GW difficulty increases dramatically at level 60


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    Puglio wrote: »
    Congrats on the run. If you were to condense this into some kill order and team composition strategies we could keep in mind, what would it be?

    I normally go for rezzers (Daka and Ewok Elder), if present. Then Darth Sidious (he is in almost every team), then the other healers. Dooku sometimes dead last because attacking him does so much damage to your own team. Then again leaving him alive also does a lot of damage to your team, plus stuns.


    Normally I go for

    Rezzers > Glass cannons > Extreme Buffers > Sidious > Dooku > Healers > Tanks

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    Can't believe you didn't face teams over level 67! Something is really wrong!!!

    It is unusual which is likely why I got the perfect run. Usually Battle 9 thru 12 are tough and sometimes I will face teams 3 levels above me.
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    Only 6 teams with Sid. I remember the good Ol GW days back when I never faced a 7* character. Its like a slap in the face seeing this and thinking if you are serious. I complete GW but its a constant retreat battle after facing many *7 Star teams with heroes that can one shot from the start. The game is completely different when you are facing 25000+Power each round.

    I did say the teams between battle 7 and 12 were a bit weaker than average for me, which is probably why I got a perfect run. This was the first time for me. Usually I have to burn thru all my pawns and several of my secondary teams to win, but I still win.
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    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    Or hit Sid dodge bonus attack oh sorry dodge hit lumi dodge counter jc sorry bud dodge are u still able to keep ur characters health up enough for the next 7 rounds coz 7* level 67's are waiting to dodge u
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    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    It's random, have a deeper roster or throw level one to get blown up. Everyday is different.
    You can all go to hell, me... I'll go to Texas
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    pay2win wrote: »
    GW is not static. Some days it is harder. Other days it is easier.

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    dkredsox wrote: »
    You must not have searched very hard. There's a new post about this at least once every day. "A couple of days" is not a big sample size. Like pay2win said, some days it's easier, others harder.

    I mostly just found posts about the retreat feature, nothing about matchmaking that explained it. Thanks for the heads up though. I know it's not a large size, just thought it was weird that every single galactic war I've been through has been much easier than the last two days. Sounds like I've just been lucky.
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    Give them tissues to NERF POE CRY BABIES instead I complete GW every day and beat "Poe" every day so I'm good but AI's evasion is broken and if u noobs ^^ don't think it is then that's ur opinion and just coz uv learned how to post pictures on here don't wanx over it u losers
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    To many no it alls on this forum will tell u it's easy blah blah blah but yeh it has got a lot harder I'm completing it every day but is a push I kinder love the challenge but when I face a team like today which dodged 8 or so attacks with a team led by Sid it gets a bit stupid but I think that's just the evasion on the AI being a bit broken just upgrade ur healers and tanks first then go back to the dps after
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    It may just be me, but it seems that the AI is focusing characters a lot more than it used to. Maybe this is just like Onyxia deep breathing more. That in itself makes it harder, and IMO is a good thing (especially if they can make tanks/healers relevant).
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    You seem to get easy battles if this is close to your norm. I normally face at least 2-3 squads with a 7* or 2 in them and normally it's lumi or Sid.

    You can call it luck or coincidence maybe but I think there is more truth to arena rank making your GW easier, I'm not superstitious but every time I jump arena BEFORE I run GW the run of 1-12 seems harder.
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    Nitric wrote: »
    You seem to get easy battles if this is close to your norm. I normally face at least 2-3 squads with a 7* or 2 in them and normally it's lumi or Sid.

    You can call it luck or coincidence maybe but I think there is more truth to arena rank making your GW easier, I'm not superstitious but every time I jump arena BEFORE I run GW the run of 1-12 seems harder.

    I get 7* level 68, 69, & 70 opponents sometimes just not today. As for Arena rank well my rank today is actually higher than normal. Most of the time I float between 200 and 300.

    Generally my GW is tougher than today, but I usually can still make it to battle 9 or 10 before being forced to make substitions or use pawns. My first retreats tend to occur around Battle 7 thru 9 normally. Usually by Battle 3 all my opponents are level 60.
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    Thanks for sharing this. I was also thinking to start a thread something like this. In spite I have a thin bench (only 5 toon max levelled) I am winning GW every day since they have changed the retreat button. What I like the most that I usually finish within an hour.

    How can you take pictures with your phone and share it? Is it possible to record video too? (on a Samsung Galaxy Tab)
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    ZKlegeny wrote: »
    Thanks for sharing this. I was also thinking to start a thread something like this. In spite I have a thin bench (only 5 toon max levelled) I am winning GW every day since they have changed the retreat button. What I like the most that I usually finish within an hour.

    How can you take pictures with your phone and share it? Is it possible to record video too? (on a Samsung Galaxy Tab)

    Not sure about video, but on the iPad you just hit power and home at the same time and it takes a screenshot. I have never used a Samsung Galaxy but I bet if you google "how to screenshot on Samsung Galaxy" you'll find out how.

    I'm actually considering doing this again tomorrow since alot of people think I only get weak opponents everyday. I will post it if I do.
  • BrobiWanKenobi
    277 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Your battles are a joke hahah

    Face these teams every day

    4 battles in



    Edit: I'm rank 200-250 in PVP and the same level as OP
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    Your battles are a joke hahah

    Face these teams every day

    4 battles in



    None of those are unbeatable and honestly only the Poe team would likely cause me to burn pawns or a secondary team to beat it. I encounter those Phasma teams all the time. **** near everyone on my server runs Phasma teams. I cannot control which teams I am matched up against any more than you can. I will likely post another one of these tomorrow and while it's unlikely I'll get another perfect run I'm 99% sure I'll win again.
  • Keyzer_Soze
    117 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Let's see how you do when you face this squad
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    Let's see how you do when you face this squad

    No doubt that squad is difficult, but that is Battle 11.

    My strategy would be to send in a team of pawns. AI always uses it's special abilities regardless of your teams level. Leia will go stealth, Poe will taunt, Genosian Solider will call in an ally, Sidious will dot everyone etc. etc. If they managed to kill off my pawns before I got rid of Leia & Poe's special I would send in a 2nd team of pawns that would draw out the specials. Then since it's battle 11 I would likely send in my B Team where I would focus fire Leia because Poe's taunt is gone and Leia's stealth is gone now. I would kill Leia at the very least and maybe Qui-Gon Jinn as well the remaining 3 or 4 would destroy my B team. I would then either bring in my C team and clean up or bring in my Primary team and clean up. Then onto Battle 12.
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    Past 2 weeks cant get past last 2 fights!
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    Your battles are a joke hahah

    Face these teams every day

    4 battles in



    None of those are unbeatable and honestly only the Poe team would likely cause me to burn pawns or a secondary team to beat it. I encounter those Phasma teams all the time. **** near everyone on my server runs Phasma teams. I cannot control which teams I am matched up against any more than you can. I will likely post another one of these tomorrow and while it's unlikely I'll get another perfect run I'm 99% sure I'll win again.

    You're right, they're not unbeatable...I beat all of those teams, it's just hard as **** because I don't use taunts or Barriss. And I understand your post was to help others who are struggling - a nice change actually. Just tired of seeing players posting about GW being easy when they don't face anything higher than 4-5* squads haha. I'm sure you could have used better examples though, you're about the same rank and level as I am.
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    Your battles are a joke hahah

    Face these teams every day

    4 battles in



    None of those are unbeatable and honestly only the Poe team would likely cause me to burn pawns or a secondary team to beat it. I encounter those Phasma teams all the time. **** near everyone on my server runs Phasma teams. I cannot control which teams I am matched up against any more than you can. I will likely post another one of these tomorrow and while it's unlikely I'll get another perfect run I'm 99% sure I'll win again.

    You're right, they're not unbeatable...I beat all of those teams, it's just hard as **** because I don't use taunts or Barriss. And I understand your post was to help others who are struggling - a nice change actually. Just tired of seeing players posting about GW being easy when they don't face anything higher than 4-5* squads haha. I'm sure you could have used better examples though, you're about the same rank and level as I am.

    No it's usually not easy. Sometimes I have to burn thru all my pawns and teams to win. Today was unusual that I didn't face a single lvl 67 or higher team. I will try again tomorrow, but server isn't a bunch of pushovers or a weak server IMO. These are the top 4 on my server


    You are right though, I was only trying to help.
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    Shanobiwon wrote: »
    To many no it alls on this forum will tell u it's easy blah blah blah but yeh it has got a lot harder I'm completing it every day but is a push I kinder love the challenge but when I face a team like today which dodged 8 or so attacks with a team led by Sid it gets a bit stupid but I think that's just the evasion on the AI being a bit broken just upgrade ur healers and tanks first then go back to the dps after

    Know it alls, grammar ****, "stop whining" members, and guys that bash players who pay are part of all mobile game forums. I'm use to it. Thanks for the helpful advice. I have been neglecting tanks for the most part. Will try to catch them up to my healers and dps!
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    I know I have. At this point it drains enjoyment from the game. Until I get Daka and a full second team I've resigned myself to 4-500 tokens a day. I could get farther. But it's just not worth the frustration of throwing a ton of suicides at every battle after 7 and retreating 20 times for one battle to find the right mix of RNG luck.

    GW has become a chore to me, and in a game that is a bad thing.

    Ya ya, I know. I'm a whiner.
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    It is getting to be too much like work. I spend about 10 minutes doing my dailies, 20 minutes on arena and an hour and a half slogging through dooku sid lumi phasma teams in GW. It's rapidly losing its appeal to me as well.
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    It is getting to be too much like work. I spend about 10 minutes doing my dailies, 20 minutes on arena and an hour and a half slogging through dooku sid lumi phasma teams in GW. It's rapidly losing its appeal to me as well.

    Work is exactly the term I would use. My goal is to get to battle 6. After that I go till I lose my healers and hang it up. Yeah I'll suffer while others that have a deep bench finish it and jump me in arena. But I have to otherwise I'll probably quit the game. I will NOT spend an hour on gw trying to find the right RNG combinations.
  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    It is getting to be too much like work. I spend about 10 minutes doing my dailies, 20 minutes on arena and an hour and a half slogging through dooku sid lumi phasma teams in GW. It's rapidly losing its appeal to me as well.

    Jesus, I usually complete my GW in less than 20 minutes
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
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    Arube wrote: »
    Jesus, I usually complete my GW in less than 20 minutes

    Yay for you. I'm a scrub that has been concentrating on gearing his A team, and thus has a very powerful team that's killer in arena, but toast in gw once healers go down. I don't have the money to build a bench fast. I need Daka, then I might try hard again.
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    Me. It is not enjoyable whatsoever
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