Before saying GW has become too hard !


  • Cuzzins
    345 posts Member
    They stated on Reddit at some point it's the maximum power of your top five toons, not your arena squad.
  • eldredpe
    142 posts Member
    irvvri wrote: »
    see, people like you are the reason nothing ever gets fixed around here. Stop trying to be a hipster and defend the company just to be different. This is clearly a broken system if 99% of the population is saying so. Do kindly stop making posts ☺️

    Edit: made it less rude

    All i ever see in SWGOH EA Forum is trash posts of people complaining and not bringing GOOD feedbacks to better develop the game! so before blaming others, read what i aim to do for all those people that did not reach the Hard GW part yet ! i am also facing hard battles and i deal with it the same way i always did ever since i reached lv 40

    I've seen plenty of positive posts on this forum when the players are happy with what the devs have done. The most recent examples are the scoundrel event and forest assault event. Both had largely positive praise for being well done. There's nothing wrong with people expressing opinions or frustrations.


    Are we on the same forum?

    All I've heard about forest assault is that it's too difficult and all I've heard about scoundrel event is that it's absurd for us to have 5 scoundrels but it's equally awful that they haven't done it a second time yet.

    Unless I missed your sarcasm, in which case I apologize.
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    eldredpe wrote: »
    irvvri wrote: »
    see, people like you are the reason nothing ever gets fixed around here. Stop trying to be a hipster and defend the company just to be different. This is clearly a broken system if 99% of the population is saying so. Do kindly stop making posts ☺️

    Edit: made it less rude

    All i ever see in SWGOH EA Forum is trash posts of people complaining and not bringing GOOD feedbacks to better develop the game! so before blaming others, read what i aim to do for all those people that did not reach the Hard GW part yet ! i am also facing hard battles and i deal with it the same way i always did ever since i reached lv 40

    I've seen plenty of positive posts on this forum when the players are happy with what the devs have done. The most recent examples are the scoundrel event and forest assault event. Both had largely positive praise for being well done. There's nothing wrong with people expressing opinions or frustrations.


    Are we on the same forum?

    All I've heard about forest assault is that it's too difficult and all I've heard about scoundrel event is that it's absurd for us to have 5 scoundrels but it's equally awful that they haven't done it a second time yet.

    Unless I missed your sarcasm, in which case I apologize.

    Yes, we are on the same forum, and no sarcasm lol allow me to clarify. The forest assault event was difficult, but once people began figuring out the tricks and posted guides and helpful tidbits, it became much more doable, although I will say a bit long. But overall a good amount of challenge. The scoundrel event was extremely well received when it first launched (now obviously not so much because of the communication error as to when it would be returning). The issue with these events the people complained most about was simply that their roster is not deep enough, and that is because they failed to grasp these events are end game content. I would say the people complaining about the lack of roster depth were in the minority. As for the scoundrel event date, technically the devs haven't broken their promise as to when it would return, but that's a separate issue.
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    The rewards in GW is the problem. In any game, any existing event should be easier if you level up . To keep it challenging an new level of the event with commensurate rewards should be available for the higher level player. In this case, GW became more challenging as your level goes higher but the reward stays the same.
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    Useless post
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    GW was always set on squad power so dont blame the game if you reach high squad power and can't beat all GW battles eyes closed !

    GW is made of 12 battles: 4 packs of 3 battles Silver easier than Gold easier than Purple battle and difficulty increase for each color the next time you face it !
    Each battle difficulty is based on previous colour so there should be 4 easy battles, 4 regular battles, 4 HARD battles !

    IF you don't want to face very hard SILVER or GOLD battles don't rush your squad power ! i'd say over 34 000 squad power it's challenging to clear GW but on the other side, arena is lots of fun !

    IF you don't mind about arena you can easily stay top 200 without having hard GW nodes right from the beginning

    You are faced with battles matching your "strenght" and don't let the game beat you, you will always beat the game if you are smart enough and use all your squads and GW possibilities.

    Hope this would help many people before reaching the state of crying because you are SCARED of challenges and don't want to spend time! There are many guides about GW Clearing Tips, they are what i keep doing to face hard omega team G10 with my non omega teams!

    What's the point of playing a game on auto battle and focusing on arena ONLY ?
    I even try to save my sim tickets and re-battle throught LS DS battles when needed for the fun of playing!

    Enjoy the game, beat the game, don't let the game beat you, you are smarter! You are not even facing a real player one-on-one(maybe in near future this could be fun dueling other players live) you are battling an AI which is predictable!

    I was able to finish it the las couple of days but it was not just hard, it was Imposible to finish, it was fun and challenging for me for months, I was alway able to finish it ( not at first) and no I don't auto play it.

    But I am at around 32k and was facing the las 4 battles level 80 gears 9-11 many maxed omega teams 34+ and at the last nose fas facin a :smile:
    Duku leader
    Gamorrean ( pig)
    All of them at level 80 gear 10 and most at maxed omegas, after fighting 3 levels 80 gears 9-11 it an Imposible task for most , if u have a huge rooster at max levels I guest it won't be to hard , but for most it's Imposible.

    It changes from hard and challenging to stupid, frustrating and Imposible

    Latke it's a 50/50 I get that , so I get that j lose if I don't I win
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Cuzzins wrote: »
    Some folks had intentionally kept their main team low so we could avoid nightmare GW. However on the 15th of June they tweaked GW to make it not tak so long, it was possibly to do even with a high end arena team. Many of us then felt we were ok to upgrade the main team finally, and so we did. Two weeks later they changed it all again. So it wasn't just people blindly maxing their arena team. Also, it's basically not a good idea to base the strength of a war of attrition on the top five players someone has. Might be better to add there power levels of all the toons (or maybe top 15) and the average that amount.

    This is exactly me. After they made it easier I let loose on my arena team. But gw still totally fine for me, now that I know what to expect.

    Question is.... if ur war is hard what can you do about it (other than complain)? Maybe unlocking and gearing certain toons might help?

    I disagree about top 5 toons. The point is that if u build a strong arena team at the expense of your GW toons, you end up paying ainners tax on those arena crystals u are winning. It is a tradeoff. Esp since the guys shooting for one are largely paying players, it makes sense to make them pay, literally, to stay ahead.

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    I build my entire roster for GWAR because if you can best that consistently then you're fine for raids and arena.
  • Obs0lete
    382 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I build my entire roster for GWAR because if you can best that consistently then you're fine for raids and arena.

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    Obs0lete wrote: »
    I build my entire roster for GWAR because if you can best that consistently then you're fine for raids and arena.


  • Sparrow
    525 posts Member
    Cuzzins wrote: »
    Some folks had intentionally kept their main team low so we could avoid nightmare GW. However on the 15th of June they tweaked GW to make it not tak so long, it was possibly to do even with a high end arena team. Many of us then felt we were ok to upgrade the main team finally, and so we did. Two weeks later they changed it all again. So it wasn't just people blindly maxing their arena team. Also, it's basically not a good idea to base the strength of a war of attrition on the top five players someone has. Might be better to add there power levels of all the toons (or maybe top 15) and the average that amount.

    +1000 this is the biggest reason the change sucks, they made gw easier and lured us into a trap. It's called bait and switch.
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    I! Like! To! Use! Exclamation! Marks!

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    Sparrow wrote: »
    Cuzzins wrote: »
    Some folks had intentionally kept their main team low so we could avoid nightmare GW. However on the 15th of June they tweaked GW to make it not tak so long, it was possibly to do even with a high end arena team. Many of us then felt we were ok to upgrade the main team finally, and so we did. Two weeks later they changed it all again. So it wasn't just people blindly maxing their arena team. Also, it's basically not a good idea to base the strength of a war of attrition on the top five players someone has. Might be better to add there power levels of all the toons (or maybe top 15) and the average that amount.

    +1000 this is the biggest reason the change sucks, they made gw easier and lured us into a trap. It's called bait and switch.

    It was to be expected the previous patch made GW insanely easy it had to be adjusted. I raised my arena as well as many ppl did.
  • Curufinwe
    15 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    This statement is totally fine for people at the lvl 80 cap and have been there for a while, but it is really borked for people still leveling...

    Facing teams literally impossible to beat.

    I say this knowing full well I have no real issues beating GW (at lvl 80) because I have an insanely deep G8 lvl 70 roster I have been working on for months (f2p since april).

    Post edited by Hozilla on
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    milkacak wrote: »
    Wow, you really deserve your name, don't you?


    Commander of Latin Force - I always fight Back
  • Nightlores
    1608 posts Member
    The point is not the difficulty, it just take too fracking long.
  • Dm1996
    27 posts Member
    im lvl 71 and today i had a full gear9/10 lvl80 enemy team on node 12..
    im full gearlvl 8 (thats max at that lvl, you cant get higher..) ...and there is no way you can beat a g9/10 lvl80 team..its not hard or a challenge..its just dumb.
    if you really think thats fair or that game needs really deserve your name.

    Samething just happened to me tonight. Lvl 71 and i faced off against lvl 80. I sent in the only 2 lower lvl teams i could scrape together to soften them up. First salvo took out 3 of my toons.
  • AK5x5
    11 posts Member
    Yeah, I should totally be put in against whales…maybe make people who pay a certain amount of rl $ play together, like the cheaters do.
  • Arijit
    510 posts Member
    @StupidPadawan You might be having lots of free time in your life, but we have a life outside SWGOH and we do not want to spend all our free time in its never-ending grind.

    P.S. "Saving Sim tickets" - seriously!!
  • Nodoon
    112 posts Member
    The entire concept of GW is flawed, based on what CG says the intended goal is.
    GW is supposed to be a difficult battle of attrition. Great. However, in a game like this, where resources are limited, putting the majority of those resources behind the event that those same resources are required for is just silly.

    If you need 25 well geared, leveled 7* characters to complete GW, but most of the credits to train and star those characters is going to come from GW, then there is a serious problem.

    Not to mention that there are achievement rewards for completing GW X number of times, Vader shards, which are very hard to come by.

    I actually have finished GW most days since the newest update, but it is still long, difficult and boring. It is incredibly frustrating when you get through 11 nodes just to see a team that is so much better than your own that there is no tactic or strategy that will succeed, even if you had your fresh arena A team to use. And by node 12 you will at least be missing protection from that squad, if they are all alive.
  • Jimboe
    127 posts Member
    Most people said that GW hard, not enjoyable, time consuming. And i agree with most people.
    The day they made change to GW, i can not finish it. After that i can manage my toon and finish it, and at node 12 i sometimes just use 1 team to beat lvl 80,G9-10,7*, As my team A only lvl 77, G8, 7*.
    But it is hard and time consuming, yet the rewards stay the same.
    I do not whining because i can not finish GW, as many other, but it is not fair, because it is hard, time consuming, not enjoyable and the rewards is the same
  • Silleck
    423 posts Member
    I just ran through GW, one squad, teebo lead, EE, chirpa, QGJ and Rey. No retreats.
    I'm at 39k arena power.
    Leader and co-founder of BHG
  • irvvri
    152 posts Member
    Silleck wrote: »
    I just ran through GW, one squad, teebo lead, EE, chirpa, QGJ and Rey. No retreats.
    I'm at 39k arena power.

    cool bro now everyone's bad experiences with gw are invalidated by your good experience dang :/
  • Silleck
    423 posts Member
    irvvri wrote: »
    Silleck wrote: »
    I just ran through GW, one squad, teebo lead, EE, chirpa, QGJ and Rey. No retreats.
    I'm at 39k arena power.

    cool bro now everyone's bad experiences with gw are invalidated by your good experience dang :/

    Did I say that? I went through hell of GW of 6 nodes of g10+ meta teams.
    It's much much better now.
    Just giving my 2 cents.
    Leader and co-founder of BHG
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    Tarugo91 wrote: »
    The rewards in GW is the problem. In any game, any existing event should be easier if you level up . To keep it challenging an new level of the event with commensurate rewards should be available for the higher level player. In this case, GW became more challenging as your level goes higher but the reward stays the same.

    You obviously have not taken in one word the Devs have mentioned have you? I'll leave it at that because you clearly haven't seen or heard anything...!
    Nightlores wrote: »
    The point is not the difficulty, it just take too fracking long.

    That's not what some of your other posts are saying!
    Arijit wrote: »
    @StupidPadawan You might be having lots of free time in your life, but we have a life outside SWGOH and we do not want to spend all our free time in its never-ending grind.

    P.S. "Saving Sim tickets" - seriously!!

    No one told you to play the game, obviously if something takes up to much of your RL time, you put it down & carry on with RL? Apparently, not that obvious to some!?


    This complaining about GW is getting to the point of where there aren't any 'REAL' arguments as to why it should change, just a bunch of arguments about how it's effected so many that aren't up for the challenge. 'Time' is never an issue unless 'YOU' make it one, in which case, 'YOU' are the only one effected & should place your 'TIME' to better use & stop trying to change something that doesn't need changing. If the games to difficult, move on, if it's to time consuming, move on, if it's not as rewarding as you'd like it to be, move on, if you say it's a mobile game & shouldn't be so long & tedious, move on.

    Moral of this story is, why play or do something that creates so many issues in your life!?

    I personally love this game, GW is nice as is & with the expected credit increase for it, it'll be even better! Admittedly there are a few flaws but overall, still very enjoyable!
  • Curufinwe
    15 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Silleck wrote: »
    Tarugo91 wrote: »

    While I have no disagreements that the state of GW is sufficiently ok for lvl 80s who have the slightest inclination of what they are doing and have trained some semblance of back roster (your ewok team happens to be fantastic after setup ad infinium yay), the FACT of the matter is that the system is completely f'd to the core for non-80s.

    When lvl 71 player is facing meta G10 lvl 80s there is no reasonable way that would ever be possible (unless they got a insanely stupid comp, but these are drawn from actual arena people so that is quite doubtful.)
  • Nodoon
    112 posts Member
    Tarugo91 wrote: »
    The rewards in GW is the problem. In any game, any existing event should be easier if you level up . To keep it challenging an new level of the event with commensurate rewards should be available for the higher level player. In this case, GW became more challenging as your level goes higher but the reward stays the same.

    You obviously have not taken in one word the Devs have mentioned have you? I'll leave it at that because you clearly haven't seen or heard anything...!
    Nightlores wrote: »
    The point is not the difficulty, it just take too fracking long.

    That's not what some of your other posts are saying!
    Arijit wrote: »
    @StupidPadawan You might be having lots of free time in your life, but we have a life outside SWGOH and we do not want to spend all our free time in its never-ending grind.

    P.S. "Saving Sim tickets" - seriously!!

    No one told you to play the game, obviously if something takes up to much of your RL time, you put it down & carry on with RL? Apparently, not that obvious to some!?


    This complaining about GW is getting to the point of where there aren't any 'REAL' arguments as to why it should change, just a bunch of arguments about how it's effected so many that aren't up for the challenge. 'Time' is never an issue unless 'YOU' make it one, in which case, 'YOU' are the only one effected & should place your 'TIME' to better use & stop trying to change something that doesn't need changing. If the games to difficult, move on, if it's to time consuming, move on, if it's not as rewarding as you'd like it to be, move on, if you say it's a mobile game & shouldn't be so long & tedious, move on.

    Moral of this story is, why play or do something that creates so many issues in your life!?

    I personally love this game, GW is nice as is & with the expected credit increase for it, it'll be even better! Admittedly there are a few flaws but overall, still very enjoyable!

    You are wrong. Many of the arguments, it takes to long, it is frustrating or it is to hard but I can beat it, are just whining. You are ignoring the fact that people are running into teams that are impossible to beat though. A team that is 2 gear levels and 6-10 actual levels ahead of you is not a difficult is an impossible fight. That is not challenging, it is not fun. It stops progression. I have faced these types of teams. A node 12 that is gear 10-11, level 80 with all omega skills. This is a top 5 arena team when I am only top 100. It comes on node 12, with the enemy having full protection. It is a full meta team.

    I am all for challenge. I do not want to be handed anything. But this is like racing in NASCAR, but I have to drive a stock Honda Civic.

    Besides the fact that rewards to not merit the challenge anyway. They are just the only reliable source of credits.

    I know you will dismiss most of what I say, call me a whiner, tell me to L2P or whatever. My point is that the matchmaking is broken right now. The game mode is not entertaining. It is a requirement for progression, like doing dailies in a MMO.

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    Sparrow wrote: »
    Cuzzins wrote: »
    Some folks had intentionally kept their main team low so we could avoid nightmare GW. However on the 15th of June they tweaked GW to make it not tak so long, it was possibly to do even with a high end arena team. Many of us then felt we were ok to upgrade the main team finally, and so we did. Two weeks later they changed it all again. So it wasn't just people blindly maxing their arena team. Also, it's basically not a good idea to base the strength of a war of attrition on the top five players someone has. Might be better to add there power levels of all the toons (or maybe top 15) and the average that amount.

    +1000 this is the biggest reason the change sucks, they made gw easier and lured us into a trap. It's called bait and switch.

    It was to be expected the previous patch made GW insanely easy it had to be adjusted. I raised my arena as well as many ppl did.
    No it didn't. Some of us have a life. We don't want to be "challenge" every day. There were polls and the vast majority of players prefer it that way.

    It's not just about you you selfish sheep.
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    I'm arena lvl 36k, still can auto 90% of GW. All you need is a right team that's it) I really want to see how people play when they claim that GW is taking them more than 30min. If it takes that much time i'm not sure you are ready to clear GW fully or you should change your strat) It's a mod that have a basic requirement of a big roster. If all you have is team A and B and you can't beat it, then you need to get more toons. For people who are claiming that they can clear the GW but they feel like a chore, it's just your opinion. If you don't like it that's fine but for many people GW is the only fun gameplay they have in this game. Devs have all the stats. If they decided that current state of GW is fine, that means that they saw stats and they showed that enogh people clear GW daily. Best thing you can do to protest is not playing GW.
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