Palpatine and Yoda Event's



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    your mentality is very selfish tbh.. what exactly are you losing if other people get a chance at getting Palp?
    Didn't you get the same chance to get Palp for having a bunch of rebels? so why shouldn't others.. ?
    Just because you happened to farm rebels first doesn't mean you're more entitled to having Palp.

    Im not trying to be selfish and Im sorry if I came across this way. When these toons first came out above the event tittle it said Very Rare Event well that didn't last very long. Now the events will be monthly that's not Very Rare to me. I put in a lot of time and effort to get these two toons and now they are making it easy for people to get them if they want.
    2761 posts Member
    your mentality is very selfish tbh.. what exactly are you losing if other people get a chance at getting Palp?
    Didn't you get the same chance to get Palp for having a bunch of rebels? so why shouldn't others.. ?
    Just because you happened to farm rebels first doesn't mean you're more entitled to having Palp.

    Im not trying to be selfish and Im sorry if I came across this way. When these toons first came out above the event tittle it said Very Rare Event well that didn't last very long. Now the events will be monthly that's not Very Rare to me. I put in a lot of time and effort to get these two toons and now they are making it easy for people to get them if they want.

    I don't really remember Yoda being billed as a "extremely rare event". I do remember palp being billed that way and the fact that he has come and gone 2 times in what, 7 months, is very rare to me. It's time to change to a new "extremely rare" event.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
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    i think it's great and i have both of them. but neither are starred out so i'm super excited the events will be around more often. mostly the emperor's event.

    not sure why people complain when something that started out rare or to pay comes around more often or free. everything in this game will at some point be obtainable by everyone who is f2p.

    it's also the way if the world. once they've made there money off of whatever it is there is no real money left to be made. i'm sure most have both of these toons. just not all have them starred out so there is no more money to be made selling packs to upgrade rebels or jedi for these events. might as well make them more obtainable.
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    I think it's great! I also think it was great to have him be an "extremely rare" unit for a year. Sure they could have waited until April or May but this is good too.
    314-187-745 || Event Suggestions | Bounty Hunting || #JuhaniNextJune #PadméPlease
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    With the meta shifting to empire it makes sense to put at least a few of the best empire characters where they will be reasonably easy to get. Right now the only empire toon that is as easy as the standard Wiggs rebel teams to get is the TFP.
  • HeWhoWanders
    155 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    Edge wrote: »
    They start off describing the Palp event as being extremely rare in the hopes that folks will spend real money to quickly level/gear up their rebels because they are afraid they won't get another shot. Once that's been milked as far as it will go they then make it a regular thing to give the appearance of added content.

    Oh well, at least it isn't yet another tournament...

    You understand if you did spend money or put the work in and got a short stick, say couldn't finish the final tiers than this is a GOOD thing because it means you didn't waste your time or money just to wait 4 months at another chance. If you spent the money because you needed him that badly right now, thats on you.

    Yoda was the same way it happen rarely, so pay players had the advantage to get him stronger more exclusively. Then they made it happen on rotation and casual players were able to get him as well no problem. Same thing here EP was rare i.e. players with more complete collections got more access to his event. Now they are adding him into rotation so casual and F2P players can unlock him. If you had a 7* Yoda or EP in the first two times either event was run ever; means you were probably dropping some dosh, while F2P would be lucky to unlock him. EVEN MORE IMPORTANT! Is this means the devs are likely working on a new character rare event.... Jedi Luke? (speculation)
  • Luuuuke1717
    81 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    your mentality is very selfish tbh.. what exactly are you losing if other people get a chance at getting Palp?
    Didn't you get the same chance to get Palp for having a bunch of rebels? so why shouldn't others.. ?
    Just because you happened to farm rebels first doesn't mean you're more entitled to having Palp.

    Im trying to be selfish
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    With the meta shifting to empire it makes sense to put at least a few of the best empire characters where they will be reasonably easy to get. Right now the only empire toon that is as easy as the standard Wiggs rebel teams to get is the TFP.

    the meta is shifting to empire?

    NOTE TO SELF change empire team to ANYTHING but meta.

    i never go with the meta, time to dust off some of the toons i never use and throw them to the wolves in the arena
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    spotremix wrote: »
    With the meta shifting to empire it makes sense to put at least a few of the best empire characters where they will be reasonably easy to get. Right now the only empire toon that is as easy as the standard Wiggs rebel teams to get is the TFP.

    the meta is shifting to empire?

    NOTE TO SELF change empire team to ANYTHING but meta.

    i never go with the meta, time to dust off some of the toons i never use and throw them to the wolves in the arena

    because? Just run the team you want, who cares if it's meta or not..
    Save water, drink champagne!
    2761 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    Is this means the devs are likely working on a new character rare event.... Jedi Luke? (speculation)

    A new sith that they teased is much more likely than Jedi Luke considering the timing and it is "dark side february".
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • DrewR
    272 posts Member
    Timing sucks. I has the only 7* EP in my shard and rest all in 5*!
    Oh well, I don't even use EP.
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    leef wrote: »
    spotremix wrote: »
    With the meta shifting to empire it makes sense to put at least a few of the best empire characters where they will be reasonably easy to get. Right now the only empire toon that is as easy as the standard Wiggs rebel teams to get is the TFP.

    the meta is shifting to empire?

    NOTE TO SELF change empire team to ANYTHING but meta.

    i never go with the meta, time to dust off some of the toons i never use and throw them to the wolves in the arena

    because? Just run the team you want, who cares if it's meta or not..

    because i despise the meta to the point where i will not be allies with anyone who uses it.

    i want creative people who just want to have fun as allies. not whales who's only concern is being number 1. it's so boring using what EVERYONE else is even if it would be my favorite toons.
    DrewR wrote: »
    Timing sucks. I has the only 7* EP in my shard and rest all in 5*!
    Oh well, I don't even use EP.

    if you don't use him why did you bother getting him??
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    Lol the sense of entitlement op posses.
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