Come Feel The Force and recruit your Padawans here! Basic Guilds Only Please!


  • Options
    I have a guild with 18 spots left we rotate T4-T5 raids we plan on moving to T6 and up as soon as possible we do a 24 hour 0 damage on raids other then that we have no rules just looking to have fun if interested in joining and growing with us my ally code is 469-456-353
  • CollinnOfENIGMA
    153 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Galactic ENIGMA is now recruiting players Lvl 50+! We are an up and coming guild with active players who are looking to build a strong team for all and we are growing fast! So if your guild is inactive or you are just looking for a challenge, we might just be what you've been looking for! So come and join with us! Become a part of the Great Mystery of the ENIGMA!

    **Currently 5 spots open!**

    Guild Leader Ally Code: 412-724-126


    Facebook Page Link:

    Currently, Facebook OR Discord are required for Announcements and communications.(Either is fine)

    Raids: Rotating Tier 4-6 Rancor and Normal AAT. Our goal is to build to Heroic Rancor and beyond! We do have a 24/0 damage rule so that all may benefit!

    We look forward to welcoming you into our family….

    And as always…May the Force Be with You! 
    Post edited by CollinnOfENIGMA on
  • yawnin_serpent
    2 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    A new guild, Wild Space Cartography, is looking for players level 30-50ish who want to do the lower tier raids T1-T3 for now. Use the exchange, do your grind. Raid time would be centered around highest contributors active times. So if you want a raid at a specific time you'll have to earn it. At least this way its not always fixed and allows all members access based on contribution.

    Come explore the furthest reaches of space with us.

    My ally code
  • Options
    If you've reached level 50, and can't wait to get to level 85, Corellian Refugees is the guild for you. We have a core group of 85s who are looking for other daily players that we can help build up to higher levels (I end up giving away loads of gear in the exchange).

    Hit those daily challenges, strive for 600 raid tickets, chat with other guild members for guidance, and let's have some fun kicking Rancor's behind while we're doing it!

    Raid tiers and rules will be set to the level of the guild members at the time. Might run a tier 6 for higher levels, and then a tier 3 or 4 for our 60s in order to keep everyone moving up. Goal is to get every guild member leveled up to compete at heroic-caliber raids in the future.

    PM me for more details, or add me using ally code 581-332-129.
  • Vikan88
    48 posts Member
    we are ten lvl 85 players ho started a New guild when the other guild was not good. we take players from lvl have to be active player and play like a team in the raids. you also need to use the chat in the game to stay in touch with other members. with many active players we can soon take on heroic ally code is:593-648-645

    send a ally request and i Will add you to the team:)
  • Options
    Omega Guild
    Guild leader Darth Omega 246-171-957
    Officer (me) Oran Solowalker 883-291-677
    Officer RJL199 191-657-959

    Myself, 2 buddies from work, and one of their cousins left our old guilds and formed a new casual one. We currently have 14 members, all but 4 are 50 or lower.

    We are looking for anyone of any level as long as you log in at least once a day at least 6 days a week. The only actual requirement we have is that you try to spend your normal and Cantina energy to produce raid tickets every day.

    We are currently 3 manning the Tier V rancor raid in 3 days once every week or two due to us only making about 4k raid tickets a day. All you have to do is get one 5* character and just post at any time from start to completion and collect free rewards for you current to future characters.

    We are also doing our first, and VERY SAD attempt at the AAT raid. With only 3 of us able to really do anything at all on it. It has been a month, and we are still at about 40% left in P1.

    At least half of our group is pretty really social and we are often providing tips and advice when ever people need help.

    Myself and the guild master also pay allot of attention to the theory crafting with new updates to try to provide any pertinent information for anyone in our guild that might want to plan their character progression through new updates.

    Our guild donations are surprisingly active.

    If you are super active but dont like being bogged down by lots of guild rules and raid no poste times, wether you are new or a veteran, come check us out. Our guild is open so anyone can join, and if you decide it isnt for you, then we wish you well.
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    Broke Homogeneity is a new leveling guild recruiting active players levels 30+!

    We were founded recently by myself and two others who are level 45-50 after playing for 2 weeks. We are small right now but if you join and stick with us, it will be worth it.

    We are currently doing low level raids, and we will eventually move up when we're strong enough.

    All we are looking for is players above level 30 who will contribute raid tickets and donations on a daily basis.

    My ally code is 778-385-573, send me an ally request and I'll send you a guild invite!
  • Options
    We have 3 open spots in HD ARC. Whether you are an experienced player preparing for HAAT, or a developing player looking for guidance and high level allies so you can grow quickly - you have found your home in House Divided!
    <3 House Divided ARC <3
    Our guild is gearing up for HAAT and we are looking for like minded active players to help us achieve our goal. We currently run Heroic Rancor/Normal AAT 3 - 4 times per week with a bonus raid every other week.
    More Raids = More Rewards = Stronger Toons = MORE FUN!

    In HD ARC, guidance from experienced players (including our HAAT brothers/sisters) is available to help maximize your success without having to learn everything all on your own. We coordinate our rules and schedules to help our guild family maximize rewards and rotate top spots. We run various creative competitions to promote healthy and fun growth while making everything as fair as possible for everyone. HD is a family and every voice is important. No selfish players need apply. 47/50 and Invite Only. Contact info below.

    Note: Discord is a requirement to join. We use it to communicate and coordinate raids, share tips and strategy and chat with the entire guild community.
    PS: US time zones and English speaking guild
    DrMrsTheMonarch Ally Code: 315-891-696
    Discord: DrMrsTheMonarch #9659
  • FlapMaster
    143 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Post edited by FlapMaster on
  • Vikan88
    48 posts Member
    we are ten lvl 85 players ho started a New guild when the other guild was not good. we take all players have to be active player and play like a team in the raids. you also need to use the chat in the game to stay in touch with other members. with many active players we can soon take on heroic ally code is:593-648-645

    send a ally request and i Will add you to the team:)
  • Options
    Hellos! :D just made me a new guild called The Gallifreyan knights needing more members to join if interested add my ally code 794-418-475 and ill send you an invite. its just normal basic guild just trying to get started. pretty friendly grope of people willing to help out new players as well
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    "RUSSIA SPB" RECRUITs 75+Lvl active players.
    We are international and friendly Guild of Russia. Main chat languages are Russian and English.
    - We do 6stars Rancor and AAT at the moment.
    -We claim 600 tickets daily and active participation of raids.
    --We value donations( Give something to get something!)
    ---We tolerate ONLY up 10 days of AFK
    For joining add
    Feanor - Ally Code : 184-459-675
    or search SWGOH Russia SPB on LINE
  • TK_421
    198 posts Member
    We are looking for 2 more active member to join our guild. We are looking for members 70+ who have several 6* or higher characters so that they’ll be able to participate in tank raids and tier 6 rancor raids with full squads. We do not have a ticket requirement but are looking for very active players who will contribute to guild tickets, gear exchange and participate in raids. We currently have a group LINE chat going with over 20 members on it but it is not a requirement. We use it because it is easier to communicate on, share strategy, and send screenshots of the game. There are a couple of very experienced members in our guild who are able to guide you along the way or answer questions that you may have (this is their second account).
    We have been doing tier 5 rancor raids 3 times a week for a few weeks. We attempted a tier 6 the other day but it was a little too much for our lower level members so we plan on dropping back down for a couple more weeks to allow everyone to get a few more squads of 6* characters. We look out for our lower level members by donating lots of gear to them and waited for them to get characters to 6* before making the jump to tier 6 rancor raids. We have members from all over the world so we alternate raid times to make it convenient for everyone to hit different phases in the raid.
    If interested add me at ally code 977-185-135 and I’ll send you a guild invite or you can PM me with any questions you may have about our guild.
  • Options
    The Sons of Dathomir are a friendly & active Guild.

    We are striving to reach the top of the leaderboards and have only a few spots remaining. We are looking for level 80 or higher players as long as you are active, enjoy the game and invested upon becoming better.

    We use the LINE app but it is not mandatory only encouraged.

    Join us & grow stronger together.

    Guild: The Sons of Dathomir

    Jaxx Saber Ally code : 318-296-939

    Apply now or send me a private message.

    Thank you for your consideration.
    May the Force be with you.

  • pph717
    10 posts Member
    Disgrace Before Dishonor is a growing guild committed to helping our guild-mates grow and enjoy the game. We are looking for active players who want to advance and learn the game with friendly and experienced players. We do not set level or character limits, as activity and enthusiasm are more important for us at this stage.

    RAIDS: We are currently running Tiers 4, 5 and 6 Rancor (2 or 3 a week) and normal AAT. We are looking to progress to to Heroic Rancor in the coming weeks.

    TIME ZONES: Guild Activities Reset: 17:30 UTC/GMT, most players from USA/Europe.


    - Contribute 600 (or near enough) guild raid tickets most days and actively participate in raids;
    - Participate in chat in-game and/or our LINE chatroom;
    - Check gear exchange daily and contribute whatever you can to help guild mates grow;
    - Register at; and
    - Have fun and socialize!

    CONTACT: PM me in forum, add me in game (ally code below), or look up Disgrace Before Dishonor in game and join up!

    If you PM me, please include your ally code in your message.
    Ally Code: 956-193-986
  • Vikan88
    48 posts Member
    we are ten lvl 85 players ho started a New guild when the other guild was not good. we take all have to be active player and play like a team in the raids. you also need to use the chat in the game to stay in touch with other members. with many active players we can soon take on heroic raids. lower raids will be done sometimes, so lower lvl players can get ally code is:593-648-645

    send a ally request and i Will add you to the team:)
  • Options
    Rule of 1 is a new guild dedicated to helping members develope. I founded this guild because I was tired of watching the low ranked players working their tails off to earn raid tickets just to be excluded from the raids. Then if there was a low raid, watching the high level players take the top spots!

    Rule of 1 will make sure that raids are evenly distributed. We have active and friendly officers that will help you build teams ready for heroic raids.

    Our high level members ally with our lower level members to help them beat those difficult nodes.

    Join The Rule of 1 today and reach your full potential! My ally code is 921-297-388.
  • Options
    We have started a new guild called Yorkshire Nerfherders.
    4 weeks ago me (level 85) and my work mate (level 85). started a new guild. Already got 49 members. We are evenly spread from level 28 to level 85. We have just had another strong 85 join us who also helps develop.
    We are looking to build a friendly and supportive guild who help each other with strategy. No pressure targets. All we ask is be nice, be respectful and join in the guild.
    We currently are alternating between T5 and T6 rancor. We are dropping the T5 at end of month and then moving to T6 and likely Heroic rancor. Have a member who can solo the T5 and T6 so likely they will be able to do the Heroic. I am very very close to solo-ing the Rancor also.....

    We do have set raid guidelines (zero score for 1st 24 hours, separate start times for those under level 70, those of 70-79, then those over 80...) however to make sure everyone gets a turn before top levels come in.
    We'd love you to join us and help build a really strong community that can stay together and progress together.
    Either message me for details or just send an ally request. My ID is 617-824-143
    Mijas Baldrizian
  • JonH
    1 posts Member
    I've created a guild today, I'm level 48, and looking for similar levels or below to help each other out. My previous guild only did high level stuff, I want to have a guild where players of all levels can do the various challenges and raids. I don't claim to be an expert, but looking forward to working with others like me. PM me if interested.

  • Options
    The Sons of Dathomir are a friendly & active Guild.

    We are striving to reach the top of the leaderboards and have only a few spots remaining. We are looking for level 80 or higher players as long as you are active, enjoy the game and invested upon becoming better.

    We use the LINE app but it is not mandatory only encouraged.

    Join us & grow stronger together.

    Guild: The Sons of Dathomir

    Jaxx Saber Ally code : 318-296-939

    Apply now or send me a private message.

    Thank you for your consideration.
    May the Force be with you.

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    IF Your looking for a clan that accepts all levels and does tier 3 and up raids depending on the level of all clanmates join here at Galactic Elite Troopers we barely started the clan And have 8 active members. If interested my ally code is 453-619-745.
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    Hi, I represent Darkstar Heroes, a developmental level guild part of a three guild alliance. Darkstar Heroes is looking for similar budding level players and/or a merger(s) from similar types of guilds into it.

    About Darkstar Heroes
    -Majority are active players
    -5k ticket average
    -Atm, no immediate action results in termination
    -Completes at least first tier of daily guild activities
    -Donations encouraged
    -No enforced 600 ticket rule
    -Players range from 20-80
    -Line group chat optional, recommended

    About Darkstar Heroes raids
    -Raids range from tier 3-5 rancor
    -Raids determined by democratic vote
    -Mountain time zone

    Things you'll gain with the merger
    -You may appoint as much leaders as officers
    -Join a small guild alliance. If you become stronger than the current level of the developmental level guild, you can voluntarily move up to the higher tier running guilds: TWD Saviors, which is running tier 6 rancor and AAT, or Damage Control Inc, which is running heroic rancor and plans to run heroic AAT.

    End goal of Darkstar Heroes
    The ultimate end goal is for all three guilds in the alliance to be able to run heroic level raids of rancor and AAT. Rise together with a budding group of players to steadily ascend the level of raiding. Get help from veteran players through the line group chat. Use line notes and read guides from veterans to excel in areas of the game.

    Contact Darkstar Heroes leader missekay

    Further questions? Ask missekay
    Want real time response? Add on the line app missekay
    Want to join? Add 397-399-911*

    *Due to missekay's filled list of allies, it is preferred to be added through fellow officer,

    Ally code: 247-273-955

    Side note: later today Darkstar Heroes will be running tier 4 rancor. Join now and get in on the action.
  • Vikan88
    48 posts Member
    we are ten lvl 85 players ho started a New guild when the other guild was not good. we take all have to be active player and play like a team in the raids. you also need to use the chat in the game to stay in touch with other members. with many active players we can soon take on heroic raids. lower raids will be done sometimes, so lower lvl players can get ally code is:593-648-645

    send a ally request and i Will add you to the team:)
  • Options
    No Refuge is recruiting!

    Currently we have 44 members, so we have 6 open spots for a daily player! Preference will be given to those who are 70s+ or have at least one 7* toon for rewards and can produce daily tickets =D. We are looking to fill our guild with active, fun players! We provide a fun growing and learning environment for new players as well as the seasoned!

    We are looking for daily players who can contribute and can participate in Tier 6 and heroic rancor, and can help us knock down the AAT tank raid going. For those of you who want more experience, we do use the in game chat and also use an off game chat (Line) that is mandatory and super useful, and it's super easy to use. We raid twice a week, sometimes 3 times, and announce them in advance.

    Most of our guys are level 80s, some 60s and some lower levels, who are all super helpful. If any of this sounds good, drop me a friend request in game, or if you just want to hang out, have fun, chat with a great bunch of guys, do so!

    Leader: FlapMaster

    Leader Ally code: 863-864-749

    Raids: Tier 6, Heroic Rancor on weekends / AAT normal mountain time.

    3rd Party chat: Line

    Line ID: fhapmaster - yeah it has an (H) in it. =D

    Guild invites happen after 3pm mtn time.

    Min level: prefer in 70s +.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    I would like to ask players not to spam their posts. Thanks!
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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    Socially Awkward IRL is looking for members. Brand new guild and we will start raiding when we get the credits to do so. Right now it's me and two really casual folks I work with and I am looking for players that want to raid. We will start where the majority are comfortable and go from there. 446-243-289
  • Skycat95
    45 posts Member
    Looking for a guild
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    WordBearer sucht genau dich!
    Guild WordBearer wants u!

    All Player Level are welcome
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    Anyone still out there recruiting new players?
  • Fred1138
    27 posts Member
    We are a feeder for two guilds, one doing haat, one quickly becoming capable of doing haat.
    We use Discord to communicate and share information throughout our guilds.
    Use our vast wealth of knowledge to your benefit.
    Members that use Discord, and get 600s, can quickly climb our ranks.
    We are GMT +2, meaning that if you are EDT like I am, guild reset is 11:30a.m.
    Contact me here, or better yet on Discord - Fred1138#4192
    May the force be with you
This discussion has been closed.