Game update: for 2/15/2017 (Lord of Hunger) MEGA THREAD


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    Guild leader is always crazy lucky on pulls but he bought 1 8 pack and pulled a full jyn and 10 more shards. This is the same guy though that maxed baze on day 1 with 3 8 pack pulls. Literally 3 full baze in 1 8 pack.
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    Happy Thursday folks! We've updated the first post of this Megathread with some quick FAQs regarding Darth Nihilus-

    That's ok too! I'll post them here so I don't distract from the now
    Darth Nihilus FAQ

    Will using Drain Force to increase the cooldowns of a character with 2 special abilities decrease the cooldown of Annihilate by 2?
    • No. Drain Force can only decrease the cooldown of Annihilate by 1 (max) per target hit.

    Will the cooldown of Annihilate reset at the start of each battle in Galactic War?
    • Yes.
    How does Annihilate interact with Raid Bosses?
    • Annihilate deals massive damage (99999) to Raid Bosses, but Nihilus does not gain Max Health.

    But how does Drain Force will interact with special abilities that wasnt cast previously and not on cd in that time? Will abilities gain 1 turn CD up on this skills and cant be casted this turn? Or nothing happen to them?
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    Will he insta-kill Rancor if Rancor is the targetted enemy?
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    nope, but he will do massive damage (99999)
    F2P - lvl 85 - July Shard - Primary Force Guild Force a Fide Guild -
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    Then the description is incorrect.

    *pushes glasses up nose*
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    Then the description is incorrect.

    *pushes glasses up nose*

    Best post ever - I lol'd.
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    Striker wrote: »
    Happy Thursday folks! We've updated the first post of this Megathread with some quick FAQs regarding Darth Nihilus-

    That's ok too! I'll post them here so I don't distract from the now
    Darth Nihilus FAQ

    Will using Drain Force to increase the cooldowns of a character with 2 special abilities decrease the cooldown of Annihilate by 2?
    • No. Drain Force can only decrease the cooldown of Annihilate by 1 (max) per target hit.

    Will the cooldown of Annihilate reset at the start of each battle in Galactic War?
    • Yes.
    How does Annihilate interact with Raid Bosses?
    • Annihilate deals massive damage (99999) to Raid Bosses, but Nihilus does not gain Max Health.

    But how does Drain Force will interact with special abilities that wasnt cast previously and not on cd in that time? Will abilities gain 1 turn CD up on this skills and cant be casted this turn? Or nothing happen to them?

    It will most likely work like deathtrooper's grenade and increase the cooldown from 0 to 1, which means they won't get to use any special ability on their turn. Like ability block i guess...
    F2P - lvl 85 - July Shard - Primary Force Guild Force a Fide Guild -
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    Darth Nihilus FAQ

    @CG_Kozispoon Awesome! What about the interaction between Nihilus leader ability and Dooku zeta?
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    I'm super iffy about putting a zeta on Nihilus. I need to see how he plays out. It's between him and maul.
  • Kozispoon
    3245 posts EA Staff (retired)
    • Cooldown increases effect abilities that haven't been used. So 0 Cooldown will go to 1.
    • Under Nihilus lead, Dooku will have no Protection to recover but he is a Sithtacular beast with 150% health steal.
    Thank you for your patience 8D Forum Guidelines
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    • Cooldown increases effect abilities that haven't been used. So 0 Cooldown will go to 1.
    • Under Nihilus lead, Dooku will have no Protection to recover but he is a Sithtacular beast with 150% health steal.

    You guys and gals are still evil for making us wait this long to get our hands on nihilus lol

    I doubt you can directly answer this question, but can we get a price point for the character packs that come at the end of the event?
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    Obviously Zooku will gain protection which will be converted into health. It's the reason why his Zeta ability is like that.

    "Gaining" 10% protection is not the same as "Stealing". Zooku will not get any health from GAINING PROTECTION.
    Zooey wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Obviously Zooku will gain protection which will be converted into health. It's the reason why his Zeta ability is like that.

    It states, healing that is not a health steal is blocked.... his protection gain is not a steal.

    This doesn't seem to be obviously stating what you are saying.

    It is a health steal. Since the protection is converted into health, Zooku will gain 10% Max Health. If this turns out to be wrong, I'd also want to know what happens to Sith Trooper under Nihilus lead if his bonus protection will be converted into health or not.

    Health steal only occurs when a character is doing dmg, an x percentage of that dmg gets added to the health bar of the attacking character.

    Thanks for the information but I already know that.
    well, it kinda makes what you said earlier impossible...

    I was referring to Dooku's Zeta ability. He gains 10% protection whenever he counter attacks.

    But if he has no protection, he can't gain protection. Seems pretty clear to me.

    That's why his gained protection will be converted into health.

    And since health can only be GAINED through "Health Steal" his protection WILL NOT BE CONVERTED.
    Nihilus' lead Ability doesn't say anything about converting protection gained through battle into health either. So either there is something we aren't seeing in the rules or you are reading his ability WAAAAAAAAAAAY WRONG.

    No need to be rude.

    The reason why they implemented Dooku's Zeta in the first place is because of Nihilus's leader ability. If it doesn't then the devs clearly didn't use their brain.

    Kozi just just released comments about Nihilus stating: Under Nihilus lead DOOKU WILL HAVE NO PROTECTION TO RECOVER

    Humans Are Such Easy Prey
  • Haxthar
    156 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    His basic dispels all buffs on the target, he can 'instantly kill' his target with assasinate, and %70 health steal for sith?? Are they kidding with this..?
    Post edited by BentWookiee on
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    I don't see any increase to Vaders basic or force crush
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    150% health steal when maxxed! Reeeeeee!!!
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    Sith will need that 70% life steal seeing as they have no protection buffer, and cannot be healed by any means aside from the life steal. The instant kill will make him a priority target, focused down most often. And his basic..well that's nothing new really.
  • Cambo
    31 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    I'd wait and see how he functions in game before overreacting. He also disables any other healing option other than life steal, and Sith cannot crit with him as lead.
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    Sith also will not be able to crit.
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    Lol another noob OP thread. YOU HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN HIM PLAY YET........
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    Sith can't crit? How does that work, I must have missed that
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    Nihilus isn't being brought in to be balanced. He's being brought in to make money.
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    Tjbear02 wrote: »
    Lol another noob OP thread. YOU HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN HIM PLAY YET........

    All early indications are he will be a must have and you can't deny some of his abilities are kinda ridiculous c'mon..
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    Sounds great like so many other toons but there are counters to everything. I surely won't be spending anything on the overpriced packs that will be following the event. The whole thing smells like krooper 2.0
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    Haxthar wrote: »
    Tjbear02 wrote: »
    Lol another noob OP thread. YOU HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN HIM PLAY YET........

    All early indications are he will be a must have and you can't deny some of his abilities are kinda ridiculous c'mon..

    Throw a couple speed downs, heal blocks, and ability block on him. Easy peasy
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    Annihilate insty kills targets not assassinate....
    Humans Are Such Easy Prey
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    Berimbolo wrote: »
    I don't see any increase to Vaders basic or force crush

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    There will be counters yes but you'll have to focus on him as soon as you see him. Also since you have no influence in the outcome of arena defenses he will be bumping you down a few pegs there. It's the Annihilate though, should there be an insta-kill ability. Well I'll try to give it a chance to play out. I've heard some good points.
  • Kozispoon
    3245 posts EA Staff (retired)
    Hiya! Yep, its me again- LADEN with further news! Did you see that client restart? What's up with that? Give this handy dandy link a clicky
    Thank you for your patience 8D Forum Guidelines
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    It's kind of funny that people are worrying about annihilate when wiggs can still "instakill" a toon at the start of a match. They don't even have to wait 8 turns to do that. Straight out of the gate: boom. Dead.
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