Message from the CM


  • FloCyto9009
    71 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Sadly, this experience has soured how I view Star Wars as a the developers really want insight? They don't seem to listen- if they did, they would have had customization of characters and not the complete overhaul and "restart" of characters that are present in this current version of mods. Without exaggeration, there is a "health" mod that increases a character's speed by 81 points. How on earth does that make sense and not minimalize your most loyal player base, who have grinded through the last 8 months? I guess it could be greed, but the developers seem like good folks... Maybe I'm being naive. At any rate, I think the damage may be done so this is all probably moot, anyhow.

    Suggestion @EA_Jesse : make mods (if you are set on having them) more of a bonus or customization than being more powerful than all the gear we've worked so hard and spent so much for.

    Good Luck-
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    Dro1dm0de wrote: »
    jesse just posted in game updates..3 separate updates coming.

    You mean the no details I'm celebrating in London while the game burns post?

    They jailed me for no reason too. That's why Im not happy now. Emails and reddit and Facebook, twitter, they can jail me here for being on the right side but they can't censor me everywhere.

    Now back to celebrations in London while the game burns
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    Well honestly I don't want to wait and see how much more worse the game can get lol I probably should have stayed gone
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    Keeping this constructive as requested;

    - Mods are too powerful and were too easy to get. They have ruined my enjoyment of the arena, events, raids, and getting new heroes.
    - I will only come back if you get rid of mods.

    It's that simple.

    P.S. I am still perplexed that you only allowed us to get omegas slowly, but then opened the floodgates for mods. The mods are too powerful, but if you only allowed us to get two per day, you would have had time to react before you ruined the game.
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    Is it wrong that I reported Jesse's post in the update section as spam?
  • kello_511
    1648 posts Member
    Is it wrong that I reported Jesse's post in the update section as spam?

    Aren't overly vague posts against the ToS?
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    Have I missed anything? 30 pages of replies in this thread and not a single reply from EA? Not even an update as promised?
  • slampdx
    478 posts Member
    Gandy wrote: »
    Have I missed anything? 30 pages of replies in this thread and not a single reply from EA? Not even an update as promised?

    Because they're liars

  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    IMO updates notes before client restarts man
  • Forar
    94 posts Member
    Okay, that was legit funny.
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    If you fix the mods please consider that already because if the enormous money pit they are some have spent enormous amounts of coin and crystals to level mods. If you just fix them and not consider what people have invested you will only lose more customers.
    1. We all know mods must be tuned down as they overshadow gear by miles
    2. Using cantina energy to for was a terrible idea, A seperate energy would have been much better.
    3. Please work on raids as the current state of raiding has become a joke when people try to figure out how not to kill rancor too fast.
    4. Find a way to change mods without aggravating those who have spent 10s of millions to level them.

    Our guild akready has list a lit if good playes because of frustration and you have a big job ahead to gain back the confidnce of the pkayerr base that the main goal is not ta make the game a money grab but the best game it can be.
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    My two penneth, i have spent quite a bit on heroes for nearly a year, mainly for cry for exclusive shards etc never for credits.

    Lvl capping works, imo, i would spend happily for shards, if i just had the credits to lvl up and promote the toons!!

    Dropping the cost to lvl up or even removing the cost of promoting, after we had invested so much already farming the shards in the first place!!!

    Modding is actually awesome! It allows personalisation and stops end game team trends.

    But theres no balance or ability to compete for the pocket money and f2p players.

    Thats all they need to fix!!
    Who cares if the big players can earn a mill credits a day doing a few challenges for free!!! They can only spend so much!!

    If average joe can up his 6* ugnaught to 7* and be happy as a pig in poop! And not quit because he feels like he is must spend to achieve an advancement in his/her game, to attain his goal.
    Then thats customer satisfaction, annd who knows they may then get a £50 itunes card in thier birthday box, buy some crystal as a treat and really boost his team!!! Because he is enjoying heroes!!

    GW - the update said gw will be faster and easier to finish!!! You got that right!!! For most its done and over by stage 6! When the heavy modded unpassable team faces your, was strong un modded team! And eats all your suicide teams alive, before your main team!!

    The pocket moneys players and f2p now face an even bigger credit nightmare!!

    Scoundrel event for a mill!! Awesome!! 12 day wait!! Pathetic!!!!
    Theres many fractions, why not do the same type of event daily for each faction??

    Some days, some will get everyone, some will hit just the lvl 50 some not at all!! But its fair.

    The issue is credits, and the crunch had gone into meltdown!!

    Raid gear, furnaces.... Thats another issue!!! No need to go there! So obvious!!
  • DarkSadness
    44 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Once more I ask more from you. Should expect that from an educated person like you. You posted about three updates to be rolled out, and then no word about when, the near future is not a promise to your customers, is a wish. Also, nothing about addressing our concerns, someting like "we will tone down/up the mods/gw/whatever but in such a way that it becomes more playable than before, because the idea behind these updates is..." Would have been nice.
    Once again, civility from your part is also expected. You could be burning the updates in advance, because you are only raising expectations at best or escalating tensions and frustrations at worst.
    Think of it... What if your post was a one liner: "guys, we have three updates for you and I can't say anything else about it"... Says the same, is more efficient, it is not better but at least starts to sound more honest, at least in the ears of those who think we are giving you also honest, constructive feedback on your posts.
    Kind regards.
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    I see you have pulled 6* mods from raid gear. Our guild is in the middle of a raid and never got a shot at 6 or 7* mods. Guess how I am going to feel when I see an arena opponent sporting a 6 or 7* mod? Why do you keep creating these pre-crafting situations?
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    slampdx wrote: »
    Because they're liars

    Which cell they got you in mate, the jails will be full soon if they keep jailing those speaking out for the good of the force.

    Order 66 commenced is what they did
  • methoss1004
    148 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    First, I think there have been a lot of things that the devs have gotten right lately and have made the game more enjoyable. Several new characters were released. Multi sims on battles and sims on challenges. Scoundrel event (though the randomness seems bugged). Assault events. Handling of the raid reward glitch. The first patch to GW (Jun 15).

    I am saddend however that as many things have been done to make this game better they are completely overshadowed by the two things that were poorly done. The Jun 28 GW 'fix' and now the hotfix to mods. In both cases thousands of people have posted comments and suggestions. To say that you are listening seams disingenuous. The response to the outrage of the GW update was that we do hear what you are saying, but we are not changing anything. Ok fine, but that creates a lot of ill will. People were still upset over that and then we get the current mods hotfix. Since @CG_JohnSalera clearly stated that even though CG/EA heard our concerns, he refused to make changes, the community has ceased trusting that our voices actually matter. That is why you see an increase in customer complaints to Android and iOS. That is why there are an increasing number of 1* reviews in the last two weeks. That is why people have deleted the game. That is why people have stopped or have expressed intent of stopping buying crystals.

    We tried to be reasonable and use our voices first. This was our preferred method and were willing to wait on an answer and even continue to spend, but since our voices were specifically ignored (you heard, acknowledged and then said no) we have resorted to the next option which is bad press and reduction in sales. Sadly this is not the final option, what remains is lawsuits. I dont think many have the time or resources to go that far and I dont think anyone wants to either. What we want is for you to listen to us. We were happy to pay for things, until you stopped listening. We were happy to give high ratings to the game because we love Star Wars. We were happy to continues to play and even invite our friends to play, because we saw value in the game and believed in it. We may return to that, but first you really do have to listen and not just say you are. And thank you for the JKA rework, some may have been interested in that, but please understand the large number of major concerns both remain unanswered and actually have gotten worse.

    For your viewing pleasure a short list of these game related issues can be viewed on [Link to 'message-from-the-cm-summary-of-complaints-continual-updating']

    Sadly I think a lot of the angst from the community could be managed by simply doing a better job communicating updates, hotfix, rework ect. Someone mentioned that Blizzard Entertainment does a good job with this. From personal experience Square Enix does a good job with this. I will list a few things that should always happen and some that should never happen. @EA_Jesse Since this is more your area than actual game development, I hope that you will personally address and improve these communication issues.

    Always happen:
    1) Announce updates prior to them happening. [Link to example from FFXI] this was a week before it was implemented.
    2) Announce major game changes with some basic information.
    3) Give advance warning for any updates/ changes of at least 3 days but 7 days or more is preferable. Exception is a hotfix for a major glitch.
    4) In the case of a hotfix, always include patch notes on what was changed (adding the reason why earns bonus points).
    5) When plans change or things arent ready for roll out on time, let us know the revised timeline (bonus points if you tell us the reason).
    6) Include patch notes for all updates. If something changes, we want to know about it.

    Never happen:
    1) Make major changes unannounced or at least in the case of a hotfix never be silent about what changed.
    2) Wait for 1-2 days to acknowledge that changes were made.
    3) Avoid the forums.

    You could earn some bonus points by putting out a calendar of the next months events, updates ect. Certainly you have this in your office. If you share it with the community, we will be very appreciative and it can make for some good marketing.

    I want to thank you for coming on the forums to at least try to address some of the problems. Please remember the more communication that you have with us, the less we will feel alienated from you and the more we will support you. We all have the same goal and that is a successful Star Wars game. I hope this helps.
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    Methoss, kudos to your post. Made me a fan of yours. Command in communications like that denotes intelligence and a high degree of empathy, perhaps EA should take it as an example of how to write announcements and other posts to the users.
    Once again, thank you.
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    Methoss, kudos to your post. Made me a fan of yours. Command in communications like that denotes intelligence and a high degree of empathy, perhaps EA should take it as an example of how to write announcements and other posts to the users.
    Once again, thank you.

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    No need to add more suggestions for me. I agree with most of the arguments. Game is broken, need to revert. I'll probably stop playing my favorite game (until this last update) if EA does not address.
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    That latest updat from a little while ago was worthless. Just wow....I'm so disappointed right now that I'm actually going to download Pokemon go....
  • slothe
    221 posts Member
    Did you really just call the player base confused? I.e. Incompetent. Way to insult everyone at once. Wow, just wow.
  • Burrito_Man
    63 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    So you received a lot of constructive feedback in this thread on why communication is important and how no changes should be made in the game without being communicated first. In response you doubled (or should I say tripled) down on doing an update with no notes before hand and simultaneously wonder why people feel they have to go negative to get your attention. Well played EA/CG, well played.
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    Was there just another update? Forced restart? What changed if anything?
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    Gandy wrote: »
    Was there just another update? Forced restart? What changed if anything?

    EA_Jesse posted..
    Hello –
    We will be releasing three separate updates in the near term. Once we have finished the series of updates, we will post more detailed update notes.
    We are taking this approach because there are often players confused about what’s available or not when we need to do these staged releases.
    Stay tuned…
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    Gandy wrote: »
    Was there just another update? Forced restart? What changed if anything?

    EA_Jesse posted..
    Hello –
    We will be releasing three separate updates in the near term. Once we have finished the series of updates, we will post more detailed update notes.
    We are taking this approach because there are often players confused about what’s available or not when we need to do these staged releases.
    Stay tuned…

    So does that mean they just changed something but are not telling anyone what they changed? Hasn't that been a main complaint in this thread?

    At least say, we have just done an update that has no visible changes, but is in preparation for the next updates.
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    It means after all 3 are done we'll hear what changed etc.. until then..

    Let's talk compensation..

    Lol j/k
  • Mezmo
    117 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Nevermind. Overindulgence interuptus.
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    Maybe people would freak out a little less if you posted the update notes, I don't know, BEFORE the update?

    Jesus what a train wreck.
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    If anything... I still can't beat the super whales on node 12... So without further communication from EA I'd say the update was probably on a pantone that was probably too dark to be seen against a black background. In other words... Unnoticed.
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    I would like to make one last comment the play store is full of 1* ratings now and I'm sure its more people that don't even care to do that lol great job ea and to everyone else have fun wasting more time and money I won't
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