Where is Credit Heist Event? (Merged threads)



  • Ugluk
    274 posts Member
    This is the one they said they'd run last week, for everyone. Not just for the people who missed out.
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    Yup, enjoy!
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    Good news. Thanks sungsta
  • truckasawrus
    5 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Yay, Fantastic, they put up another Credit Heist event, now everyone that got do to it last week get to do it again while I'm still out 2mil!
    I honestly don't expect them to fix this for the people that missed out, we are just not vocal enough apparently, but this has impacted my long term spending habits on this game.
    (I simply won't be putting any more money into it anymore and I had previously spent close to a grand, *which is silly I know but i was enjoying myself).
    Fix this issue or at least attempt too and I would re-consider my position, but what do they care, I'm just one guy that is super angry, they couldn't care less

    edited, cause 'stup1d' is apparently a banned word, and filters
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    Think we were pretty vocal as a forum, but there was no indication of doing anything for people who missed. I've missed every 'pre-craft' issue thus far and been fine. Best advice is to just get on with it.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    Maybe they could push out the new credits heist format tomorrow... Then those who missed out will end up getting back to back credits heist, whilst the ones who did do the heist a few days ago just get the one.
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    Hey ShaolinPunk, thanks for the filter fix ;-)

    Look I am 'getting on with it' but I did want to state my case, otherwise these things happen and they think that everything is fine when it is not. I'm still not very happy that the Support Ticket I raised was closed with that line from them saying "that there was no Heist event that week" which is categorically false and an outright lie. I really don't like being lied too and they have lost a potential free spender (i have plenty of disposable cash that they will not be getting anymore, I don't have any other recourse apparently other than not playing the game).

  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    Hey ShaolinPunk, thanks for the filter fix ;-)

    Look I am 'getting on with it' but I did want to state my case, otherwise these things happen and they think that everything is fine when it is not. I'm still not very happy that the Support Ticket I raised was closed with that line from them saying "that there was no Heist event that week" which is categorically false and an outright lie. I really don't like being lied too and they have lost a potential free spender (i have plenty of disposable cash that they will not be getting anymore, I don't have any other recourse apparently other than not playing the game).

    It is frustrating to talk to someone who doesn't seem to know what's going on. I do agree with you that at the end of the day, for people like you and me, either we can play, or not. I'm hoping that there's still enough fun in it for you to keep playing, but I definitely understand how some sour PR can get in the way. People are saying heist is up again, so I'm jumping in.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    "Rebalancing of the Credit Heist event, adding additional tiers of difficulty and increased rewards." ???
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    johnne wrote: »
    "Rebalancing of the Credit Heist event, adding additional tiers of difficulty and increased rewards." ???

    Yeah it hasn't happened yet. Which is why I was hoping that the new one would start tomorrow in USA.... with the format change, the event will have a global start time lasting 1 day... effectively giving those who missed out last time an extra heist (with the old format).
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    This is such ****. Still no credit heist in Finland. Don't say Europe got it twice last time because we didn't get it even once. And getting a deja vu today. :|
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    I think today would be 6 days since the last one.
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    What are you guys talking about? I haven't seen a credit heist at this point in time (USA) since the one last week or whatever.
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    What are you guys talking about? I haven't seen a credit heist at this point in time (USA) since the one last week or whatever.

    there are other time zones, credit heist is time zone based

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    Oh yeah this is the week we get extra credits from it. I hope to get at least 2 million so I can do some leveling.
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    No extra credits. The event is exactly like before, so are the rewards.
  • Szecsa
    104 posts Member
    Event is active here in Hungary.
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    Is there anything new in the Credit Heist this time. They said that it will be tougher and have some more goodies. @LiliJedi I see what you have written, but still hoping if a miracle can happen :smile:
    @LiliJedi which timezone are you in.
  • vector6000
    236 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    GMT+1 here.
    Just got a credit heist event today.
    Still a bitter pill to have missed on 2 mil but what can you do? Still I think Europe/outside USA were vocal enough for them to insert that one for us, since I think USA is not getting it.

    Anybody know what the new events entail? Are they scoundrel only? For what kind of level?
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    I'm in CEST time zone. That's GMT/UTC +2.
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    Also GMT+1 and also had a Credit Heist today.
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    GMT+2 here and had a Credit Heist! Thanks for the million!

    Looking forward to the updated Heist in a future patch!
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    So, last week some players got a notification about the Credit Heist event but not the actual event. Today I didn't get any notification about the event and only noticed it by pure luck. I could have easily missed it.
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    LiliJedi wrote: »
    No extra credits. The event is exactly like before, so are the rewards.

    But they said it would have extra levels and rewards this week?

    Don't tell me they fibbed.
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    vector6000 wrote: »
    GMT+1 here.
    Just got a credit heist event today.
    Still a bitter pill to have missed on 2 mil but what can you do? Still I think Europe/outside USA were vocal enough for them to insert that one for us, since I think USA is not getting it.

    Anybody know what the new events entail? Are they scoundrel only? For what kind of level?

    The heist isn't updated.
    Me thinks the system triggers another run of credit heist without devs planning it.
    Last week was manually triggered. System log probably didn't count that as 'triggered'
    So its probably a genuine run of random 6-12 days credit heist as per before.
    USA will get it later.

    I'm just glad this time the devs didn't mess with something that's already working.. Like last week. At least nothing breaks when devs are not touching the system. I thank devs for not doing anything.

    By the way. There is no fragging way that folks outside USA will get their missed chance of 2M addressed. No way.

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