Time to Nerf Bobba Fett



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    Who is Bobba?
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    Bobba Fett? My day has been made, thank you.
  • JVU420
    429 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Chepin wrote: »
    Hello Capital Games...
    I will keep the post short, if you are going to make a character hit for 60k+ on crits, then you should make him a Chromium only and rare drops.

    I understand that we all love Bobba Fett, but you should not make him so powerful, that we feel the need to play him or lose in the Squad Arenas.

    This game needs some serious balancing updates.

    I dont play with him in arena and am doing just find. Boba is fine as is.
  • Mr_Eel
    124 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    The problem isn't Boba. Everyone has to level him ASAP, that's just the way it is. The problem is that the vast majority of us have neither the credits nor the gear to level him. No reasonable way to solve the problem either.

    Imagine I spend $100 on credits. Around 700k x 25 = 17.5 million. Enough to level one character. If I wanted to save up that many credits and halt all other progression? About two weeks of play time for the credits, another month for the gear. Not practical.

    I don't care if every new character does everything including having rainbows come out of their backsides, but if I can't level up my characters to compete, that's the real problem. I have Boba, I just can't afford to level him without sacrificing everyone on my tank raid squad to mediocrity.
  • Loose_Lee
    2733 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Boba has been f2p since beginning...

    They announced boba rework months ago...3 months i belive, i posted thread about and included vid with EA dev saying it will happen and all i got was peeps yelling at me IT WILL NOT HAPPEN!

    He is balanced now and useful and all is well.

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    Boba is fine. He is not OP and is the only F2P answer to Chaze and not a great answer at that. Boba went from useless to useful. That's it. I consider Wiggs, Ani, EP, and Lando to all be bigger threats.
  • vessaharja
    585 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Who is Bobba?

    Reminds me of that one thread where some Russian was calling for buffs on Boris.
    naturally meaning Barriss but because limited English and Star Wars knowledge


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    I don't necessarily think he should be nerfed, but I just faced an Arena team with Boba lead, 88, shoretrooper, Wiggs. My team with Rex lead, QGJ, JKA, STH, EP took out everyone except Boba, losing QGJ and EP in process. No complaints there.

    Boba was in red. Took him out. He respawns. Executes STH. Still have Rex in green, no protection, JKA with almost full protection.

    Fight Boba again, somehow gets double bonus each time, beat him, but respawns, Rex in red, JKA green but no protection.

    Fight again, lose Rex, but he dies, Respawns and Executes JKA on last Respawn. I lost.

    That's what needs to be fixed. Endless Respawns with full health in Arena is ridiculous. The Respawn rate should reduce exponentially each time he dies. First time - 80%, (should never be 100), second time , 20%, third time 5%. Or something like that.

    I think that is a Boba fix, not a nerf, that most people could agree on.

    And the moral of this story is this is why you leave Boba for last at your own risk. I've had the same thing happen. My response? Shrug and learn from it. Boba is most dangerous when your characters are all close to dead or well-buffed/debuffed. If I can, I kill him early now just to prevent this kind of scenario from happening. Boba does not need a fix or a nerf. We all need to learn to play against him. Or get one yourself. I love mine.
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    What is up with the silly OP threads? It's obvious you all just want to make your accounts better by nerfing someone else's toons.

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    Everyone that is winning with boba is gonna say he is not OP haha anyway I'm new what is a good strategy against him?
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    Chepin wrote: »
    Hello Capital Games...
    I will keep the post short, if you are going to make a character hit for 60k+ on crits, then you should make him a Chromium only and rare drops.

    I understand that we all love Bobba Fett, but you should not make him so powerful, that we feel the need to play him or lose in the Squad Arenas.

    This game needs some serious balancing updates.

    Well.. Bobas execute is not as strong as gspy and vaders executions .. But nobody wants them to ne nerfed.
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    Another noob whining around
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    Does Vader gets +100% Protection and 100% guarantee resurrection on each execute? no right? So boba's is way stronger than vader's.

    Chepin wrote: »
    Hello Capital Games...
    I will keep the post short, if you are going to make a character hit for 60k+ on crits, then you should make him a Chromium only and rare drops.

    I understand that we all love Bobba Fett, but you should not make him so powerful, that we feel the need to play him or lose in the Squad Arenas.

    This game needs some serious balancing updates.

    Well.. Bobas execute is not as strong as gspy and vaders executions .. But nobody wants them to ne nerfed.

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    Another noob whining around


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    vessaharja wrote: »
    Another noob whining around


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    Its spelled boba fett...
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    Another noob whining around

    I think its more a paywall whining. Nerf boba because iam not longer OP with chaze. Boba is the key
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    Chepin wrote: »
    Does Vader gets +100% Protection and 100% guarantee resurrection on each execute? no right? So boba's is way stronger than vader's.

    Chepin wrote: »
    Hello Capital Games...
    I will keep the post short, if you are going to make a character hit for 60k+ on crits, then you should make him a Chromium only and rare drops.

    I understand that we all love Bobba Fett, but you should not make him so powerful, that we feel the need to play him or lose in the Squad Arenas.

    This game needs some serious balancing updates.

    Well.. Bobas execute is not as strong as gspy and vaders executions .. But nobody wants them to ne nerfed.

    Spy's basic isn't capable of double tapping for upwards of 20k. Nor does he inflict aoe ability block. Nor is capable of reviving at full health for up to five times.
  • Options
    Loose_Lee wrote: »
    Boba has been f2p since beginning...

    They announced boba rework months ago...3 months i belive, i posted thread about and included vid with EA dev saying it will happen and all i got was peeps yelling at me IT WILL NOT HAPPEN!

    He is balanced now and useful and all is well.


    Captain plasma is balanced, Ahsoka is balanced, and Geonosian soldier is balanced. It's just that no one uses them because they're balanced. Boba pre-rework was balanced too, it's just no one used him because he was difficult to do well with.

    Boba now is overpowered just like wiggs and chaze and palpatine. Don't say he's balanced because he's not. Balanced characters are irrelevant now.
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    Chepin wrote: »
    Does Vader gets +100% Protection and 100% guarantee resurrection on each execute? no right? So boba's is way stronger than vader's.

    Chepin wrote: »
    Hello Capital Games...
    I will keep the post short, if you are going to make a character hit for 60k+ on crits, then you should make him a Chromium only and rare drops.

    I understand that we all love Bobba Fett, but you should not make him so powerful, that we feel the need to play him or lose in the Squad Arenas.

    This game needs some serious balancing updates.

    Well.. Bobas execute is not as strong as gspy and vaders executions .. But nobody wants them to ne nerfed.

    Spy's basic isn't capable of double tapping for upwards of 20k. Nor does he inflict aoe ability block. Nor is capable of reviving at full health for up to five times.

    Haha ive got screens, dealing 150k+ dmg.. Enemy had about 10 bffs.. But if u never tried out a maxed gspy who attacks 10 times more often than boba, u should stay silent bro. Haha ive seen 1m dmg vader and 250k gspy.. Well the best boba dmg i saw was 70k
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    Gavin5 wrote: »
    Everyone that is winning with boba is gonna say he is not OP haha anyway I'm new what is a good strategy against him?

    I don't really use him, unless I see a rebel buff squad with chaze. Kill him early, he's not a problem. Wait too long, you're hosed.
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