Time to Nerf Bobba Fett


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    Fett is fine, now we can run a decent bounty hunter squad because of his rework.
    Besides he hits not that hard...
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    Chepin wrote: »
    Bobba Fett (LDR) Wiggs STH and Lando.... Good luck beating that team with a F2P to Dolphin team.

    All of the characters you listed *are* FTP.

    iN DarthJarJar | Team Instinct Δ
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    Boba who? What your team? Shaman, mob enforcer, Kylo, cup, nute and FOO?
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    Fett is nerfed congratulations u got what u wanted
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    Stop criying....go get yourself a whaburger and some french cries and stop posting crud like this you lily livered sissy nanny! >:)
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    The only thing that may need a nerf is chaze, the rest doesn't need
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    Bobba? Next we should nerf Count **** or Ray.
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    Bobba? Next we should nerf Count **** or Ray.

    Hmmm just found out D O O K I E is censored. The censor filter is OP we should nerf it.
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    I so don't understand the need to nerf...
    He is only dangerous like that versus squads with loads of buffs. Or with many debuffers. He really isn't that brutal.
    Rey hits harder in her sleep. Lando does as well. Never mind Wiggs.
    OP, please, please, THINK before you post.
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    On a serious note if you were on my shard..... Boba is one of the very few ways you could take 1st from me for payouts. I'm running 7* Jyn G10, 6* Chirrut/Baze, Wiggs. You either need a better Rebel team just described, Boba or B2 with some stout auto taunt. Nerfing Boba would lessen the diversity of Meta toons.
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    On a serious note if you were on my shard..... Boba is one of the very few ways you could take 1st from me for payouts. I'm running 7* Jyn G10, 6* Chirrut/Baze, Wiggs. You either need a better Rebel team just described, Boba or B2 with some stout auto taunt. Nerfing Boba would lessen the diversity of Meta toons.

    Thank you for making the point far better than I ever could.
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    Chepin wrote: »
    Hello Capital Games...
    I will keep the post short, if you are going to make a character hit for 60k+ on crits, then you should make him a Chromium only and rare drops.

    I understand that we all love Bobba Fett, but you should not make him so powerful, that we feel the need to play him or lose in the Squad Arenas.

    This game needs some serious balancing updates.

    Crying little baby got owned. Cry some more NOOB.

    Humans Are Such Easy Prey
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    I don't necessarily think he should be nerfed, but I just faced an Arena team with Boba lead, 88, shoretrooper, Wiggs. My team with Rex lead, QGJ, JKA, STH, EP took out everyone except Boba, losing QGJ and EP in process. No complaints there.

    Boba was in red. Took him out. He respawns. Executes STH. Still have Rex in green, no protection, JKA with almost full protection.

    Fight Boba again, somehow gets double bonus each time, beat him, but respawns, Rex in red, JKA green but no protection.

    Fight again, lose Rex, but he dies, Respawns and Executes JKA on last Respawn. I lost.

    That's what needs to be fixed. Endless Respawns with full health in Arena is ridiculous. The Respawn rate should reduce exponentially each time he dies. First time - 80%, (should never be 100), second time , 20%, third time 5%. Or something like that.

    I think that is a Boba fix, not a nerf, that most people could agree on.

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    Boba Fett was one of the first 4* toons I unlocked when this game first came out. I got him expecting him to be awesome; I was disappointed. He was incredibly bad and never saw any use. He now has be reworked into the biggest bounty hunter badass this game has to offer. Making him an ATTACKER was a good choice. Because he's an ATTACKER he will hit incredibly high damage with his abilities. Just because you're toons suck and you can't beat him doesn't mean he needs a nerf. He's easy to beat if you single him out.
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    Any F2P toons should never be nerfed.
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    Thanaton wrote: »
    Nerf Kylo...that guy is outta control.

    Agreed. He shouldn't crit for 6k, that's just nasty. Bobba Feet is fine.
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    Jeez I thought this thread went away...
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    Georgemi6 wrote: »
    Complain about chaze or something actually OP.

    Chaze can be killed with a tac nuke, they are not OP.
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    Naw wrote: »
    Georgemi6 wrote: »
    Complain about chaze or something actually OP.

    Chaze can be killed with a tac nuke, they are not OP.

    Ok they are not "op". They are just way better in comparison to about 95% of toons.
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    Boba is powerful after rework but not gamebreaking.

    Chaze on the other hand...
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    Naw wrote: »
    Georgemi6 wrote: »
    Complain about chaze or something actually OP.

    Chaze can be killed with a tac nuke, they are not OP.

    So, if you don't find chaze OP, I guess that nothing is OP for you.
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    I don't necessarily think he should be nerfed, but I just faced an Arena team with Boba lead, 88, shoretrooper, Wiggs. My team with Rex lead, QGJ, JKA, STH, EP took out everyone except Boba, losing QGJ and EP in process. No complaints there.

    Boba was in red. Took him out. He respawns. Executes STH. Still have Rex in green, no protection, JKA with almost full protection.

    Fight Boba again, somehow gets double bonus each time, beat him, but respawns, Rex in red, JKA green but no protection.

    Fight again, lose Rex, but he dies, Respawns and Executes JKA on last Respawn. I lost.

    That's what needs to be fixed. Endless Respawns with full health in Arena is ridiculous. The Respawn rate should reduce exponentially each time he dies. First time - 80%, (should never be 100), second time , 20%, third time 5%. Or something like that.

    I think that is a Boba fix, not a nerf, that most people could agree on.

    He only respawns when he has his Bounty Hunter's Resolve passive, which he regains when he (not an ally) lands a killing blow. Because he took out STH then Rex, he regained his BHR passive, and that lets his revive again. You hneed to put him down fast after the first time and he'll stay dead.
    And with a 50% double tap chance, it's not too crazy the AI got it each time. It was even 100% against STH.
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    Pff yet another Dawson's Creek thread.


  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Naw wrote: »
    Georgemi6 wrote: »
    Complain about chaze or something actually OP.

    Edit: <sarcasm>Chaze can be killed with a tac nuke, they are not OP.</sarcasm>

    So, if you don't find chaze OP, I guess that nothing is OP for you.

    Whoosh!! Let me help you, see my edit?

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    Iron_Zilla wrote: »
    Boba Fett was one of the first 4* toons I unlocked when this game first came out. I got him expecting him to be awesome; I was disappointed. He was incredibly bad and never saw any use. He now has be reworked into the biggest bounty hunter badass this game has to offer. Making him an ATTACKER was a good choice. Because he's an ATTACKER he will hit incredibly high damage with his abilities. Just because you're toons suck and you can't beat him doesn't mean he needs a nerf. He's easy to beat if you single him out.

    Not sure if you were directing that comment to me.

    My point was I DID beat him, multiple times, but a full health Respawn 3 times is ridiculous. You are essentially putting 5 toons against 8 in an Arena battle. Does that sound reasonable? Especially when the AI RNG already seems to carry an advantage.

    Again, I'm not asking for a crit reduction, change in ability block, or anything else. I think his kit is good, and he makes since as an attacker. None of that needs to change, or be nerfed. But his Respawn chance should decline each time, especially if he is respawning with full health. Make it 90-30-3% or something, but don't make 5 toons beat 7 to 8 toons. That is not a fair battle.
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    I don't necessarily think he should be nerfed, but I just faced an Arena team with Boba lead, 88, shoretrooper, Wiggs. My team with Rex lead, QGJ, JKA, STH, EP took out everyone except Boba, losing QGJ and EP in process. No complaints there.

    Boba was in red. Took him out. He respawns. Executes STH. Still have Rex in green, no protection, JKA with almost full protection.

    Fight Boba again, somehow gets double bonus each time, beat him, but respawns, Rex in red, JKA green but no protection.

    Fight again, lose Rex, but he dies, Respawns and Executes JKA on last Respawn. I lost.

    That's what needs to be fixed. Endless Respawns with full health in Arena is ridiculous. The Respawn rate should reduce exponentially each time he dies. First time - 80%, (should never be 100), second time , 20%, third time 5%. Or something like that.

    I think that is a Boba fix, not a nerf, that most people could agree on.

    Bounty hunters resolve should be dispellable or he should be re spawning with 0% turn meter. That's really the only things they should look to fix
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    Oh for siths sake stop this madness!

    Boba is great, your tactics need to evolve, end of story.
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    Lol i cant believe this dude,u think that team is op?face chaze,they are the true op,oh also the team u mentioned gets annihiliated by my vader and palp+ shore trooper,i bet you ill win with those 3 only on my side
    where is darth jar jar?
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    I dont think Boba needs nerfed... I think more bounty hunters need buffed. :3

    Also, Zam should be more accessible.
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