Before saying GW has become too hard !

GW was always set on squad power so dont blame the game if you reach high squad power and can't beat all GW battles eyes closed !

GW is made of 12 battles: 4 packs of 3 battles Silver easier than Gold easier than Purple battle and difficulty increase for each color the next time you face it !
Each battle difficulty is based on previous colour so there should be 4 easy battles, 4 regular battles, 4 HARD battles !

IF you don't want to face very hard SILVER or GOLD battles don't rush your squad power ! i'd say over 34 000 squad power it's challenging to clear GW but on the other side, arena is lots of fun !

IF you don't mind about arena you can easily stay top 200 without having hard GW nodes right from the beginning

You are faced with battles matching your "strenght" and don't let the game beat you, you will always beat the game if you are smart enough and use all your squads and GW possibilities.

Hope this would help many people before reaching the state of crying because you are SCARED of challenges and don't want to spend time! There are many guides about GW Clearing Tips, they are what i keep doing to face hard omega team G10 with my non omega teams!

What's the point of playing a game on auto battle and focusing on arena ONLY ?
I even try to save my sim tickets and re-battle throught LS DS battles when needed for the fun of playing!

Enjoy the game, beat the game, don't let the game beat you, you are smarter! You are not even facing a real player one-on-one(maybe in near future this could be fun dueling other players live) you are battling an AI which is predictable!


  • milkacak
    21 posts Member
    Wow, you really deserve your name, don't you?
  • Options
    milkacak wrote: »
    Wow, you really deserve your name, don't you?

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    milkacak wrote: »
    Wow, you really deserve your name, don't you?

    if you are below 34 000 and loose GW you are really a bad player
    if you don't and keep loosing GW then use your brain
  • dough
    641 posts Member
    you sound smart, please, tell us more.
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    dough wrote: »
    you sound smart, please, tell us more.

    you sound like someone unable to clear GW everyday
  • Options
    dough wrote: »
    you sound smart, please, tell us more.

    you sound like someone unable to clear GW everyday

    I clear gw everyday. It sucks. Isn't fun. Takes to long. I have 22 7* characters. Some gear 10, most gear 9. Have a few 6 * gear nine too. I am broke with credits, but will probably not do galactic chore today because it sucks.

  • SethVentris
    32 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    im lvl 71 and today i had a full gear9/10 lvl80 enemy team on node 12..
    im full gearlvl 8 (thats max at that lvl, you cant get higher..) ...and there is no way you can beat a g9/10 lvl80 team..its not hard or a challenge..its just dumb.
    if you really think thats fair or that game needs really deserve your name.
  • Options
    I for one enjoyed your post op nice job! B)
  • Nebulous
    1476 posts Member
    My favorite part about all the players who think GW is too hard, is when they attack players who don't think GW is hard.

    I mean this thread is peppered with garbage responses to the op. To disagree with the op is fine and necessary, but to just attack the forum tag and offer very little in defense of why you think GW is tough is just wrong.

  • Options
    Nebulous wrote: »
    My favorite part about all the players who think GW is too hard, is when they attack players who don't think GW is hard.

    I mean this thread is peppered with garbage responses to the op. To disagree with the op is fine and necessary, but to just attack the forum tag and offer very little in defense of why you think GW is tough is just wrong.

  • Options
    Not sure what responses u r reading. People gave reasons why they don't like it. Just because u don't like their response doesn't mean they are garbage.
  • Cometheloser
    944 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    The reasons are fine but toxic way they are put over is not B)
  • Cuzzins
    345 posts Member
    Some folks had intentionally kept their main team low so we could avoid nightmare GW. However on the 15th of June they tweaked GW to make it not tak so long, it was possibly to do even with a high end arena team. Many of us then felt we were ok to upgrade the main team finally, and so we did. Two weeks later they changed it all again. So it wasn't just people blindly maxing their arena team. Also, it's basically not a good idea to base the strength of a war of attrition on the top five players someone has. Might be better to add there power levels of all the toons (or maybe top 15) and the average that amount.
  • DJJ
    367 posts Member
    Captainrrl wrote: »
    Not sure what responses u r reading. People gave reasons why they don't like it. Just because u don't like their response doesn't mean they are garbage.

    Telling him that he deserves his name is a reason?
  • Options
    That was just plain funny. I thought that was a troll.
  • SlyTalker
    21 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    GW was always set on squad power so dont blame the game if you reach high squad power and can't beat all GW battles eyes closed !

    GW is made of 12 battles: 4 packs of 3 battles Silver easier than Gold easier than Purple battle and difficulty increase for each color the next time you face it !
    Each battle difficulty is based on previous colour so there should be 4 easy battles, 4 regular battles, 4 HARD battles !

    IF you don't want to face very hard SILVER or GOLD battles don't rush your squad power ! i'd say over 34 000 squad power it's challenging to clear GW but on the other side, arena is lots of fun !

    IF you don't mind about arena you can easily stay top 200 without having hard GW nodes right from the beginning

    You are faced with battles matching your "strenght" and don't let the game beat you, you will always beat the game if you are smart enough and use all your squads and GW possibilities.

    Hope this would help many people before reaching the state of crying becauseThemnare SCARED of challenges and don't want to spend time! There are many guides about GW Clearing Tips, they are what i keep doing to face hard omega team G10 with my non omega teams!

    What's the point of playing a game on auto battle and focusing on arena ONLY ?
    I even try to save my sim tickets and re-battle throught LS DS battles when needed for the fun of playing!

    Enjoy the game, beat the game, don't let the game beat you, you are smarter! You are not even facing a real player one-on-one(maybe in near future this could be fun dueling other players live) you are battling an AI which is predictable!

    Great advice, what about those of us who kept our arena power low for months for just that reason. Then June 15th came along and a GW tweak turned it into an auto run through event. So silly us, wanting a challenge, figured it was time to up our arena power to make GW a challenge once again. By the time the stealth tweak hit on June 29th my arena power was approaching 36k, resulting in now impossible nodes in the new, unannounced, GW. Once again, not whining about the difficulty of GW, just the deceptive way in which it was introduced.
  • Nebulous
    1476 posts Member
    Captainrrl wrote: »
    Not sure what responses u r reading. People gave reasons why they don't like it. Just because u don't like their response doesn't mean they are garbage.

    Pretty sure I said peppered. Which means throughout. It doesn't mean all of the posts. That being said, there are more posts about his name than about why GW is broken. So ya, it's peppered with garbage.

    GW is supposed to be a challenge. Leveling up will help a lot and mean that toons cannot out level you. You will see it becomes the other way around. If they make GW easy so that every lvl 40 player can walk right though it, then a lvl 80 player will beg for a sim feature because auto will be too boring.

    I for one want balance at end game. Balancing for early level and mid level can make end game too easy.
  • Options
    Well this peppered person disagrees
  • Cuzzins
    345 posts Member
    Or they could balance it for the player based on it being completed on average by 15 or so toons in that persons roster based on level. That way the challenge should be the same for level 40 and level 80. At the moment it's terrible unless you have tons of toons (and even then I've heard stories of folks losing all their toons on node 12) or you spend a lot of time. I now just get through as many as I can as quick as I can and then quit because it's just not fun or enjoyable.
  • BWSkynobi
    334 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I don't mind a challenge. I don't mind not being able to complete some challenges. But there should be a goal post. Once you level up above that, the challenge should get easier.

    The problem with GW is that the goal posts move every time you level up. I don't have 5 arena teams.

    They should tune GW to your top 15 characters and not your top 5.
  • Options
    im lvl 71 and today i had a full gear9/10 lvl80 enemy team on node 12..
    im full gearlvl 8 (thats max at that lvl, you cant get higher..) ...and there is no way you can beat a g9/10 lvl80 team..its not hard or a challenge..its just dumb.
    if you really think thats fair or that game needs really deserve your name.

    i have many unused G8 chars non omega and with some strategy i already beat lv80 omega team G9-10 so if im able to beat them you can as well
  • irvvri
    152 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    see, people like you are the reason nothing ever gets fixed around here. Stop trying to be a hipster and defend the company just to be different. This is clearly a broken system if 99% of the population is saying so. Do kindly stop making posts ☺️

    Edit: made it less rude
  • Options
    Cuzzins wrote: »
    Some folks had intentionally kept their main team low so we could avoid nightmare GW. However on the 15th of June they tweaked GW to make it not tak so long, it was possibly to do even with a high end arena team. Many of us then felt we were ok to upgrade the main team finally, and so we did. Two weeks later they changed it all again. So it wasn't just people blindly maxing their arena team. Also, it's basically not a good idea to base the strength of a war of attrition on the top five players someone has. Might be better to add there power levels of all the toons (or maybe top 15) and the average that amount.

    I agree with you that June 15th patch made GW insanely easy, so easy that i just launched autobattle with a 5 man squad from battle 1 to 12 without loosing a single char and i also raised my squad power as many of us did ! But i still keep up the fight and beat GW ! The previous GW was BORING and now Funnier since im no longer logging in the game, autobattle everywhere and collect rewards and then restart the next day! What's the point of this kind of gaming?
  • Cuzzins
    345 posts Member
    Some of the teams being hit with higher power levels are G11 lvl 80 teams with lots of health, even with deep rosters some folks are barely making a dent. They seem to be choosing a standard arena team and then buffing them to specific gear and omega levels, even if the original team doesn't have them. There is a thread with over 2k posts. The issue is not in people's minds, for some it's impossible, for others it's such a long RNG based chore trey can't be bothered anymore, for others it doesn't seem as bad for some reason. But the basic fact is it has never been that much fun, and it is now even less fun.
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    agree with original post. i assessed arena shop and gw shop and chose between them. kept arena a hair lower than i had to and accepted my place in the top 150 every day. if you chose arena, then gw is harder. not the devs fault, that was a choice. if you leveled arena team up, back it down a little. i know the idea is that its based on highest arena power you have ever had, but my difficulty in gw slacked off after a week or so of lessening my arena power.
  • Options
    irvvri wrote: »
    see, people like you are the reason nothing ever gets fixed around here. Stop trying to be a hipster and defend the company just to be different. This is clearly a broken system if 99% of the population is saying so. Do kindly stop making posts ☺️

    Edit: made it less rude

    All i ever see in SWGOH EA Forum is trash posts of people complaining and not bringing GOOD feedbacks to better develop the game! so before blaming others, read what i aim to do for all those people that did not reach the Hard GW part yet ! i am also facing hard battles and i deal with it the same way i always did ever since i reached lv 40
  • StupidPadawan
    128 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    agree with original post. i assessed arena shop and gw shop and chose between them. kept arena a hair lower than i had to and accepted my place in the top 150 every day. if you chose arena, then gw is harder. not the devs fault, that was a choice. if you leveled arena team up, back it down a little. i know the idea is that its based on highest arena power you have ever had, but my difficulty in gw slacked off after a week or so of lessening my arena power.

    Too many greedy players wanting to be the best in arena for maximum rewards and easy GW everyday for maximum rewards as well ... proof is when the rancor raid became available, so many people tryed to exploit ....
  • Options
    irvvri wrote: »
    see, people like you are the reason nothing ever gets fixed around here. Stop trying to be a hipster and defend the company just to be different. This is clearly a broken system if 99% of the population is saying so. Do kindly stop making posts ☺️

    Edit: made it less rude

    All i ever see in SWGOH EA Forum is trash posts of people complaining and not bringing GOOD feedbacks to better develop the game! so before blaming others, read what i aim to do for all those people that did not reach the Hard GW part yet ! i am also facing hard battles and i deal with it the same way i always did ever since i reached lv 40

    I've seen plenty of positive posts on this forum when the players are happy with what the devs have done. The most recent examples are the scoundrel event and forest assault event. Both had largely positive praise for being well done. There's nothing wrong with people expressing opinions or frustrations.
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    agree with original post. i assessed arena shop and gw shop and chose between them. kept arena a hair lower than i had to and accepted my place in the top 150 every day. if you chose arena, then gw is harder. not the devs fault, that was a choice. if you leveled arena team up, back it down a little. i know the idea is that its based on highest arena power you have ever had, but my difficulty in gw slacked off after a week or so of lessening my arena power.

    that all being said, i am about playing the game the way it is playable. if difficulty were tuned based on your actual inventory instead of who you bring to arena, thats not a bad idea. but until it changes, i am going to buffer my arena power on purpose to play within the confines of the game. Do keep in mind, this would not make gw easier, just differently tuned to you. you still wouldnt finish every day. thats their design for it as they have stated. it is supposed to be hard.
  • SamoBudo
    223 posts Member
    I dunno what algo they use but it has been made clear to me by somebody in dev that it is not based on arena power and that is this a myth. What it is i dunno but I wish they would make it public.
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