GW difficulty increases dramatically at level 60


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    I finished 1 in arena for first time 3 days ago. I had been top 10 for weeks but not rank 1. I would say last 2 days were very very hard since that finish. If I knew it was going to scale up the difficulty that much I wouldn't have bothered
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    Augh. Yesterday reached Rank 3 in Arena, and today I paid for it in GW. 5 straight 70 full star purple gear teams at the end, tossed everyone I could into contention but it just wasn't enough to finish the last battle. Wondering if I should slow down in Arena but since GW uses your highest attained rank it's useless to sandbag now. Sigh. It's still fun but today was painful - first time to not complete GW in over a month.

    Primary team is Phasma, Sid, Lumi all 7, and GS and Ventress 6*. All highly geared level 70. Subs are high-level Poe 6*, JC 6*, Talia 5*, FOTP 4*, Vader 4* Fett 4* Rey 4* purple geared 60s, and a bunch of scrubs between 40's and mid 50s.

    Hoping things are marginally easier for me tomorrow. Getting to the point where it'll be tough to significantly upgrade other guys in the roster, or even the second stringers, without some serious credits and crystal spending.
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    Ugh. Same problem here. Just reached Rank 3 yesterday and my GW today was the hardest it has ever been. First time to not finish the GW in over a month. If I'd known it would be this impossible I would have remained content with a 6-10 or even an 11-20 finish. Fortunately I don't need so much from the GW shipments store but it really hurts not getting those last few piles of credits.
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    How do I send pics?
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    I'm new to forums....
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    Hmmm.. I'm ranked 25 everyday in arena and for some reason the highest rank I face in galactic war has been 61 three days in a row. I'm lvl 67
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    Wondering if I should slow down in Arena but since GW uses your highest attained rank it's useless to sandbag now.

    Is this stated somewhere?
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    PardeyGirL wrote: »
    Bryan1986 wrote: »
    How can I send pics btw. I'm new to the forum thing.

    Look for a paper with folded edge symbol, below mate :smiley:

    I see the symbol....but it tells me I need to insert a link. What does this mean?

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    PardeyGirL wrote: »
    Bryan1986 wrote: »
    How can I send pics btw. I'm new to the forum thing.

    Look for a paper with folded edge symbol, below mate :smiley:

    It says "image url "
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    Ugh. Same problem here. Just reached Rank 3 yesterday and my GW today was the hardest it has ever been. First time to not finish the GW in over a month. If I'd known it would be this impossible I would have remained content with a 6-10 or even an 11-20 finish. Fortunately I don't need so much from the GW shipments store but it really hurts not getting those last few piles of credits.

    I agree Drew....the shipments from the PvP battles are way better than Galactic shipments. So I guess it isn't too pertinent, however, the rewards like ability mats and credits come in handy pretty hardcore!!!!!!
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    I pulled a Stormtrooper Han today from a pack...I'm pretty much set in my rotation of leveled up characters by now, but I'm still relatively early going...level 38, near 39. Would you suggest leveling him up and adding him to the rotation? He does *look* useful.

    I have found St Han to be very useful if you stack him correct in a team. He's a bit soft for a tank, so put him lead and hedge him with another taunter (to split the attacks) and strong healer or 2. Once you have him protected, a good St Han team is a PITA to beat with his vertually endless taunt and his team turn meter boost. My most memorable GW battle was vs. a St Han team. Took me half a day and half a squad to get a victory. He needs a lot of gear and levels to max his health, but I like mine a lot.
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    Hope those pics sum it up a bit......I swear before I dropped in the top 10, I was having cake walk galactic wars.
  • MeetraSurik
    313 posts Member
    edited February 2016

    There ya go bro. Tinypic is garbage, use Imgur.
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    Maybe my server is just rediculous.

    I'm F2P and I've never beat GW, never gotten better than 250 ish in arena, I have 8 60+ and 8 50+ characters all at decent gear levels and stars.
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    Hey @Bryan1986 I see that u r in the server where my alt is! I have u listed in the top 20 leader board pics in my diary. Currently u r rank 6 and I'm rank 3. I don't climb up the ranks till about half an hour before prize giving time. Jedai Hyoju team looks intimidating but last time I fought him he went down so easy I had a laugh :D
  • SteelersCA
    216 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Shriek wrote: »
    In reference to original post, I agree. Galactic war needs serious revision. I play on American version that just came out a week ago. I am lvl 41 and in top 10 in "arena". In my galactic war today on stage 5 I got matched against a lvl 45 (does not exist on our server yet. I made it past him and a few more but then in match 8 of 12 I got put against a lvl 54!! Seriously?

    Pretty close to the craziest one I have seen. Was lvl 50 and got stacked against a lvl 66 team at mostly 7*. Um....they obliterated everything then had cocktails on the veranda reminiscing over their OP victory. It is just LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GW was better before the Greek Gods at EA started meddling with it. their original intentions for it, it wasn't broke until they broke it.

    Post edited by Hozilla on
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    Level 48, my 10th node today is a level 64, with 7* Lumi (64) and 60-61 5* everything else, lol.
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    I think we will never completely figure out what factors are involved in this algorythm.
    It has to be more than your Top5 and top arena rank. I finish 1-4 each day in arena (not one of the first arena servers) and have a 26.5k+ team.

    Still I finished it today within only 20 minutes without retreating once or using suicide squads. I guess the overall performance of your arena server plays an role. Maybe they also consider whether you've spend some money or not. Because I did it once to get more refills per day and from that day I had more or less only cakewalks. Still not representive, but might be a factor.

    Anyhow, at lvl 70 with a maxed Lumi, JC and Barriss it should be possible for everyone.
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    Yeah I just pray to the RNG gods every time I press restart. Seems to work most nights.
  • Bryan1986
    529 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    I am Level 57 now and my first battle in arena today was all 6 star and lvl 69.....sid, dooku, QGJ, maul, and Daka. Seems unfair.. Idk what is going on....but I can't even win the first battle without losing my entire "best team"
    Post edited by Hozilla on
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    When I entered arena 6 levels higher than my opponent, each character 6 levels higher than my opponent and they were using characters that people on here have said are horrible (chewie, talia, etc) and I still lose. Haha wow...

    Seriously. This is such a terrible mode. Take it out of the dailies so I don't have to keep dealing with this.
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    If you don't want to deal with it just start a match and then immediately retreat. It counts towards your three "completions."

    FWIW, not everyone thinks Talia and Chewie are all that bad. Levels aren't super important, either.
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    garublador wrote: »
    If you don't want to deal with it just start a match and then immediately retreat. It counts towards your three "completions."

    FWIW, not everyone thinks Talia and Chewie are all that bad. Levels aren't super important, either.


    Talia 5* and above is super useful. Put her with a critical chance leader and she's self regulating since she'll regain 1000 health or more every hit.
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    Thanks gar! That's actually really good info.

    I've heard bad about talia because she wounds herself with each heal. Too bad I've already been farming her so im kind if in it. Posted my team and got blasted for using chewie but again, I'm already in it with him. I did get phasma and leveled her quickly. As far as levels...I get that they aren't everything...but they should count for something. I'm putting up good teams with solid gear and am not even competitive in these matches?? That seems a bit off balance.
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    CyciumX wrote: »
    garublador wrote: »
    If you don't want to deal with it just start a match and then immediately retreat. It counts towards your three "completions."

    FWIW, not everyone thinks Talia and Chewie are all that bad. Levels aren't super important, either.


    Talia 5* and above is super useful. Put her with a critical chance leader and she's self regulating since she'll regain 1000 health or more every hit.

    Thanks for the tip on Talia. I hadn't thought of that honestly. I've been using her on my Nightsister C team lol.
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