The Apple Vs. Android exclusive offers comments and questions *** MEGATHREAD***


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    I've invested a lot of time and money in this game and feel as if this latest move just goes to show how the player base is not cared about at all. Greed wins in this one!!!!
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    Thanks for feeling entitled.
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    ios will get the synergie character in a few days. android get it first... ios will get the better character... just wait and see !
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    i didn't get the 2 others packs and did spent a lot in the game, i don't think it is based on spended money.
    I want to know why some of us are getting only 1 pack!
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    there was a vip pack as the 3rd pack !
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    I know :(.
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    Tigzie wrote: »
    Don't mean to fuel your anger ... Actually I do ... But don't forget they also get the new character and an event which will over the next 10 days 7* him
    oh yeah I know. It's pretty great how unfair this is.

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    Khaleesi wrote: »
    Come on. Didnt see ios people complaining when they got wedge stuff vs biggs that everyone already has.

    I was complaining about not getting Biggs blueprints. Just didn't have the time to post on the forums then as it was past midnight local time.
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
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    i only got one pack. spent a bit, about $60 maybe, so a minnow? whatever.
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    U should have gotten at least 2
    1 pack is 50 k2 shards
    1 pack is some crystals, credits and stuff and is titled "players pack"
    the 3rd pack is titled VIP pack so i suppose its for p2p only
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    Lol pure power... Just like all android whined when IOS got wedge ... Because getting a few shards and a ship is the same as a 7* character

    The simple fact is whenever you gift players based on the type of device they own the other half is going to feel slighted it's nothing about business it's human nature.
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    Maybe it's by how long you've played?
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    Oootini wrote: »

    Becaus generalising an entire population based on their phone doesn't make you sound elitist at all ...

    There was a promotion I didn't get cause I wasn't US American... I survived!

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    This discussion is an example of how bad this community is getting.
    People are exchanging remarks over phones? really?
    I use android, and personally feel it's a shame Iphone users didn't get the same offer.
    If they don't get both (apple/android) to subscribe to the promo... don't do it really.
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    Not sure the reason is really secret. But it's an ad campaign by Google. Free stuff in lots of games. I got an email advertising it. Free is probably the wrong word. It's all paid for, just paid for by Google and not the individual player.
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    Don't let us stop you.
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    Not level 80 yet, so not sure it's 7* at 80, but it's 6* and some credits at level 76 (assuming the refresh in 20 hours is an actual refresh, otherwise it's an ungodly amount of crystals to star him up).
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    Tigzie wrote: »
    Lol pure power... Just like all android whined when IOS got wedge ... Because getting a few shards and a ship is the same as a 7* character

    The simple fact is whenever you gift players based on the type of device they own the other half is going to feel slighted it's nothing about business it's human nature.

    Don't forget the 1k crystals and omegas!
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    Malthael wrote: »
    This discussion is an example of how bad this community is getting.
    People are exchanging remarks over phones? really?
    I use android, and personally feel it's a shame Iphone users didn't get the same offer.
    If they don't get both (apple/android) to subscribe to the promo... don't do it really.

    It's not this community, the internet is full of trolls and flamewar fans. People will add the magical words "master race" to everything they own and support.

    Lando master race!
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
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    Malthael wrote: »
    This discussion is an example of how bad this community is getting.
    People are exchanging remarks over phones? really?
    I use android, and personally feel it's a shame Iphone users didn't get the same offer.
    If they don't get both (apple/android) to subscribe to the promo... don't do it really.

    Very well said!

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    And then Im going to relentlessly swap our ranks around with my droid team so you dont have to carry all those fleet tokens and crystals around. I know you already got your new 7* and 10 mil credits and they are already so heavy.
  • Tautas
    87 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Android get droid and later iphone will get an apple. So don't worry - be happy:)
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    My thoughts exaxtly. I might go buy some crystals now to support EA's work.
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    79 shards for free (50 from pack and 29 from event). That's all! If you want more, 250 crystals = 5 shards!
    I think that after 24h the event will go and not refresh. You can make him 7* only if you are a whale.
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    first world problems..
  • Pob
    36 posts Member
    EA/CG got the popcorn, sat back and pressed the "release the nerd rage" button.

    Thank you for the crystals and omegas.
    Loving your work.
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    Jarodd wrote: »
    79 shards for free (50 from pack and 29 from event). That's all! If you want more, 250 crystals = 5 shards!
    I think that after 24h the event will go and not refresh. You can make him 7* only if you are a whale.

    Let you know in 12 hours :wink:
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    Malthael wrote: »
    This discussion is an example of how bad this community is getting.
    People are exchanging remarks over phones? really?
    I use android, and personally feel it's a shame Iphone users didn't get the same offer.
    If they don't get both (apple/android) to subscribe to the promo... don't do it really.

    Hey, you're right! Clearly saying 'no' to a paycheck is the way to go. Really, the worst possible outcome will be a few people quit in disgust and then come crawling back in through the doggie door dragging their **** through broken glass in the process.

    Several times that many will threaten to quit, but they're all hooked and not going anywhere.
This discussion has been closed.