Ver Update 9: 08/28/2017 [MEGA]


  • J7Luke
    484 posts Member
    Answer: was the best crystal buying deal...

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    Sadly it didn't say who the September login character will be
  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    Well looking at everything in the update that isn't money related (packs cards and crystals)
    Great job devs, this is an amazing update
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
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    I love it but the guild search is very confusing and such
  • scuba
    14102 posts Member
    Ztyle wrote: »
    Well looking at everything in the update that isn't money related (packs cards and crystals)
    Great job devs, this is an amazing update

    Always seems to be something that just rubs the community wrong and tends to take away from the good stuff.
  • Varlie
    1286 posts Member
    Odd that nobody is commenting on the 3 newly announced Empire toons. Guess it's because people can't make a thread about "another rebel toon" being released.

    They mentioned them in a previous TB post as opponents. They will probably be added to the player base in the future but I don't think they are dropping right away
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    Replaced with a monthly subscription fee? You get crystals as part of the "deal". FTP can still participate but will not have access to raids or TB. If you think the forum has rage now... I hope I am very wrong
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    G13 will be released by December and will require 500 of a particular item. Plus level cap increase to 90.
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    That is all...dumb.
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    I just bought it!
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    Great update, but.. all it takes is one bad apple to spoil the barrel.

    Congratz on remove the daily boosters!! ;)
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    Cool, 21 days of a great way to play without breaking the bank
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    Dumb I only started purchasing crystals after 2 years because of the booster. Now I'll save money.
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    Bennehftw wrote: »
    Remove the daily boosters and you might as well remove the game from the app stores.

    That is literally the worst financial decision I have ever heard of.

    Your investors should be ashamed and trump your decision to remove such a profitable avenue.

    It already is overpriced as is. Removing it is literally the worst decision you guys could ever have made.

    Completely agree. I don't spend much, but occasionally I'll buy the booster pack. Without that option, I won't spend money at all, and I think there are many others who feel the same way. I'm really upset about this. My guess is it will come back (at a higher price, I'm sure) - I won't be buying it.
    BlasterBabe aka Purple Dana aka The Countess aka DD
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    BlasterBabe aka Purple Dana aka The Countess aka DD
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    So you are adding the Gauntlet starfighter to the shipments(which is ALREADY in Fleet Shipments), but you refuse to make the reaper farmable.
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    Lol. The big release...overshadowed by the miserable decision to remove booster packs. Well played CG bean counters that don't even play this game, well played.
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    Riffinator wrote: »
    So you are adding the Gauntlet starfighter to the shipments(which is ALREADY in Fleet Shipments), but you refuse to make the reaper farmable.

    It's the shipments of redundancy shipments.
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    Riffinator wrote: »
    So you are adding the Gauntlet starfighter to the shipments(which is ALREADY in Fleet Shipments), but you refuse to make the reaper farmable.

    Or Kylo's Command Shuttle
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    I was just curious when we will see these new imperials in game for us to collect
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Darth wrote: »
    I bought the daily booster crystal like a week ago! What's gonna happen to the rest of my crystals I was suppose to get???


  • scuba
    14102 posts Member
    They are pve uncollectable. So keep dreaming.
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    I doubt we'll see them, in collectible status, for a long while, if we ever do. Still waiting on Jedi Temple Guard.
  • Uklem
    46 posts Member
    Lol. I planned to buy my first booster on sep 1st to test the impact on my progression. Thanks CG for helping me keep my money.

    You know what is the worst? The only reason they take the booster away without a remplacement is because the want to test if the money spend on the booster would go elsewhere in the game. Typical suit decision. Any player or dev can tell that little spenders will not spend elsewhere and big spender are more focused on pack.
  • scuba
    14102 posts Member
    Riffinator wrote: »
    So you are adding the Gauntlet starfighter to the shipments(which is ALREADY in Fleet Shipments), but you refuse to make the reaper farmable.

    Did I miss something? I saw no mention of gauntlet starfighter.
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    Darth wrote: »
    Will yield? what does that mean I just won't get the rest of the crystals? So I'm getting ripped off cause I spent $11 and I've only gotten like 600 crystals. If that's the case I want my money back

    It means you'll keep getting your crystals for the whole 21 days.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Darth wrote: »
    Will yield? what does that mean I just won't get the rest of the crystals? So I'm getting ripped off cause I spent $11 and I've only gotten like 600 crystals.

    will yield, means they will give you what you paid for. it will run the full course of the package for anyone who bought it before the 29th
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    Darth wrote: »
    Will yield? what does that mean I just won't get the rest of the crystals? So I'm getting ripped off cause I spent $11 and I've only gotten like 600 crystals.

    No, you will still get all the days of crystals you paid for.
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