GW difficulty increases dramatically at level 60


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    Artas wrote: »
    Nobody knows, even EA and CG... I am lvl 67 and faced lvl 70 top chars with the perfect synergy... and it was at stage 7...

    Do you have at least two 7* characters? and have you finished in top 20 of arena?
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    This is still happening. After I lose 3 or 4 of my main squad toons, the difficulty suddenly drops to near-0.
    It makes no sense that in the first half of GW, I get pwned by 7*, max gear, max level squads, and then after I lose the most important characters in my squad, I get super easy teams. Or does it?
    Furthermore, I'm not even sure these are real players. Or are there people out there who are level 68, and level up their characters to 68, but keep them at grey/green/blue gear?
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    It's a weird system my personal theory is that server, arena rank, and overall power play a part. But there is an element of chance to each level. Today opponent 6 was lower level and gear than opponent 5 for me. It's a mystery that the devs are playing VERY close to the vest. If they even fully understand the algorithm used to determine opponents.
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    Furthermore, I'm not even sure these are real players. Or are there people out there who are level 68, and level up their characters to 68, but keep them at grey/green/blue gear?

    Maybe those are their suicide squads!

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    You know I did my GW and about 3/4 of the way through I lost my Lumi and JC in a single fight to these huge 7* teams so the last 3 battles I did without any healers and some of my less optimal chars like Talia and chewie and like you've shown the teams got sufficiently easier
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    I really dont think its actual teams taken from other players because today i fought a team that were all level 53, 3 or 4 stars but they all had either zero gear level or below 3. I find it hard to believe actual players have these teams or characters.
    Pretty sure its based on your arena rank not for who you fight but for what difficulty you fight. Like a rank 50 player will have pretty tough fights and a rank 550 player will have a much easier time winning. Im always around the 100 mark in the arena and my friend is around the 600 mark and hes won a lot more GW's than me even though his characters arnt stronger or more plentaful and hes definitely not a better strategiser than my.

    The reason i think its like this is because someone getting 600 rank in the arena rewards has less arena tokens and crystals to spend so its compensated by them being more capable in the GW. I.e. farming GW shards.
  • stupidfatfool
    715 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    There are two theories that I can derive from this:
    1. If you lose your top toons, you'll get easier battles. This shows the importance of having a deep bench that's 5 levels lower than your max toons. Theoretically, you could just sacrifice your A team in the first few rounds, and then see if all the rest of GW is super easy. I have no interest in pursuing this, but if anyone does, please let me know what your results are.
    2. Other players' suicide squads are counted in the mix of "real GW teams". Thus, everyone should keep using suicide squads so we have easy enemies. This theory is hard to test.
  • Ardychun
    23 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I had this happen to me too and thought it occurred because of the same reason as you. Although I was too big of a wuss to kill guys on my A team in future gw to test out if that was the cause.
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    I'm not sure server matters guys.
    I run into teams in GW (high end teams) that dont resemble ANY of the rank 1-50 teams in arena, they are in fact much better and higher geared/starred/leveled.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    chipmunk19 wrote: »
    [*] GW progresses from teams that are a couple levels weaker --> teams at the same level --> teams that are a couple levels higher. it's one interpretation of how a real "war" works. the trick is having enough toon depth and strategy to beat even the higher level teams while lasting long enough to go through all of them.
    Red_Glare wrote: »
    - The mechanics behind gw's matchmaking isn't clear yet, but the principle is that you will face 12 enemy teams which get stronger (much,much stronger for someone) with every battle.

    This is not necessarily true. There is also consideration of what characters you have available to you at each GW stage. See here:
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    the last 2 days i have run into lvl 60-62 teams in the last GW battle (i am atm lvl 67)
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    Every time I start GW I pray to RNGjesus that I don't run into whale team compositions.

    I still only have 8 meaningfully lvled n geared/semi geared toons.

    Rest are below lvl 40 have little to no gear -.-
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    Awesome creativity
  • chipmunk19
    128 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    This is not necessarily true. There is also consideration of what characters you have available to you at each GW stage. See here:

    No idea if they tweaked anything after you lose your top toons. All I know is that I just completed GW today without losing more than 2 of my top toons and it was exactly as expected (progressively more difficult based on my player level).
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    "progressively more difficult based on my player level)."

    That's the typical format but for the last two days I been noticing group levels are all over the place.
    But I guess that's what happens when it's a computer auto selecting the teams.
    Rng is rng.
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    For me, the 7th battle was always hard, 8 easier, 9 hard and 10 easier. The last few days the final battle has been low 50s or 40s. I'm consistently in the top 5, normally rank 2, even made rank 1 once. I have 2 7*. All of that is myths.
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    J7000 wrote: »
    At level 66 I'm using Bariss, Daka, Lumni, GS, and Poggle. I breeze through GW 99 percent of the time just with these five. Occasionally I get a pretty OP team that I have to send the droid bteam after or have to send a suicide squad to blow the cool down of an enemie Poe. Perhaps I'm just lucky, I dunno. But I also have a lot invested into my bteam and even cteam. Pretty sure I have a much bigger roster than most. It's hurt me a little in arena but I still end up in the top 20 in my server and sometimes top 5

    Yeah, lucky. I have all the chars you mention highly starred and believe me, they won't last for even round 6.

    When you level up, DAMAGE scales more than HP. Thus, when facing an enemy, no amount of healing keeps you alive. So the meta switches from healing to doing enormous damage early on, with maybe 1 heal to make chars decent for a next fight. But the battle ends at turn 2. You high damagers ensure that it ends fast and abruptly - therefore no healer has a chance to cooldown. If you don't do it this way, the enemy may have things like GS, FOTP and QGJ. Your chars can be ine shot much for healing lol, you'd need Daka revives!
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    All we really have are educated opinions and speculations.

    I for one, have so far not run into any teams getting weaker as I progressed.
    This obviously conflicts with what others are running into.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    I was victim again of another unfair matchup today in the 8th round. Matchups of teams 4 levels higher with more stars should not be happening. Only 400 tokens today; ouch.
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    Thanks for all the feedback!
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    Per devs get your top five power level and your best ever arena ranking.
  • MousseTampi
    88 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Top 40-50
    Lvl 64
    Power 20k+
    toons i have 30
    Gw is easy for me.
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    The third question is the important one. Power of top 5 toons. Just make sure you have a 4* in there somewhere and GW is on cruise mode.
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    Today I faced the squad bellow. Is that any challenge for you? :)

    Mestre Fábio - My YouTube Channel - My SwGOH profile - Brazilian player? Come to play with us, AAT heroic, contact me
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    I'm running Phasma, Sid, Chewie, Lumie and JC (purple) at level 58, and I still have a tough time of it. Today I hit a full purple level 62 team, followed by a 3/5 purple 61 team (second-last node). I'll promote Sid after arena rewards today and will have Phasma at purple tomorrow, but I'm still running into unbeatable teams sequentially.

    My suicide squad is Luke, Ahsoka, Tahlia, Ventriss and Aylah Securah (mid50s), but they're only useful for wiping cds and maybe taking down one. I'm getting wrecked mostly by Sid and Dooku (nobody else really gives me grief).
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    fberbert wrote: »
    Today I faced the squad bellow. Is that any challenge for you? :)


    Jesus, and that's only battle 10.
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    fberbert wrote: »
    Today I faced the squad bellow. Is that any challenge for you? :)


    I cleared my GW today, never faced a toon higher level than me, didn't see a single 7* (and 2 6* only) and 12th battle was vs lvl 58 (I'm 65).

    So yeah, matchmaking matters
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    fberbert wrote: »
    Today I faced the squad bellow. Is that any challenge for you? :)


    This it just awful!!! SERIOUSLY who has a 7* FOTP and Maul?! Even pay to win! Nobody that's who! GW is just a cruel joke played on us all...
    How are they going to change the retreat option (fundamentally altering how GW is played) without explaining how opponents are generated? Kinda shady devs...
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    I think there's plenty of evidence that seems to indicate the number of 7* in your main squad is a very important factor. I have seen screenshots from someone in my server. He has slightly less level than me. They play the same server, and de started roughly at same time. De both get arena rewards in same bracket. But he faces teams significatively tougher. The only difference I can think of, is that he has the typicsl 7* Sid/Lumi etc, while I star'ed my team evenly (I have droids and I get 1 stars each to those who Shares Shipments).

    This OP hints that the CURRENT level of stars matter.
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    Alright so I just hit 70 and my GW run today started to be lvl 70 max gear toons at node 6 :D
    It was also my 50th clear. The difficulty was insane but fun! Made it nevertheless and had to use my full B and C team. Seems like when you hit 70, it gets even harder hehe
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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