Message from the CM


  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    T7 mods stopped dropping today so now those players have a substantial edge as well. Hope your company sinks like the titanic.

    I did a T7 raid last night and got 2 of them. Saying its a substantial edge is an exaggeration. I think your more mad at the fact that you can't get any. Now maybe if a squad of 5 each had six of the mods leveled up and equipped I could see that as having an edge over other players but come on, the mods weren't even in the raid rewards long enough for people to fully max out a single squad. Like I said saying its a substantial edge is an exaggeration.

    Beware they are starting to ban folks who speak for the good of the force

    I wish they all would. They don't speak for me.
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    @EA_Jesse First of all, I commend you for opening a thread which allows commentary. Albeit, most of it is of the petulant sort. Some users appreciate the opportunity to vent directly to/at the source.

    Nevertheless, @Ascansio of Team iNstinct brings up several valid points: Precrafting, nerfing potency & stealth, drop rates, and mod upgrade costs. Each one of these issues on their own represents a significant issue in regards to gameplay and overall enjoyment of the SWGOH experience. But combined, this leads to viral user disengagement, and (I'm guessing) a double digit user churn rate.

    With the two recent updates occurring so close together, a chasm between the hourly player, & the daily + player has grown which is technically insurmountable. I'll elaborate: an hourly player manually downloads the update 1-day before the push. Then they to complete all the mod battles, mod challenges, and level those mods to max (or near max), before a daily player receives the push. This daily player doesn't have near the same user experience as the hourly did, and is faced with reduced drop rates, significant mod leveling cost increases, and nerfed abilities (designed to level the gamplay seen immediately after the 1st update users modded to insane levels. Me being one of them).

    Unfortunately, these two types of players are playing the same game, and yet they were not provided with the same user experience as a result of the update. In order for one to become competitive with the other, far more resources will be needed.

    In under 48-hours, the inequities between players became insurmountable. No amount of 'gamplay adjustment' will correct this situation. To ensure that SWGOH's game balance can be restored EA should:
    a) Apply conditions unilaterally - Either apply the conditions of the first update retroactively to all players, or the conditions of the second and subsequent updates to all players. Players will be angry, or happy depending on when they updated. But, the gamplay will have been rebalanced.


    b) Start a separate instance of SWGOH, and migrate players to it in accordance with the update they received. Ultimately, separating low cost - highly modded toons, from those who never had the opportunity to do so.

    Bottom line is this - there is nothing wrong with the mods, adjustments made, etc... I believe in agile development and continual delivery of new and engaging content. This isn't about sticker shock, or resistance to change. This is about pushing an update without seriously considering the potential consequences, and the effect it might have on gameplay, and individual persona user experiences. This is the only mistake EA made with the most recent update(s). If EA does manage to hire the (Contract) Game Balance Specialist, I'll bet they'll tell you the same thing.

    Don't you guys use 'Back to my Mac', or 'System Restore'? Now would be a good time to evoke that feature. ;-P

    Kind regards,


  • Juff
    24 posts Member
    Ban me I'm never playing again, and I will tell everyone ea is crooked. You can't threaten people into not speaking up for themselves. You are stealing!
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    pac0naut wrote: »
    Today is the first day.

    I woke up, didn't even check the game. Didn't even check my phone before shipment reset.

    Fed my dog, made my coffee, went out to my back porch with a Black and Mild and then fired up the game.

    Challenges, Check. Make sure I get my guild contribution, check. GW, whatever. Arena rank, whatever. Tokens spent for shards, whatever. Shipments, meh. If Tech Design came in, I certainly wouldn't grab it were my thoughts. What to do next? I have NO idea since everything is in limbo. Talked to my guildmates. Phone back down, enjoyed the rest of my morning before work.

    Before today, I was HEAVY into the game. I was involved every few hours, etc. etc. like a lot of us were. Thanks to this update, I've become really ambivalent to the game. Heck, the forums and reddit are more enjoyable right now than the game right now and that's a problem. Again, the update looks gorgeous and I sent some encouraging words to INRAJ because I think he / she deserved it. I guess what I'm saying is this update really broke the stranglehold the game had over me. Now I have more time and money to spend elsewhere, so, thanks CG /EA?

    That's heart breaking, Pac. Really. That sucks.

    Good post and really, it's how we feel.
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    NCNER8R wrote: »
    Man. All these prisoners....

    yeah, what do those mean?

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    I just got off the phone with a Google Play Store rep who told me almost all of his calls this week have been about this game.
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    I can't believe the development team have screwed up this game. Rey completely destroys any team if she has a speed buff before anybody can have a chance. The whole mod upgrade is all about EA making money from players now. The whole free to play theory is out the window. Mods seriously needs sorting out or taken out of the game. It's destroyed the game completely. All my characters have lost over a 1000 points in power. Thanks EA you have screwed up a perfectly good game.
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    NCNER8R wrote: »
    Man. All these prisoners....

    Warning Level 3 · expires July 29
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    You have posted 1 times within 150 seconds. A spam block is now in effect on your account. You must wait at least 150 seconds before attempting to post again.

    jailing people for months for speaking out for the good of the force.

    I feel like a child put in time out. By a Star Wars game. You just can't make this stuff up. Hilarious.

    Order 66 commence it what they said
    162 posts Member
    NCNER8R wrote: »
    Man. All these prisoners....

    Warning Level 3 · expires July 29
    You are jailed.
    Can't post discussions.
    Can't post as often.
    Signature hidden.

    You have posted 1 times within 150 seconds. A spam block is now in effect on your account. You must wait at least 150 seconds before attempting to post again.

    jailing people for months for speaking out for the good of the force.

    I feel like a child put in time out. By a Star Wars game. You just can't make this stuff up. Hilarious.

    Order 66 commence it what they said

    What is this Order 66 commence stuff?

    Wish I could put money on your books man. Seems like you are in deep.
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    Is there details and a date for some changes?
  • AndorfRequissa
    193 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    NCNER8R wrote: »
    Wish I could put money on your books man. Seems like you are in deep.

    I should setup a go fund me page to pay my way out of jail. It's the new way to earn now. Thats rhe latest patch on a freemium forum where I can't post within 150seconds and mind you if I do the 150 seconds reset. Pay your way out of jail. That's a good idea they should implement. Haha

    If you experience life at 1000mph then ya I'm in deep but in all reality I'm on the side of good so no matter how deep it is I'm fine with the repercussions.

    Like my homie in dont be a menace while drinking juice in the hood said

    Lock me up, throw away the key, I ain't afraid to.......
    Long pause.......
    wait no that's not the movie line I was going for
    Long pause.....

    Like the man in Dirty Harry said

    Make my day punk

    I'm on the right side

    Test. I can edit within 150seconds? Did I find exploit to my jail?
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    ParzivaI wrote: »
    @EA_Jesse First of all, I commend you for opening a thread which allows commentary. Albeit, most of it is of the petulant sort. Some users appreciate the opportunity to vent directly to/at the source.

    Nevertheless, @Ascansio of Team iNstinct brings up several valid points: Precrafting, nerfing potency & stealth, drop rates, and mod upgrade costs. Each one of these issues on their own represents a significant issue in regards to gameplay and overall enjoyment of the SWGOH experience. But combined, this leads to viral user disengagement, and (I'm guessing) a double digit user churn rate.

    With the two recent updates occurring so close together, a chasm between the hourly player, & the daily + player has grown which is technically insurmountable. I'll elaborate: an hourly player manually downloads the update 1-day before the push. Then they to complete all the mod battles, mod challenges, and level those mods to max (or near max), before a daily player receives the push. This daily player doesn't have near the same user experience as the hourly did, and is faced with reduced drop rates, significant mod leveling cost increases, and nerfed abilities (designed to level the gamplay seen immediately after the 1st update users modded to insane levels. Me being one of them).

    Unfortunately, these two types of players are playing the same game, and yet they were not provided with the same user experience as a result of the update. In order for one to become competitive with the other, far more resources will be needed.

    In under 48-hours, the inequities between players became insurmountable. No amount of 'gamplay adjustment' will correct this situation. To ensure that SWGOH's game balance can be restored EA should:
    a) Apply conditions unilaterally - Either apply the conditions of the first update retroactively to all players, or the conditions of the second and subsequent updates to all players. Players will be angry, or happy depending on when they updated. But, the gamplay will have been rebalanced.


    b) Start a separate instance of SWGOH, and migrate players to it in accordance with the update they received. Ultimately, separating low cost - highly modded toons, from those who never had the opportunity to do so.

    Bottom line is this - there is nothing wrong with the mods, adjustments made, etc... I believe in agile development and continual delivery of new and engaging content. This isn't about sticker shock, or resistance to change. This is about pushing an update without seriously considering the potential consequences, and the effect it might have on gameplay, and individual persona user experiences. This is the only mistake EA made with the most recent update(s). If EA does manage to hire the (Contract) Game Balance Specialist, I'll bet they'll tell you the same thing.

    Don't you guys use 'Back to my Mac', or 'System Restore'? Now would be a good time to evoke that feature. ;-P

    Kind regards,


    Most constructive post on the matter, period.
    Team Instinct - #1 PvP Powerhouse, dedicated with the strongest compassion to dominate.
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    MoaiTails wrote: »
    Is there details and a date for some changes?

    Hahhahahahahahahahhahahaha....woooh, hahahahahhahahahahahha. You must be new here.
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    Just got three months of purchases back from Apple.
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    Your testing them? That means you didn't before. It as already obvious it's just a cash cow to spend credits. All of my credits since the update have went to mods. Why would I up my character to lvl 80 from 79 for like 250k when I can get way more in return for using the credits on mods? Mods are taking away from everything we are use to doing in this game. Certain characters are ready for me to 7 star but if i promote them I will lose ground on upgrading or getting mods. Its the only focus now and everything else takes a back seat. Would love to level up my qgj from 78 to 80 but will never happen due to mods. Every credit Ive spent has been into mods since the update besides buying gear in the store for the daily achievement. Its been a game changer for the worse.
  • AndorfRequissa
    193 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    Just got three months of purchases back from Apple.

    Congrats that's what karma does to the tone deaf who jail people for speaking out for the good of the force.

    They had time to jail me any many others but not enough time to respond to players.

    They had enough time to goto london and participate in a Star Wars event mind you that the game was burning before they got on the plane. Then when tired late in the evening have enough time to call people trolls and condescend anyone who cares and is a little upset.

    The last thing I will say for the evening in my pursuit of what's right is.

    Apple and google had time to do what's right when the company that owns the game didnt.

    Thank you to both of them even though it wasnt me they gave money to. I will invest in both companies that have a understanding of how to treat customers. Something the game developers and management need to learn alot about.
    162 posts Member
    MoaiTails wrote: »
    Is there details and a date for some changes?

    Hahhahahahahahahahhahahaha....woooh, hahahahahhahahahahahha. You must be new here.

    I just SMH. The sad thing is, this is true 8-(
  • AntonioCiccotti
    16 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    EA_Jesse, you do not appreciate complaints from users?
    Well, it would have been sufficient to avoid releasing an update totally insane.
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    @Jesse said that today will have news about what he gets from dev team, im waiting to see whats going to happends, i believe if they do an special energy for mods and decrease the credits for leveling the mods at least for a week (because they did a mistake whit the price ant the beginning), all this could pass in 1 or 2 weeks.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    just in case the thread goes poof
    this game is not dropping out of google play
    be patient guys ( i have a raid reward waiting, hoping the 7* mods return)
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    I could deal with mods if the changes in the stats were a lot smaller and manageable. (like a +300 health boost, +5-20 speed, +30 potency, etc) As they are now, the difference it makes in character stats are MASSIVE. Having a mod equipped to a character that's maxed out grants a character incredibly higher stats than starring them up or leveling them up, which is insane. It's as if leveling up and gearing up your characters don't matter anymore. I saw a video with a guy unlocking general grevious at 4 stars, and he leveled him up to 80 and geared him up to gear 8 or 9...then he smacked some mods on him and was able to have his stats skyrocket. In the mod update II thread, you guys called it "sticker shock" but it is actually a massive shock. Having mods now make or break your character development.
    And Galactic War with the new changes is just ridiculous. The higher credit in GW and especially cantina are alright, but it won't solve anything since mods are expensive and adds another layer of "pay to play" to the game.
    The ideas of mods are great, but it would be nice if they did as their name suggests. "modifications" rather than completely shape a character.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    pac0naut wrote: »
    Today is the first day.

    I woke up, didn't even check the game. Didn't even check my phone before shipment reset.

    Fed my dog, made my coffee, went out to my back porch with a Black and Mild and then fired up the game.

    Challenges, Check. Make sure I get my guild contribution, check. GW, whatever. Arena rank, whatever. Tokens spent for shards, whatever. Shipments, meh. If Tech Design came in, I certainly wouldn't grab it were my thoughts. What to do next? I have NO idea since everything is in limbo. Talked to my guildmates. Phone back down, enjoyed the rest of my morning before work.

    Before today, I was HEAVY into the game. I was involved every few hours, etc. etc. like a lot of us were. Thanks to this update, I've become really ambivalent to the game. Heck, the forums and reddit are more enjoyable right now than the game right now and that's a problem. Again, the update looks gorgeous and I sent some encouraging words to INRAJ because I think he / she deserved it. I guess what I'm saying is this update really broke the stranglehold the game had over me. Now I have more time and money to spend elsewhere, so, thanks CG /EA?

    That's heart breaking, Pac. Really. That sucks.

    Good post and really, it's how we feel.

    It is. :( Wait until you see what I'm posting next. I love this game. I love this community. I've MET people from this game and my guild and hung out with them. For that, I can't be all mad at the game. However, it is sad. Really sad.

    Party on, Carth....
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Bgladney
    82 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    New update post vailable
  • slampdx
    478 posts Member
    Bgladney wrote: »
    New update post vailable

    That was the biggest b*t*ch move ever
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    jesse just posted in game updates..3 separate updates coming.
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    So we have to stop posting things that don't help the game but u can release updates that destroy it. Me complaining about something did not cause anyone to leave. But what EA did, causing a lot of departures. So good logic!
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    pkudzy wrote: »

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    @EA_Jesse Have you considered a test version or realm for the community? Yall do a good job frequently updating the game and interacting with the community, but much if this can be prevented by community testing.

    The ideas and changes are always welcomed and great, but it seems youre always left to reactively fix what should have been enhancements. A more proactive approach should help mitigate the darkside on these forums.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    and it had to be in my payout hour
This discussion has been closed.