're absolutely open for any convo with the devs to provide the feedback they need to rig the game back to its good days.
    Team iNstinct.
    Thanks for that touching "wake-up-message". Do the defs even read this?
  • Nos402
    11 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    This has become so infuriating, that it has me seriously contemplating quitting the game, and I am not usually a "rage quitter" at all. I've given it time. I've tried to keep a cool head. I've tried again and again to make sure it wasn't just a fluke. I've spent hours trying combinations, strategies, maxing levels, gear, mods, abilities. I've tried to remain open minded and reasonable.

    GW is ridiculous and broken. Infuriating. Not fun. Not challenging. An absolutely impossible chore. I have many and varied very powerful characters. My main squad gets all the way to node 12 with some challenging nodes that definitely are a close call. Node 12 is almost always impossible. For several days now, I've spent literally hours trying everything I could think of until I get screwed by not getting a chance to retreat or just get so angry and demoralized that I have to quit playing or else fear I may hurl my iPad against a wall. I must have tried node 12 50-100 times today, thinking that if I could just find the right combinations of squad, luck and strategy, that I could beat it. Nope.

    This is seriously a travesty. I used to very much look forward to my daily play sessions. They are now becoming less and less and I'm really only logging in hoping that this will get fixed to something reasonable and I can start enjoying the game again. How the hell this passed as a reasonable tweak to GW is absolutely beyond me Maybe, possibly, if you have maxed out every character available, this might be called "fair." Looks like I'll be sitting at 149/150 GW completions forever, as I already have been for a while now.
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    Moderators of this forum continue to merge GW threads into this single giant the are just sweeping the problem under the carpet.

    I mean, there is nothing constructive going on here anymore in this thread. You can't read this thing. Not with 2.4K posts.

    GW is broken, we want it fixed.
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    Forar wrote: »
    Did battles 1-11 without much trouble. 6, 9, and 11 were challenging, with 6 and 9 each fed a lower/middle level team to speed things along.

    12 is just absurd.

    Mostly kitted out (but not full 5 dot 15's for once, yay) Rey/RG/QGJ/STHan/Phasma. Fed them 8 teams of various calibers and my A-Squad still can't do more than kill Rey before they blow up 3-4 characters and I'm left in an impossible situation.

    That's not challenging. It's not fun. It's impossible, and a waste of time.

    Allegedly they were looking to speed up the GW, but having to repeatedly back out and try new things/sacrifice teams to the modded gods took just as long, if not longer.

    Allegedly they were looking to increase the rewards, but getting 11 nodes down got me around 490k credits rather than the 450k I used to get, at the cost of a great deal more frustration, and missing out on the final node of crystals and other goodies that add up over the weeks. I'd happily trade that ~10% profit to go back to the vastly less frustrating era of mid June.

    What was left of my squad was a somewhat battered 33-34k, and even after throwing dozens of characters at them to remove protection, adjust their TU meter, and skip some cooldowns, their ~38-39k violated my best remaining team without breaking a sweat.

    I sure hope there isn't an achievement for doing more than 150 galactic wars, because despite being at 136 completions currently, I foresee it taking months just to get those last few in for that one alone.

    I'm not a whale, nor am I the most skilled player in the world, but the time commitment to finish this **** thing is out of hand. Whatever algorithm they're using seems to be a bit better than where it has been at times (getting shut down by fully (high dot) modded teams at node 9 once or twice), but it's still annoying, frustrating, and the idea of spending weeks or months getting pounded to *maybe* improve holds little appeal (because levelling those characters and farming those shards to expand my roster even further are neither quickly nor easily gained, especially with Arena and GW becoming bigger and bigger messes).

    I've spent some money on this game, but if this update was designed to inspire me to toss some more their way, they've had the exact opposite reaction. I actively loathe GW as a chore, rather than the reasonably fun little 30-60 minutes of idle play it used to be. The announcement of another raid coming fails to spark even a hint of interest, because I can only assume whatever mechanics are implements will be the diametric opposite of fun. Even if I wanted to try to catch up, what few extra credits I might be gathering are being lost rapidly to GW bull and the need to now spend on stars, levels, gear improvements AND mods. Even if I wanted to, the most recent pre-crafting bull means I'd have to spend 2.5 times as much and grind vastly more mod battles to even start to catch up, further closing my wallet to the idea of contributing to a game that's actively vying for more of my time in order to give me less enjoyment as the days go by.

    This might not be anything new, but I wanted to share yet another frustrating experience from someone who has generally enjoyed this game since January 2nd. I'm not in from the start, but I think after 7 months I've seen my fair share and then some of the game.

    I take the time to write this not as a "waaaah, someone give me a billion credits for free plz" bit of 'entitlement' or whatever will surely be lobbed my way by the usual suspects, but to provide context as to what is frustrating me, and why, about a game that I have enjoyed and want to enjoy again. Because right now, I don't.

    Right now I'm sitting on a small pile of crystals I've built up for weeks towards buying an 8 drop Chromium pack, and it just makes me feel apathetic. Despite having a ton of characters I could add to my roster still, I can't be bothered; that's just more credits drained from my meager income to star and level characters that won't be useful for weeks or months and would just put me further back on building my own Rey/RG/etc deathball. I used to be happy to pop in some cash for the daily crystal allotment, allowing me to open a new pack every week or two, now I just know those shards will sit wasted, either on characters too low to be helpful or worse, landing on some I've got that can't be farmed (Maul at 32/65 for literally 3 or 4 months, woo!). I used to pop characters the moment they hit a point they could be unlocked, and levelled just enough to get a taste of what they could do for a reasonable amount of resources. Now I have 3 characters sitting at "ACTIVATE!" and can't be bothered to even do that (why would I? Better to save the shards and let them pop on a Bronzium or maybe whenever I can be bothered to pop that Chromium, can't imagine how many resources and farming I've wasted because I actually wanted to try out the characters I'd farmed towards, rather than waiting even longer for the RNG to smile upon me).

    Agree on All he said. Fix the GW please.

    The game is meant to be a lot of fun, not hours upon hours, with no reward in the end...(12 node in gw)
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    I have farm mods and invested in trying to make GW in even the range of possible again, but it just got even harder when my squad powers went up.

    The fun of the game is gone for me. I'm giving EA/CG a few weeks to get this sorted, since they were occupied so heavily with mods. If there is no communication responding to the GW feedback and no indication of changes coming by the end of this week, I'm done with this game and these companies. On all platforms.
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    Not. GW is an absolute joke still. The credit crunch is exponentially worse. Still using cantina energy for the two most important things. Cantina energy is twice the cost and twice the wait time. Friggin joke update after update.
  • Starkiller11
    7 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Most people only have 1 or 2 teams that can beat a high level team. So if there is say 4 teams like that in the GW you are not gonna win!! Yes a challenge but anyone plating since November should be able to beat i . We have earned that right.
    Post edited by WillowStar on
  • dough
    641 posts Member
    80 pgs now @CG_JohnSalera @CG_Jesse
    just because you delete my post pointing this out when this game-killer was at 79 pages doesn't make it less true.

    why the spite?
  • Jaxs
    49 posts Member
    Good Bye EA/CG SWGOH is no longer the fun game it was. Your going to lose a lot more players IF you don't make some serious changes to GW. It's just not worth the frustration any more.
  • dough
    641 posts Member
    i find it mystifying that a company with an opportunity to alleviate the mountain of bad will they've created lately chooses instead to ignore its customer base.

    i don't have the time or inclination to parse every post on this forum but i would be interested to know the ratio of people who think GW desperately needs an overhaul vs. the ones who don't.

    i am guessing the figure is in the 800/1 range.
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    How do u introduce mods that cost a ton of credits but don't increase credits?
  • pnet13
    12 posts Member
    I have finished twice since the stealth update. My best team is just over 34k. I am consistently getting teams 37-40k from nodes 9-12 with almost every one having Rey, RG, QGJ with Dooku lead all gear 10 and 11. Even if my best team makes it to node 12 with all protection intact(it won't) Rey is always one shotting my team and dodging at a 50% clip. The arrogance of CG/EA to continually ignore the mounting complaints about this shows such contempt for us it is incredible. After the debacle with the mods the LEAST they could do is put GW back to the pre stealth buff. Of course this will be ignored just like the rest of the pages and pages of feedback EAJesse claims to read.
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    Hey look gw is still broken and horrendous to play. Who could have guessed? Please fix this. Only whales can complete it. And I'm actively recommending people to not play this game.
  • JoseIrimia
    446 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    After beating it today I felt stressed, in a very bad mood due to constant "bad RNG" (Ben dodging 3 out of 4 attacks in a one to one fight), retreats, several teams ahead of my toons in a row and poor "rewards". Also I had not fun at all. GW was the part I most enjoyed from the game, aside of careful planning and slow, but rewarding progression (It was awesome when leveling from g8 to g9 to g10... and tested the toon).
    Ok, then I thought "why do I still play to a game that instead of giving me entertainment, challenge, and joy, give me just pain?"
    I already said goodbye to my guild mates. And to any future investment in EA games or in Disney merchandise.
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    Let us just stop complaining and take a second to celebrate 80 pages of Galactic War comments. Well done everyone!
  • dough
    641 posts Member
    Dashboard wrote: »
    Let us just stop complaining and take a second to celebrate 80 pages of Galactic War comments. Well done everyone!

    spurning 99% of the player base = WAI

    i don't know if it's spite, ineptitude, cognitive dissonance... who are they receiving feedback from that gave the impression that GW is fine as-is?

    where's Team Instinct to threaten to stop spending when we really need them?
  • Robtorn
    80 posts Member
    Can't beat node 12 nuff said
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    It makes me wonder if anyone of you developers have actually tried to play your game. Start from level 70 having 5 level 70 characters, an arena team. Several in the 60s. Take them to 80. See how much fun you really have in your own game.

    Hint... It's not very fun.
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    I'm sad this GW hasn't been addressed. I will never get to finish them and I feel so frustrated!
    The 9-11-12 nodes are insane.
    Been playing since January and this really takes away the fun from this game.
  • Osik
    235 posts Member

    Why at lvl 78 do I have to fight full 80 teams like this in GW? It's really dumb... I have zero chance of finishing now thanks to crap like this
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    GW is ruining the game for myself and many I play with. It was hard before and I was fine with that. But now with the last 4 groups being mega rey/RG groups is now impossible. Fif before we leave....TY.
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    Alexone wrote: »
    Urgedgrunt wrote: »
    Since you can't out gear, out level, out mod, or out omega galactic war i see no way this will get better unless a huge change is made. Makes no sense to have to have a part of the game that no matter what you do it just gets harder and harder.

    GW is made this way to slow you down. Part of teh grand scheme!

    gw is broken in may ways bro
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