Message from the CM


  • BlazeSA
    134 posts Member
    BlazeSA wrote: »
    Come on guys, you are pushing them so hard, they may just say screw it and shut the whole game down and walk away, then where will we be.

    We will be happily spending time with family, at least I will.

    I agree 100% but then again I do love Star Wars and this game was entertaining at 1 point and a good distraction from life.

    Yes it was
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    for all you posting on first ammendment this and first ammendment that.

    our rights are endowed by our creator and cannot be taken away. they cannot take our first ammendment from us.

    your fights and squabling over the words totally discount the true meaning.

    the constituion basically protects free will. it wasn't written before the internet.

    Oh gosh, almost missed these gems. Our creator made amendments? So strange. You'd think he would've just done it right the first time.

    Squabbling over words can be important. Otherwise we have to just assume nonsense like "constituion basically protects free will. it wasn't written before the internet" is what was actually intended by the author.
  • Juff
    24 posts Member
    Oh yea and you neutered Yoda, you say you are listening but you took the one toon that should have been by far above the rest you made him great then you pulled the rug out from under him after a ton of people spent considerable investment to get him. Stealing again.
  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    Iyaoyas wrote: »
    We want a reset back to before mods were here

    Don't speak for me. I'm enjoying this game now more than ever. This update worked wonders for under utilized toons, which is something I thought a lot of people wanted before. Characters like Boba Fett, Mob Enforcer, and Cad Bane can actually crack the upper echelon of arena now. I consider that a good thing! Diversity in arena is finally possible.

    I said to exact same thing about mods. They give such a good boost of stats now that it is easier to mod up a character(even the ones who aren't viable) and players can use them. Atleast mods can help characters until people acquire the gear that they are farming. But the people that want it rolled back and are complaining about mods don't understand that. They only look at mods through their own selfish eyes and could careless about those who spent money and resources on them. I say keep the mods devs!! If others that think like that and want to be selfish not considering other players that like them then say let them go, this game doesn't need them. They can go play that Pokeman thrash!
  • Mezmo
    117 posts Member
    As someone following this with breathless anticipation, let's not devolve into "I'm not a lawyer, but I troll like one on the Internet" nonsense.

    Humble request.
  • masters
    235 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    for all you posting on first ammendment this and first ammendment that.

    our rights are endowed by our creator and cannot be taken away. they cannot take our first ammendment from us. they can censor us and if we were an intelligent community we would not allow censorship and would unite to push censorship out of the system.

    your fights and squabling over the words totally discount the true meaning.

    the constituion basically protects free will. it wasn't written before the internet.

    censorship on the internet is like cutting off someones tongue in real life.

    i am smart enough that i can get around censorship. spoofing ip's, emails, whatever it takes my message will be heard. i just get louder the more they censor and i push the button more and more when they try to stop me from speaking.

    i am a 5th generation american citizen and sadly most dont know what freedom really means or how it was established under the constitution.

    this is a star wars forum though so getting back to star wars talk anyone know when ea is going to give us an update why the executed order 66

    Somehow I don't think your ignorance is all that blissful to yourself. You have no idea what you are talking about. You do not have freedom of speech on this forum. Only a STATE ACTION can violate your constitutional right to free speech.
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    Mezmo wrote: »
    As someone following this with breathless anticipation, let's not devolve into "I'm not a lawyer, but I troll like one on the Internet" nonsense.

    Humble request.

    Darn you. It's a reasonable request :(.
  • LHF1024
    20 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    for all you posting on first ammendment this and first ammendment that.

    our rights are endowed by our creator and cannot be taken away. they cannot take our first ammendment from us. they can censor us and if we were an intelligent community we would not allow censorship and would unite to push censorship out of the system.

    your fights and squabling over the words totally discount the true meaning.

    the constituion basically protects free will. it wasn't written before the internet.

    censorship on the internet is like cutting off someones tongue in real life.

    i am smart enough that i can get around censorship. spoofing ip's, emails, whatever it takes my message will be heard. i just get louder the more they censor and i push the button more and more when they try to stop me from speaking.

    i am a 5th generation american citizen and sadly most dont know what freedom really means or how it was established under the constitution.

    this is a star wars forum though so getting back to star wars talk anyone know when ea is going to give us an update why the executed order 66

    What the hell are you talking about? The First Amendment doesn't apply to private entities. They can do whatever they want.

    And learn to use your shift key.
  • Valjean
    84 posts Member
    Instead of planning to send players 350 Cantina energy and 1 million credits EA should be refunding purchases. The fact you guys change gear stats after we've bought them as an example lowering MK 7 Nubians from 40% potency to 10%) is dishonest commerce. (Yes I understand the scale was also adjusted, I've weighed that).
    valjean913 or BHG Valjean#5571
  • wrilley
    390 posts Member
    You guys are derailing the thread. Please stop. This is the only feedback channel we have and you're clogging it with nonsense.
  • masters
    235 posts Member
    Come on guys, you are pushing them so hard, they may just say screw it and shut the whole game down and walk away, then where will we be.

    They would probably be doing us a favor. If I can ever free myself of this game, I vow to never touch another freemium game again.
  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    Mods are little too overpowered they should be only be small boosts not multiplying stats by 2 or 3 times more

    If you look at other games, from the day of release to its current state, it is normal for games to make a power jump to stats. I seen many games where you start off with 5000hp and after many updates and getting your last tiers of gear a warriors health would be 45k. It is normal. That is the explanation for all these high numbers you're seeing. That is the direction the game is heading.
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    "Beam Me Up, Scotty"
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    If you're looking for feedback, when I spent any money it was because I was close to making a character viable. For example, one Furnace and I could use someone in arena and GW, so I'd buy the furnace. Now it feels there is a mountain of mods and credits needed and I just gave up. I used to have 25 usable toons and now I don't.

    I do like the mod battles and challenges except for it needing cantina energy. However, mods ruined GW for me and it was my favourite part of the game.

    I probably would have quit except I'm in a guild with 4 kids and the guild coins sent out would take us months to earn. So I stayed to do the raids and I'll probably still play, but I've given up on being competitive or spending any money.

    I'd suggest giving a mod for every challenge, making Catina currency = the LS/DS currency, and scaling back GW difficulty.
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    Lol thank you for another square enix reference ncner8r I said they needed to take some notes from them months ago lol
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    @EA_Jesse I'm sure at EA, you can quote the Terms of Use as a threat to stop remove or ban people from expressing their feelings (for the obvious reason that it is detrimental to the tone or climate within the community on the game. Let me clarify something though - what you said in your post there? Yea. That's called "censorship". I don't care what your terms of service state - you are walking an extremely thin wire with the wording of your post.
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    I'm enjoying mods. The only issues for me are.
    1. Two higher raid levels should have been introduced at the same time to cater for the large variance between no mods light mods and completely maxed mods.
    moving the goal posts on existing aspects of the game will only create resentment.

    2. The power difference between mods and high level gear is slightly too much so the amount of time and money spent on these feels like a waste.

    Generally I hope not too much is changed. There are some other niggles but I am struggling to empathise with the people who are completely losing their minds over it.
  • countjoshku
    313 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I called Google just to register a complaint about the game and the devs. I did not request a refund but I asked the CSR about what Google was doing about everything. I was told that as of now, they are directing refund requests to the developer and not even doing courtesy refunds. She had not heard that the game was going to be pulled and seemed to be very knowledgeable of the situation. If you got a refund from Google, consider yourself lucky that ship seems to have sailed.
  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
    i think someone started the "quiet game" at CG. Works pretty good on my kids too once in a while.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I think the main problem with GW is mods are not affecting power lvl as much as they should. If u don't have enough mods ur GW is going to be ridiculously hard compared to relative effectiveness of your toons. If u have 2 or 3 teams fully modded u are going to have an easier time.

    If u came into the patch broke on credits, ur hugely screwed. I brought 6 mil, and i spent most of it before the price hike on levelling mods, so I am fine. I can't imagine needing to spend 3k to 5k crystals on credits just to be able to do GW. So i can get credits. I think I would be a tad upset.
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    @EA_Jesse id like to know how you intend to keep new or fairly new players interested? I been on this game for about 2 months and really struggle to get anywhere, i spend all crystals on refreshes to get gear and rank my toons, i spent 300 today on refreshes and got 2 items of gear i needed from same node, why are the drop rates so poor if its all about the mods now, also, i havnt completed a gw for weeks, give me one good reason why this game, its rediculous one sided updates (for top 2-3% players) and ever so slightly **** money grabbing and game ruining team, shouldnt be slagged off by an outraged community, not to mention their civil right to freedom of speech when they want to quit the game and save others from the pain and indignity of being ripped off by boycotting an obvious mistake that instead of re energising the game has infact killed it

    Please reply before you ban me for voicing my opinion and concerns
  • Exia
    4 posts Member
    Wow EA/CG....

    I'm absolutely speechless. In a single day, you've pretty much negated all of the hard work, time put in, and all the In App Purchases I had invested in a game that I honestly thought had the potential to be great.

    To say the least, this has been a complete disappointment and wished you had done your homework and due diligence before introducing changes like these. The concept of mods is great, but your roll out and obvious oversight on how it would affect both paying and free players shows an obvious disregard for your customers' needs (intentional or not).

    I'm currently considering giving Google Play a call as this is a borderline bait and switch style case. I've never ever considered doing anything like this, but this level of disregard is just to great to ignore.

    A disappointed customer
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    I'm enjoying mods. The only issues for me are.
    1. Two higher raid levels should have been introduced at the same time to cater for the large variance between no mods light mods and completely maxed mods.
    moving the goal posts on existing aspects of the game will only create resentment.

    2. The power difference between mods and high level gear is slightly too much so the amount of time and money spent on these feels like a waste.

    Generally I hope not too much is changed. There are some other niggles but I am struggling to empathise with the people who are completely losing their minds over it.

    I agree, I was able to stockpile a ton of top tier mods on the first two days they were released, now I dominate the arena where all those other noobs are stuck with crap mods. LULZ. Good luck catching up, hahahhaha. I hope EA does nothing, just like they did with the original pre crafting fiasco and you all kept playing anyways. That way the players that know how EA works can continue to dominate the plebes that will never catch up but continue to play anyways. ROFL.
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    What's funny about these updates are that they definitely are more about higher level players and makes it harder and harder for newer players to catch up. Usually it is the reverse, making it easier for newer players to catch up AND giving the high level players more content.
  • SpaceDog
    42 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    ~Even~ if mods were properly tested and didn't change/break the game I wouldn't give the game another moment of my time or money. Mods. Increase GW currency rewards....mods selling will even out our currency. Ban my account you alienated this game for me

    Now like a cool hero who doesn't look back at the explosion....I'm out!
    Post edited by Kozispoon on
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    Looks like a 3 day weekend...
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    I am concerned u said u r testing mods? I am no game developer but shouldn't the testing be done before u launch into the game? Also understand how it seems that ea ignores people when it has been 8 months of people complaining to get something as simple as stunned people should not be able to dodge! EA has done a very poor job with communication for this game! I love the game but I was ticked the first time the yoda event rolled out having no in game notification about it! Plus wars r broken so bad the scaling system is a joke. I got 15 lvl 80 guys taken out and only killed 1 guy. One group of 5 did not even get a turn. If u do want to keep people work on stuff more before u roll out broken content! U throw characters out like water yet make it so u have to pay for most of them. If that does not scream money hungry then I am sorry. But it is frustrating getting rocked by people who spend more then I make a year for toons! Make two versions of the game 1 with pay players one with free players. I used to buy the $10 crystal pack for 21 days but after seeing it really does nothing to even help why continue?
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    Man still no response? No update? They've given up and thrown in the towel.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    I called Google just to register a complaint about the game and the devs. I did not request a refund but I asked the CSR about what Google was doing about everything. I was told that as of now, they are directing refund requests to the developer and not even doing courtesy refunds. She had not heard that the game was going to be pulled and seemed to be very knowledgeable of the situation. If you got a refund from Google, consider yourself lucky that ship seems to have sailed.

    Same for apple, you can't just call/email them and request a refund bcs they nerfed something or you don't like the update. It's why they put the password for apple ID, saying you bought by accident is no excuse either. Once you buy crystals know that they are unrefundable as per EA TOS. EA customer service will not refund anything either.
    Enough discussion on refunds like Jesse said.
This discussion has been closed.