Time to Nerf Bobba Fett

Hello Capital Games...
I will keep the post short, if you are going to make a character hit for 60k+ on crits, then you should make him a Chromium only and rare drops.

I understand that we all love Bobba Fett, but you should not make him so powerful, that we feel the need to play him or lose in the Squad Arenas.

This game needs some serious balancing updates.


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    Chirrut, Baze, Jyn and Cassian are bigger problems. I don't think they should nerf Bobba
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    I destroy the first place team that used Boba in my shard, yeah he is good, but he's not way too OP...if my team can beat his every time, then he doesn't need a nerf...

    I use Rex Wiggs Shore b2 by the way
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    Simply bring a cleanser to your fight or stop stacking buffs vs boba and you will be fine.
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    Bobba Fett (LDR) Wiggs STH and Lando.... Good luck beating that team with a F2P to Dolphin team.
  • Sacull_Kinslayer
    797 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Chepin wrote: »
    Bobba Fett (LDR) Wiggs STH and Lando.... Good luck beating that team with a F2P to Dolphin team.

    I love facing a team like that. Boba is not an nor the issue in that team. Nor is he an issue in general.

    And I'm completely f2p
  • Krillion
    68 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Boba is a pain but beatable. I face a whale guy that has every p2w character. But his squad atm is Wedge L, Biggs, Boba, Baze and STH. Big pain in the ****. But my droids can take him out provided i can ability block Baze. If not dead.
    My team is HK,88,86,B2, JE
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    Boba is horrible on defense, the AI doesn't even use him well plus he is squishy. He doesn't need a nerf and he is far from OP
  • Tigzie
    579 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Lol boba is fine. Learn new tactics if you're having trouble with him.

    that's just me being honest there are much worse toons that do need balancing
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    Boba is only a problem if you have someone like chirrut or Yoda, or low tenacity. So maybe this is CG going "hey tenacity is important maybe you should focus on defence for once"
  • cgrimm69
    37 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Boba isn't a problem unless he's on a DOT team and you can't cleanse. Vader' said zeta will make Boba pretty nasty if you ignore him. But he's pretty squishy, so just jump him quick and you'll be fine.
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    I have posted a response to one of these nerf fett threads before so here it is.

    Come on, he's **** for the longest time give him a chance to be good. He's also one of the few characters that can counter baze. He does 30k on a single target attack, omg I've had a wiggs hit me for 60k and Lando do 20k across the board.

    Have you ever come across wiggs? In the top of arena wiggs will easily hit for over 50k and that's right at the start of a battle, instant OHKO. Bobba requires lots of setup to hit that hard and he's nowhere near as fast.
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    After much wailing & gnashing of teeth, people finally got Boba reworked (and a great one at that) & I'm surprised to see this thread tbh.
    I don't have a 'great' team but I very rarely find Boba an OP threat. I do consider him as someone I have to kill twice but mostly there are other higher concerning opponents for me on the opposing team than he.

    In saying that, he has crushed me on occasion because my focus was elsewhere but that's my fault. My priorities were misplaced. No big deal, live, learn & adapt. Much like with Wiggs.
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    The thing about boba is the early ability block. In the top of arena, battles always rely on the first round of abilities. If he ability blocks the guys you need, the battle will be over for you.

    Combine this with the fact he got a lot more speed with the update, and I can kind of see that he can make current strategy a bit pointless.

    If you put in a character with tenacity, yoda, Rex, often you can stop him so easy.
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    Nerf "Bobba", he has too many b's!
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
  • scuba
    14186 posts Member
    Funny Vader culling blade can hit harder then Boba execute.
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    Hes good the way he is leave him alone
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    I'm building him to deal with a Chaze team that sits at the top of my arena shard for weeks at a time between defeats, but other than that specific use B2 is probably stronger overall.
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    NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. NOOO. No. we don't need boba nerfed already we just got this dang rework plus he's f2p so you can't complain ya durn complainer. What are you gonna do next, request for qgj to be nerfed??
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    Nerf Kylo...that guy is outta control.
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    @scuba boba has a lot more utility. Ability block everyone at the start can change everything. He can. He your attacker and control the battle how you need to. In some setups I have to stop boba ability block or I will probably lose.

    I drop Vader for boba now unless it's an easy win and I want to smash Biggs $tup1d little face
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    Lol mob enforcer and CUP are out of control nerf them instead XD
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    Also Rey and geonisian soldier Rey is op. Sidious having healing immunity isn't fair he's op.
  • scuba
    14186 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Cardiff0 wrote: »
    scuba boba has a lot more utility. Ability block everyone at the start can change everything. He can. He your attacker and control the battle how you need to. In some setups I have to stop boba ability block or I will probably lose.

    I drop Vader for boba now unless it's an easy win and I want to smash Biggs $tup1d little face

    Agree he has more utility. Just responding to the Op that Boba is hitting to hard. I think even Geo Spy hits harder.
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    Georgemi6 wrote: »
    Also Rey and geonisian soldier Rey is op. Sidious having healing immunity isn't fair he's op.

    Actually against a Wiggs/Chaze team Sidious' heal immunity might almost be useful again.
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    Georgemi6 wrote: »
    Lol mob enforcer and CUP are out of control nerf them instead XD

    You are wrong. Lobot is OP and nightsisters are far better than rebels.
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    Months of ppl asking for him to get a rework, then he gets reworked, and then you get these nerf posts... smh...
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    First off Fett is farmable with Cantina Tokens, so not a Chromium. Geez I've had him 7* ready since last winter,lol.
    Second he was useless before and now is Decent, not Op
    Third I see F2P on my Shard running that build, also beating it.

    Finally if you think they will nerf a character they just reworked, very nicely in fact, you are nuts.
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    Georgemi6 wrote: »
    Lol mob enforcer and CUP are out of control nerf them instead XD

    You are wrong. Lobot is OP and nightsisters are far better than rebels.

    I'm guessing you haven't seen the ugnaught-self synergy. Legend has it that he can solo AAT
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    Oh ok didn't see that. And LOL.

    Yeah he isn't hitting too hard. Ability block can change everything but he isn't hitting too hard.

    It's funny, if you go to character strategies they said they were updating him to 40% per effect, and nerfing his leader (which looked sooo cool before but honestly who has gear for bounty hunters)..... but they haven't changed it yet in game
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    Georgemi6 wrote: »
    Lol mob enforcer and CUP are out of control nerf them instead XD

    You are wrong. Lobot is OP and nightsisters are far better than rebels.

    I'm guessing you haven't seen the ugnaught-self synergy. Legend has it that he can solo AAT

    You're all wrong... on an ancient shard long abandoned after a new meta released... I have discovered it... and am reintroducing that meta... this will destroy all other teams, and will rise to the top of the leader boards...

    Urr'o'ro'rrrur'or Leader
    Jedi knight guardian
    Night sister acolyte
    Storm trooper
    First order officer
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