Version update 11/22 MEGA


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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    That's why I am not spending any money until the details are known. I have learned a lot over the past two years of playing this game:

    1) Don't spend money if you don't have a plan.
    2) Don't spend money if you don't have specific and clear requirements officially stated.
    3) Don't spend money if the character/gear you are spending it on will only be useful for one part of the game.
    4) When in doubt abide by 1-3 above - but only the part before the "if".

    That was good @Nikoms565 hahaha

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    So gift is comming yet? it's already 23rd here
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    So gift is comming yet? it's already 23rd here

    Not even 10am on the 22nd where they are.
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    DatBoi wrote: »
    it's not confirmed. Likely, but not confirmed.

    Also I'm just happy to start farming them even if it ends up I don't get Rey. They are great toons.
    The following Characters are now available in the following areas:
    Smuggler Chewbacca - Cantina 8-F
    Smuggler Han - Cantina 8-G
    Mother Talzin- Chromium Packs
    Not talking about the farm. He said required for Rey.

    Truth! It hasn't been confirmed, but it's pretty clear that the Vets and BB8 are going to be the wall Rey hides behind.
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    You needed all rebels that were required in the CLS event to be 7*.

    So it leads most people to believe you’ll need all Resistance toons required to be 7 star.

    Finn and Rey and BB8 seem like 100%. The Vets seem highly probable (they were fighting alongside Rey in that previous event we did) and aren’t yet farmable.

    So for those saying “no one knows, just wait for something official,” we can’t if we want to get Jedi Rey this time around. We have to panic farm and probably spend money on the Vets. If we dice. Won’t happen.
    CLONE HELMETS!! Now let's get Sabine her epic helmet.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    I think these event requirement speculation is based on common sense.

    Did I panic farm GG for Nightsisters - no. Because with the need of GG would need to come a re-work for him and an entire separatist faction pass. Impossible to do an entire faction pass when showcasing another.

    Did I panic with R2 - no it was obvious Empire was needed. They were after the Death Star Plans - it had to be empire to get R2.

    Same with BB8 - had to be first order after the plans/map to Luke.

    Luke's Story - it was obvious (as we were starting with Farmboy Luke) this event was going to follow the events of ANH - which meant: Leia, FBLuke, Old Ben, STHan (it could have been raid Han in all fairness but the only chewie in the game at that point was CWChewie -so impossible he would be required). The only interesting and difficult toon was R2 (as he was a legendary toon in his own right).

    Lets look at Thrawn - the panic farm created by making a full team (phoenix) farmabe at f2p only a few weeks before the event was completely bad form.

    It seems with the Rey event we have toons that have been around for ages like the Luke event: Scavenger Rey and Finn. We also have the R2 legendary parallel toon: BB8. But we are also getting aspects of the Thrawn event in regard to the panic farm of VS Han & Chewie.

    Rey's hero journey is not really speculation. It is obvious common sense what the requirements are.

    Am I gonna drop loads of money for VS Han & Chewie - absolutely not. Like Thrawn - I'll get the new Rey next time.

    But if CG starts announcing this stuff then their annual revenue takes a dive. They want people to panic buy etc. This is why Kozi is not allowed to post every detail that we all keep bugging her to do. Its not the she doesn't want to - she can't.
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    TVF wrote: »
    The last mega-double-drop I remember included GW. It was different last time, it was GW one day, regular energy another day, cantina energy another, etc. whereas this time it sounds like it will be everything at once. But yes, last time GW was included.

    What about mod challenges was here for last double did you get double mods dropping ? If so I'll be dropping some $$ on gems lol
  • TVF
    36707 posts Member
    Yes, I believe last time there was one day that was cantina energy double drops so it didn't matter if you used it for cantina nodes or mod battles/challenges.
    I need a new message here.
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    @CG_Kozispoon Is Samoa available in TW rewards or guild event store?
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    Roken_Fett wrote: »
    You needed all rebels that were required in the CLS event to be 7*.

    So it leads most people to believe you’ll need all Resistance toons required to be 7 star.

    Finn and Rey and BB8 seem like 100%. The Vets seem highly probable (they were fighting alongside Rey in that previous event we did) and aren’t yet farmable.

    So for those saying “no one knows, just wait for something official,” we can’t if we want to get Jedi Rey this time around. We have to panic farm and probably spend money on the Vets. If we dice. Won’t happen.

    That's fair, and if you really want her, that's what you have to do.
    But for me, even if they announced right now that we need 7* Vets, I still wouldn't spend that much to get them for sabRey. It's not a speculation thing for me, it's a spending one.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
  • Kozispoon
    3245 posts EA Staff (retired)
    Morning Holotable Heroes,
    Today's the day! Teams filing in and getting to work on today's Version Update. Please keep an eye on the Game Update Status Post for further developments.

    Thank you for your patience 8D Forum Guidelines
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    kalidor wrote: »
    Roken_Fett wrote: »
    You needed all rebels that were required in the CLS event to be 7*.

    So it leads most people to believe you’ll need all Resistance toons required to be 7 star.

    Finn and Rey and BB8 seem like 100%. The Vets seem highly probable (they were fighting alongside Rey in that previous event we did) and aren’t yet farmable.

    So for those saying “no one knows, just wait for something official,” we can’t if we want to get Jedi Rey this time around. We have to panic farm and probably spend money on the Vets. If we dice. Won’t happen.

    That's fair, and if you really want her, that's what you have to do.
    But for me, even if they announced right now that we need 7* Vets, I still wouldn't spend that much to get them for sabRey. It's not a speculation thing for me, it's a spending one.

    Oh, I’m still on the fence about blitzing for Rey. I’m loading the Cantina energy for the double drops, but not sure if I wanna finish Gar Saxon and ISC or try and pray for Rey.

    I was speaking in general for the people who truly want this new Rey.
    CLONE HELMETS!! Now let's get Sabine her epic helmet.
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    Just speculating, but if not the vets, what about Rey, Finn, Poe, BB-8, and R2?
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    Boo wrote: »
    But if CG starts announcing this stuff then their annual revenue takes a dive. They want people to panic buy etc. This is why Kozi is not allowed to post every detail that we all keep bugging her to do. Its not the she doesn't want to - she can't.

    In this case though, I don't believe divulging the requirements will decrease the revenue from the event. I can see this for the CLS event because all of the required characters had been in the game for a long time and a longer headway would've caused more people to pre-farm the characters (and ergo less likely to buy under pressure).

    However for the Rey event, they have control over that parameter because the smugglers are new characters that were basically introduce to support the event. Which means nobody just 'happens to have these characters finished already' like they could have with the CLS event. A lot of players will be unwilling to risk spending and still not being able to finish. I believe making it clear that it is possible would probably have a net positive effect on the number of players that are willing to bite.

    I'm not hoping Kozi will post what is required, but I am hoping she might convince someone that sharing this info is worth it - not only in raw business sense, but in the interest of goodwill with the spending players. There's no reason why the players have to have an antagonistic relationship with CG in terms of event spending - and it's my hope that can change.

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    Morning Holotable Heroes,
    Today's the day! Teams filing in and getting to work on today's Version Update. Please keep an eye on the Game Update Status Post for further developments.


    Hurray! Pass on our thanks to the team for all the hard work.

    Especially those that work on events, it must have been a lot of late nights to get TW and DS TB ready so quickly!
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    Boo wrote: »
    I think these event requirement speculation is based on common sense.

    Did I panic farm GG for Nightsisters - no. Because with the need of GG would need to come a re-work for him and an entire separatist faction pass. Impossible to do an entire faction pass when showcasing another.

    Did I panic with R2 - no it was obvious Empire was needed. They were after the Death Star Plans - it had to be empire to get R2.

    Same with BB8 - had to be first order after the plans/map to Luke.

    Luke's Story - it was obvious (as we were starting with Farmboy Luke) this event was going to follow the events of ANH - which meant: Leia, FBLuke, Old Ben, STHan (it could have been raid Han in all fairness but the only chewie in the game at that point was CWChewie -so impossible he would be required). The only interesting and difficult toon was R2 (as he was a legendary toon in his own right).

    Lets look at Thrawn - the panic farm created by making a full team (phoenix) farmabe at f2p only a few weeks before the event was completely bad form.

    It seems with the Rey event we have toons that have been around for ages like the Luke event: Scavenger Rey and Finn. We also have the R2 legendary parallel toon: BB8. But we are also getting aspects of the Thrawn event in regard to the panic farm of VS Han & Chewie.

    Rey's hero journey is not really speculation. It is obvious common sense what the requirements are.

    Am I gonna drop loads of money for VS Han & Chewie - absolutely not. Like Thrawn - I'll get the new Rey next time.

    But if CG starts announcing this stuff then their annual revenue takes a dive. They want people to panic buy etc. This is why Kozi is not allowed to post every detail that we all keep bugging her to do. Its not the she doesn't want to - she can't.

    This is true. I am F2P and right now for me, with one refresh per day it would take me like 48 days to 7* just one Vet character let alone both.

    To me it mathematically looks like Jedi Rey will not be available to most F2P players the first time. That really SUCKS, but that's the way it looks to me IF the Vet's are going to be required.
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    Weaver9000 wrote: »
    Morning Holotable Heroes,
    Today's the day! Teams filing in and getting to work on today's Version Update. Please keep an eye on the Game Update Status Post for further developments.


    Hurray! Pass on our thanks to the team for all the hard work.

    Especially those that work on events, it must have been a lot of late nights to get TW and DS TB ready so quickly!

    Word. Who types up all the pack descriptions and such?
  • Fatzke
    705 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    There were leaks about it weeks ago, and you will need Rey, Finn, BB8 and both Vets. And BB8 will return in early December, right before Reys event (just like they did with R2 for CLS).
    These leaks have always been right. For example: Details about CLS or TB even weeks before they were announced.
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    At least for CLS they gave us a hint at needing all his friends...they didn't even do that this time. They just announced it was a Hero's journey.
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    Morning Holotable Heroes,
    Today's the day! ect ect


    Is it just me or does Rey look like a female version of Jason Bourne in that peg?
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    NicWester wrote: »
    Might could still be Veterans, but folks ate too fixated on this being a copy/paste of Luke. You might not need them at 7*.

    Farm them at your leisure anyway, they’re good and will be useful for platoons.

    They made it clear that Luke's Hero's Journey and any future Hero's Journey events would be the same: all requiring 7* characters to finish.
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    No way r2.
    It's vets, only real question is do they have to be 7*
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    I must have missed where 'CG has provided hints and every indication"...that the vets are needed.
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    I downloaded the update but now my game glitchy and slow and freezes constantly. Really annoying. Also it keeps telling me to connect to wifi to complete the download and I can't seem to force it to download the rest on my data, any thoughts?

    I don't understand the system Google play has where I can download half an update so it's FUBAR but not the rest of it :/
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    Just speculating, but if not the vets, what about Rey, Finn, Poe, BB-8, and R2?
    She never met Poe
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    I like panic farming. I like how CG do stuff that makes this comminity go nuts. Just like how steet violance is free to watch, so is the kaos of these forums.
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    Fatzke wrote: »
    There were leaks about it weeks ago, and you will need Rey, Finn, BB8 and both Vets. And BB8 will return in early December, right before Reys event (just like they did with R2 for CLS).
    These leaks have always been right. For example: Details about CLS or TB even weeks before they were announced.

    Did the leaks include the star requirements for each?
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
  • AnimatEd
    21 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Wrong thread, delete comment ☺
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    Didn't Luke's Hero Journey start with flash events?
    Did I see somewhere that this one will start with flash events too, or am I imagining things?

    Flash events would push the start of the actual event back, no?

    If it follows similar parameters to Luke's Journey, I can see the penultimate level being Vet Han vs Kylo, and Vet Han has to die.
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