Nerf of Genosian Soldier


    517 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Ptolemy wrote: »
    Firstly, ridiculous poll options

    Secondly, just think about how it would play out if characters reflected their canon strength. Sith would be all powerful, followed by Jedi. Why would anyone use Jawa,Ewoks,Tuskens,no name Empire/Rebel/Resistance/First order soldiers, Droids, etc? I too at first thought the lack of resemblance to canon is a bit silly but just think what the game would be like otherwise-no diversity.

    How? Improving sinergy
  • Options
    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    One of the best toons in this game right now is named Genosian Soldier. Is it a Jedi? A sith? No, its a bug with a gun. Is it the only of its type? No, its one of probably 100.000 other bugs with guns.

    This have to change! Right now iconic characters from the movies, especially Mace Windu, is unplayable. EA and CG have to change this.

    Do Genosian Soldier need a nerf?

    SUPEREDIT: The hate flood has now filled my house to the limit. Im sitting here in my room crying, thinking back on the first time i saw the Geonosian Soldiers in the Battle of Geonosis. They were wery scary to a 7 year old boy that all his life was scared of insects. This has nothing to do with him being easy to get and for the F2P players, its only because his creepy looks. Please EA & CG change his looks to a more friendly and likeable character. Im out, peace on the streets.
    One of the best toons in this game right now is named Genosian Soldier. Is it a Jedi? A sith? No, its a bug with a gun. Is it the only of its type? No, its one of probably 100.000 other bugs with guns.

    This have to change! Right now iconic characters from the movies, especially Mace Windu, is unplayable. EA and CG have to change this.

    Do Genosian Soldier need a nerf?

    SUPEREDIT: The hate flood has now filled my house to the limit. Im sitting here in my room crying, thinking back on the first time i saw the Geonosian Soldiers in the Battle of Geonosis. They were wery scary to a 7 year old boy that all his life was scared of insects. This has nothing to do with him being easy to get and for the F2P players, its only because his creepy looks. Please EA & CG change his looks to a more friendly and likeable character. Im out, peace on the streets.

    Nerf all good toons?
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    In that case, I would expect you would be for nerfing FOTP, since he can do pretty much the same thing, and he is just a lowly pilot.

    I wish I was a mod so I could eject non factors like you from the discussion. FOTP is one of the slowest characters in the game right now.

    The current meta is speed
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    Copy and Pasted

    Qui Gon has 10.6K health. IG 86 has 10.9. GS has 12.3

    Qui Gon's basic attack does **** for damage so he is not as valuable when he is the one getting called in for an assist

    IG 86 is slow at 116 speed (without leader) and still slower than GS with Lobot as lead
    Qui Gon's tenacity is 37%. IG 86 is 31%. Geonosian is 42%.

    Qui Gon has a lot of counters like Sid (dodge) and Dooku (stuns, ability blocks, and outrageous potency). IG 86 does as well, but those characters are not as prevalent at the top of most brackets.

    GS is a step above in almost every conceivable way. That took me a few minutes to put together so I hope you take the minute to read it. Though, I suspect you are aware and just defending him because he is benefiting you.

    This has some flaws because you aren't pointing out the positives of QGJ. QGJ has lots of positives over GS.

    1) Jedi combo's
    2) Leader ability
    3) Speed as a leader
    4) 75% bonus on assist without requiring any teammate to be a specific type
    5) Another special ability that can buff the entire team and remove buffs.

    To say that GS is better than QGJ is insane. GS can do one thing, and one thing only... and that is damage. He is easily farmable (heck you can farm QGJ and GS at the same time).

    GS deserves his HP and damage, because if you take that away he is nothing. That would follow the same nerfs as Poe.

    QGJ has less hp but more flexibility. That seems like a fair downside. For those who have lost to a QGJ removing taunt, you know what I am talking about.

    Edit: If GS gets nerfed it will NOT help F2p players. If p2p isn't already playing her, they will sub in Rey. GS is the main counter to Rey right now (and QGJ for that matter). Remove the counter and Rey would instantly be better (and she is so much harder to farm).

    Edit 2: Actually, on second though, maybe nerfing GS would be a great idea. Rey does more damage than GS and having a significant counter to her gone from the meta would be fantastic. My Rey is requesting a GS nerf.

  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    I was watching this comercial and for some reason it made me think of GS
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    You keep telling yourself that.

    And for those that don't know, he is slated to have his assist cooldown reduced (-1) soon so he will one shot you every single round, making him the #1 threat.

    That will be OP for sure. Lot of chars upgrades at 80 seem OP, this is one of the worst.

    He is a top char now, but worse than QGJ, who can dispel, buff with Offense Up, has speed leadership, act before him, and give 100% assist damage.

    A few details you forgot to add the first time you wrote that, just like you forgot it now.
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    It is really an easy fix. Bring GS speed down to ~141

    That way people with Poe/Han (with Akhbar), can take the bullet.

    Otherwise, let him keep his speed advantage and bring him down to Darth Maul hp/tenacity levels (9K and 16%), so there is one reason to give the other assist characters consideration.

    I like both proposals, probably the 2nd one more. Although I still think you undervalue QGJ, who acys before, has more utility, and his assist hits harder.

    Probably gear9 is the reason of part of the imbslance of his hp and tenacity compared to his peers in the top of the food chain. At gear 8 like the rest of characters have, Geo has 10400hp and Tenacity 34%, per SWGOHDB. Abd Speed 140. More similar to others like QGJ. I dont know why devs allow some chars to get into next tier like they did with JC and now with GS

    In any case, I feel that "assist" should be an ability fir support-type of characters (such as Biggs) and not for top damage dealers (such as Geo and IG86). Support should enable the heavy hitters, in my opinion. But clearly the devs don't feel the same, seeing the chars currently I'm gsme, and datsmined as future releases.
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    TL;DR He can keep his other stats but bringing him down to FOTP speed would be fair.
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Naugrin wrote: »

    Quit whining and farm him, or don't.
    And another person who is totaling missing the point. I have him - and would be fine if he was nerfed. Having a lowly Geo soldier blasting the likes of a fully geared and leveled Jedi into oblivion simply seems wrong in the Star Wars universe. Should he be nerfed to the point of being irrelevant? Absolutely not. But to the point where he is balanced both from a game play as well as a "Star Wars common sense" standpoint? Sure.
    There are some vslid concerns raised about him in the thread, but the whole "Jedi should be superior to everything" argument needs to die. In a pyre.
    If we hsve to be closer to canon, Jedis should be better than droids or Geonosian or storm troopers, and you should be able to field 1000 Geonosian or Droids or Stormtroopers at once. Gsme need to be balanced gsme wise and in order to make all chars vslid and give people a reason to farm something other than Jedis and Sith, Jedi nd Sith need yo be on par with pilotos and troopers and sokdiers and jawas
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    Heroes need strong foes with heavy arms to shine. Often monsters are obviously more strong as the hero, but in a heretic challange are beaten up by the hero. Hero got faceplanted some phases during the combat but ladt moment pulls the victory out of a secret drawer plan. That is the fun of a movie or book to see the hero apparently go down but recovers. Leave the bug and add more usable skills to hero units for those whivh appears underpowered. But all together stop the nerf riot as otherwise all units will finally be average. Actually I like the initial post here due to the ironical humor of the perception.
  • Options
    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    Instead of nerfing, how about buffing characters like ewoks, stormtroopers etc so we have more options. Right now the characters pool seen big but actually there is only a small group is useful. Nerfing will only make the useful group smaller.
  • xJazzx
    808 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    While I use GS, I always feel that he will be nerfed one day. This is because his special will have no cooldown at level 80. Eventually...

    On the other hand, QGJ also needs some balancing. He's has dispel, speed, assist and meter gain.
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    xJazzx wrote: »
    While I use GS, I always feel that he will be nerfed one day. This is because his special will have no cooldown at level 80. Eventually...

    I doubt that skill makes it to live play as is. That's OP and there is no way around it.
  • Options
    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    xJazzx wrote: »
    On the other hand, QGJ also needs some balancing. He's has dispel, speed, assist and meter gain.

    Dooku can keep him on lockdown and he will miss Sidious more often than not (not sure how that 35% is calculated but it is off by a long shot)

    Geonosian does not have this problem
  • Options
    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    I saw Geonosian Soldier run into a burning building to save a kitten. As far as I'm concerned, GS can do no wrong.
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Give half his skills to mace windu!
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    No. He is strong but not overpowered. overpowered is winning the match with a simple press of a button (Poe). Plus he really helps the F2p player base in all aspects of the game
  • Options
    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    meanpride wrote: »
    No. He is strong but not overpowered. overpowered is winning the match with a simple press of a button (Poe). Plus he really helps the F2p player base in all aspects of the game

    If you kill one of my character in one shot that decides the match. More so when followed by Rey who can one shot another character.

    I lose Lumi and Rey. Or wherever name two starters you can lose and win 3 vs 5
  • Options
    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    MenaceTEC wrote: »
    meanpride wrote: »
    No. He is strong but not overpowered. overpowered is winning the match with a simple press of a button (Poe). Plus he really helps the F2p player base in all aspects of the game

    If you kill one of my character in one shot that decides the match. More so when followed by Rey who can one shot another character.

    I lose Lumi and Rey. Or wherever name two starters you can lose and win 3 vs 5

    Then why not just nerf every single damage dealer. If people are asking for a Geo nerf, why not Rey? or Leia? or ig86? or Lumi (her special can rek)? They can also one shot people.

    Instead of asking single hero nerfs, we should ask for a buff to defense.

  • Options
    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    meanpride wrote: »
    MenaceTEC wrote: »
    meanpride wrote: »
    No. He is strong but not overpowered. overpowered is winning the match with a simple press of a button (Poe). Plus he really helps the F2p player base in all aspects of the game

    If you kill one of my character in one shot that decides the match. More so when followed by Rey who can one shot another character.

    I lose Lumi and Rey. Or wherever name two starters you can lose and win 3 vs 5

    Then why not just nerf every single damage dealer. If people are asking for a Geo nerf, why not Rey? or Leia? or ig86? or Lumi (her special can rek)? They can also one shot people.

    Instead of asking single hero nerfs, we should ask for a buff to defense.

    Well maybe. But don't just defend GS cause you use him.

    I've said for a long time... Add skills to mitigate damage. That's beside the point.

    I don't want nerfs. Again research my posts. I think it poetic all my words came true.
  • Options
    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    Is there anyway to do a check on this poll vs the Poe polls for overlap?

    Is there a pro nerf group on the server?
    Is it Poe users out for revenge?
    Is it distinct groups who are protecting their player?

    I suspect in general the people who want to nerf Poe want to also nerf GS.
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    I don't have toon X, please nerf it. CG, next time pm me before you buuf anyone. Ok
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    @Greg1920 people want to have the shiniest toys.

    They want to break others toys just or are just to lazy to get there own.

    I recognize people defending GS who laughed and taunted those who were mad about Poe.

    It's Poe..etic justice.
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    Ok fess up.... The OP is a whale who got his behind handed to him by a f2p aren't you???
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Arijit wrote: »
    I don't have toon X, please nerf it. CG, next time pm me before you buuf anyone. Ok
    Next patch - Grandma Leia obtainable for 99.99.
    We will nerf it for you.

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    Sad that people want nerfs. Play with the tools. As a POLICY within CG I would adopt a policy of nerf requests automatically cause a teo month delay in even considering it.
  • Options
    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Sad that people want nerfs. Play with the tools. As a POLICY within CG I would adopt a policy of nerf requests automatically cause a teo month delay in even considering it.

    Then ten months later you're going chapter 11

  • Options
    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    YES! Geonosian Soldier looks scary and his appearance needs a nerf! EA/CG please blur out his face or anything. :'(
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
  • Options
    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    YES! Geonosian Soldier looks scary and his appearance needs a nerf! EA/CG please blur out his face or anything. :'(
    Beauty comes from within.
    Geno is a lovely manbug on the inside.

  • Options
    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    GS is a lot stronger than I would expect or hope. He is one of the best in the game right now. But I don't believe he should be nerfed. Nerfs should be for game breaking toons only. Like Poe was. Barris was based on the meta but was over nerfed. Poe was probably overnerfed when combined with the changes to speed and resistance to turn meter. GS is powerful but not completely in a class by himself.
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