Proof that the GW is easy, and can be done with 5 players, $65 spender


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    You cant be nearly F2P if you spent $65 :D.
    Qui-Gon progress in cantina currently 4* gear lvl 7.
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    TommySitt wrote: »

    I'm nearly F2P, spent $65 and have been playing since 12/26. I do not yet own Bariss or Dooku. The three healer squad is the way to go! I've enjoyed a 100% success rate in GW since the change.

    LOL.....Nearly means $65 hahaha....

    As F2P with daily completion GW and 24k++ team power I feel really bad for you now...

    Afrer reading a fair number of posts on this forum, people who spend less than $100 on the game aren't considered P2W; those are the people who spend hundreds or thousands. - - - > In my dictionary in the future F2P means someone who spend less than $1000 so if you spend $999, you still a F2P player

    Why do you feel the need to ridicule someone who's helping pay for the development of the game you play for free? He's not trying to diss you or F2P players, so I don't get it. Some play free even though they can pay but don't find it worthwhile, some spend tons because they find it worthwhile. It's just so petty, childish and spiteful to argue and ridicule each other on the basis of game spends.

    F2P, P2P, who gives a beep. You don't have anything to share about the game apart from jibes, you are a pretty sad person to have to come online to do that. Pathetic.
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    TommySitt wrote: »

    I'm nearly F2P, spent $65 and have been playing since 12/26. I do not yet own Bariss or Dooku. The three healer squad is the way to go! I've enjoyed a 100% success rate in GW since the change.

    LOL.....Nearly means $65 hahaha....

    As F2P with daily completion GW and 24k++ team power I feel really bad for you now...

    Afrer reading a fair number of posts on this forum, people who spend less than $100 on the game aren't considered P2W; those are the people who spend hundreds or thousands. - - - > In my dictionary in the future F2P means someone who spend less than $1000 so if you spend $999, you still a F2P player

    Why do you feel the need to ridicule someone who's helping pay for the development of the game you play for free? He's not trying to diss you or F2P players, so I don't get it. Some play free even though they can pay but don't find it worthwhile, some spend tons because they find it worthwhile. It's just so petty, childish and spiteful to argue and ridicule each other on the basis of game spends.

    F2P, P2P, who gives a beep. You don't have anything to share about the game apart from jibes, you are a pretty sad person to have to come online to do that. Pathetic.

    My thoughts exactly, I was amazed at how much ppl are arguing over this meaningless topic. Oh yeah, well you are p2p, get the f*** over it, seriously who cares? Way to miss the point of this post guys.
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    F2p because maybe his team are farmable, if you have 7* lea or ben and the like, thats definitely P2w
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    GW is much easier now. no tactics needed.
    when you fail, you restart. simple as that... you will already know what he's gonna do and who's gonna attack (and you put a tank where dooku going stun, or lumi atc hard)
    and the funny thing is that their "RANDOM AI" is so not random, that it doing exactly the same heals, dodges, revives. so there's no thing as random in this game, even tho they will keep saying that, but thats just lies. :) idc, that works fine for me at GW (sadly, not in PvP)
    anyway, im only with 2 healers in team, and i finishing this easy GW with 5 champs, never swapping any of them (excpet once, too much speed, allways 2 toons die. had to put 5 champs in lvl 1 to burst some specials, won easily after -.-)

    This became much easier since the update. you did something wrong ? someone dead ? do it again, change a bit. dont attack again sid if he dodge it, focus that guy if he atc first and strong, dont make him go "yellow" on bar, so lumi won't heal.
    You know what they do, you know in which turns, easiest mode now.
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    GW has been giving me fits. I am lucky if I make it to round 7. I have a pretty good team. I am a pay to test player(don't pay to win) I like to try all the different guys. My guys are fairly good. I think the problem is The opponents are based on the total power of all your guys combined. The reason I think this is because I face 3rd round toons who hit harder than my exact same toon 61 guys. In other words. Their rd3 Sid (level 57) is hitting a lot harder than my level 61 6* max gear for my level Sid. This is a consistant thing for me. Across the board starting at rd2 all their guys hit harder than my equivalent higher gear star level guys. Comparing Sid to Sid for example. I am not saying their fotp is hitting harder than my baress.

    Anyone else who has a variety of guys leveled in their 30's and 40's coupled with a strong team of maxed guys having this same problem? Because on Paper my guys are pretty darn good. But in gw they get shredded My arena squad is 20k power and this with using Vader and a 5* old Ben.-- so my heavies are pretty good.
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    TommySitt wrote: »
    J7000 wrote: »
    Man I miss fighting those Chewie Talia teams in GW. Maybe rename your post, "look how lucky I am." or "I should play the lottery"

    If I have time tomorrow, I'll take screenshots before each fight. This isn't a luck thing, I've been 12/12 ever since the change, simply because it was recommended to go with a three healer squad and someone that can stun, and Sid for the DoT/heal block/self-heal. It's not rocket surgery. I did a little reading before trying out the new GW. Daka is indispensable because of her stun as a regular attack, and resurrection, although I only needed it once. I started this post to show how it's possible to complete GW without issue consistently. F2P won't necessarily need a Dooku or Barriss, so my intention was to give F2P and nearly F2P some encouragement, and a suggestion of how to build out their squad.

    Even if newer players need to use Talia as a temporary third healer, they may go 10/12 or even 12/12 much of the time if they play intelligently and reset as much as needed.

    I've won GW everyday for weeks, show us some screenshots with FO platoons or the lovely FTOP Leia, QGJ platoons
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    Sblakers wrote: »
    GW has been giving me fits. I am lucky if I make it to round 7. I have a pretty good team. I am a pay to test player(don't pay to win) I like to try all the different guys. My guys are fairly good. I think the problem is The opponents are based on the total power of all your guys combined. The reason I think this is because I face 3rd round toons who hit harder than my exact same toon 61 guys. In other words. Their rd3 Sid (level 57) is hitting a lot harder than my level 61 6* max gear for my level Sid. This is a consistant thing for me. Across the board starting at rd2 all their guys hit harder than my equivalent higher gear star level guys. Comparing Sid to Sid for example. I am not saying their fotp is hitting harder than my baress.

    Anyone else who has a variety of guys leveled in their 30's and 40's coupled with a strong team of maxed guys having this same problem? Because on Paper my guys are pretty darn good. But in gw they get shredded My arena squad is 20k power and this with using Vader and a 5* old Ben.-- so my heavies are pretty good.

    Attribute that to the 'debunked' AI buff. Mods have said that the AI get no special buffs in GW and arena which is a pure lie. I've seen a 4* 52 Lumi crit harder than 7* 61 Lumi can and both having no buffs. I've also seen a 3* 48 Dooku out speed a 5* 60 Dooku(on the first turn). Now with the new retr... reset button, I intend to document it the next time I see it happen since all it'll take is to follow the same path on the RNG seed to get the exact same results.
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    Mahluus wrote: »
    I am not 100% sure, but I think the GW lineup is determined by your Arena rank when you start. I can finish GW easily if I am ever at #75 or lower, I am 100% on completions over the last 14 days where I was lower than #75 (a total of 3 days to be exact). However most days I am at #35-50 and I can never finish GW on those days. From about table 7 I start hitting full level 61 teams in purple gear and they are always teams with Synergy (full First order, jedi etc).

    I have seen Daka and JC one-shotted fairly often by big glass cannons like Leia, Luke and FOTP. Those same heavy hitters are difficult to get to when protected by fast taunts like Poe and Han.

    Pretty sure that's not it. I'm top 5 I'm my time bracket and drop to top 11-20 at worst during midnight, and I don't see the horror 7* Leias teams. Pretty sure it has to do with either your server or your squad power
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    I am 100% F2P and complete GW with the same 5 people always.. before and after patch apart from 1-2 occasions when a couple of my team got wiped. I use Bariss lead, Lumia, Daka, Poggle and Gen Soldier. Oh and I am rank 1 in Arena - I just swap out Bariss for Sid and job done. Level 61 at the moment.
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    I run Lumi, Sid, Luke and I rotate Chewie, Daka, JC, Resistance Trooper all at lvl 60. The only time things get rough for me is if I have to face Sid & Kylo at the same time. So far i'm 50/50 on completing GW when I face a team with those 2 near the end. The heal immunity just wrecks havoc on my team so if I lose a key toon then it's rough for me to complete GW.
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    TommySitt wrote: »
    Today, right before the last battle:

    My squad:

    The opening:

    The end:

    The loot:

    I'm nearly F2P, spent $65 and have been playing since 12/26. I do not yet own Bariss or Dooku. The three healer squad is the way to go! I've enjoyed a 100% success rate in GW since the change.

    Nice squad. Do you find that JC is vulnerable? If you had another 7 gear character instead of JC, who would you use? Also, why don't you run Phasma as lead?

    Known as íN Quartus Ω in the game
    Member of Team Instinct
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    MufasaBigD wrote: »
    Also, why don't you run Phasma as lead?
    Lumi's leader ability gives healing at the beginning of each character's turn. It's to heal up at the end of each match while you're whittling away at their tank(s). That way you have a fresh squad at the beginning of every node without having to use your heal skills.
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    I completed it easily enough today with Barriss, Lumi, Luke, Geo Soldier and Poggle.
  • Song
    863 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    TommySitt wrote: »

    A few of you have talked down to me like I'm ten years old and playing MMORPG's for the first time. I have experience in this genre. I understood that if you're going to spend any money, it needs to be done early to have the greatest effect. It's amazing what you can do when you position for success from the first day, and understand how the game works. Instead of whining about the GW change (did that for the first day), I educated myself how to win with the new rules. I also know from past experience that if you're not well-funded P2W, you must stick with a core group of toons and fully develop them before worrying about leveling up others. The above is the result of sound pre-planning. It's just all the better that for once my server isn't running amok with trust fund babies and professionals with significant disposable income spending thousands of $$$ P2W, placing low $$$ spenders and F2P into also-ran status. There are some, but it's not out of control.

    Lol your last battle is piece of a cake.....

    no one talk down on you. Im just saying your battle is easy , wait until you face everything is 60+ and 7stars, purple gear.

    FYI I just got into Rank #50 and i spent $5 on dooku , $5 on 100gems.
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    You cant be nearly F2P if you spent $65 :D.

    ^ lol i agree
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    No offense OP but what you are is one thing; lucky. Those final battles are easier than even the stage 1 battles I face. Now stop crying about people talking down to you and act like a man.
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    I'm complete F2P, haven't spent a penny. Since unlocking GW I've completed it all but the first 2 days (Got to 11th battle on those 2 days) when I didn't have enough cannon fodder characters. Since then I've completed it 17 times in a row, currently level 55. Usually I run a roster of:

    6* Lumi (will be 7* tomorrow)
    5* Sid (should be 6* in a couple of days)
    5* JC
    4* Chewie
    3* Poe

    4* Daka
    4* Geno Soldier

    Other 10 characters are low level cannon fodder.

    Usually the first 6 battles are a cakewalk and can be cleared with my main team with little trouble. Sid, Lumi, and JC can usually burst down a priority target in the first round. The AI is stupid and doesn't focus fire properly which makes healers very effective. If someone gets low I just rotate taunts between the 2 tanks and heal up. Having 2 tanks also lowers your team DPS so you get a couple of extra turns for cooldowns and to heal up if necessary so you go into the next round fresh.

    The hardest battles are usually battles 9-11 since more often than not these teams have enough dps to easily kill someone from the main team. I use a combination of cannon fodder and a 3 healer squad to get past these fights. When I get to the last battle I just put in Geno instead of Chewie and just try and blow away the enemy team since at that point it doesn't matter if you lose people on your main team.
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    Today I finished without changing anyone! New record.
    It was one of the easiest GW I faced, thats true.

    Phasma(lead)/ Rey/ Lumi 6*/ Chewie/ JC
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