GW difficulty increases dramatically at level 60


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    66. Today drew three 7* purple level 62s on the first freaking node. Haven't bothered trying to finish GW in about 4 days because of 4 straight draws like this
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    You are 66 and complaining about lvl 62 on the first node?
    Man that's easy.. That's not even max gear yet. 3 purple 7* and you forfeit by default, that's one way people like to complain about GW (not even trying it).
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    fberbert wrote: »
    Today I faced the squad bellow. Is that any challenge for you? :)


    Lol. This is only passable sending fodder. If that Poe taunts you are guaranteed to lose 2 chars if not 5 as most likely scenario.

    I do get teams like this often maybe every other day. You need high quality fodder that ensures Poe's taunt goes away, and then tontry a fee times until Dooku and Daka freeze one if not two guys. Once you get that, you can come out with only two chars dead...or maybe even one dead. If you have Lumi and Daka on cooldown you are toast and will lose a fee chars for sure.

    If you get 3 teams like this in a row (happened to me ince) things look nasty. Had to fight the last fight with a B-team variant with no heals and it took 25 mins to do so.

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    In my case . Every day round 8 ist the most difficult. Round 9 and 10 are just a little bit easyer. 11 and 12 are still hard, but a lot easyer than 8, 9 or 10.
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    Just started using phasma lead, Poe, Poggle, GS, and FOTP for arena and it kicks ****. Jumped up about 100 ranks and still climbing easy. Still having difficulty with Galactic wars though. Once my first team of barriss (lead), lumi, JC, old Ben, and Aalya goes down I can only sneak out 1 or 2 more rounds and haven't reached the end in a while. Does anyone else have a better GW team I could use or possibly a good B team that can help me with late pushes?
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    fberbert wrote: »
    Today I faced the squad bellow. Is that any challenge for you? :)

    A dev playing GW?lol
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    I usually go with:
    Barris (Leader), JC, GS, QGJ, and Leia
    I'm lv 69 and it kicks out the first seven rounds easily. Afterwards, I use suicide squads to drain their special and put back my A team to the fight
    I rarely use my B team because it is not needed.
    Sometimes I swap Leia or QGJ with Dooku/Lumi/Sidious depending on the team I face. Hope this helps!
  • Amnor
    116 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    I use this team for over a month and I had no issues with GW. I usually just blaze through 12 battles under 30min without any reset.

    Barriss - 4*, gear VIII & 4/6
    Lumi - 7*, gear VIII & 5/6
    JC - 7*, gear VIII & 5/6
    Old Daka - 6*, gear VIII & 5/6
    Dooku - 5*, gear VIII & 4/6

    3 healers are crutial. Last 2 heroes should depend on individual preferences - with Barriss/Lumi/JC combo GW can be easily done with any other 2 toons. I preffer more control over dps, but anything you pick should work.
    Just learn how to efficiently recover your HP and cooldowns during the 2nd half of each battle and it will become walk in the park...

    I forgot - gearing up your chosen team is crutial. You can have the best heroes but without best gear they are just as weak as bunch of Ugnaughts. I added my current gear and star count, but since I started to use this team I was trying to keep highest possible gear lvl for each toon
  • QGJM
    318 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    QGJ (Lead), Poe, FTOP, Rey, Ben (or GEO for Rey or Ben - have to validate that)

    Almost Everyday on #1 somedays on #2 or 4#
    Even when the other Poe taunts first, my through QGJ speeded Ben chanced the odds in my favor.
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    Since I started this post I have had some better luck lately. Oddly enough today my hardest team was on the 12th node. I have been Running Barriss, Lumi, JC, Qui-Gon, Sid and it has been very effective. It also helps that I was able to level up and gear up across the board instead of my top toons.


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    Keep all the scaling based off 12 rds the same, but change it to 10 rounds.

    As far as I'm concerned, GW has gone exactly how I thought it would a couple weeks before the update. Instead of a fun challenge, it's become a frustrating daily grind. It's ruining the whole game for me, because the majority of my time is auto playing the challenges, simming through my energy and refills in 5min or less, leaving GW and waiting to play arena until just before the roll over.

    GW is the only part of the game I feel like I play any more, with the exception of a few minutes total of arena play. I don't think it should be a cakewalk, but with the way it seems to be scaling, people who aren't whales get heavily penalized,with losing abilities to CD and/or toons at battle 6, and then again at battle 8, making it exceedingly difficult to finish off. I'm level 66, and at node 9 I'm running into decked out 69s. The team is beatable, sure, but not in away that let's me make it through the next 3 games.

    I think the current setup with 10 battles would keep the challenge element and remove some of the utter despair a lot of players seem to be experiencing, while making the it seem less of a chore experience.
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    2 days ago on my last node i faced a all 7* all lvl 69 droid team with hk as leader my highest level toon was lvl 66. Thankfully i had olny lost one toon before that battle because it ate my a and b teams for lunch. In gw i run 1 of 3 teams based on who i face and where my cool downs are at. I still fail maybe 1 out of 10. I dont think its too hard I just think sometimes you get unlucky. Gw rewards players who spread their love over several toons instead of building that one ultimate squad.
  • Tony167
    231 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    I typically stay up top in arena rankings with my squad . I'm not on an older server tho. But it does well for me.

    Sid lead 7*
    GS 7*
    Leia 7*
    FOTP 6*
    Poe 6*
    All purple gear. Sometimes switch out a couple toons for QGJ , Phasma or Rey

    For a B team in GW I usually throw out a droid team or a Phasma led team with kylo, and a few high damage characters.

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    I noticed a big leap in difficulty
    garublador wrote: »
    I've heard people claim the difficulty ramps at 58, 58, 60, 61. 62 and 63, but I just hit 63 and I've got 30 GW wins (almost all in a row). I'm not bragging, I'm just illustrating that matchmaking takes more than level into account. My team isn't anything special and I'm not some uber-gamer or anything. I didn't even start using crystals for energy refills until a couple days ago.
    Well, I found my magic level where GW gets super hard. Right when I hit 64 the difficulty ramped up substantially. I went from maybe losing 1 or 2 characters and a retreat or two to needing 3-4 suicide squads and losing my entire B team and most of my A team and several retreats to complete GW. And that's after ~30 wins in a row. I apparently hit some threshold on arena rank (I may have just passed 400 around the same time) or team power or something that grouped me in a higher tier of player.

    What's bizarre is that you can actually improve your characters and GW can get much harder very fast. You'd think that improving your team would make it easier but that's not necessarily the case.
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    Is it normal for the Galactic War to skyrocket in difficulty when you hit a certain level? I just hit 57. It went from the first fight being 40'ish and final fight low 50's to starting at 50. The second battle had 60+ characters! This is
  • Song
    863 posts Member
    fberbert wrote: »
    Today I faced the squad bellow. Is that any challenge for you? :)


    Did you able to beat it?

    Send suicide squad, then Squad B and main Roster?
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    I have the exact same question, GW just went from fairly easy to completely impossible for my recent lvl. I'm lvl 58 and on round three I get teams with 6-7 stars and all of them with gear lvl 7. It's not that i have a "bad setup", it's just ridiculously hard.. :( It may have started at lvl 57 for me too.
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    I had a lot of trouble completing GW between Lvl 57-61. Ive heard a lot saying the same too. Seems to have leveled out since then and I've been able to finish it daily again.
  • Shenzor
    40 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    I definitely think there is a theory to this my galatic was today I purposely let my whole a team die on the first encounter (risky I know) and the hardest fight I got was a team at lvl 50 and I still managed to clear it with my worse charas

    I'm not at home atm but when I am I'll upload the screenshots


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    Also if people are really needing their GW tokens and shipments then I wouldn't recommend it if my results are just a coincidence
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    Furthermore, I'm not even sure these are real players. Or are there people out there who are level 68, and level up their characters to 68, but keep them at grey/green/blue gear?
    All opponents in GW are actually AI generated teams. I recently found out when I was randomly scouting for Allies in different storymode battles and recognized one after the other player name from the previous Galactic War.

    This is just my own theory though, but it would be VERY coincidental IMO if my AI ally names would match those of my GW opponents by accident.
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
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    Everyday I've come here I read about how people can't beat Galactic Warfare, whereas I haven't had any issues for a long time. I've beaten it 42 times so far and over 30 times in row right now. So I decided to record my progress today in an attempt to help those that are having problems. I was expecting things to go pretty normal, but it ended up being a perfect run. I will admit that some of the teams between battle 7 and 12 seemed a bit weaker than average, but I often get teams 3 levels higher than me and still have no issues beating them. My kill strategy is always the same. Use Sidious to apply healing debuff focus fire, heal when necessary, and use taunt to save people when heals are on cooldown or I'm heal debuffed. So here goes.

    My Primary Team

    Battle 1: Kill order Jedi Consular, Luminara, Jawa, Chewbacca, Captain Phasma

    Battle 2: Kill order Anakin, Jedi Consular, Chewbacca, Savage Opress, Boba Fett

    Battle 3: Kill order Resistance Pilot, Sidious, Dooku, IG-86, Aayla

    Battle 4: KIll order Poggle the Lesser, Jedi Consular, Jawa, Chewbacca, Jedi Knight Guardian

    At this point I was able to level up Luminara to 67 and upgrade Chewbacca to Tier 8

    Battle 5: Kill order Genosian Soldier, Jedi Consular, Luminara, Chewbacca, Talia

    Battle 6: Kill order Asajj, HK-47, Ahsoka, Luminara, Captain Phasma

    Battle 7: Kill order Sidious, Dooku, Jedi Consular, Luminara, Chewbacca

    Battle 8: Kill order Luke, Sidious, Jedi Consular, Luminara, Savage Opress

    Battle 9: Kill order Biggs, Sidious, Luminara, Bariss, Boba Fett

    Battle 10: Kill order Sidious, Jedi Consular, Bariss, Ima-Gun Di, Obi-Wan Kenobi

    At this point I was able to level up Captain Phasma to 67

    Battle 11: Kill order Asajj, HK-47, Jedi Consular, Bariss, Captain Phasma

    Battle 12: Kill order Old Daka, Sidious, Dooku, Savage Opress, Jedi Consular

    The Final Blow

    Everyone is still alive. No deaths. No Retreats. No Substitutions.

    Galactic Warfare cleared for the 30 something time in a row

    My current Arena ranking I'm really not all that good

    My Galactic Warfare wins

    Honestly today was easier than most, generally I can take my primary team to around Battle 9 or 10 before I have to start making substitutions or send in pawns to absorb the special abilities. Normally I would try to take my primary team to Battle 10 and then send in pawns first then send in my D Team, then my C Team, then my B team at which point I'm on Battle 12 and my opponent only has a few characters left then I just send in my primary team to clean up.

    I have 22 characters level 60 and up, all 4 star or higher, and Tier 6 or better. Then I have 7 level 50s, 13 level 40s, and 2 level 26s. Every character under level 60 is a pawn to me to absorb specials and hopefully take an enemy or 2 with them. I will always retreat if I lose one of my primary team members and I will often try a new kill order or even try using different attack abilities before making substitutions or sending in pawns. The reason being is the AI will change it's target and it's attacks based on your target and attacks. For example if they are focusing Jedi Consular and he's dying over and over I will simply change my kill order and possibly my attack ability and the AI will change to a different target and use different abilities than they were normally using.

    This was my first perfect run, the closest I have come to a perfect run before was Battle 11 but I played it safe and brought in secondary teams to weaken the last opponents down before cleaning up with my primary team. I didn't start winning Galactic Warfare consistently until I had 2 or 3 full level 60 teams. I hope this was of some help to someone here.

    My B Team: Boba Fett, IG-86, Biggs, Greedo, Grand Moff Tarkin

    My C Team: Count Dooku, Darth Vader, Kylo Ren, Asajj Ventress, Old Daka

    My D Team: Jedi Knight Anakin, Talia, Jawa, Ahsoka Tano, Luke Skywalker

    All are level 60 or higher. Questions are welcome
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    It's hard enough trying to beat 10 teams at level 67 with 6/7* characters but that's not where it ends bcoz within this ridiculous marathon u will have 6 of ur attacks dodged just when ur about to kill the enemy but this is the funny part co I tried it myself and u might want to give it go aswell, I put out the same team as the enemy to see if my team will dodge me to victory and guess what happened..... Nothing not even on little simple sneaky get out of jail dodge NOT ONE can the devs explain this please coz in my book that's cheating
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    Monkeyman wrote: »
    GW is a cinch with the new retreat. Lose your favourite toon? Retreat and try again. Look like maybe perhaps the AI is going to win by virtue of his Poe taunt and a Poggle buff without laying a finger on you? Retreat and start again. If you are really in deep mud and the AI squad includes FOTP, Rey, etc? Throw in a B squad to take their specials and maybe do a little damage. Then throw in your A Team again.

    I don't mean to be offensive, but people must be really retardish to not complete GW virtually every day.
    See attached.
    If you are going to shoot, shoot, don't talk - Tuco Ramirez
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    Congrats on the run. If you were to condense this into some kill order and team composition strategies we could keep in mind, what would it be?

    I normally go for rezzers (Daka and Ewok Elder), if present. Then Darth Sidious (he is in almost every team), then the other healers. Dooku sometimes dead last because attacking him does so much damage to your own team. Then again leaving him alive also does a lot of damage to your team, plus stuns.
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    Hello All,

    Sorry if this is a duplicate post. I searched for a bit but found nothing terribly useful. The last couple of day I have struggled to complete galactic war past the 6th-9th nodes. Prior to this, I was regularly clearing GW's. Did something change? I'm seeing teams 5+ levels above me with all purple gear way early in GW. I'm level 55 and seeing level 60+ players this early in GW? Is that usual for anyone else?
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    GW is not static. Some days it is harder. Other days it is easier.
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    Only 6 teams with Sid. I remember the good Ol GW days back when I never faced a 7* character. Its like a slap in the face seeing this and thinking if you are serious. I complete GW but its a constant retreat battle after facing many *7 Star teams with heroes that can one shot from the start. The game is completely different when you are facing 25000+Power each round.
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    I searched for a bit but found nothing terribly useful. The last couple of day

    You must not have searched very hard. There's a new post about this at least once every day. "A couple of days" is not a big sample size. Like pay2win said, some days it's easier, others harder.
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