So chaze is just going to be ignored?


  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    I'm afraid that these balance issues are eventually going to kill the game. No one likes running into a team that's ridiculous to beat and then get told, "well you can beat it but the counters you need are behind a massive gear or zeta wall but the counters are free to play so stop your whining."

    since players have been complaining about OP teams and the lack of balance for as long as i can remember, i think it's safe to assume that it won't be the thing that's going to kill the game.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    leef wrote: »
    I'm afraid that these balance issues are eventually going to kill the game. No one likes running into a team that's ridiculous to beat and then get told, "well you can beat it but the counters you need are behind a massive gear or zeta wall but the counters are free to play so stop your whining."

    since players have been complaining about OP teams and the lack of balance for as long as i can remember, i think it's safe to assume that it won't be the thing that's going to kill the game.

    Well... at some time game will end and the all can say: "I've told you!!" :smile:
  • Quim
    665 posts Member
    edited January 2017

    I saw some videos about Chirrut and Baze defeating entire good teams, but were whale videos, with 7 stars Chirrut and 7 stars Baze, gear 11 maxed and very good mods, but I have checked it in the GW with 3 stars Chirrut gear 11 and 4 stars Baze gear 10, with normal mods, Baze without speed and Chirrut with more tenacity than offense, because I'm using them to protect my arena team, with Wedge, Biggs and Anakin, and anyway I got it lol these characters are very OP in this moment hehe
    Post edited by Quim on
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    If this isn't an indication that they need to be nerfed I don't know what is.
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    The sad thing is that people will argue that they aren't OP. Apparently, they have a counter. Here's the thing though: you shouldn't need a specific counter to beat two toons using five toons, especially when the team of five has higher stars.
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    That's a very difficult team to go up against regardless of one's average arena rank. However, we're talking about it being encountered during GW.

    Experiment with your roster and take out one member of the opposing squad. Then try again with your top 50 arena squad. If you exhaust your ideas and simply can't get past the team then you don't finish GW for one day.

    Did you look at the stats, mods, and/or abilities of the opposing squad's members? Did two of them have Zeta abilities? Did you try using K2S0? Hey! I didn't have anything to do with the K2S0 thing, but I mention him because a lot of people have him. He can Daze, preventing a 5's from gaining turn meter or using counterstrikes. You can go in and remove protection from said squad. Go in again and try a squad with a lot of stuns to take out a first character, etc.

    Moments when the game is harder & we have things to figure out should be fun. If something comprised of multiple new elements (, such as Zeta abilities and a character that's earned as the top reward from the hardest teir of the hardest raid, ) should lose to your top 50 squad that entered the fight without 100% protection...

    What are you playing this type of game for if not the puzzling challenges?

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    Dev ~ "This is working as intended. We spent hours balancing this pairing to make sure they fit right in with the current game. By the way, there is a new pack available for the low price of $99.99 that will give you a chance to get 1-5 Chirrut or Baze Malbus shards. There is also a chance to get Scariff Rebel Pathfinder, Hoth Rebel Scout, and Hoth Rebel Soldier shards. Some shard duplicates are possible. Pick them up now."
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    To be fair, this is GW he's talking about, not a fight for rank #1 in arena. That's just like asking someone who is level 75 to fight a level 85 team, he is not ready for this team yet, and he shouldn't be if he is top 50 as opposed to top 5. There has to be fairness to ensure that people don't play teams that are almost unbeatable for them in GW, where the opponents are based around you personally.

    I've beat these squads before, but just because many of us can beat them, it doesn't mean that players lower than us also have to face them

    Just to let you know GW last 4 battle is 110% of your squad power, so he's between 8K-42K power, so it's not an issue. It's supposed to be hard so he needs to quit complaining.
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    The sad thing is that people will argue that they aren't OP. Apparently, they have a counter. Here's the thing though: you shouldn't need a specific counter to beat two toons using five toons, especially when the team of five has higher stars.

    Yea it's called b2, B2 comes in handy on both of them.
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    BUFF those toons, now! :D
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    I like that a common sentiment in this thread is that Chaze doesn't need tweeking and that we should just wait for POWER CREEP to make them irrelevant. As tho that is in any way a sound strategy for a competitive game. Just wait until the next super powered character set comes out that does 5 things with each ability and now have 7 ability slots and 8 Mod slots.

    Makes sense you nerf herders.
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    I'm pretty sure dispellers will be the next meta to counter Chaze.
  • John_Matrix1985
    2276 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Mithos wrote: »
    Just fought a team in GW that was litterally untouchable
    Gen kenobi leader
    All were 7 star except kenobi at 6, it was impossible to do any dmg at all with baze fives and kenobi taunts, mass crit immunity, 3-5+ heals on everyone the whole fight, retribution on everyone, foresight popping up all the time...

    I usually finish top 50 in arena easily and had my arena team at full hp almost full prot with the tm advantage and couldnt get anyone on this team to actually lose health...

    Just because not many people have these toons is no reason to ignore thier obvious balance issues expecially as time passes and more people get them

    Sounds like @Kelthuzad team.

    As far as i know that squad never loses a toon on offence against any combo
  • BrillO
    320 posts Member
    Darlex11 wrote: »
    Dev ~ "This is working as intended. We spent hours balancing this pairing to make sure they fit right in with the current game. By the way, there is a new pack available for the low price of $99.99 that will give you a chance to get 1-5 Chirrut or Baze Malbus shards. There is also a chance to get Scariff Rebel Pathfinder, Hoth Rebel Scout, and Hoth Rebel Soldier shards. Some shard duplicates are possible. Pick them up now."

    Haha oh my god

    ...a new pack for the low price of one hundred dollars! (literally the most expensive single thing you could buy)
    ... Will give you (Wait for it)... a chance
    ... At a small fraction, of a character

  • xReDeMpx
    1690 posts Member
    The sad thing is that people will argue that they aren't OP. Apparently, they have a counter. Here's the thing though: you shouldn't need a specific counter to beat two toons using five toons, especially when the team of five has higher stars.

    This but somehow people will justify they aren't a little too good and for everyone else to suck it up.

    There are like 2 actual viable toons to combat chaze and that's boba and B2 which you would be forced into using out of the 100+ toons

    Even with only meta toons that's still only 2 viable options out of approx 30 meta toons

    When you have a toon that is a Swiss Army knife they should be mediocre in all roles for their kit with maybe one specialized role not do multiple roles at excel and be one of if not the best in them.
  • Allenb60
    2171 posts Member
    Thanks for the video and saving that dynamic duo for the last node
  • Allenb60
    2171 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    JayNyxx wrote: »
    If this isn't an indication that they need to be nerfed I don't know what is.

    To be fair that galactic war team didn't have the best synergy, Shoretrooper was assisting instead of Lando, and Palpatine wasted his stun on tenacity
  • xReDeMpx
    1690 posts Member
    Allenb60 wrote: »
    JayNyxx wrote: »
    If this isn't an indication that they need to be nerfed I don't know what is.

    To be fair that galactic war team didn't have the best synergy, Shoretrooper was assisting instead of Lando, and Palpatine wasted his stun on tenacity

    Going against AI in general is RNG

    2 toons taking on 5 meta toons shouldn't be possible.

    I dare have you put in any other 2 toons other than chaze and try to take out a team of 5 meta toons like they do
  • Allenb60
    2171 posts Member
    xReDeMpx wrote: »
    Allenb60 wrote: »
    JayNyxx wrote: »
    If this isn't an indication that they need to be nerfed I don't know what is.

    To be fair that galactic war team didn't have the best synergy, Shoretrooper was assisting instead of Lando, and Palpatine wasted his stun on tenacity

    Going against AI in general is RNG

    2 toons taking on 5 meta toons shouldn't be possible.

    I dare have you put in any other 2 toons other than chaze and try to take out a team of 5 meta toons like they do

    I'm not arguing the combination isn't overpowered, just that there seemed to be a bit of luck involved
  • Trixxietriss
    9 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Dear Devs,
    While I like Baze Malbus, he is way to overpowered, especially in pvp and galactic war.
    He has way to many abilities that often make it impossible to even get a go against a team with him on it.
    Starting the encounter with a taunt and reciprocate buff is a bit harsh.
    But then having turn downs and extra damage etc all at once.
    Is he supposed to be a tank or major dps, because at the moment he is both and you could probably just go into a fight with only him and win.
    In galactic war I sent 26 lvl 84-85s that are nearly min maxed and can't get past their team. Half the encounters I didn't even get a shot off. I even sent all my low lvl canon fodder against them to blow their CD abilities.
    I know this is a pay to win game model, but for those of us who can't afford to pay $500 to play this game, this type of character is game changing and likely to make people not want to play.
    If I keep getting blocked in galactic war every day and can't finish it, then I'll be leaving as I'm sure others will.
    Post edited by Mageduckey on
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    Personally I have no problem with Baze when chiruit is not there. I just put buff immunity on him (EP and TFP can reliably do this) and then wait for him to take a turn, and he never taunts again. Now if chiruit was to be there to form the chaze combo... that's a different story. Honestly the nerf needs to be focused on chiruit more than on Baze.
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    +1 Agreed. Baze is broken
  • Henchman805
    317 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Poxx wrote: »
    Boba is great against them, B2 is great against them. EP's shock is great against them.

    EP (L), TFP, Shore, Boba, B2 = Chaze dead.

    No nerf is needed, just creativity.

    So I just fought a Baze team and killed all but Baze... Then he single handedly killed off my b2, tie, shoretrooper, and Boba 4v1

    maybe if Palpatine was alive too at the end all 5 of my 7 star gear 11 guys could have killed his 4 star gear 11 toon
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    So this whole general area has been filled with nerf Chaze posts literally 100s of them to sift through.

    I'm not advocating for or against nerf but 1 location to discuss it instead of literally hundreds of threads would be good for the community to centralize the conversation.
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    Nice video Quim
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    A megathread to discuss potential nerfs in general is a great idea

    Make it happen someone
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    Baze + Chirrut makes almost every old characters released lame, and zetas is not enough to change it. They didn't need to work as good as they do. They could nerf them and they would still be the meta.
  • snakeye626
    28 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    So you suggest DEV to screw over people that pay for chaze ? How about take your time and maxed out gears of your toons...and I'm pretty sure chaze won't be a problem. There's plenty of toons that can counter chaze, they aren't op. Instead coming in here crying for nerf, get back to the grind like everybody else you'll get there.
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    snakeye626 wrote: »
    So you suggest DEV to screw over people that pay for chaze ? How about take your time and maxed out gears of your toons...and I'm pretty sure chaze won't be a problem. There's plenty of toons that can counter chaze, they aren't op. Instead coming in here crying for nerf, get back to the grind like everybody else you'll get there.

    This! The cry nerf threads are ridiculous.

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