Daily Crystal Booster Packs returning


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    "Buy it, if like me it is a saving on the packs and you can afford it, or do not buy it if you cannot afford it."

    Above is a terrible attempt at censorship enforcement guised as an advice. I have a vested interest in this game and thus if i see things going terribly wrong with it i will voice my opinion. In this case of a classic cluster***k the more people speak the better....
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    Artas wrote: »
    EUR 10.99 in my area...are you serious???

    nova79 wrote: »
    I was super excited when I saw the pop-up show up when I logged in yesterday and was all-in to buy it. But then the screen popped up showing $12.99 (in Canada). Yeah, I'll be passing on this one now. :neutral:


    this silly pack is 10$ even at turkey. our GDP is 10k$. shame on u EA CG managers. ure just greedy grabbers. u re killing this game and no vision to see it's potential. how can u fill that positions u re sitting with no talent no wisdom no int.

    nvm u will fall down overhead in one day we will see it
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    This was a thing? Awesome!
    So I may actually consider paying for this game now. (Just for the crystals I mean)

    It's a good deal.

    But waiting everyday is gonna make me mad! but it's ok. patience is virtue
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    CptKloss wrote: »
    "Buy it, if like me it is a saving on the packs and you can afford it, or do not buy it if you cannot afford it."

    Above is a terrible attempt at censorship enforcement guised as an advice. I have a vested interest in this game and thus if i see things going terribly wrong with it i will voice my opinion. In this case of a classic cluster***k the more people speak the better....

    "vested interest" plz, you downloaded and played the game on your own free will.
    your opinion is your opinion. no one but you should care. but then again, no one but you will be sad. lighten up buddy.
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    Qeltar wrote: »
    Ptolemy wrote: »
    I think its pretty **** obvious there was no 'technical issue'. How there can be a technical issue for buying crystals for gods sake, that took weeks to fix??? that is some beginner level coding. Far more obvious, the bean counters at the strategic level decided that the crystal sub as it was was not as profitable as it could be, and used some financial modelling to suggest that the price to be set at what is currently, to extort as much money out of us as possible while seeming like a good deal.
    I have a long-standing policy of not calling the devs liars when they say something flatly is a certain way. And software is funny, so yes certain strange things can happen that take longer to resolve than we expect. It is possible that they did have some issue that prevented these from returning sooner.
    But for the average person, it seems hard to understand. And then having them come back after such a long delay at a substantially worse deal than they were before... well, it is not only disappointing, it sows distrust of the developers. It makes people feel like they were manipulated, whether they actually were or not.
    Perceptions do matter. This deal is bad for a slow trickle of premium currency (most such deals in other games are more like the earlier deals we got). And the optics are even worse.

    Perhaps i was a bit too animated in my first post, the pricing of the deal and the way it was presented riled me up. I largely agree with you

    There could have been a technical issue true, so they may well be truthful. The dirty part is sneaking a big price hike in without prior mention completely swept under the rug, with the community having been given the impression by official EA/CG reps that the subs were returning, with technical issues the sole reason for the break.

    The change in price necessarily means this is not all true-they didnt just fix the bug then spontaneously decide to hike the price before release, decision making time was spent in conference rooms, bit of maths, economics blah blah and most likely that was the reason for the full length of the delay, even if there was a technical issue to be fixed.

    Whatever their intentions were, it is just terrible business practice. People thought we were going to get something like the earlier ones, as there were direct responses saying they would be back. In the end a far inferior deal is released(as you say, for a slow trickle its awful, time value of crystals is very much a thing in a game like this), masking this under the 'Woohoo subs are back like you asked, more than 149% of standard value which is just misleading statistics abuse right there on so many levels.

    I had hopes this game would be better than previous freemium experiences, as the actual in game balance between p2w and light spenders/fwp isnt too bad. But this kind of behavior indicates another

    'Establish player base by getting people hooked on highly addictive game, ease them into spending with early deals, then suck them dry by increasing prices and releasing new pay content with power creep to play on compulsive spending tendencies' Strategy

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    <Insert a customary "SouthPark Micro Transactions" clip>
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    Haha, this is hilarious and sad at the same time. On the one hand you have people complaining about the price and how greedy CG/EA is for pricing it so high just to make money. On the other hand people are saying they should have priced it lower, which would translate into more money since more people would buy it. Which is it? Are they greedy for pricing too high, or are they greedy for pricing lower and "duping" (note sarcasm here) more people out of money.

    There is an old adage, a fool and his money are soon parted. The buyer is responsible for understanding his/her own situation and what the transaction entails. There is nothing deceptive about this offer, if you can't understand math and/or can't read that is not the seller's fault.

    The advice buy if "you can afford it, or do not buy it if you cannot afford it." is sound advice for anything in life and is not "censorship enforcement".

    As far as the price per crystal being different from previous offers. I don't demand to see a manager and berate them if the price of my beer is higher then it was last week, just as I wouldn't kiss them if it is lower. As many of the 'marketing majors' in the forum should know prices are based on market conditions. Apparently, at this time the conditions are in the seller's favor.

    The above is of course just my opinion and views, and longer than I was planning. Though as others have noted Google Play and Apple announced changes to how they calculate exchange rates, which may account for the new prices that people are experiencing.
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    CptKloss wrote: »
    <Insert a customary "SouthPark Micro Transactions" clip>

    please, no spam. please
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    it's not spam. South Park very eloquently portrayed the ethical aspects of certain segment of "freemium" games. It turns out this very game now joins the club. You should watch it. It's very ad rem....
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    CptKloss wrote: »
    "Buy it, if like me it is a saving on the packs and you can afford it, or do not buy it if you cannot afford it."

    Above is a terrible attempt at censorship enforcement guised as an advice. I have a vested interest in this game and thus if i see things going terribly wrong with it i will voice my opinion. In this case of a classic cluster***k the more people speak the better....

    Sorry no attempt at censorship enforcement intended. I was just stating my views.

    To put it in another way, it would cost me £12.90 to see (again) Star Wars TFA at my local cinema so £8.49 for 21 days of + 100 crystals verses 2hr 16 min of watching a film at £4.41 more than the pack + petrol (gas for the us guys) i think it is a good deal.

    It is entirely up to the individual to decide whether it offers value for money or not.

    Do you think CG will make future pack prices according to user input from the forums (maybe 2% of the user base) , or from sales?

    If you want it, buy it, if you do not want it do not buy it.

    That is the best way of saying if they have the price point correct or not.

    If very few people buy the pack then they have priced it too high, and they will see that and adjust accordingly.

    it's business, they are there to make money, it's a lot of money for a child, but for a working adult, it really only costs 52 us cents a day which is not very much. in London you could pay the full pack price "£8.49" simply for staying 1 hour in a car park, and that would be a cheap car park at that.

    all the arguing really is irrelevant, they will make decisions based on sales.

  • AdamW
    692 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    When I seen the message pop up yesterday I reached for my wallet lol. I almost bought this before I noticed it was double the price of the old packs.

    Im still tempted to buy it, but Im being held back by principal now, you guys made it sound like you were bringing something back, but you didnt. This isnt the same as what we got at launch.

    I wont purchase this until someone tells us why its not the same. Hate to be that guy but this is somewhat deceitful. You always claim on these forums that you wont lie to us and your not greedy money grubbers, but what does things like this make you look like? You told us we would get something we all wanted back... and changed it to give yourself more money... disgusting.
  • CptKloss
    110 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    "all the arguing really is irrelevant, they will make decisions based on sales."

    That's not true. EA set up these forums for a reason. Managing forums is an extremely thankless job that requires a lot of time and money...and i'm sure you will be surprised, but they (EA) didn't do it out of goodness of their hearts and benevolent nature. They need forums to sample the population's sentiments, because contrary to your belief they don't make decisions based purely on one factor (sales) that would be even more disastrous as their current decision making process!
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Render wrote: »
    Haha, this is hilarious and sad at the same time. On the one hand you have people complaining about the price and how greedy CG/EA is for pricing it so high just to make money. On the other hand people are saying they should have priced it lower, which would translate into more money since more people would buy it.
    It's entirely possible for both of these things to be true.
    CG obviously believes this is the best approach. What people are saying is that pricing it higher makes it less of a deal for those who buy it AND probably nets them less overall $ because of fewer purchases.
    There are also intangible considerations. Turning off people with overpriced IAPs makes them feel less goodwill towards the game. They are less likely to keep playing. They are less likely to rate it highly. They are less likely to recommend it.
    In a nutshell, what people are saying is that this decision was shortsighted. And I tend to agree. But I don't get to look at the books, and they do.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    AdamW wrote: »
    When I seen the message pop up yesterday I reached for my wallet lol. I almost bought this before I noticed it was double the price of the old packs.

    Im still tempted to buy it, but Im being held back by principal now, you guys made it sound like you were bringing something back, but you didnt. This isnt the same as what we got at launch.

    I wont purchase this until someone tells us why its not the same. Hate to be that guy but this is somewhat deceitful. You always claim on these forums that you wont lie to us and your not greedy money grubbers, but what does things like this make you look like? You told us we would get something we all wanted back... and changed it to give yourself more money... disgusting.

    I'm in the same boat. I clicked purchase immediately, then when I had to confirm on Google play... I hesitated and cancelled. What's funny is its not about the price, but about the whole package. Before I never received the 21 day offer. I got the $5 for 300 crystals and 7 days of 125 (was bumped to 165 later). I bought that package repeatedly. If they'd come back with 300 crystals and 165 for 7 days, or 30pm crystals and 100 for 21 days for $5 I would have bought no questions asked.

    Shoot, if they'd sell BOTH a 21 day and 7 day at $5 I'd buy both. So in 21 days they'd receive $20 from me. Now.... they're getting nothing from me again. The rising costs and their inability to balance characters like FOTP Geo soldier, and poe.... means I don't know if I'm gonna still be playing in 21 days.
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    @Qeltar I don't disagree that both can be true. I was trying to point out that those claiming that CG/EA is evil and "greedy" because of the high price are incorrect. There are many claims in the forums that lowering prices would net CG/EA more money, if this were true then based on "greed" they would have priced it lower to begin with. (Funny that so many people want CG/EA to make more money as long as the cost to them is lower.)

    Also, a higher price then expected, or then experienced before, would be "less of a deal". It's just sad that so many people think that a person/company offering them a good/service is somehow terrible/evil/greedy/etc. because they 'think' the price is 'unfair'.

    There is nothing wrong with stating that at this price I can't afford it, or I am not interested in buying it at this price. But, I disagree with the sentiment that you can question or disparage someone's character because you don't like the price of a mobile game's digital content.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Misplaced short-term greed that leads to long-term disaster is not merely uncommon in American business, it is a staple.
    I'm not going to use that word here. But it is a very frequent occurrence that companies try to maximize profits with constant price increases, and in the end, everyone loses.
    Customers are sending a message here. It's CG/EA's choice to listen to it or not.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • CptKloss
    110 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    "question or disparage someone's character because you don't like the price of a mobile game's digital content."

    That by itself would be unacceptable. But alas, that's not the case. It's the whole deceitful atmosphere they created by their inept marketing shenanigans that allows to say the above.

    Let me give you an comparison: I have been playing Summoners War for about 9 months - their "packages" are way overpriced and i just don't buy them BUT they never have done anything that would undermine my trust as a consumer. I don't go to their forums whining about "the rent is too **** high!"
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    Yes tank you
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    Atleast with summoners war you get many different events every week/month, HoH, ToA, the primal giant and arena weekly for massive crystal pay outs, not to mention with 30 crystals you get full energy, not 50 50 100 100 like in this game.
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    Pouch of Crystals($1.99 - 220) 110.55 crystals per dollar.
    Bag of Crystals($4.99 - 610) 122.24 crystals per dollar.
    Box of Crystals($9.99 - 1340) 134.13 crystals per dollar.
    Chest of Crystals($19.99 - 2800) 140.07 crystals per dollar.
    Crate of Crystals($49.99 - 7370) 147.42 crystals per dollar.
    Vault of Crystals($99.99 - 15710) 157.11 crystals per dollar.

    Daily Crystal Pack($10.99 - 2200) 200.18 crystals per dollar.
    idk how this is a 149% increase from the base crystals, my math could be wrong but it shows this as a 181% increase from the base.

    Per dollar the daily crystal daily pack is a massive bang for your buck. But.... if your rolling the sub pack, it comes out around $15.91 per month. Now i'm comparing this to Console/PC Sub based games. SWGOH doesn't have anywhere near the play time of those games. At 100 crystals extra per day, there isnt much to do with it. Between Arenas, Dailies, and GWs, you can make enough to buy 2 energy refills and a Cantina refill.

    Now you have 100 extra crystals but what are you gonna do with them?
    You could spend them on extra arena attempts, but if your not high up in the ranks it won't make much of a difference.
    You could buy a 100 energy refresh. (But you'll most likely just sim this, cause your farming gear.)
    You could buy 2 Hard Mode attempts. (But youll have to sacrifice farming gear, cause youll need lots of energy).
    You could buy the Training droids or 2 character shards in the Shipments.

    Unless you play every battle and not sim any, this seems like its only gonna add 5 minute of extra game play a day. Maybe if keycard battles were worth doing and didnt cost energy, and a couple more modes were opened up, it could add more time to actually play the game getting the daily crystal pack.
  • EM650
    1120 posts Member
    Pouch of Crystals($1.99 - 220) 110.55 crystals per dollar.
    Bag of Crystals($4.99 - 610) 122.24 crystals per dollar.
    Box of Crystals($9.99 - 1340) 134.13 crystals per dollar.
    Chest of Crystals($19.99 - 2800) 140.07 crystals per dollar.
    Crate of Crystals($49.99 - 7370) 147.42 crystals per dollar.
    Vault of Crystals($99.99 - 15710) 157.11 crystals per dollar.

    Daily Crystal Pack($10.99 - 2200) 200.18 crystals per dollar.
    idk how this is a 149% increase from the base crystals, my math could be wrong but it shows this as a 181% increase from the base.

    Per dollar the daily crystal daily pack is a massive bang for your buck. But.... if your rolling the sub pack, it comes out around $15.91 per month. Now i'm comparing this to Console/PC Sub based games. SWGOH doesn't have anywhere near the play time of those games. At 100 crystals extra per day, there isnt much to do with it. Between Arenas, Dailies, and GWs, you can make enough to buy 2 energy refills and a Cantina refill.

    Now you have 100 extra crystals but what are you gonna do with them?
    You could spend them on extra arena attempts, but if your not high up in the ranks it won't make much of a difference.
    You could buy a 100 energy refresh. (But you'll most likely just sim this, cause your farming gear.)
    You could buy 2 Hard Mode attempts. (But youll have to sacrifice farming gear, cause youll need lots of energy).
    You could buy the Training droids or 2 character shards in the Shipments.

    Unless you play every battle and not sim any, this seems like its only gonna add 5 minute of extra game play a day. Maybe if keycard battles were worth doing and didnt cost energy, and a couple more modes were opened up, it could add more time to actually play the game getting the daily crystal pack.

    I know that it is expensive, but 100 crystals 0er day does not go far. I wish that you could either stack subscriptions or have anot her option for more crystals per day in your subscription.
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    bad decision EA to price it at 10.99.....every game i play that has this deal it is 4.99 yet you want to be stupid and rip off your customer base nice idea.
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    Onyxgem wrote: »
    bad decision EA to price it at 10.99.....every game i play that has this deal it is 4.99 yet you want to be stupid and rip off your customer base nice idea.

    10.99 and it's only for 21 days while most games give you a month. It's darn near a sub for an MMO! I've spent $$$ on this game, but I refuse to support them further after this. It's sad really.
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    The only real trend I see is prices consistently increasing. How do you justify raising the prices of crystals and packs every few weeks. Creates a real deterrence for returning customers to come back and pay more for crystals every few weeks. When are the prices going to stop being increased? I wanted to buy the 15k crystal pack but after the update it went up by $20 without warning. Huge disappointment from EA... I buy crystals because I like the game and want to support it but to have the prices consistently rise without warning or any concern for the community. I guess the customer isn't always right anymore.
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    They think people are addicted and will shell out no matter how high they price it. It is a classic case. First they will give you for free and they get you addicted and they you pay and make them rich because they need to recover the freebies that they started with.

    And I do not complain because they are not doing charity. But, these are my thoughts on the whole pricing issue.
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    Box of Crystals($9.99 - 1340) 134.13 crystals per dollar.

    idk how this is a 149% increase from the base crystals, my math could be wrong but it shows this as a 181% increase from the base.

    @jtveclipse12 It's because it's not base price, its standard price. The standard price of the $10 pack is 134 crystals per dollar. of course.. they don't have a standard $11 pack of crystals.. yet..

    I dislike buying crystals because I'm not a gambler, however at the price point of $5 for 1400 crystals over 7 days it made a big enough difference that I felt it was worth it. $11 for 2200 crystals over 21 days for such a small trickle of crystals and for such a larger cost per crystal that it just doesn't have anywhere close to the same value. Not to mention the feeling I get about their marketing strategies..

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    Kyuu2 wrote: »
    @jtveclipse12 It's because it's not base price, its standard price. The standard price of the $10 pack is 134 crystals per dollar. of course.. they don't have a standard $11 pack of crystals.. yet..
    Your right its a 149% increase of the 9.99 pack.
    Seems even more unusual now that they made the pack is 10.99 instead of the same price as the 9.99.

    At the 9.99 price point, the daily pack would of given 2k crystals.

    If the 9.99 pack is the standard prices.... all packs under are getting you less then what they consider the standard price lol?
  • Phlebotomy_Jones
    439 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I understand why the price fell where it did, but think it misses an important point.

    You get 2200 crystals total, so the perception is that the price has to be in line with the other packages to keep them viable. However, it seems like that price point undervalues the simple fact that it's a subscription package, not an outright purchase.

    As an analogy, imagine these were any real world commodity, let's say cell phone minutes instead, and it seems difficult to argue for this mid-range, $10.99 price point.

    For a little less money you get fewer crystals, for a little more you get more...but either of those choices is delivered immediately.

    The whole point of the subscription is a price break distributed over time. You get a deal on a nice amount, but the penalty is you have to wait to use them en masse - and many will just use them along the way.

    This is the point that I think the price misses (beyond the "It's a mobile game" argument).

    Just imagine the incentivization of a discounted cell bill for 1,500 minutes distributed over 30 days, versus the flexibility of paying a little more for instant availability.

    The prices shouldn't have to be stratified based on the total payout, as the limitations of the extended payout schedule is essentially part of the cost.

    I think this new subscription package undervalues the length of the payout - ignoring the lowered bonus totally.

    The earlier 7 day package might have slightly overvalued it, but the $4.99 21 day payout felt just about perfect.

    Personally, I picked up the 7 a couple of times, and felt great about it. Had been waiting for the return, but won't be spending any money for this iteration.

    Since I think the crystal packages are also priced too highly, that just about closes my wallet completely. I wanted to give you some money and support the game, but this package price just doesn't square with the subscription model for me.

    The last time I order a magazine, I got both a price break and extra issues off the cover price. Paying upfront was possible and though I wouldn't get all issues at once there was an incentive of additional issues as well. Subscription pricing...
  • TwistedChaos
    80 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I bought the $5 gem pack just so that i could get the daily gem pack, but when i go to buy the daily gem pack it says "payment unsuccessful" and won't let me buy it.. I have enough money on my card so I'm not sure what's going on. Can i not buy the daily booster the same day i buy the $5 pack?
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