Proof that the GW is easy, and can be done with 5 players, $65 spender

Today, right before the last battle:

My squad:

The opening:

The end:

The loot:

I'm nearly F2P, spent $65 and have been playing since 12/26. I do not yet own Bariss or Dooku. The three healer squad is the way to go! I've enjoyed a 100% success rate in GW since the change.


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    You got extremely lucky with your last fight, or is this a typical opponent for you? I can finish gw daily, but my final 5 opponents are all level 60+ 5-7 stars and epic gear.
    My second account is level 57 and faces level 60+ opponents the last 5 battles as well.
    GW can be easy, but it's inconsistent, some days are pretty hard.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    I use a similar squad (Phasma(L), JC, Lumi, Chewie and a variable dps, mostly Luke) albeit at somewhat lower level. I mostly finish GW with just that, sometimes have to throw in my droid team B on one tough opponent but that's it...
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Post edited by J7000 on
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    I spent even less than you have ($25 total) and can still beat GW 75% of the time. I usually run Phasma, Sidious, Lumi, Chewie (to soak damage if need be) and Daka. I'll swap out Phasma or Chewie out for Fett, Tarkin or Asajj if needed.
    I still need to level up Vader, 5's and Finn, I'm curious to see if they can take over a spot from my top 5.
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    TommySitt wrote: »
    I spent even less than you have ($25 total) and can still beat GW 75% of the time. I usually run Phasma, Sidious, Lumi, Chewie (to soak damage if need be) and Daka. I'll swap out Phasma or Chewie out for Fett, Tarkin or Asajj if needed.
    I still need to level up Vader, 5's and Finn, I'm curious to see if they can take over a spot from my top 5.

    You see, even with two healers you can get good results. I promise that JC becomes somewhat durable at 4* and can take a few good hits at 5*. If you use him instead of Chewie, you can eventually get a -1 cooldown skill, and he hits decently. Chewie is just a tickler. I've stopped using him. 3 healers works because you can heal every turn or two, or even double/triple up if you have time for at least two more rounds in the match.

    Phasma/Sid/Lumi/JC/Luke is what I used until I got Daka, and I would switch out Luke for Fett , Chewie, or Han if he was getting nuked, and I would bring in Talia a few times to heal at the start when the other two came into the match in cooldown. That was only the first day. It got way, way easier once I got Daka.
    I do have my JC at 4*, I probably should use him more than I do.

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    I have spent no money on this game whatsoever, and play with a one healer squad, albeit that healer is Luminara, and her leader ability is high as I can get it. I had a rough time getting thru GW for a while, but I run thru it pretty simply these days, usually keeping my same squad in tact until the end: Luminara, Sidius, Che
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    I'm complete f2p and have completed the GW each day since the change. I wouldn't say it is easy in general (clearly, some get powerful opponents earlier in the run that are better than them) but so far, it's been pretty darn decent for me.

    I usually chuck in scrubs in the last fight just to use them up and get opposing abilities done with rather than throw in my top team right away. Generally, I stick with just 5 or 6 characters the previous 11 fights.
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    Seeing the horror stories that a lot of people tell of Lvl 60s 7* Leias and FOTP, and my own GW, something is weird.

    I don't know if it's because my server is new, or because of my leveling approach, but I don't face the squads most people do. Maybe it is because I did not go the route of 7* Sid, 7* Lumi, only 5 guys matter. As I had droids, I've been leveling balanced, droids, Lumi, Sid, etc.

    IF (big if, as we don't know) the power of your enemies in GW is bases on your stronger toons, then having 7* Sid might bw a problem, if it makes you face multiple 7* teams and there is a huge gap between your fantastic five and the bench
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    I am not 100% sure, but I think the GW lineup is determined by your Arena rank when you start. I can finish GW easily if I am ever at #75 or lower, I am 100% on completions over the last 14 days where I was lower than #75 (a total of 3 days to be exact). However most days I am at #35-50 and I can never finish GW on those days. From about table 7 I start hitting full level 61 teams in purple gear and they are always teams with Synergy (full First order, jedi etc).

    I have seen Daka and JC one-shotted fairly often by big glass cannons like Leia, Luke and FOTP. Those same heavy hitters are difficult to get to when protected by fast taunts like Poe and Han.
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    I still continuously face tough teams from round 4 on. 2 lvl 60 purples at 4&5, then 61 on up to the end. I did beat it today, but none of my matches was a cakewalk aside from the first two. I think I got really lucky only facing 1 Daka, and no Leia or fotp today. Last match had a 7* Qui Gon though.
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    same exact team i use, except im lvl55 and my lumi is 4*. I haven't been lucky enough to complete a gw yet. old daka is pretty frail and usually dies to a luke skywalker/leia/rey/fotp or a sequence of same attacks on her, and then i just fall apart from there.
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    TommySitt wrote: »
    I always take down Daka first if present, otherwise Lumi. If I get lots of dodges on my first choice of a target, I always retreat and knock down someone else. If Poe is present, I'll knock him out first if I can't take down choice #1 before he taunts. If no Daka, I always take out Lumi first. Next is typically Sid because of his heal block. I never touch Kylo or Dooku until the end, with the exception of leaving Bariss, JC, and/or Chewie to reset cooldowns. I leave Jinn and Old Ben for the middle of the match.
    I'm totally F2P, just hit 59 and I haven't lost a GW in weeks (though I just hit a really tough node 11, so we'll see what happens once I can get back to it). I'm lucky that I got a Barriss in a bronzium pack a couple weeks ago, so that helps.

    I go for Daka first, too but after that I always go for Sid because of his heal block. If he gets too crazy with that then it doesn't matter how many healers you have, you'll probably lose someone.

    A very common match is me hitting their Sid a couple times until he's low. Then their tank taunts and I'll use Sid and Phasma's AOE's to take Sid down the rest of the way. If it works like that it's pretty much over. Their healers trigger at this time, but at least a couple of their guys are slow and next turn I can get a bunch of turn meter back with Phasma or Talia if she's there. It gives me a chance to take out another damage dealer before I have to heal. With Sid's heal block I can focus on taking out damage dealers or support without worrying too much about the second healer. Then I go for either Lumi and/or JC, then their tanks.

    I have a Daka but I don't use her much. She seemed to always get targeted and killed so I stopped using her. I may have to gear her up a bit more if you're having that much success.
  • Song
    863 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    How dare you call yourself F2P when you spent $65? smh..

    OP i think you just lucky.. and brag about you can finish your GW. Congrat!! try do it next day. See if you carry those luck..
  • Open_Palm52
    195 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    TommySitt wrote: »
    Today, right before the last battle:

    My squad:

    The opening:

    The end:

    The loot:

    I'm nearly F2P, spent $65 and have been playing since 12/26. I do not yet own Bariss or Dooku. The three healer squad is the way to go! I've enjoyed a 100% success rate in GW since the change.

    If I see a team like that after battle one, it's an extremely easy day. I don't know that I've ever had that easy a matchup, ever, for a last battle.

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    I think one thing not often discussed in the new GW is the server discrepancy. I'm on a relatively new server, with the arena boards being dominated by players level 55-59. As such, if you're ahead of the curve as far as building and gearing your team, I think GW is much easier because you're pulling from a less geared pool. I have a feeling as servers such as mine age and everyone hits max, we'll see our GW get much tougher.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    TommySitt wrote: »

    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Song
    863 posts Member
    TommySitt wrote: »
    Song wrote: »
    How dare you call yourself F2P when you spent $65? smh..

    OP i think you just lucky.. and brag about you can finish your GW. Congrat!! try do it next day. See if you carry those luck..

    I'm nearly F2P, if you bothered to read my first post you'd know that. Please read before commenting. Afrer reading a fair number of posts on this forum, people who spend less than $100 on the game aren't considered P2W; those are the people who spend hundreds or thousands.

    A F2P gamer can do exactly what I did, it just may take them an extra week or two to get to this position. The only difference may be the arena ranking. It was important to me to spend enough to stay in the top 200 so that I could farm at least 10 shards per day, every day

    I never heard such thing if people spend less than $100 is consider F2P lol. Ofc i read your thread... taht is why i said.. you are just lucky.. you didnt face any 7Stars, lv7 gears.. or even lv60 lmao!! Please change the title to "Proof that the GW is easy when you have luck, and can be done with 5 players, $65 spender is still consider F2P"

    Today, right before the last battle:
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    Bhoris wrote: »
    I think one thing not often discussed in the new GW is the server discrepancy. I'm on a relatively new server, with the arena boards being dominated by players level 55-59. As such, if you're ahead of the curve as far as building and gearing your team, I think GW is much easier because you're pulling from a less geared pool. I have a feeling as servers such as mine age and everyone hits max, we'll see our GW get much tougher.

    It doesn't work like that. Gw pulls teams from different 'servers' as well. There are multiple theories about the matchmaking (like arena ranking, power of your top 5 or complete roster, etc.) but CG never confirmed any of these theories.
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    I have to agree with the rest of the guys in here, you got lucky. I get to stage 6 and every team I face after that is harder than the one you faced in the final. I always face level 60+ 6* purple trams. I make it to stage 10-11 but by the time I get to the 12th stage my squad is too depleted to win. In a few days though when I've unlocked and leveled up a few more heroes I'll be able to complete it again.
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    I wish I had your server shard, I beat GW today, but started fighting lvl 60+ purple geared at stage THREE and due to heavy use of the retre.... reset button, I managed to manipulate rng in my favor for all 9 wins, all of which ended with all 3 healers on cooldown and close/max hp. Still lost a couple characters regardless.
  • Song
    863 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    come to our server you can be rank 201-500 again..
    Rank 125-140 have over 20-22K power.

    I can finish 1-6battle in GW without any problem. But on 7th battle already have all Purple gear/Lv60/ one 7Stars.
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