Proof that the GW is easy, and can be done with 5 players, $65 spender


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    TommySitt wrote: »
    Song wrote: »
    How dare you call yourself F2P when you spent $65? smh..

    OP i think you just lucky.. and brag about you can finish your GW. Congrat!! try do it next day. See if you carry those luck..

    I'm nearly F2P, if you bothered to read my first post you'd know that. Please read before commenting. Afrer reading a fair number of posts on this forum, people who spend less than $100 on the game aren't considered P2W; those are the people who spend hundreds or thousands.

    A F2P gamer can do exactly what I did, it just may take them an extra week or two to get to this position. The only difference may be the arena ranking. It was important to me to spend enough to stay in the top 200 so that I could farm at least 10 shards per day, every day

    Ok. People which spend money on this game are P2P. The simple example is the Dooku pack. It was 5 $ and i remember the time when a lot of people was runing Dooku in the earlier lvls, you could see him everywhere. Arena and GW was all Dooku teams and we all know Dooku is quite a machine, especially in low lvls where people don't have so developed teams and don't know the strategies. And these players had an enourmous advantage even they only spent five dollars.

    So please don't call yourself F2P cause you didn’t spend 100$, you invested in the game and gained the advantage, the amount isn't important. You can lable yourself as a lightP2P if your fine with that. Period.
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    You aren't even 60 yet, nor have you faced super teams made out of $$$$$.

    Come back next month.
  • Utiniii
    14 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    TommySitt wrote: »
    Utiniii wrote: »
    TommySitt wrote: »
    Song wrote: »
    How dare you call yourself F2P when you spent $65? smh..

    OP i think you just lucky.. and brag about you can finish your GW. Congrat!! try do it next day. See if you carry those luck..

    I'm nearly F2P, if you bothered to read my first post you'd know that. Please read before commenting. Afrer reading a fair number of posts on this forum, people who spend less than $100 on the game aren't considered P2W; those are the people who spend hundreds or thousands.

    A F2P gamer can do exactly what I did, it just may take them an extra week or two to get to this position. The only difference may be the arena ranking. It was important to me to spend enough to stay in the top 200 so that I could farm at least 10 shards per day, every day

    Ok. People which spend money on this game are P2P. The simple example is the Dooku pack. It was 5 $ and i remember the time when a lot of people was runing Dooku in the earlier lvls, you could see him everywhere. Arena and GW was all Dooku teams and we all know Dooku is quite a machine, especially in low lvls where people don't have so developed teams and don't know the strategies. And these players had an enourmous advantage even they only spent five dollars.

    So please don't call yourself F2P cause you didn’t spend 100$, you invested in the game and gained the advantage, the amount isn't important. You can lable yourself as a lightP2P if your fine with that. Period.

    Light P2P is fine. On these boards, I've seen my type called P2P, and the whales called P2P. Yes, I could've opened a Dooku pack, but he would have taken a long time to farm, and I eat Dooku for lunch now that I'm running with some 6* soon to be 7*. There have been several discussion on F2P vs P2W, and the general consensus seems to be that f2p can gt very frustrated with lack of progress/content and domination by whales, and the whales get to the endgame so quickly that they miss out on the fun of the journey, and get bored. The sweet spot seems to be the light P2P, where you get a little advantage with farming and maybe a hero or two from $5 packs.

    I never represented myself as F2P, but like you say, nearly F2P. I stated how much I paid in the thread title. My point is that I'm close enough to F2P that a F2P'er can get results similar to mine with a week or two longer wait. I spent most of my $$$ on crystals, and I used those crystals for a single Chromium pack (not the 8-pack), and the rest exclusively for farming. If you can't spend over $1k for Chromium packs, there's really no reason to go for them in the first place, since you can't farm most of them atm.

    Essentially, I'm just a F2P with accelerated farming, and Phasma/Veers from a $5 pack.

    That's good mate i like how you approached the situatuon.

    Im F2P without a single penny spent and im hovering in the top20 in the arena, 95% time i finish the GW. My best rank was #5. Bought a single chromium few times and pulled a Darth Maul which was carrying me earlier in the Arena.

    It's possible to enjoy the game without deep pocket.

    Keep grinding and you will make it. It's all about the good team synergy and knowing the mechanics, and you'll have no problem.

    Good luck
  • scuba
    14170 posts Member
    I actually like throwing in my suicide squad. Gets them some use! Normally only need for last or second to last battle.
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    I get level 60 and up 6*/7* full purple VII and VIII gear from the 3rd battle on, even the first 3 are usually level 58-60 but maybe with 1-2, 5* toons. Still managed to finish GW every day since the change though.

    Finished 1st in Arena today again, second day in a row and 4 times in the last 7 days, my GW matchups have always been a bit hairy since I unlocked it so I don't know if the changes to GW have anything to do with opponent selection. I don't see any difference, it's always been a hard slog against the best teams for me.
    Ally Code: 945-699-762
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    GW has been fairly kind to me lately and I've only had to face a couple level 60 teams per day. One of those will tend to have purple gear and 5*+ toons but that's about it. Of course, I'm only level 55 so that may have something to do with it.

    Overall, I do find a two-healer system works best. I run Barriss as leader with JC for backup and then Sid, Vader and Qui Gon Jinn for damage. For the tougher matches, I'll swap out Vader for Luminara. I do plan to eventually replace Vader permanently with Dooku once I have him unlocked and starred up a bit but unless they release him in a pack, it'll probably be months before that happens.

    I've contemplated swapping Barriss for Luminara to get extra firepower but Barriss' ability to pseudo-heal through Heal Immunity and fully recover an ally that has been focus-fired is more valuable, especially since the AI usually isn't smart enough to properly focus on a single character and will typically attack someone else instead of finishing off the toon they just put into the red.
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    it actually seems way easier now they you can fulll retreat and reset the fight completely.
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    The OP is right. I have a 4 healer + Sid team and I never lose. My leader is Barris of course but that's neither here nor there.
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    I never lost a GW battle once, 26 win streak :) and I'm A free to play player who uses only the same 5 character squad. Just retreat and fight again. If that doesn't work, swap character positions to change crit/damage rate of AI team.

    Keep trying till U get lucky.

    Level 59 defeating purple gears and higher level squad in GW.
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    Usefulness of Daka with phasma as lead in GW.

  • Song
    863 posts Member
    Saitama wrote: »
    I never lost a GW battle once, 26 win streak :) and I'm A free to play player who uses only the same 5 character squad. Just retreat and fight again. If that doesn't work, swap character positions to change crit/damage rate of AI team.

    Keep trying till U get lucky.

    Level 59 defeating purple gears and higher level squad in GW.

    i have 24 win streak from Lv51-60 til the new update... ofc since the new update it is hard to complete GW...

  • Song
    863 posts Member
    TommySitt wrote: »
    Ok, it's just past 1800 hrs here, and I've ended with an arena rank of #61, a new record for me! If rank affects difficulty, then we will see it tomorrow. Yesterday's ending rank, which the GW photos were working off of, was 99, for comparison's sake.

    It seems that keeping a small roster and topping them out, has worked out well for the arena. Also, it may also be that some players that were initially ahead of me may have quit, fell behind, or committed the mistake of building wide and don't have 6-7* purple gear toons to kill the arena.

    FYI your server still new. There is no way you can survive if you come to my server.
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    Currently ranked 58 on my server. Spend $0 of my own money (bought dooku pack with Google opinion rewards)

    1st team - All L62:
    7 star Sidious
    6 star Luminara
    5 star JC
    5 star Chewie
    4 star Dooku

    Have some OK backups. 5 star Daka, 4 star Resistance Pilot, Talia etc.

    Finish GW each day. Usually lose some of the weaker ones and last battle can be 5 L45-50 tools against 1 or 2 half health enemies.

    Moral is you can get to top 50 F2P but almost impossible to get to top 5

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    Saitama wrote: »
    I never lost a GW battle once, 26 win streak :) and I'm A free to play player who uses only the same 5 character squad. Just retreat and fight again. If that doesn't work, swap character positions to change crit/damage rate of AI team.

    Keep trying till U get lucky.

    Level 59 defeating purple gears and higher level squad in GW.

    I'm sorry but I just don't believe you. Nobody completes GW using only 5 heroes.
  • thisgameisdope
    297 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    TommySitt wrote: »

    I'm nearly F2P, spent $65 and have been playing since 12/26. I do not yet own Bariss or Dooku. The three healer squad is the way to go! I've enjoyed a 100% success rate in GW since the change.

    LOL.....Nearly means $65 hahaha....

    As F2P with daily completion GW and 24k++ team power I feel really bad for you now...

    Afrer reading a fair number of posts on this forum, people who spend less than $100 on the game aren't considered P2W; those are the people who spend hundreds or thousands. - - - > In my dictionary in the future F2P means someone who spend less than $1000 so if you spend $999, you still a F2P player

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    TommySitt wrote: »

    I'm nearly F2P, spent $65 and have been playing since 12/26. I do not yet own Bariss or Dooku. The three healer squad is the way to go! I've enjoyed a 100% success rate in GW since the change.
    Saitama wrote: »
    I never lost a GW battle once, 26 win streak :) and I'm A free to play player who uses only the same 5 character squad. Just retreat and fight again. If that doesn't work, swap character positions to change crit/damage rate of AI team.

    Keep trying till U get lucky.

    Level 59 defeating purple gears and higher level squad in GW.

    I'm sorry but I just don't believe you. Nobody completes GW using only 5 heroes.

    In the new GW updates, yes you can 100% finish GW with only 5 squad team.....if you want a proof...I will give you later once I finish today's GW...

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    Currently ranked 58 on my server. Spend $0 of my own money (bought dooku pack with Google opinion rewards)

    1st team - All L62:
    7 star Sidious
    6 star Luminara
    5 star JC
    5 star Chewie
    4 star Dooku

    Have some OK backups. 5 star Daka, 4 star Resistance Pilot, Talia etc.

    Finish GW each day. Usually lose some of the weaker ones and last battle can be 5 L45-50 tools against 1 or 2 half health enemies.

    Moral is you can get to top 50 F2P but almost impossible to get to top 5

    I didn't spend anything and get top 5 arena rewards daily on an established server. Once you get to the same level as the top in your server you can catch up and beat them.
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    My IG88 lead, 86, Han, Lumi, JC team does fine. They are all 6 stars but Han. He is 4. Tomorrow evening I unlock HK47 for my new lead, and Poe will be shortly after. Han goes, JC stays. The team will rule GW for me and do good in arena.
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    my shard/server has very powerful players, but I like to think that that being human is worth about 2500 power, so my 20000 power squad can outsmart the 22000 power squad's AI. With this, and a lot of fodder to eat all the poe taunts, I've gone 6 for 7 in GW since the change. I only have problems when I run into phasma, leia, sid, poe squad back to back. They can get nasty. I run 62 5* Phasma lead with lvl 60 Sid, dooku, lumi, and 6* JC. I have very few issues completing. My bench has a nasty kill combo of Vader, 88, 5s, kylo and taila. Vader normally can kill at least one enemy with is saber throw after he puts 3 DoTs out and Kylo and 88 put out a few more status effects.

    Plan your bench in case of rough poe, sid, leia with phasm lead sqauds. It's a simple change from force quiting, but once you give in to the new way, you find that it is actually twice as easy as the old way.
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    What should i have my gw team be lumi and sid are irreplaceable so 2/5 spots are already taken

    All of the people mentioned will be all on the same level and gear

    Vader, kylo, finn, chewy, boba, poggle, ig86, dooku, ima- gun di

    I am close on getting old daka so consider her in your response. I am also thinking about bringing JC back as a option since many people are saying he is useful.

    Btw im entirely F2P so it may take awhile for me to build anything out of what I dont already have or are close on getting
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